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Windows / Headers / asferr.h


Definition of ASF HRESULT codes

Associated Error Codes

Below is a list of error codes found for this header.

ASF_E_BUFFEROVERRUN0xC00D07D0An attempt was made to seek or position past the end of a buffer.%0
ASF_E_BUFFERTOOSMALL0xC00D07D1The supplied input or output buffer was too small.%0
ASF_E_BADLANGUAGEID0xC00D07D2The language ID was not found.%0
ASF_E_NOPAYLOADLENGTH0xC00D07DBThe multiple payload packet is missing the payload length.%0
ASF_E_TOOMANYPAYLOADS0xC00D07DCThe packet contains too many payloads.%0
ASF_E_UNKNOWNPACKETSIZE0xC00D07E0Expecting a fixed packet size but min. and max. are not equal.%0
ASF_E_NOCLOCKOBJECT0xC00D07E6The object does not have a valid clock object.%0
ASF_E_OPAQUEPACKET0xC00D07EDAn attempt was made to restore or access an opaque packet.%0
ASF_E_OVERFLOW0xC00D07EFAn attempt was made to store a value which was larger than then destination's maximum value.%0
ASF_E_NOTFOUND0xC00D07F0The object was not found.%0
ASF_E_OBJECTTOOBIG0xC00D07F3The object is too large to be processed in the requested manner.%0
ASF_E_UNEXPECTEDVALUE0xC00D07F4A value was not set as expected.%0
ASF_E_INVALIDSTATE0xC00D07F5The request is not valid in the object's current state.%0
ASF_E_NOLIBRARY0xC00D07F6This object does not have a valid library pointer; it was not properly created or it has been Shutdown().%0
ASF_E_ALREADYINITIALIZED0xC00D07F7This object has already been initialized; the setting cannot be changed.%0
ASF_E_INVALIDINIT0xC00D07F8This object has not been initialized properly; that operation cannot be performed.%0
ASF_E_NOHEADEROBJECT0xC00D07F9The ASF Header object could not be found.%0
ASF_E_NODATAOBJECT0xC00D07FAThe ASF Data object could not be found.%0
ASF_E_NOINDEXOBJECT0xC00D07FBThe ASF Index object could not be found.%0
ASF_E_NOSTREAMPROPS0xC00D07FCA Stream Properties object with the correct stream number could not be found.%0
ASF_E_NOFILEPROPS0xC00D07FDThe File Properties object could not be found.%0
ASF_E_NOLANGUAGELIST0xC00D07FEThe Language List object could not be found.%0
ASF_E_NOINDEXPARAMETERS0xC00D07FFThe Index Parameters object could not be found.%0
ASF_E_UNSUPPORTEDERRORCONCEALMENT0xC00D0800The requested error concealment strategy is not supported by this component.%0
ASF_E_INVALIDFLAGS0xC00D0801The flags for this object or set of objects are not properly set.%0
ASF_E_BADDATADESCRIPTOR0xC00D0802One or more data descriptors is not properly set.%0
ASF_E_BADINDEXINTERVAL0xC00D0803The index has an invalid time interval (probably zero).%0
ASF_E_INVALIDTIME0xC00D0804The given time value is not valid.%0
ASF_E_INVALIDINDEX0xC00D0805The given index value is not valid.%0
ASF_E_STREAMNUMBERINUSE0xC00D0806The specified stream number is already in use.%0
ASF_E_BADMEDIATYPE0xC00D0807The specified media type does not work with this component.%0
ASF_E_WRITEFAILED0xC00D0808The object could not be written as specified.%0
ASF_E_NOTENOUGHDESCRIPTORS0xC00D0809The given data unit requires a larger number of descriptors to be fully parsed.%0
ASF_E_INDEXBLOCKUNLOADED0xC00D080AThe index entries for the specified index block have been unloaded from memory and are not available.%0
ASF_E_NOTENOUGHBANDWIDTH0xC00D080BThe specified bandwidth is not large enough.%0
ASF_E_EXCEEDEDMAXIMUMOBJECTSIZE0xC00D080CThe object has exceeded its maximum size.%0
ASF_E_BADDATAUNIT0xC00D080DThe given data unit is corrupted, badly formatted, or otherwise not valid.%0
ASF_E_HEADERSIZE0xC00D080EThe ASF header has exceeded the specified maximum size.%0
43 entries