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Windows / Headers / NtDsBMsg.h


Windows NT Directory Service Backup/Restore API error codes

Associated Error Codes

Below is a list of error codes found for this header.

hrNone0x00000000The operation was successful
hrBFNotSynchronous0x880000C8The buffer page has been evicted.
hrBFPageNotFound0x880000C9Unable to find the page.
hrRemainingVersions0x88000141There is idle work remaining.
hrFLDKeyTooBig0x88000190The key was truncated because it exceeded the maximum length.
hrFLDNullKey0x88000192The key is NULL.
hrExistingLogFileHasBadSignature0x8800022EThe log file in the log file path is damaged.
hrExistingLogFileIsNotContiguous0x8800022FUnable to find a mandatory log file in the log file path.
hrColumnNull0x880003ECThe value of the column is null.
hrBufferTruncated0x880003EEThe buffer is too small for data.
hrDatabaseAttached0x880003EFThe database is already attached.
hrSeekNotEqual0x8800040FEither SeekLE or SeekGE did not find an exact match.
hrNoIdleActivity0x88000422No idle activity occurred.
hrNoWriteLock0x8800042BThere is no write lock at transaction level 0.
hrColumnSetNull0x8800042CThe column value is set to null.
hrTableEmpty0x88000515An empty table was opened.
hrCreateIndexFailed0x88000581Unable to create the index because an error occurred while creating a table.
hrColumnMaxTruncated0x880005E8The column was truncated because it exceeded the maximum length.
hrwrnDataHasChanged0x8800064AData has changed.
hrKeyChanged0x88000652Moved to a new key.
hrFileOpenReadOnly0x88000715The database file is read only.
hrNyi0xC0000001The function is not yet implemented
hrInvalidParam0xC7FF0001The parameter is not valid.
hrError0xC7FF0002An internal error has occurred.
hrInvalidHandle0xC7FF0003The handle is not valid.
hrRestoreInProgress0xC7FF0004The Restore process is already in progress.
hrAlreadyOpen0xC7FF0005The file specified is already open.
hrInvalidRecips0xC7FF0006The recipients are invalid.
hrCouldNotConnect0xC7FF0007Unable to perform the backup. Either you are not connected to the specified backup server or the service you are trying to backup is not running.
hrRestoreMapExists0xC7FF0008A restore map already exists for the specified component. You can only specify a restore map when performing a full restore.
hrIncrementalBackupDisabled0xC7FF0009Another application has modified the specified Windows NT Directory Service database such that any subsequent backups will fail. You must perform a full backup to fix this problem.
hrLogFileNotFound0xC7FF000AUnable to perform an incremental backup because a required Windows NT Directory Service database log file could not be found.
hrCircularLogging0xC7FF000BThe Windows NT Directory Service component specified is configured to use circular database logs. It cannot be backed up without a full backup.
hrNoFullRestore0xC7FF000CThe databases have not been restored to this machine. You cannot restore an incremental backup until a full backup has been restored.
hrCommunicationError0xC7FF000DA communications error occurred while attempting to perform a local backup.
hrFullBackupNotTaken0xC7FF000EYou must perform a full backup before you can perform an incremental backup.
hrMissingExpiryToken0xC7FF000FExpiry token is missing. Cannot restore without knowing the expiry information.
hrUnknownExpiryTokenFormat0xC7FF0010Expiry token is in unrecognizable format.
hrContentsExpired0xC7FF0011DS Contents in the backup copy are out of date. Try restoring with a more recent copy.
hrFileClose0xC8000066Unable to close the DOS file
hrOutOfThreads0xC8000067Unable to start a thread because there are none available.
hrTooManyIO0xC8000069The system is busy because there are too many I/Os.
hrBFInUse0xC80000CAUnable to abandon the buffer.
hrPMRecDeleted0xC800012EThe record has been deleted.
hrFLDTooManySegments0xC8000191There are too many key segments.
hrLogFileCorrupt0xC80001F5The log file is damaged.
hrNoBackupDirectory0xC80001F7No backup directory was given.
hrBackupDirectoryNotEmpty0xC80001F8The backup directory is not empty.
hrBackupInProgress0xC80001F9Backup is already active.
hrMissingPreviousLogFile0xC80001FDA log file for the checkpoint is missing.
hrLogWriteFail0xC80001FEUnable to write to the log file.
hrBadLogVersion0xC8000202The version of the log file is not compatible with the version of the Windows NT Directory Service database (NTDS).
hrInvalidLogSequence0xC8000203The time stamp in the next log does not match what was expected.
hrLoggingDisabled0xC8000204The log is not active.
hrLogBufferTooSmall0xC8000205The log buffer is too small to be recovered.
hrLogSequenceEnd0xC8000207The maximum number of log files has been exceeded.
hrNoBackup0xC8000208There is no backup in progress.
hrInvalidBackupSequence0xC8000209The backup call is out of sequence.
hrBackupNotAllowedYet0xC800020BUnable to perform a backup now.
hrDeleteBackupFileFail0xC800020CUnable to delete the backup file.
hrMakeBackupDirectoryFail0xC800020DUnable to make a backup temporary directory.
hrInvalidBackup0xC800020EAn incremental backup cannot be performed when circular logging is enabled.
hrRecoveredWithErrors0xC800020FErrors were encountered during the repair process.
hrMissingLogFile0xC8000210The current log file is missing.
hrLogDiskFull0xC8000211The log disk is full.
hrBadLogSignature0xC8000212A log file is damaged.
hrBadDbSignature0xC8000213A database file is damaged.
hrBadCheckpointSignature0xC8000214A checkpoint file is damaged.
hrCheckpointCorrupt0xC8000215A checkpoint file either could not be found or is damaged.
hrDatabaseInconsistent0xC8000226The database is damaged.
hrConsistentTimeMismatch0xC8000227There is a mismatch in the database's last consistent time.
hrPatchFileMismatch0xC8000228The patch file is not generated from this backup.
hrRestoreLogTooLow0xC8000229The starting log number is too low for the restore.
hrRestoreLogTooHigh0xC800022AThe starting log number is too high for the restore.
hrGivenLogFileHasBadSignature0xC800022BThe log file downloaded from the tape is damaged.
hrGivenLogFileIsNotContiguous0xC800022CUnable to find a mandatory log file after the tape was downloaded.
hrMissingRestoreLogFiles0xC800022DThe data is not fully restored because some log files are missing.
hrMissingFullBackup0xC8000230The database missed a previous full backup before the incremental backup.
hrBadBackupDatabaseSize0xC8000231The backup database size must be a multiple of 4K (4096 bytes).
hrTermInProgress0xC80003E8The database is being shut down.
hrFeatureNotAvailable0xC80003E9The feature is not available.
hrInvalidName0xC80003EAThe name is not valid.
hrInvalidParameter0xC80003EBThe parameter is not valid.
hrInvalidDatabaseId0xC80003F2The database ID is not valid.
hrOutOfMemory0xC80003F3The computer is out of memory.
hrOutOfDatabaseSpace0xC80003F4The database has reached the maximum size of 16 GB.
hrOutOfCursors0xC80003F5Out of table cursors.
hrOutOfBuffers0xC80003F6Out of database page buffers.
hrTooManyIndexes0xC80003F7There are too many indexes.
hrTooManyKeys0xC80003F8There are too many columns in an index.
hrRecordDeleted0xC80003F9The record has been deleted.
hrReadVerifyFailure0xC80003FAA read verification error occurred.
hrOutOfFileHandles0xC80003FCOut of file handles.
hrDiskIO0xC80003FEA disk I/O error occurred.
hrInvalidPath0xC80003FFThe path to the file is not valid.
hrRecordTooBig0xC8000402The record has exceeded the maximum size.
hrTooManyOpenDatabases0xC8000403There are too many open databases.
hrInvalidDatabase0xC8000404The file is not a database file.
hrNotInitialized0xC8000405The database was not yet called.
hrAlreadyInitialized0xC8000406The database was already called.
hrFileAccessDenied0xC8000408Unable to access the file.
hrBufferTooSmall0xC800040EThe buffer is too small.
hrTooManyColumns0xC8000410There are too many columns defined.
hrContainerNotEmpty0xC8000413The container is not empty.
hrInvalidFilename0xC8000414The filename is not valid.
hrInvalidBookmark0xC8000415The bookmark is not valid.
hrColumnInUse0xC8000416The column is used in an index.
hrInvalidBufferSize0xC8000417The data buffer does not match the column size.
hrColumnNotUpdatable0xC8000418Unable to set the column value.
hrIndexInUse0xC800041BThe index is in use.
hrNullKeyDisallowed0xC800041DNull keys are not allowed on an index.
hrNotInTransaction0xC800041EThe operation must be within a transaction.
hrTooManyActiveUsers0xC8000423There are too many active database users.
hrInvalidCountry0xC8000425The country code is either not known or is not valid.
hrInvalidLanguageId0xC8000426The language ID is either not known or is not valid.
hrInvalidCodePage0xC8000427The code page is either not known or is not valid.
hrVersionStoreOutOfMemory0xC800042DlMaxVerPages exceeded (XJET only)
hrCurrencyStackOutOfMemory0xC800042EOut of cursors.
hrOutOfSessions0xC800044DOut of sessions.
hrWriteConflict0xC800044EThe write lock failed due to an outstanding write lock.
hrTransTooDeep0xC800044FThe transactions are nested too deeply.
hrInvalidSesid0xC8000450The session handle is not valid.
hrSessionWriteConflict0xC8000453Another session has a private version of the page.
hrInTransaction0xC8000454The operation is not allowed within a transaction.
hrDatabaseDuplicate0xC80004B1The database already exists.
hrDatabaseInUse0xC80004B2The database is in use.
hrDatabaseNotFound0xC80004B3The database does not exist.
hrDatabaseInvalidName0xC80004B4The database name is not valid.
hrDatabaseInvalidPages0xC80004B5The number of pages is not valid.
hrDatabaseCorrupted0xC80004B6The database file is either damaged or cannot be found.
hrDatabaseLocked0xC80004B7The database is locked.
hrTableLocked0xC8000516The table is locked.
hrTableDuplicate0xC8000517The table already exists.
hrTableInUse0xC8000518Unable to lock the table because it is already in use.
hrObjectNotFound0xC8000519The table or object does not exist.
hrCannotRename0xC800051AUnable to rename the temporary file.
hrDensityInvalid0xC800051BThe file/index density is not valid.
hrTableNotEmpty0xC800051CUnable to define the clustered index.
hrInvalidTableId0xC800051EThe table ID is not valid.
hrTooManyOpenTables0xC800051FUnable to open any more tables.
hrIllegalOperation0xC8000520The operation is not supported on tables.
hrObjectDuplicate0xC8000522The table or object name is already being used.
hrInvalidObject0xC8000524The object is not valid for operation.
hrIndexCantBuild0xC8000579Unable to build a clustered index.
hrIndexHasPrimary0xC800057AThe primary index is already defined.
hrIndexDuplicate0xC800057BThe index is already defined.
hrIndexNotFound0xC800057CThe index does not exist.
hrIndexMustStay0xC800057DUnable to delete a clustered index.
hrIndexInvalidDef0xC800057EThe index definition is illegal.
hrIndexHasClustered0xC8000580The clustered index is already defined.
hrTooManyOpenIndexes0xC8000582Out of index description blocks.
hrColumnLong0xC80005DDThe column value is too long.
hrColumnDoesNotFit0xC80005DFThe field will not fit in the record.
hrNullInvalid0xC80005E0The value cannot be null.
hrColumnIndexed0xC80005E1Unable to delete because the column is indexed.
hrColumnTooBig0xC80005E2The length of the field exceeds the maximum length.
hrColumnNotFound0xC80005E3Unable to find the column.
hrColumnDuplicate0xC80005E4The field is already defined.
hrColumn2ndSysMaint0xC80005E6Only one auto-increment or version column is allowed per table.
hrInvalidColumnType0xC80005E7The column data type is not valid.
hrColumnCannotIndex0xC80005E9Unable to index a long value column.
hrTaggedNotNULL0xC80005EATagged columns cannot be null.
hrNoCurrentIndex0xC80005EBThe entry is not valid without a current index.
hrKeyIsMade0xC80005ECThe key is completely made.
hrBadColumnId0xC80005EDThe column ID is not correct.
hrBadItagSequence0xC80005EEThere is a bad instance identifier for a multivalued column.
hrCannotBeTagged0xC80005F1AutoIncrement and Version cannot be multivalued.
hrRecordNotFound0xC8000641Unable to find the key.
hrNoCurrentRecord0xC8000643The currency is not on a record.
hrRecordClusteredChanged0xC8000644A clustered key cannot be changed.
hrKeyDuplicate0xC8000645The key already exists.
hrAlreadyPrepared0xC8000647The current entry has already been copied or cleared.
hrKeyNotMade0xC8000648No key was made.
hrUpdateNotPrepared0xC8000649Update was not prepared.
hrerrDataHasChanged0xC800064BThe operation was abandoned because data has changed.
hrTooManySorts0xC80006A5There are too many sort processes.
hrInvalidOnSort0xC80006A6An operation that is not valid occurred in the sort.
hrTempFileOpenError0xC800070BUnable to open the temporary file.
hrTooManyAttachedDatabases0xC800070DThere are too many databases open.
hrDiskFull0xC8000710The disk is full.
hrPermissionDenied0xC8000711Permission is denied.
hrFileNotFound0xC8000713Unable to find the file.
hrAfterInitialization0xC800073AUnable to restore after initialization.
hrLogCorrupted0xC800073CThe database log files are damaged.
hrInvalidOperation0xC8000772The operation is not valid.
hrAccessDenied0xC8000773Access is denied.
186 entries