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Windows / Headers / imapi2fserror.h


Associated Error Codes

Below is a list of error codes found for this header.

IMAPI_S_IMAGE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED0x00AAB15FFeature is not supported for the current file system revision, image will be created without this feature.
IMAPI_E_FSI_INTERNAL_ERROR0xC0AAB100Internal file system error occurred.
IMAPI_E_INVALID_PARAM0xC0AAB101The value specified for parameter '%1!ls!' is not valid.
IMAPI_E_READONLY0xC0AAB102FileSystemImage object is in read only mode.
IMAPI_E_NO_OUTPUT0xC0AAB103No output file system specified.
IMAPI_E_INVALID_VOLUME_NAME0xC0AAB104The specified Volume Identifier is either too long or contains one or more invalid characters.
IMAPI_E_INVALID_DATE0xC0AAB105Invalid file dates. %1!ls! time is earlier than %2!ls! time.
IMAPI_E_FILE_SYSTEM_NOT_EMPTY0xC0AAB106The file system must be empty for this function.
IMAPI_E_NOT_FILE0xC0AAB108Specified path '%1!ls!' does not identify a file.
IMAPI_E_NOT_DIR0xC0AAB109Specified path '%1!ls!' does not identify a directory.
IMAPI_E_DIR_NOT_EMPTY0xC0AAB10AThe directory '%1!s!' is not empty.
IMAPI_E_NOT_IN_FILE_SYSTEM0xC0AAB10B'%1!ls!' is not part of the file system. It must be added to complete this operation.
IMAPI_E_INVALID_PATH0xC0AAB110Path '%1!s!' is badly formed or contains invalid characters.
IMAPI_E_RESTRICTED_NAME_VIOLATION0xC0AAB111The name '%1!ls!' specified is not legal: Name of file or directory object created while the UseRestrictedCharacterSet property is set may only contain ANSI characters.
IMAPI_E_DUP_NAME0xC0AAB112'%1!ls!' name already exists.
IMAPI_E_NO_UNIQUE_NAME0xC0AAB113Attempt to add '%1!ls!' failed: cannot create a file-system-specific unique name for the %2!ls! file system.
IMAPI_E_ITEM_NOT_FOUND0xC0AAB118Cannot find item '%1!ls!' in FileSystemImage hierarchy.
IMAPI_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND0xC0AAB119The file '%1!s!' not found in FileSystemImage hierarchy.
IMAPI_E_DIR_NOT_FOUND0xC0AAB11AThe directory '%1!s!' not found in FileSystemImage hierarchy.
IMAPI_E_IMAGE_SIZE_LIMIT0xC0AAB120Adding '%1!ls!' would result in a result image having a size larger than the current configured limit.
IMAPI_E_IMAGE_TOO_BIG0xC0AAB121Value specified for FreeMediaBlocks property is too small for estimated image size based on current data.
IMAPI_E_DATA_STREAM_INCONSISTENCY0xC0AAB128Data stream supplied for file '%1!ls!' is inconsistent: expected %2!I64d! bytes, found %3!I64d!.
IMAPI_E_DATA_STREAM_READ_FAILURE0xC0AAB129Cannot read data from stream supplied for file '%1!ls!'.
IMAPI_E_DATA_STREAM_CREATE_FAILURE0xC0AAB12AThe following error was encountered when trying to create data stream for '%1!ls!':
IMAPI_E_DIRECTORY_READ_FAILURE0xC0AAB12BThe following error was encountered when trying to enumerate files in directory '%1!ls!':
IMAPI_E_TOO_MANY_DIRS0xC0AAB130This file system image has too many directories for the %1!ls! file system.
IMAPI_E_ISO9660_LEVELS0xC0AAB131ISO9660 is limited to 8 levels of directories.
IMAPI_E_DATA_TOO_BIG0xC0AAB132Data file is too large for '%1!ls!' file system.
IMAPI_E_INCOMPATIBLE_PREVIOUS_SESSION0xC0AAB133Operation failed because of incompatible layout of the previous session imported from the medium.
IMAPI_E_STASHFILE_OPEN_FAILURE0xC0AAB138Cannot initialize %1!ls! stash file.
IMAPI_E_STASHFILE_SEEK_FAILURE0xC0AAB139Error seeking in '%1!ls!' stash file.
IMAPI_E_STASHFILE_WRITE_FAILURE0xC0AAB13AError encountered writing to '%1!ls!' stash file.
IMAPI_E_STASHFILE_READ_FAILURE0xC0AAB13BError encountered reading from '%1!ls!' stash file.
IMAPI_E_INVALID_WORKING_DIRECTORY0xC0AAB140The working directory '%1!ls!' is not valid.
IMAPI_E_WORKING_DIRECTORY_SPACE0xC0AAB141Cannot set working directory to '%1!ls!'. Space available is %2!I64d! bytes, approximately %3!I64d! bytes required.
IMAPI_E_STASHFILE_MOVE0xC0AAB142Attempt to move the data stash file to directory '%1!ls!' was not successful.
IMAPI_E_BOOT_IMAGE_DATA0xC0AAB148The boot object could not be added to the image.
IMAPI_E_BOOT_OBJECT_CONFLICT0xC0AAB149A boot object can only be included in an initial disc image.
IMAPI_E_BOOT_EMULATION_IMAGE_SIZE_MISMATCH0xC0AAB14AThe emulation type requested does not match the boot image size.
IMAPI_E_EMPTY_DISC0xC0AAB150Optical media is empty.
IMAPI_E_NO_SUPPORTED_FILE_SYSTEM0xC0AAB151The specified disc does not contain one of the supported file systems.
IMAPI_E_FILE_SYSTEM_NOT_FOUND0xC0AAB152The specified disc does not contain a '%1!ls!' file system.
IMAPI_E_FILE_SYSTEM_READ_CONSISTENCY_ERROR0xC0AAB153Consistency error encountered while importing the '%1!ls!' file system.
IMAPI_E_FILE_SYSTEM_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED0xC0AAB154The '%1!ls!'file system on the selected disc contains a feature not supported for import.
IMAPI_E_IMPORT_TYPE_COLLISION_FILE_EXISTS_AS_DIRECTORY0xC0AAB155Could not import %2!ls! file system from disc. The file '%1!ls!' already exists within the image hierarchy as a directory.
IMAPI_E_IMPORT_SEEK_FAILURE0xC0AAB156Cannot seek to block %1!I64d! on source disc.
IMAPI_E_IMPORT_READ_FAILURE0xC0AAB157Import from previous session failed due to an error reading a block on the media (most likely block %1!u!).
IMAPI_E_DISC_MISMATCH0xC0AAB158Current disc is not the same one from which file system was imported.
IMAPI_E_IMPORT_MEDIA_NOT_ALLOWED0xC0AAB159IMAPI does not allow multi-session with the current media type.
IMAPI_E_UDF_NOT_WRITE_COMPATIBLE0xC0AAB15AIMAPI can not do multi-session with the current media because it does not support a compatible UDF revision for write.
IMAPI_E_INCOMPATIBLE_MULTISESSION_TYPE0xC0AAB15BIMAPI does not support the multisession type requested.
IMAPI_E_NO_COMPATIBLE_MULTISESSION_TYPE0xC0AAB15CIMAPI supports none of the multisession type(s) provided on the current media.
IMAPI_E_MULTISESSION_NOT_SET0xC0AAB15DMultisessionInterfaces property must be set prior calling this method.
IMAPI_E_IMPORT_TYPE_COLLISION_DIRECTORY_EXISTS_AS_FILE0xC0AAB15ECould not import %2!ls! file system from disc. The directory '%1!ls!' already exists within the image hierarchy as a file.
IMAPI_E_PROPERTY_NOT_ACCESSIBLE0xC0AAB160Property '%1!ls!' is not accessible
IMAPI_E_UDF_REVISION_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED0xC0AAB161UDF revision cannot be changed because of the previously imported session
IMAPI_E_BAD_MULTISESSION_PARAMETER0xC0AAB162One of the multisession parameters cannot be retrieved or has a wrong value.
IMAPI_E_FILE_SYSTEM_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED0xC0AAB163You cannot change the file system to be created, because the file system in the imported session and the one in the new session must match.
IMAPI_E_IMAGEMANAGER_IMAGE_NOT_ALIGNED0xC0AAB200The image is not 2kb aligned. Only 2048 bytes aligned images are supported.
IMAPI_E_IMAGEMANAGER_NO_VALID_VD_FOUND0xC0AAB201No valid file system Volume Descriptor was found in the iso image. This image format is not supported and the resulting disc might not be readable.
IMAPI_E_IMAGEMANAGER_NO_IMAGE0xC0AAB202No image was set (neither path nor stream was given).
IMAPI_E_IMAGEMANAGER_IMAGE_TOO_BIG0xC0AAB203Image size exceeds MAXLONG sectors - too big.
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