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Windows / Headers / Tapi3Err.h


Error Notifications for TAPI 3.0

Associated Error Codes

Below is a list of error codes found for this header.

TAPI_E_NOTENOUGHMEMORY0x80040001The buffer passed in to this method was not big enough.
TAPI_E_NOITEMS0x80040002No items exist that match the request.
TAPI_E_NOTSUPPORTED0x80040003This method is not supported.
TAPI_E_INVALIDMEDIATYPE0x80040004The MEDIATYPE passed in to this method was invalid.
TAPI_E_OPERATIONFAILED0x80040005The operation failed for an unspecified reason.
TAPI_E_ALLOCATED0x80040006The device is already in use.
TAPI_E_CALLUNAVAIL0x80040007No call appearance available.
TAPI_E_COMPLETIONOVERRUN0x80040008Too many call completions outstanding.
TAPI_E_CONFERENCEFULL0x80040009The conference is full.
TAPI_E_DIALMODIFIERNOTSUPPORTED0x8004000AThe dial modifier is not supported.
TAPI_E_INUSE0x8004000BThe device is already in use.
TAPI_E_INVALADDRESS0x8004000CThe phone number is invalid or not properly formatted.
TAPI_E_INVALADDRESSSTATE0x8004000DOperation not permitted in current address state.
TAPI_E_INVALCALLPRIVILEGE0x8004000FInvalid call privilege.
TAPI_E_INVALCALLSTATE0x80040010Operation not permitted in current call state.
TAPI_E_INVALCARD0x80040011Invalid calling card.
TAPI_E_INVALCOMPLETIONID0x80040012Invalid call completion ID.
TAPI_E_INVALCOUNTRYCODE0x80040013Invalid country code.
TAPI_E_INVALDEVICECLASS0x80040014Invalid device class identifier
TAPI_E_INVALDIALPARAMS0x80040015Invalid dialing parameters
TAPI_E_INVALDIGITS0x80040016Invalid digits.
TAPI_E_INVALGROUPID0x80040017Invalid group pickup ID.
TAPI_E_INVALLOCATION0x80040018Invalid location ID.
TAPI_E_INVALMESSAGEID0x80040019Invalid message ID.
TAPI_E_INVALPARKID0x8004001AInvalid park ID.
TAPI_E_INVALRATE0x8004001BInvalid rate.
TAPI_E_INVALTIMEOUT0x8004001CInvalid timeout value.
TAPI_E_INVALTONE0x8004001DInvalid tone.
TAPI_E_INVALLIST0x8004001EInvalid list passed as a parameter
TAPI_E_INVALMODE0x8004001FInvalid mode passed as a parameter
TAPI_E_NOCONFERENCE0x80040020The call is not part of a conference.
TAPI_E_NODEVICE0x80040021The device was removed, or the device class is not recognized.
TAPI_E_NOREQUEST0x80040022No Assisted Telephony requests are pending.
TAPI_E_NOTOWNER0x80040023The application is does not have OWNER privilege on the call.
TAPI_E_NOTREGISTERED0x80040024The application is not registered to handle requests.
TAPI_E_REQUESTOVERRUN0x80040025The request queue is already full.
TAPI_E_TARGETNOTFOUND0x80040026The call handoff failed because the specified target was not found.
TAPI_E_TARGETSELF0x80040027No higher priority target exists for the call handoff.
TAPI_E_USERUSERINFOTOOBIG0x80040028The amount of user-user info exceeds the maximum permitted.
TAPI_E_REINIT0x80040029The operation cannot be completed until all TAPI applications shutdown and reinitialize.
TAPI_E_ADDRESSBLOCKED0x8004002AYou are not permitted to call this number.
TAPI_E_BILLINGREJECTED0x8004002BThe calling card number or other billing information was rejected.
TAPI_E_INVALFEATURE0x8004002CInvalid device-specific feature.
TAPI_E_INVALBUTTONLAMPID0x8004002DInvalid button or lamp ID.
TAPI_E_INVALBUTTONSTATE0x8004002EInvalid button state.
TAPI_E_INVALDATAID0x8004002FInvalid data segment ID.
TAPI_E_INVALHOOKSWITCHDEV0x80040030Invalid hookswitch device ID.
TAPI_E_DROPPED0x80040031The call was disconnected.
TAPI_E_NOREQUESTRECIPIENT0x80040032No program is available to handle the request.
TAPI_E_REQUESTQUEUEFULL0x80040033The queue of call requests is full.
TAPI_E_DESTBUSY0x80040034The called number is busy.
TAPI_E_DESTNOANSWER0x80040035The called party does not answer.
TAPI_E_DESTUNAVAIL0x80040036The called number could not be reached
TAPI_E_REQUESTFAILED0x80040037The request failed for unspecified reasons.
TAPI_E_REQUESTCANCELLED0x80040038The request was cancelled.
TAPI_E_INVALPRIVILEGE0x80040039Invalid privilege.
TAPI_E_INVALIDTERMINAL0x8004003BThe Terminal passed in was invalid for this operation.
TAPI_E_INVALIDTERMINALCLASS0x8004003CThe Terminal Class is invalid.
TAPI_E_NODRIVER0x8004003DThe service provider was removed.
TAPI_E_MAXSTREAMS0x8004003EThe maximum number of streams was reached.
TAPI_E_NOTERMINALSELECTED0x8004003FThe operation could not be performed because it requires terminals to be selected.
TAPI_E_TERMINALINUSE0x80040040The operation could not be performed because the terminal is in use.
TAPI_E_NOTSTOPPED0x80040041The operation could not be performed because it requires the stream to be stopped.
TAPI_E_MAXTERMINALS0x80040042The maximum number of terminals has been reached.
TAPI_E_INVALIDSTREAM0x80040043The Stream passed in was invalid for this operation.
TAPI_E_TIMEOUT0x80040044The call failed due to a timeout.
TAPI_E_CALLCENTER_GROUP_REMOVED0x80040045The ACD Proxy has removed this Group. Operations on this object are invalid.
TAPI_E_CALLCENTER_QUEUE_REMOVED0x80040046The ACD Proxy has removed this Queue. Operations on this object are invalid.
TAPI_E_CALLCENTER_NO_AGENT_ID0x80040047The Agent object was created with CreateAgent. It does not have an ID, use CreateAgentWithID.
TAPI_E_CALLCENTER_INVALAGENTGROUP0x80040049Invalid agent group.
TAPI_E_CALLCENTER_INVALPASSWORD0x8004004AInvalid agent password.
TAPI_E_REGISTRY_SETTING_CORRUPT0x8004004DRegistry Setting is Corrupt.
TAPI_E_TERMINAL_PEER0x8004004EThe peer for one of these bridge terminals has already been assigned.
TAPI_E_PEER_NOT_SET0x8004004FThe peer for this bridge terminal must be set to complete this operation.
TAPI_E_NOEVENT0x80040050There is no event in the MSP's event queue.
TAPI_E_INVALADDRESSTYPE0x80040051The specified address type is not supported by this address.
TAPI_E_RESOURCEUNAVAIL0x80040052A resource needed to fulfill the request is not available.
TAPI_E_PHONENOTOPEN0x80040053The phone is not open.
TAPI_E_CALLNOTSELECTED0x80040054The specified call is not currently selected.
TAPI_E_WRONGEVENT0x80040055This information is not available for this type of event.
TAPI_E_NOFORMAT0x80040056The format is unknown
TAPI_E_INVALIDSTREAMSTATE0x80040057The operation is not permitted in current stream state.
TAPI_E_WRONG_STATE0x80040058The operation requested is not permitted for the current state.
TAPI_E_NOT_INITIALIZED0x80040059The object has not been initialized.
TAPI_E_SERVICE_NOT_RUNNING0x8004005AThe Telephony Service could not be contacted.
90 entries