This is work in progress.

Windows / Headers / Ime.h


Procedure declarations, constant definitions and macros for the IME component.

Associated Error Codes

Below is a list of error codes found for this header.

IME_RS_ERROR0x00000001genetal error
IME_RS_NOIME0x00000002IME is not installed
IME_RS_TOOLONG0x00000005given string is too long
IME_RS_ILLEGAL0x00000006illegal charactor(s) is string
IME_RS_NOTFOUND0x00000007no (more) candidate
IME_RS_NOROOM0x0000000Ano disk/memory space
IME_RS_DISKERROR0x0000000Edisk I/O error
IME_RS_NEST0x00000012called nested
IME_RS_SYSTEMMODAL0x00000013called when system mode
10 entries