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Windows / Headers / ehstormsg.h


This file contains the message definitions for Enhanced Storage APIs.

Associated Error Codes

Below is a list of error codes found for this header.

ES_E_INVALID_RESPONSE0xC0040200Hardware return invalid response.
ES_E_UNPROVISIONED_HARDWARE0xC0040204Hardware is not provision.
ES_E_UNSUPPORTED_HARDWARE0xC0040205Hardware is not supported.
ES_E_INCOMPLETE_COMMAND0xC0040206An incomplete command was received.
ES_E_BAD_SEQUENCE0xC0040207Command rejected for being out of sequence.
ES_E_NO_PROBE0xC0040208Non-Probe command received before Probe command.
ES_E_INVALID_SILO0xC0040209Invalid silo specified.
ES_E_INVALID_CAPABILITY0xC004020AInvalid capability requested.
ES_E_GROUP_POLICY_FORBIDDEN_USE0xC004020BGroup policy setting forbids use.
ES_E_GROUP_POLICY_FORBIDDEN_OPERATION0xC004020CGroup policy setting forbids operation.
ES_E_INVALID_PARAM_COMBINATION0xC004020DInvalid combination of parameters specified in input data.
ES_E_INVALID_PARAM_LENGTH0xC004020EParameter Byte Length specified in the payload is invalid.
ES_E_INCONSISTENT_PARAM_LENGTH0xC004020FParameter Byte Length specified in the payload is not consistent with the number of bytes transferred.
ES_E_NO_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED0xC0040400Hardware does not require authentication.
ES_E_INVALID_FIELD_IDENTIFIER0xC0041100An invalid field identifier was found in the data provided by the device.
ES_E_CHALLENGE_MISMATCH0xC0041101The challenge provided by the device does not match the one provided in an earlier step in the authentication sequence.
ES_E_CHALLENGE_SIZE_MISMATCH0xC0041102The size of the challenge specified by the device does not match the choice of the digest algorithm.
ES_E_FRIENDLY_NAME_TOO_LONG0xC0041103The friendly name specified for User is too long.
ES_E_SILO_NAME_TOO_LONG0xC0041104The silo name specified is too long.
ES_E_PASSWORD_TOO_LONG0xC0041105The password specified is too long.
ES_E_PASSWORD_HINT_TOO_LONG0xC0041106The password hint specified is too long.
ES_E_OTHER_SECURITY_PROTOCOL_ACTIVE0xC0041107Cannot enable IEEE 1667 password security since another security protocol is still active on the device.
ES_E_DEVICE_DIGEST_MISSING0xC0041108Device digest was expected but was not found in the payload.
ES_E_NOT_AUTHORIZED_UNEXPECTED0xC0041109Expected the silo to be in Authorized state, but it was not.
ES_E_AUTHORIZED_UNEXPECTED0xC004110AExpected the silo to be in Not Authorized state, but it was not.
ES_E_PROVISIONED_UNEXPECTED0xC004110BExpected the silo to be in Not Provisioned state, but it was not.
ES_E_UNKNOWN_DIGEST_ALGORITHM0xC004110CThe digest algorithm supported by the device is not supported in Windows.
27 entries