This is work in progress.

Windows / Headers / nb30.h


This module contains the definitions for portable NetBIOS 3.0 support.

Associated Error Codes

Below is a list of error codes found for this header.

NRC_GOODRET0x00000000/* good return */
NRC_BUFLEN0x00000001/* illegal buffer length */
NRC_ILLCMD0x00000003/* illegal command */
NRC_CMDTMO0x00000005/* command timed out */
NRC_INCOMP0x00000006/* message incomplete, issue another command */
NRC_BADDR0x00000007/* illegal buffer address */
NRC_SNUMOUT0x00000008/* session number out of range */
NRC_NORES0x00000009/* no resource available */
NRC_SCLOSED0x0000000A/* session closed */
NRC_CMDCAN0x0000000B/* command cancelled */
NRC_DUPNAME0x0000000D/* duplicate name */
NRC_NAMTFUL0x0000000E/* name table full */
NRC_ACTSES0x0000000F/* no deletions, name has active sessions */
NRC_LOCTFUL0x00000011/* local session table full */
NRC_REMTFUL0x00000012/* remote session table full */
NRC_ILLNN0x00000013/* illegal name number */
NRC_NOCALL0x00000014/* no callname */
NRC_NOWILD0x00000015/* cannot put * in NCB_NAME */
NRC_INUSE0x00000016/* name in use on remote adapter */
NRC_NAMERR0x00000017/* name deleted */
NRC_SABORT0x00000018/* session ended abnormally */
NRC_NAMCONF0x00000019/* name conflict detected */
NRC_IFBUSY0x00000021/* interface busy, IRET before retrying */
NRC_TOOMANY0x00000022/* too many commands outstanding, retry later */
NRC_BRIDGE0x00000023/* ncb_lana_num field invalid */
NRC_CANOCCR0x00000024/* command completed while cancel occurring */
NRC_CANCEL0x00000026/* command not valid to cancel */
NRC_DUPENV0x00000030/* name defined by anther local process */
NRC_ENVNOTDEF0x00000034/* environment undefined. RESET required */
NRC_OSRESNOTAV0x00000035/* required OS resources exhausted */
NRC_MAXAPPS0x00000036/* max number of applications exceeded */
NRC_NOSAPS0x00000037/* no saps available for netbios */
NRC_NORESOURCES0x00000038/* requested resources are not available */
NRC_INVADDRESS0x00000039/* invalid ncb address or length > segment */
NRC_INVDDID0x0000003B/* invalid NCB DDID */
NRC_LOCKFAIL0x0000003C/* lock of user area failed */
NRC_OPENERR0x0000003F/* NETBIOS not loaded */
NRC_SYSTEM0x00000040/* system error */
NRC_PENDING0x000000FF/* asynchronous command is not yet finished */
39 entries