This is work in progress.

Windows / Headers / nserror.h


Definitions for Windows Media events.

Associated Error Codes

Below is a list of error codes found for this header.

NS_S_CALLPENDING0x000D0000The requested operation is pending completion.%0
NS_S_CALLABORTED0x000D0001The requested operation was aborted by the client.%0
NS_S_STREAM_TRUNCATED0x000D0002The stream was purposefully stopped before completion.%0
NS_S_REBUFFERING0x000D0BC8The requested operation has caused the source to rebuffer.%0
NS_S_DEGRADING_QUALITY0x000D0BC9The requested operation has caused the source to degrade codec quality.%0
NS_S_TRANSCRYPTOR_EOF0x000D0BDBThe transcryptor object has reached end of file.%0
NS_S_WMP_UI_VERSIONMISMATCH0x000D0FE8An upgrade might be needed for the theme manager to correctly show this skin. Skin reports version: %.1f.%0
NS_S_WMP_EXCEPTION0x000D0FE9An error occurred in one of the UI components.%0
NS_S_WMP_LOADED_GIF_IMAGE0x000D1040Successfully loaded a GIF file.%0
NS_S_WMP_LOADED_PNG_IMAGE0x000D1041Successfully loaded a PNG file.%0
NS_S_WMP_LOADED_BMP_IMAGE0x000D1042Successfully loaded a BMP file.%0
NS_S_WMP_LOADED_JPG_IMAGE0x000D1043Successfully loaded a JPG file.%0
NS_S_WMG_FORCE_DROP_FRAME0x000D104FDrop this frame.%0
NS_S_WMR_ALREADYRENDERED0x000D105FThe specified stream has already been rendered.%0
NS_S_WMR_PINTYPEPARTIALMATCH0x000D1060The specified type partially matches this pin type.%0
NS_S_WMR_PINTYPEFULLMATCH0x000D1061The specified type fully matches this pin type.%0
NS_S_WMG_ADVISE_DROP_FRAME0x000D1066The timestamp is late compared to the current render position. Advise dropping this frame.%0
NS_S_WMG_ADVISE_DROP_TO_KEYFRAME0x000D1067The timestamp is severely late compared to the current render position. Advise dropping everything up to the next key frame.%0
NS_S_NEED_TO_BUY_BURN_RIGHTS0x000D10DBNo burn rights. You will be prompted to buy burn rights when you try to burn this file to an audio CD.%0
NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLISTCLEARABORT0x000D10FEFailed to clear playlist because it was aborted by user.%0
NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLISTREMOVEITEMABORT0x000D10FFFailed to remove item in the playlist since it was aborted by user.%0
NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_CREATION_PENDING0x000D1102Playlist is being generated asynchronously.%0
NS_S_WMPCORE_MEDIA_VALIDATION_PENDING0x000D1103Validation of the media is pending...%0
NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_REPEAT_SECONDARY_SEGMENTS_IGNORED0x000D1104Encountered more than one Repeat block during ASX processing.%0
NS_S_WMPCORE_COMMAND_NOT_AVAILABLE0x000D1105Current state of WMP disallows calling this method or property.%0
NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_NAME_AUTO_GENERATED0x000D1106Name for the playlist has been auto generated.%0
NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_IMPORT_MISSING_ITEMS0x000D1107The imported playlist does not contain all items from the original.%0
NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_COLLAPSED_TO_SINGLE_MEDIA0x000D1108The M3U playlist has been ignored because it only contains one item.%0
NS_S_WMPCORE_MEDIA_CHILD_PLAYLIST_OPEN_PENDING0x000D1109The open for the child playlist associated with this media is pending.%0
NS_S_WMPCORE_MORE_NODES_AVAIABLE0x000D110AMore nodes support the interface requested, but the array for returning them is full.%0
NS_S_WMPBR_SUCCESS0x000D1135Backup or Restore successful!.%0
NS_S_WMPBR_PARTIALSUCCESS0x000D1136Transfer complete with limitations.%0
NS_S_WMPEFFECT_TRANSPARENT0x000D1144Request to the effects control to change transparency status to transparent.%0
NS_S_WMPEFFECT_OPAQUE0x000D1145Request to the effects control to change transparency status to opaque.%0
NS_S_OPERATION_PENDING0x000D114EThe requested application pane is performing an operation and will not be released.%0
NS_S_TRACK_BUY_REQUIRES_ALBUM_PURCHASE0x000D1359The file is only available for purchase when you buy the entire album.%0
NS_S_NAVIGATION_COMPLETE_WITH_ERRORS0x000D135EThere were problems completing the requested navigation. There are identifiers missing in the catalog.%0
NS_S_PUBLISHING_POINT_STARTED_WITH_FAILED_SINKS0x000D1519The publishing point successfully started, but one or more of the requested data writer plug-ins failed.%0
NS_S_DRM_LICENSE_ACQUIRED0x000D2726Status message: The license was acquired.%0
NS_S_DRM_INDIVIDUALIZED0x000D2727Status message: The security upgrade has been completed.%0
NS_S_DRM_MONITOR_CANCELLED0x000D2746Status message: License monitoring has been cancelled.%0
NS_S_DRM_ACQUIRE_CANCELLED0x000D2747Status message: License acquisition has been cancelled.%0
NS_S_DRM_BURNABLE_TRACK0x000D276EThe track is burnable and had no playlist burn limit.%0.
NS_S_DRM_BURNABLE_TRACK_WITH_PLAYLIST_RESTRICTION0x000D276FThe track is burnable but has a playlist burn limit.%0.
NS_S_DRM_NEEDS_INDIVIDUALIZATION0x000D27DEA security upgrade is required to perform the operation on this media file.%0
NS_S_REBOOT_RECOMMENDED0x000D2AF8Installation was successful; however, some file cleanup is not complete. For best results, restart your computer.%0
NS_S_REBOOT_REQUIRED0x000D2AF9Installation was successful; however, some file cleanup is not complete. To continue, you must restart your computer.%0
NS_S_EOSRECEDING0x000D2F09EOS hit during rewinding.%0
NS_I_TIGER_START0x400D004FThe Title Server %1 is running.%0
NS_I_CUB_START0x400D0051Content Server %1 (%2) is starting.%0
NS_I_CUB_RUNNING0x400D0052Content Server %1 (%2) is running.%0
NS_I_DISK_START0x400D0054Disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3, is running.%0
NS_I_DISK_REBUILD_STARTED0x400D0056Started rebuilding disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3.%0
NS_I_DISK_REBUILD_FINISHED0x400D0057Finished rebuilding disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3.%0
NS_I_DISK_REBUILD_ABORTED0x400D0058Aborted rebuilding disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3.%0
NS_I_LIMIT_FUNNELS0x400D0059A NetShow administrator at network location %1 set the data stream limit to %2 streams.%0
NS_I_START_DISK0x400D005AA NetShow administrator at network location %1 started disk %2.%0
NS_I_STOP_DISK0x400D005BA NetShow administrator at network location %1 stopped disk %2.%0
NS_I_STOP_CUB0x400D005CA NetShow administrator at network location %1 stopped Content Server %2.%0
NS_I_KILL_USERSESSION0x400D005DA NetShow administrator at network location %1 aborted user session %2 from the system.%0
NS_I_KILL_CONNECTION0x400D005EA NetShow administrator at network location %1 aborted obsolete connection %2 from the system.%0
NS_I_REBUILD_DISK0x400D005FA NetShow administrator at network location %1 started rebuilding disk %2.%0
MCMADM_I_NO_EVENTS0x400D0069Event initialization failed, there will be no MCM events.%0
NS_I_LOGGING_FAILED0x400D006EThe logging operation failed.
NS_I_LIMIT_BANDWIDTH0x400D0070A NetShow administrator at network location %1 set the maximum bandwidth limit to %2 bps.%0
NS_I_CUB_UNFAIL_LINK0x400D0191Content Server %1 (%2) has established its link to Content Server %3.%0
NS_I_RESTRIPE_START0x400D0193Restripe operation has started.%0
NS_I_RESTRIPE_DONE0x400D0194Restripe operation has completed.%0
NS_I_RESTRIPE_DISK_OUT0x400D0196Content disk %1 (%2) on Content Server %3 has been restriped out.%0
NS_I_RESTRIPE_CUB_OUT0x400D0197Content server %1 (%2) has been restriped out.%0
NS_I_DISK_STOP0x400D0198Disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3, has been offlined.%0
NS_I_PLAYLIST_CHANGE_RECEDING0x400D14BEThe playlist change occurred while receding.%0
NS_I_RECONNECTED0x400D2EFFThe client is reconnected.%0
NS_I_NOLOG_STOP0x400D2F01Forcing a switch to a pending header on start.%0
NS_I_EXISTING_PACKETIZER0x400D2F03There is already an existing packetizer plugin for the stream.%0
NS_I_MANUAL_PROXY0x400D2F04The proxy setting is manual.%0
NS_W_SERVER_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT0x800D0003The maximum filebitrate value specified is greater than the server's configured maximum bandwidth.%0
NS_W_FILE_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT0x800D0004The maximum bandwidth value specified is less than the maximum filebitrate.%0
NS_W_UNKNOWN_EVENT0x800D0060Unknown %1 event encountered.%0
NS_I_CATATONIC_FAILURE0x800D0199Disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3, will be failed because it is catatonic.%0
NS_I_CATATONIC_AUTO_UNFAIL0x800D019ADisk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3, auto online from catatonic state.%0
NS_E_NOCONNECTION0xC00D0005There is no connection established with the Windows Media server. The operation failed.%0
NS_E_CANNOTCONNECT0xC00D0006Unable to establish a connection to the server.%0
NS_E_CANNOTDESTROYTITLE0xC00D0007Unable to destroy the title.%0
NS_E_CANNOTRENAMETITLE0xC00D0008Unable to rename the title.%0
NS_E_CANNOTOFFLINEDISK0xC00D0009Unable to offline disk.%0
NS_E_CANNOTONLINEDISK0xC00D000AUnable to online disk.%0
NS_E_NOREGISTEREDWALKER0xC00D000BThere is no file parser registered for this type of file.%0
NS_E_NOFUNNEL0xC00D000CThere is no data connection established.%0
NS_E_NO_LOCALPLAY0xC00D000DFailed to load the local play DLL.%0
NS_E_NETWORK_BUSY0xC00D000EThe network is busy.%0
NS_E_TOO_MANY_SESS0xC00D000FThe server session limit was exceeded.%0
NS_E_ALREADY_CONNECTED0xC00D0010The network connection already exists.%0
NS_E_INVALID_INDEX0xC00D0011Index %1 is invalid.%0
NS_E_PROTOCOL_MISMATCH0xC00D0012There is no protocol or protocol version supported by both the client and the server.%0
NS_E_TIMEOUT0xC00D0013The server, a computer set up to offer multimedia content to other computers, could not handle your request for multimedia content in a timely manner. Please try again later.%0
NS_E_NET_WRITE0xC00D0014Error writing to the network.%0
NS_E_NET_READ0xC00D0015Error reading from the network.%0
NS_E_DISK_WRITE0xC00D0016Error writing to a disk.%0
NS_E_DISK_READ0xC00D0017Error reading from a disk.%0
NS_E_FILE_WRITE0xC00D0018Error writing to a file.%0
NS_E_FILE_READ0xC00D0019Error reading from a file.%0
NS_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND0xC00D001AThe system cannot find the file specified.%0
NS_E_FILE_EXISTS0xC00D001BThe file already exists.%0
NS_E_INVALID_NAME0xC00D001CThe file name, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.%0
NS_E_FILE_OPEN_FAILED0xC00D001DFailed to open a file.%0
NS_E_FILE_ALLOCATION_FAILED0xC00D001EUnable to allocate a file.%0
NS_E_FILE_INIT_FAILED0xC00D001FUnable to initialize a file.%0
NS_E_FILE_PLAY_FAILED0xC00D0020Unable to play a file.%0
NS_E_SET_DISK_UID_FAILED0xC00D0021Could not set the disk UID.%0
NS_E_INDUCED0xC00D0022An error was induced for testing purposes.%0
NS_E_CCLINK_DOWN0xC00D0023Two Content Servers failed to communicate.%0
NS_E_INTERNAL0xC00D0024An unknown error occurred.%0
NS_E_BUSY0xC00D0025The requested resource is in use.%0
NS_E_UNRECOGNIZED_STREAM_TYPE0xC00D0026The specified protocol is not recognized. Be sure that the file name and syntax, such as slashes, are correct for the protocol.%0
NS_E_NETWORK_SERVICE_FAILURE0xC00D0027The network service provider failed.%0
NS_E_NETWORK_RESOURCE_FAILURE0xC00D0028An attempt to acquire a network resource failed.%0
NS_E_CONNECTION_FAILURE0xC00D0029The network connection has failed.%0
NS_E_SHUTDOWN0xC00D002AThe session is being terminated locally.%0
NS_E_INVALID_REQUEST0xC00D002BThe request is invalid in the current state.%0
NS_E_INSUFFICIENT_BANDWIDTH0xC00D002CThere is insufficient bandwidth available to fulfill the request.%0
NS_E_NOT_REBUILDING0xC00D002DThe disk is not rebuilding.%0
NS_E_LATE_OPERATION0xC00D002EAn operation requested for a particular time could not be carried out on schedule.%0
NS_E_INVALID_DATA0xC00D002FInvalid or corrupt data was encountered.%0
NS_E_FILE_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT0xC00D0030The bandwidth required to stream a file is higher than the maximum file bandwidth allowed on the server.%0
NS_E_OPEN_FILE_LIMIT0xC00D0031The client cannot have any more files open simultaneously.%0
NS_E_BAD_CONTROL_DATA0xC00D0032The server received invalid data from the client on the control connection.%0
NS_E_NO_STREAM0xC00D0033There is no stream available.%0
NS_E_STREAM_END0xC00D0034There is no more data in the stream.%0
NS_E_SERVER_NOT_FOUND0xC00D0035The specified server could not be found.%0
NS_E_DUPLICATE_NAME0xC00D0036The specified name is already in use.
NS_E_DUPLICATE_ADDRESS0xC00D0037The specified address is already in use.
NS_E_BAD_MULTICAST_ADDRESS0xC00D0038The specified address is not a valid multicast address.
NS_E_BAD_ADAPTER_ADDRESS0xC00D0039The specified adapter address is invalid.
NS_E_BAD_DELIVERY_MODE0xC00D003AThe specified delivery mode is invalid.
NS_E_INVALID_CHANNEL0xC00D003BThe specified station does not exist.
NS_E_INVALID_STREAM0xC00D003CThe specified stream does not exist.
NS_E_INVALID_ARCHIVE0xC00D003DThe specified archive could not be opened.
NS_E_NOTITLES0xC00D003EThe system cannot find any titles on the server.%0
NS_E_INVALID_CLIENT0xC00D003FThe system cannot find the client specified.%0
NS_E_INVALID_BLACKHOLE_ADDRESS0xC00D0040The Blackhole Address is not initialized.%0
NS_E_INCOMPATIBLE_FORMAT0xC00D0041The station does not support the stream format.
NS_E_INVALID_KEY0xC00D0042The specified key is not valid.
NS_E_INVALID_PORT0xC00D0043The specified port is not valid.
NS_E_INVALID_TTL0xC00D0044The specified TTL is not valid.
NS_E_STRIDE_REFUSED0xC00D0045The request to fast forward or rewind could not be fulfilled.
NS_E_MMSAUTOSERVER_CANTFINDWALKER0xC00D0046Unable to load the appropriate file parser.%0
NS_E_MAX_BITRATE0xC00D0047Cannot exceed the maximum bandwidth limit.%0
NS_E_LOGFILEPERIOD0xC00D0048Invalid value for LogFilePeriod.%0
NS_E_MAX_CLIENTS0xC00D0049Cannot exceed the maximum client limit.%0
NS_E_LOG_FILE_SIZE0xC00D004AThe maximum log file size has been reached.%0
NS_E_MAX_FILERATE0xC00D004BCannot exceed the maximum file rate.%0
NS_E_WALKER_UNKNOWN0xC00D004CUnknown file type.%0
NS_E_WALKER_SERVER0xC00D004DThe specified file, %1, cannot be loaded onto the specified server, %2.%0
NS_E_WALKER_USAGE0xC00D004EThere was a usage error with file parser.%0
NS_E_TIGER_FAIL0xC00D0050The Title Server %1 has failed.%0
NS_E_CUB_FAIL0xC00D0053Content Server %1 (%2) has failed.%0
NS_E_DISK_FAIL0xC00D0055Disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3, has failed.%0
NS_E_MAX_FUNNELS_ALERT0xC00D0060The NetShow data stream limit of %1 streams was reached.%0
NS_E_ALLOCATE_FILE_FAIL0xC00D0061The NetShow Video Server was unable to allocate a %1 block file named %2.%0
NS_E_PAGING_ERROR0xC00D0062A Content Server was unable to page a block.%0
NS_E_BAD_BLOCK0_VERSION0xC00D0063Disk %1 has unrecognized control block version %2.%0
NS_E_BAD_DISK_UID0xC00D0064Disk %1 has incorrect uid %2.%0
NS_E_BAD_FSMAJOR_VERSION0xC00D0065Disk %1 has unsupported file system major version %2.%0
NS_E_BAD_STAMPNUMBER0xC00D0066Disk %1 has bad stamp number in control block.%0
NS_E_PARTIALLY_REBUILT_DISK0xC00D0067Disk %1 is partially reconstructed.%0
NS_E_ENACTPLAN_GIVEUP0xC00D0068EnactPlan gives up.%0
MCMADM_E_REGKEY_NOT_FOUND0xC00D006AThe key was not found in the registry.%0
NS_E_NO_FORMATS0xC00D006BThe publishing point cannot be started because the server does not have the appropriate stream formats. Use the Multicast Announcement Wizard to create a new announcement for this publishing point.%0
NS_E_NO_REFERENCES0xC00D006CNo reference URLs were found in an ASX file.%0
NS_E_WAVE_OPEN0xC00D006DError opening wave device, the device might be in use.%0
NS_E_CANNOTCONNECTEVENTS0xC00D006FUnable to establish a connection to the NetShow event monitor service.%0
NS_E_NO_DEVICE0xC00D0071No device driver is present on the system.%0
NS_E_NO_SPECIFIED_DEVICE0xC00D0072No specified device driver is present.%0
NS_E_MONITOR_GIVEUP0xC00D00C8Netshow Events Monitor is not operational and has been disconnected.%0
NS_E_REMIRRORED_DISK0xC00D00C9Disk %1 is remirrored.%0
NS_E_INSUFFICIENT_DATA0xC00D00CAInsufficient data found.%0
NS_E_ASSERT0xC00D00CB%1 failed in file %2 line %3.%0
NS_E_BAD_ADAPTER_NAME0xC00D00CCThe specified adapter name is invalid.%0
NS_E_NOT_LICENSED0xC00D00CDThe application is not licensed for this feature.%0
NS_E_NO_SERVER_CONTACT0xC00D00CEUnable to contact the server.%0
NS_E_TOO_MANY_TITLES0xC00D00CFMaximum number of titles exceeded.%0
NS_E_TITLE_SIZE_EXCEEDED0xC00D00D0Maximum size of a title exceeded.%0
NS_E_UDP_DISABLED0xC00D00D1UDP protocol not enabled. Not trying %1!ls!.%0
NS_E_TCP_DISABLED0xC00D00D2TCP protocol not enabled. Not trying %1!ls!.%0
NS_E_HTTP_DISABLED0xC00D00D3HTTP protocol not enabled. Not trying %1!ls!.%0
NS_E_LICENSE_EXPIRED0xC00D00D4The product license has expired.%0
NS_E_TITLE_BITRATE0xC00D00D5Source file exceeds the per title maximum bitrate. See NetShow Theater documentation for more information.%0
NS_E_EMPTY_PROGRAM_NAME0xC00D00D6The program name cannot be empty.%0
NS_E_MISSING_CHANNEL0xC00D00D7Station %1 does not exist.%0
NS_E_NO_CHANNELS0xC00D00D8You need to define at least one station before this operation can complete.%0
NS_E_INVALID_INDEX20xC00D00D9The index specified is invalid.%0
NS_E_CUB_FAIL_LINK0xC00D0190Content Server %1 (%2) has failed its link to Content Server %3.%0
NS_E_BAD_CUB_UID0xC00D0192Content Server %1 (%2) has incorrect uid %3.%0
NS_E_GLITCH_MODE0xC00D0195Server unreliable because multiple components failed.%0
NS_E_NO_MEDIA_PROTOCOL0xC00D019BContent Server %1 (%2) is unable to communicate with the Media System Network Protocol.%0
NS_E_NO_MULTICAST0xC00D07F2Not receiving data from the server.%0
NS_E_INVALID_INPUT_FORMAT0xC00D0BB8The input media format is invalid.%0
NS_E_MSAUDIO_NOT_INSTALLED0xC00D0BB9The MSAudio codec is not installed on this system.%0
NS_E_UNEXPECTED_MSAUDIO_ERROR0xC00D0BBAAn unexpected error occurred with the MSAudio codec.%0
NS_E_INVALID_OUTPUT_FORMAT0xC00D0BBBThe output media format is invalid.%0
NS_E_NOT_CONFIGURED0xC00D0BBCThe object must be fully configured before audio samples can be processed.%0
NS_E_PROTECTED_CONTENT0xC00D0BBDYou need a license to perform the requested operation on this media file.%0
NS_E_LICENSE_REQUIRED0xC00D0BBEYou need a license to perform the requested operation on this media file.%0
NS_E_TAMPERED_CONTENT0xC00D0BBFThis media file is corrupted or invalid. Contact the content provider for a new file.%0
NS_E_LICENSE_OUTOFDATE0xC00D0BC0The license for this media file has expired. Get a new license or contact the content provider for further assistance.%0
NS_E_LICENSE_INCORRECT_RIGHTS0xC00D0BC1You are not allowed to open this file. Contact the content provider for further assistance.%0
NS_E_AUDIO_CODEC_NOT_INSTALLED0xC00D0BC2The requested audio codec is not installed on this system.%0
NS_E_AUDIO_CODEC_ERROR0xC00D0BC3An unexpected error occurred with the audio codec.%0
NS_E_VIDEO_CODEC_NOT_INSTALLED0xC00D0BC4The requested video codec is not installed on this system.%0
NS_E_VIDEO_CODEC_ERROR0xC00D0BC5An unexpected error occurred with the video codec.%0
NS_E_INVALIDPROFILE0xC00D0BC6The Profile is invalid.%0
NS_E_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION0xC00D0BC7A new version of the SDK is needed to play the requested content.%0
NS_E_OFFLINE_MODE0xC00D0BCAThe requested URL is not available in offline mode.%0
NS_E_NOT_CONNECTED0xC00D0BCBThe requested URL cannot be accessed because there is no network connection.%0
NS_E_TOO_MUCH_DATA0xC00D0BCCThe encoding process was unable to keep up with the amount of supplied data.%0
NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY0xC00D0BCDThe given property is not supported.%0
NS_E_8BIT_WAVE_UNSUPPORTED0xC00D0BCEWindows Media Player cannot copy the files to the CD because they are 8-bit. Convert the files to 16-bit, 44-kHz stereo files by using Sound Recorder or another audio-processing program, and then try again.%0
NS_E_NO_MORE_SAMPLES0xC00D0BCFThere are no more samples in the current range.%0
NS_E_INVALID_SAMPLING_RATE0xC00D0BD0The given sampling rate is invalid.%0
NS_E_MAX_PACKET_SIZE_TOO_SMALL0xC00D0BD1The given maximum packet size is too small to accommodate this profile
NS_E_LATE_PACKET0xC00D0BD2The packet arrived too late to be of use
NS_E_DUPLICATE_PACKET0xC00D0BD3The packet is a duplicate of one received before
NS_E_SDK_BUFFERTOOSMALL0xC00D0BD4Supplied buffer is too small
NS_E_INVALID_NUM_PASSES0xC00D0BD5The wrong number of preprocessing passes was used for the stream's output type
NS_E_ATTRIBUTE_READ_ONLY0xC00D0BD6An attempt was made to add, modify, or delete a read only attribute
NS_E_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_ALLOWED0xC00D0BD7An attempt was made to add attribute that is not allowed for the given media type
NS_E_INVALID_EDL0xC00D0BD8The EDL provided is invalid
NS_E_DATA_UNIT_EXTENSION_TOO_LARGE0xC00D0BD9The Data Unit Extension data was too large to be used.%0
NS_E_CODEC_DMO_ERROR0xC00D0BDAAn unexpected error occurred with a DMO codec.%0
NS_E_FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_GROUP_POLICY0xC00D0BDCThis feature has been disabled by group policy.%0
NS_E_FEATURE_DISABLED_IN_SKU0xC00D0BDDThis feature is disabled in this SKU.%0
NS_E_NO_CD0xC00D0FA0There is no CD in the CD drive. Insert a CD, and then try again.%0
NS_E_CANT_READ_DIGITAL0xC00D0FA1Windows Media Player could not use digital playback to play the CD. To switch to analog playback, Click Organize, click Options, and then click the Devices tab. Double-click the CD drive, and then in the Playback area, click Analog.%0
NS_E_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED0xC00D0FA2Windows Media Player no longer detects a connected portable device. Reconnect your portable device, and then try syncing the file again.%0
NS_E_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORT_FORMAT0xC00D0FA3Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The portable device does not support the specified file type.%0
NS_E_SLOW_READ_DIGITAL0xC00D0FA4Windows Media Player could not use digital playback to play the CD. The Player has automatically switched the CD drive to analog playback. To switch back to digital CD playback, click Organize, click Options, and then use the Devices tab.%0
NS_E_MIXER_INVALID_LINE0xC00D0FA5An invalid line error occurred in the mixer.%0
NS_E_MIXER_INVALID_CONTROL0xC00D0FA6An invalid control error occurred in the mixer.%0
NS_E_MIXER_INVALID_VALUE0xC00D0FA7An invalid value error occurred in the mixer.%0
NS_E_MIXER_UNKNOWN_MMRESULT0xC00D0FA8An unrecognized MMRESULT occurred in the mixer.%0
NS_E_USER_STOP0xC00D0FA9User has stopped the operation.%0
NS_E_MP3_FORMAT_NOT_FOUND0xC00D0FAAWindows Media Player cannot rip the track because a compatible MP3 encoder is not installed on your computer. Install a compatible MP3 encoder or choose a different format to rip to (such as Windows Media Audio).%0
NS_E_CD_READ_ERROR_NO_CORRECTION0xC00D0FABWindows Media Player cannot read the CD. The disc might be dirty or damaged. Turn on error correction, and then try again.%0
NS_E_CD_READ_ERROR0xC00D0FACWindows Media Player cannot read the CD. The disc might be dirty or damaged or the CD drive might be malfunctioning.%0
NS_E_CD_SLOW_COPY0xC00D0FADFor best performance, do not play CD tracks while ripping them.%0
NS_E_CD_COPYTO_CD0xC00D0FAEIt is not possible to directly burn tracks from one CD to another CD. You must first rip the tracks from the CD to your computer, and then burn the files to a blank CD.%0
NS_E_MIXER_NODRIVER0xC00D0FAFCould not open a sound mixer driver.%0
NS_E_REDBOOK_ENABLED_WHILE_COPYING0xC00D0FB0Windows Media Player cannot rip tracks from the CD correctly because the CD drive settings in Device Manager do not match the CD drive settings in the Player.%0
NS_E_CD_REFRESH0xC00D0FB1Windows Media Player is busy reading the CD.%0
NS_E_CD_DRIVER_PROBLEM0xC00D0FB2Windows Media Player could not use digital playback to play the CD. The Player has automatically switched the CD drive to analog playback. To switch back to digital CD playback, click Organize, click options, and use the Devices tab.%0
NS_E_WONT_DO_DIGITAL0xC00D0FB3Windows Media Player could not use digital playback to play the CD. The Player has automatically switched the CD drive to analog playback. To switch back to digital CD playback, click Organize, click options,and use the Devices tab.%0
NS_E_WMPXML_NOERROR0xC00D0FB4A call was made to GetParseError on the XML parser but there was no error to retrieve.%0
NS_E_WMPXML_ENDOFDATA0xC00D0FB5The XML Parser ran out of data while parsing.%0
NS_E_WMPXML_PARSEERROR0xC00D0FB6A generic parse error occurred in the XML parser but no information is available.%0
NS_E_WMPXML_ATTRIBUTENOTFOUND0xC00D0FB7A call get GetNamedAttribute or GetNamedAttributeIndex on the XML parser resulted in the index not being found.%0
NS_E_WMPXML_PINOTFOUND0xC00D0FB8A call was made go GetNamedPI on the XML parser, but the requested Processing Instruction was not found.%0
NS_E_WMPXML_EMPTYDOC0xC00D0FB9Persist was called on the XML parser, but the parser has no data to persist.%0
NS_E_WMP_PATH_ALREADY_IN_LIBRARY0xC00D0FBAThis file path is already in the library.%0
NS_E_WMP_FILESCANALREADYSTARTED0xC00D0FBEWindows Media Player is already searching for files to add to your library. Wait for the current process to finish before attempting to search again.%0
NS_E_WMP_HME_INVALIDOBJECTID0xC00D0FBFWindows Media Player is unable to find the media you are looking for.%0
NS_E_WMP_MF_CODE_EXPIRED0xC00D0FC0A component of Windows Media Player is out-of-date. If you are running a pre-release version of Windows, try upgrading to a more recent version.%0
NS_E_WMP_HME_NOTSEARCHABLEFORITEMS0xC00D0FC1This container does not support search on items.%0
NS_E_WMP_HME_STALEREQUEST0xC00D0FC2The request could not be completed because the request does not match the current state of the media library.%0
NS_E_WMP_ADDTOLIBRARY_FAILED0xC00D0FC7Windows Media Player encountered a problem while adding one or more files to the library.%0
NS_E_WMP_WINDOWSAPIFAILURE0xC00D0FC8A Windows API call failed but no error information was available.%0
NS_E_WMP_RECORDING_NOT_ALLOWED0xC00D0FC9This file does not have burn rights. If you obtained this file from an online store, go to the online store to get burn rights.%0
NS_E_DEVICE_NOT_READY0xC00D0FCAWindows Media Player no longer detects a connected portable device. Reconnect your portable device, and then try to sync the file again.%0
NS_E_DAMAGED_FILE0xC00D0FCBWindows Media Player cannot play the file because it is corrupted.%0
NS_E_MPDB_GENERIC0xC00D0FCCWindows Media Player encountered an error while attempting to access information in the library. Try restarting the Player.%0
NS_E_FILE_FAILED_CHECKS0xC00D0FCDThe file cannot be added to the library.%0
NS_E_MEDIA_LIBRARY_FAILED0xC00D0FCEWindows Media Player cannot create the library. You must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group to install the Player. For more information, contact your system administrator.%0
NS_E_SHARING_VIOLATION0xC00D0FCFThe file is already in use. Close other programs that might be using the file, or stop playing the file, and then try again.%0
NS_E_NO_ERROR_STRING_FOUND0xC00D0FD0Windows Media Player has encountered an unknown error.%0
NS_E_WMPOCX_NO_REMOTE_CORE0xC00D0FD1The Windows Media Player ActiveX control cannot connect to remote media services, but will continue with local media services.%0
NS_E_WMPOCX_NO_ACTIVE_CORE0xC00D0FD2The requested method or property is not available because the Windows Media Player ActiveX control has not been properly activated.%0
NS_E_WMPOCX_NOT_RUNNING_REMOTELY0xC00D0FD3The Windows Media Player ActiveX control is not running in remote mode.%0
NS_E_WMPOCX_NO_REMOTE_WINDOW0xC00D0FD4An error occurred while trying to get the remote Windows Media Player window.%0
NS_E_WMPOCX_ERRORMANAGERNOTAVAILABLE0xC00D0FD5Windows Media Player has encountered an unknown error.%0
NS_E_PLUGIN_NOTSHUTDOWN0xC00D0FD6Windows Media Player was not closed properly. A damaged or incompatible plug-in might have caused the problem to occur. As a precaution, all optional plug-ins have been disabled.%0
NS_E_WMP_CANNOT_FIND_FOLDER0xC00D0FD7Windows Media Player cannot find the specified path. Verify that the path is typed correctly. If it is, the path does not exist in the specified location, or the computer where the path is located is not available.%0
NS_E_WMP_STREAMING_RECORDING_NOT_ALLOWED0xC00D0FD8Windows Media Player cannot save a file that is being streamed.%0
NS_E_WMP_PLUGINDLL_NOTFOUND0xC00D0FD9Windows Media Player cannot find the selected plug-in. The Player will try to remove it from the menu. To use this plug-in, install it again.%0
NS_E_NEED_TO_ASK_USER0xC00D0FDAAction requires input from the user.%0
NS_E_WMPOCX_PLAYER_NOT_DOCKED0xC00D0FDBThe Windows Media Player ActiveX control must be in a docked state for this action to be performed.%0
NS_E_WMP_EXTERNAL_NOTREADY0xC00D0FDCThe Windows Media Player external object is not ready.%0
NS_E_WMP_MLS_STALE_DATA0xC00D0FDDWindows Media Player cannot perform the requested action. Your computer's time and date might not be set correctly.%0
NS_E_WMP_UI_SUBCONTROLSNOTSUPPORTED0xC00D0FDEThe control (%s) does not support creation of sub-controls, yet (%d) sub-controls have been specified.%0
NS_E_WMP_UI_VERSIONMISMATCH0xC00D0FDFVersion mismatch: (%.1f required, %.1f found).%0
NS_E_WMP_UI_NOTATHEMEFILE0xC00D0FE0The layout manager was given valid XML that wasn't a theme file.%0
NS_E_WMP_UI_SUBELEMENTNOTFOUND0xC00D0FE1The %s subelement could not be found on the %s object.%0
NS_E_WMP_UI_VERSIONPARSE0xC00D0FE2An error occurred parsing the version tag.\\nValid version tags are of the form:\\n\\n\\t<?wmp version='1.0'?>.%0
NS_E_WMP_UI_VIEWIDNOTFOUND0xC00D0FE3The view specified in for the 'currentViewID' property (%s) was not found in this theme file.%0
NS_E_WMP_UI_PASSTHROUGH0xC00D0FE4This error used internally for hit testing.%0
NS_E_WMP_UI_OBJECTNOTFOUND0xC00D0FE5Attributes were specified for the %s object, but the object was not available to send them to.%0
NS_E_WMP_UI_SECONDHANDLER0xC00D0FE6The %s event already has a handler, the second handler was ignored.%0
NS_E_WMP_UI_NOSKININZIP0xC00D0FE7No .wms file found in skin archive.%0
NS_E_WMP_URLDOWNLOADFAILED0xC00D0FEAWindows Media Player encountered a problem while downloading the file.%0
NS_E_WMPOCX_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_SKIN0xC00D0FEBThe Windows Media Player ActiveX control cannot load the requested uiMode and cannot roll back to the existing uiMode.%0
NS_E_WMP_INVALID_SKIN0xC00D0FECWindows Media Player encountered a problem with the skin file. The skin file might not be valid.%0
NS_E_WMP_SENDMAILFAILED0xC00D0FEDWindows Media Player cannot send the link because your e-mail program is not responding. Verify that your e-mail program is configured properly, and then try again.%0
NS_E_WMP_LOCKEDINSKINMODE0xC00D0FEEWindows Media Player cannot switch to full mode because your computer administrator has locked this skin.%0
NS_E_WMP_FAILED_TO_SAVE_FILE0xC00D0FEFWindows Media Player encountered a problem while saving the file.%0
NS_E_WMP_SAVEAS_READONLY0xC00D0FF0Windows Media Player cannot overwrite a read-only file. Try using a different file name.%0
NS_E_WMP_FAILED_TO_SAVE_PLAYLIST0xC00D0FF1Windows Media Player encountered a problem while creating or saving the playlist.%0
NS_E_WMP_FAILED_TO_OPEN_WMD0xC00D0FF2Windows Media Player cannot open the Windows Media Download file. The file might be damaged.%0
NS_E_WMP_CANT_PLAY_PROTECTED0xC00D0FF3The file cannot be added to the library because it is a protected DVR-MS file. This content cannot be played back by Windows Media Player.%0
NS_E_SHARING_STATE_OUT_OF_SYNC0xC00D0FF4Media sharing has been turned off because a required Windows setting or component has changed.%0
NS_E_WMPOCX_REMOTE_PLAYER_ALREADY_RUNNING0xC00D0FFAExclusive Services launch failed because the Windows Media Player is already running.%0
NS_E_WMP_RBC_JPGMAPPINGIMAGE0xC00D1004JPG Images are not recommended for use as a mappingImage.%0
NS_E_WMP_JPGTRANSPARENCY0xC00D1005JPG Images are not recommended when using a transparencyColor.%0
NS_E_WMP_INVALID_MAX_VAL0xC00D1009The Max property cannot be less than Min property.%0
NS_E_WMP_INVALID_MIN_VAL0xC00D100AThe Min property cannot be greater than Max property.%0
NS_E_WMP_CS_JPGPOSITIONIMAGE0xC00D100EJPG Images are not recommended for use as a positionImage.%0
NS_E_WMP_CS_NOTEVENLYDIVISIBLE0xC00D100FThe (%s) image's size is not evenly divisible by the positionImage's size.%0
NS_E_WMPZIP_NOTAZIPFILE0xC00D1018The ZIP reader opened a file and its signature did not match that of the ZIP files.%0
NS_E_WMPZIP_CORRUPT0xC00D1019The ZIP reader has detected that the file is corrupted.%0
NS_E_WMPZIP_FILENOTFOUND0xC00D101AGetFileStream, SaveToFile, or SaveTemp file was called on the ZIP reader with a file name that was not found in the ZIP file.%0
NS_E_WMP_IMAGE_FILETYPE_UNSUPPORTED0xC00D1022Image type not supported.%0
NS_E_WMP_IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT0xC00D1023Image file might be corrupt.%0
NS_E_WMP_GIF_UNEXPECTED_ENDOFFILE0xC00D1024Unexpected end of file. GIF file might be corrupt.%0
NS_E_WMP_GIF_INVALID_FORMAT0xC00D1025Invalid GIF file.%0
NS_E_WMP_GIF_BAD_VERSION_NUMBER0xC00D1026Invalid GIF version. Only 87a or 89a supported.%0
NS_E_WMP_GIF_NO_IMAGE_IN_FILE0xC00D1027No images found in GIF file.%0
NS_E_WMP_PNG_INVALIDFORMAT0xC00D1028Invalid PNG image file format.%0
NS_E_WMP_PNG_UNSUPPORTED_BITDEPTH0xC00D1029PNG bitdepth not supported.%0
NS_E_WMP_PNG_UNSUPPORTED_COMPRESSION0xC00D102ACompression format defined in PNG file not supported,%0
NS_E_WMP_PNG_UNSUPPORTED_FILTER0xC00D102BFilter method defined in PNG file not supported.%0
NS_E_WMP_PNG_UNSUPPORTED_INTERLACE0xC00D102CInterlace method defined in PNG file not supported.%0
NS_E_WMP_BMP_INVALID_BITMASK0xC00D102EInvalid bitmask in BMP file.%0
NS_E_WMP_BMP_TOPDOWN_DIB_UNSUPPORTED0xC00D102FTopdown DIB not supported.%0
NS_E_WMP_BMP_BITMAP_NOT_CREATED0xC00D1030Bitmap could not be created.%0
NS_E_WMP_BMP_COMPRESSION_UNSUPPORTED0xC00D1031Compression format defined in BMP not supported.%0
NS_E_WMP_BMP_INVALID_FORMAT0xC00D1032Invalid Bitmap format.%0
NS_E_WMP_JPG_JERR_ARITHCODING_NOTIMPL0xC00D1033JPEG Arithmetic coding not supported.%0
NS_E_WMP_JPG_INVALID_FORMAT0xC00D1034Invalid JPEG format.%0
NS_E_WMP_JPG_BAD_DCTSIZE0xC00D1035Invalid JPEG format.%0
NS_E_WMP_JPG_BAD_VERSION_NUMBER0xC00D1036Internal version error. Unexpected JPEG library version.%0
NS_E_WMP_JPG_BAD_PRECISION0xC00D1037Internal JPEG Library error. Unsupported JPEG data precision.%0
NS_E_WMP_JPG_CCIR601_NOTIMPL0xC00D1038JPEG CCIR601 not supported.%0
NS_E_WMP_JPG_NO_IMAGE_IN_FILE0xC00D1039No image found in JPEG file.%0
NS_E_WMP_JPG_READ_ERROR0xC00D103ACould not read JPEG file.%0
NS_E_WMP_JPG_FRACT_SAMPLE_NOTIMPL0xC00D103BJPEG Fractional sampling not supported.%0
NS_E_WMP_JPG_IMAGE_TOO_BIG0xC00D103CJPEG image too large. Maximum image size supported is 65500 X 65500.%0
NS_E_WMP_JPG_UNEXPECTED_ENDOFFILE0xC00D103DUnexpected end of file reached in JPEG file.%0
NS_E_WMP_JPG_SOF_UNSUPPORTED0xC00D103EUnsupported JPEG SOF marker found.%0
NS_E_WMP_JPG_UNKNOWN_MARKER0xC00D103FUnknown JPEG marker found.%0
NS_E_WMP_FAILED_TO_OPEN_IMAGE0xC00D1044Windows Media Player cannot display the picture file. The player either does not support the picture type or the picture is corrupted.%0
NS_E_WMP_DAI_SONGTOOSHORT0xC00D1049Windows Media Player cannot compute a Digital Audio Id for the song. It is too short.%0
NS_E_WMG_RATEUNAVAILABLE0xC00D104AWindows Media Player cannot play the file at the requested speed.%0
NS_E_WMG_PLUGINUNAVAILABLE0xC00D104BThe rendering or digital signal processing plug-in cannot be instantiated.%0
NS_E_WMG_CANNOTQUEUE0xC00D104CThe file cannot be queued for seamless playback.%0
NS_E_WMG_PREROLLLICENSEACQUISITIONNOTALLOWED0xC00D104DWindows Media Player cannot download media usage rights for a file in the playlist.%0
NS_E_WMG_UNEXPECTEDPREROLLSTATUS0xC00D104EWindows Media Player encountered an error while trying to queue a file.%0
NS_E_WMG_INVALID_COPP_CERTIFICATE0xC00D1051Windows Media Player cannot play the protected file. The Player cannot verify that the connection to your video card is secure. Try installing an updated device driver for your video card.%0
NS_E_WMG_COPP_SECURITY_INVALID0xC00D1052Windows Media Player cannot play the protected file. The Player detected that the connection to your hardware might not be secure.%0
NS_E_WMG_COPP_UNSUPPORTED0xC00D1053Windows Media Player output link protection is unsupported on this system.%0
NS_E_WMG_INVALIDSTATE0xC00D1054Operation attempted in an invalid graph state.%0
NS_E_WMG_SINKALREADYEXISTS0xC00D1055A renderer cannot be inserted in a stream while one already exists.%0
NS_E_WMG_NOSDKINTERFACE0xC00D1056The Windows Media SDK interface needed to complete the operation does not exist at this time.%0
NS_E_WMG_NOTALLOUTPUTSRENDERED0xC00D1057Windows Media Player cannot play a portion of the file because it requires a codec that either could not be downloaded or that is not supported by the Player.%0
NS_E_WMG_FILETRANSFERNOTALLOWED0xC00D1058File transfer streams are not allowed in the standalone Player.%0
NS_E_WMR_UNSUPPORTEDSTREAM0xC00D1059Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player does not support the format you are trying to play.%0
NS_E_WMR_PINNOTFOUND0xC00D105AAn operation was attempted on a pin that does not exist in the DirectShow filter graph.%0
NS_E_WMR_WAITINGONFORMATSWITCH0xC00D105BSpecified operation cannot be completed while waiting for a media format change from the SDK.%0
NS_E_WMR_NOSOURCEFILTER0xC00D105CSpecified operation cannot be completed because the source filter does not exist.%0
NS_E_WMR_PINTYPENOMATCH0xC00D105DThe specified type does not match this pin.%0
NS_E_WMR_NOCALLBACKAVAILABLE0xC00D105EThe WMR Source Filter does not have a callback available.%0
NS_E_WMR_SAMPLEPROPERTYNOTSET0xC00D1062The specified property has not been set on this sample.%0
NS_E_WMR_CANNOT_RENDER_BINARY_STREAM0xC00D1063A plug-in is required to correctly play the file. To determine if the plug-in is available to download, click Web Help.%0
NS_E_WMG_LICENSE_TAMPERED0xC00D1064Windows Media Player cannot play the file because your media usage rights are corrupted. If you previously backed up your media usage rights, try restoring them.%0
NS_E_WMR_WILLNOT_RENDER_BINARY_STREAM0xC00D1065Windows Media Player cannot play protected files that contain binary streams.%0
NS_E_WMX_UNRECOGNIZED_PLAYLIST_FORMAT0xC00D1068Windows Media Player cannot play the playlist because it is not valid.%0
NS_E_ASX_INVALIDFORMAT0xC00D1069Windows Media Player cannot play the playlist because it is not valid.%0
NS_E_ASX_INVALIDVERSION0xC00D106AA later version of Windows Media Player might be required to play this playlist.%0
NS_E_ASX_INVALID_REPEAT_BLOCK0xC00D106BThe format of a REPEAT loop within the current playlist file is not valid.%0
NS_E_ASX_NOTHING_TO_WRITE0xC00D106CWindows Media Player cannot save the playlist because it does not contain any items.%0
NS_E_URLLIST_INVALIDFORMAT0xC00D106DWindows Media Player cannot play the playlist because it is not valid.%0
NS_E_WMX_ATTRIBUTE_DOES_NOT_EXIST0xC00D106EThe specified attribute does not exist.%0
NS_E_WMX_ATTRIBUTE_ALREADY_EXISTS0xC00D106FThe specified attribute already exists.%0
NS_E_WMX_ATTRIBUTE_UNRETRIEVABLE0xC00D1070Cannot retrieve the specified attribute.%0
NS_E_WMX_ITEM_DOES_NOT_EXIST0xC00D1071The specified item does not exist in the current playlist.%0
NS_E_WMX_ITEM_TYPE_ILLEGAL0xC00D1072Items of the specified type cannot be created within the current playlist.%0
NS_E_WMX_ITEM_UNSETTABLE0xC00D1073The specified item cannot be set in the current playlist.%0
NS_E_WMX_PLAYLIST_EMPTY0xC00D1074Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action because the playlist does not contain any items.%0
NS_E_MLS_SMARTPLAYLIST_FILTER_NOT_REGISTERED0xC00D1075The specified auto playlist contains a filter type that is either not valid or is not installed on this computer.%0
NS_E_WMX_INVALID_FORMAT_OVER_NESTING0xC00D1076Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the associated playlist contains too many nested playlists.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_NOSOURCEURLSTRING0xC00D107CWindows Media Player cannot find the file. Verify that the path is typed correctly. If it is, the file might not exist in the specified location, or the computer where the file is stored might not be available.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_COCREATEFAILEDFORGITOBJECT0xC00D107DFailed to create the Global Interface Table.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_FAILEDTOGETMARSHALLEDEVENTHANDLERINTERFACE0xC00D107EFailed to get the marshaled graph event handler interface.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_BUFFERTOOSMALL0xC00D107FBuffer is too small for copying media type.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_UNAVAILABLE0xC00D1080The current state of the Player does not allow this operation.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_INVALIDPLAYLISTMODE0xC00D1081The playlist manager does not understand the current play mode (for example, shuffle or normal).%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_ITEMNOTINPLAYLIST0xC00D1086Windows Media Player cannot play the file because it is not in the current playlist.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLISTEMPTY0xC00D1087There are no items in the playlist. Add items to the playlist, and then try again.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_NOBROWSER0xC00D1088The website cannot be displayed because no web browser is installed on your computer.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA_URL0xC00D1089Windows Media Player cannot find the specified file. Verify the path is typed correctly. If it is, the file does not exist in the specified location, or the computer where the file is stored is not available.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_GRAPH_NOT_IN_LIST0xC00D108AGraph with the specified URL was not found in the prerolled graph list.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_EMPTY_OR_SINGLE_MEDIA0xC00D108BWindows Media Player cannot perform the requested operation because there is only one item in the playlist.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_ERRORSINKNOTREGISTERED0xC00D108CAn error sink was never registered for the calling object.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_ERRORMANAGERNOTAVAILABLE0xC00D108DThe error manager is not available to respond to errors.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_WEBHELPFAILED0xC00D108EThe Web Help URL cannot be opened.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_MEDIA_ERROR_RESUME_FAILED0xC00D108FCould not resume playing next item in playlist.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_NO_REF_IN_ENTRY0xC00D1090Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the associated playlist does not contain any items or the playlist is not valid.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_LIST_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_EMPTY0xC00D1091An empty string for playlist attribute name was found.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_LIST_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_ILLEGAL0xC00D1092A playlist attribute name that is not valid was found.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_LIST_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_EMPTY0xC00D1093An empty string for a playlist attribute value was found.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_LIST_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_ILLEGAL0xC00D1094An illegal value for a playlist attribute was found.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_LIST_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_EMPTY0xC00D1095An empty string for a playlist item attribute name was found.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_LIST_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_ILLEGAL0xC00D1096An illegal value for a playlist item attribute name was found.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_LIST_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_EMPTY0xC00D1097An illegal value for a playlist item attribute was found.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_LIST_ENTRY_NO_REF0xC00D1098The playlist does not contain any items.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_MISNAMED_FILE0xC00D1099Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The file is either corrupted or the Player does not support the format you are trying to play.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_CODEC_NOT_TRUSTED0xC00D109AThe codec downloaded for this file does not appear to be properly signed, so it cannot be installed.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_CODEC_NOT_FOUND0xC00D109BWindows Media Player cannot play the file. One or more codecs required to play the file could not be found.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_CODEC_DOWNLOAD_NOT_ALLOWED0xC00D109CWindows Media Player cannot play the file because a required codec is not installed on your computer. To try downloading the codec, turn on the "Download codecs automatically" option.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_ERROR_DOWNLOADING_PLAYLIST0xC00D109DWindows Media Player encountered a problem while downloading the playlist.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_FAILED_TO_BUILD_PLAYLIST0xC00D109EFailed to build the playlist.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_ITEM_ALTERNATE_NONE0xC00D109FPlaylist has no alternates to switch into.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_ITEM_ALTERNATE_EXHAUSTED0xC00D10A0No more playlist alternates available to switch to.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_ITEM_ALTERNATE_NAME_NOT_FOUND0xC00D10A1Could not find the name of the alternate playlist to switch into.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_ITEM_ALTERNATE_MORPH_FAILED0xC00D10A2Failed to switch to an alternate for this media.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_ITEM_ALTERNATE_INIT_FAILED0xC00D10A3Failed to initialize an alternate for the media.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_MEDIA_ALTERNATE_REF_EMPTY0xC00D10A4No URL specified for the roll over Refs in the playlist file.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_NO_EVENT_NAME0xC00D10A5Encountered a playlist with no name.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_EVENT_ATTRIBUTE_ABSENT0xC00D10A6A required attribute in the event block of the playlist was not found.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_EVENT_EMPTY0xC00D10A7No items were found in the event block of the playlist.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_STACK_EMPTY0xC00D10A8No playlist was found while returning from a nested playlist.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_CURRENT_MEDIA_NOT_ACTIVE0xC00D10A9The media item is not active currently.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_USER_CANCEL0xC00D10ABWindows Media Player cannot perform the requested action because you chose to cancel it.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_REPEAT_EMPTY0xC00D10ACWindows Media Player encountered a problem with the playlist. The format of the playlist is not valid.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_REPEAT_START_MEDIA_NONE0xC00D10ADMedia object corresponding to start of a playlist repeat block was not found.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_REPEAT_END_MEDIA_NONE0xC00D10AEMedia object corresponding to the end of a playlist repeat block was not found.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_INVALID_PLAYLIST_URL0xC00D10AFThe playlist URL supplied to the playlist manager is not valid.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_MISMATCHED_RUNTIME0xC00D10B0Windows Media Player cannot play the file because it is corrupted.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_IMPORT_FAILED_NO_ITEMS0xC00D10B1Windows Media Player cannot add the playlist to the library because the playlist does not contain any items.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_VIDEO_TRANSFORM_FILTER_INSERTION0xC00D10B2An error has occurred that could prevent the changing of the video contrast on this media.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_MEDIA_UNAVAILABLE0xC00D10B3Windows Media Player cannot play the file. If the file is located on the Internet, connect to the Internet. If the file is located on a removable storage card, insert the storage card.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_ENTRYREF_NO_REF0xC00D10B4The playlist contains an ENTRYREF for which no href was parsed. Check the syntax of playlist file.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_NO_PLAYABLE_MEDIA_IN_PLAYLIST0xC00D10B5Windows Media Player cannot play any items in the playlist. To find information about the problem, click the icon next to each file in the list pane.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_EMPTY_NESTED_PLAYLIST_SKIPPED_ITEMS0xC00D10B6Windows Media Player cannot play some or all of the items in the playlist because the playlist is nested.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_BUSY0xC00D10B7Windows Media Player cannot play the file at this time. Try again later.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_MEDIA_CHILD_PLAYLIST_UNAVAILABLE0xC00D10B8There is no child playlist available for this media item at this time.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_MEDIA_NO_CHILD_PLAYLIST0xC00D10B9There is no child playlist for this media item.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_FILE_NOT_FOUND0xC00D10BAWindows Media Player cannot find the file. The link from the item in the library to its associated digital media file might be broken. To fix the problem, try repairing the link or removing the item from the library.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_TEMP_FILE_NOT_FOUND0xC00D10BBThe temporary file was not found.%0
NS_E_WMDM_REVOKED0xC00D10BCWindows Media Player cannot sync the file because the device needs to be updated.%0
NS_E_DDRAW_GENERIC0xC00D10BDWindows Media Player cannot play the video because there is a problem with your video card.%0
NS_E_DISPLAY_MODE_CHANGE_FAILED0xC00D10BEWindows Media Player failed to change the screen mode for full-screen video playback.%0
NS_E_PLAYLIST_CONTAINS_ERRORS0xC00D10BFWindows Media Player cannot play one or more files. For additional information, right-click an item that cannot be played, and then click Error Details.%0
NS_E_CHANGING_PROXY_NAME0xC00D10C0Cannot change the proxy name if the proxy setting is not set to custom.%0
NS_E_CHANGING_PROXY_PORT0xC00D10C1Cannot change the proxy port if the proxy setting is not set to custom.%0
NS_E_CHANGING_PROXY_EXCEPTIONLIST0xC00D10C2Cannot change the proxy exception list if the proxy setting is not set to custom.%0
NS_E_CHANGING_PROXYBYPASS0xC00D10C3Cannot change the proxy bypass flag if the proxy setting is not set to custom.%0
NS_E_CHANGING_PROXY_PROTOCOL_NOT_FOUND0xC00D10C4Cannot find the specified protocol.%0
NS_E_GRAPH_NOAUDIOLANGUAGE0xC00D10C5Cannot change the language settings. Either the graph has no audio or the audio only supports one language.%0
NS_E_GRAPH_NOAUDIOLANGUAGESELECTED0xC00D10C6The graph has no audio language selected.%0
NS_E_CORECD_NOTAMEDIACD0xC00D10C7This is not a media CD.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_MEDIA_URL_TOO_LONG0xC00D10C8Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the URL is too long.%0
NS_E_WMPFLASH_CANT_FIND_COM_SERVER0xC00D10C9To play the selected item, you must install the Adobe Flash Player. To download the Adobe Flash Player, go to the Adobe Web site.%0
NS_E_WMPFLASH_INCOMPATIBLEVERSION0xC00D10CATo play the selected item, you must install a later version of the Adobe Flash Player. To download the Adobe Flash Player, go to the Adobe website.%0
NS_E_WMPOCXGRAPH_IE_DISALLOWS_ACTIVEX_CONTROLS0xC00D10CBWindows Media Player cannot play the file because your Internet security settings prohibit the use of ActiveX controls.%0
NS_E_NEED_CORE_REFERENCE0xC00D10CCThe use of this method requires an existing reference to the Player object.%0
NS_E_MEDIACD_READ_ERROR0xC00D10CDWindows Media Player cannot play the CD. The disc might be dirty or damaged.%0
NS_E_IE_DISALLOWS_ACTIVEX_CONTROLS0xC00D10CEWindows Media Player cannot play the file because your Internet security settings prohibit the use of ActiveX controls.%0
NS_E_FLASH_PLAYBACK_NOT_ALLOWED0xC00D10CFFlash playback has been turned off in Windows Media Player.%0
NS_E_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_RIP_LOCATION0xC00D10D0Windows Media Player cannot rip the CD because a valid rip location cannot be created.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_SOME_CODECS_MISSING0xC00D10D1Windows Media Player cannot play the file because a required codec is not installed on your computer.%0
NS_E_WMP_RIP_FAILED0xC00D10D2Windows Media Player cannot rip one or more tracks from the CD.%0
NS_E_WMP_FAILED_TO_RIP_TRACK0xC00D10D3Windows Media Player encountered a problem while ripping the track from the CD.%0
NS_E_WMP_ERASE_FAILED0xC00D10D4Windows Media Player encountered a problem while erasing the disc.%0
NS_E_WMP_FORMAT_FAILED0xC00D10D5Windows Media Player encountered a problem while formatting the device.%0
NS_E_WMP_CANNOT_BURN_NON_LOCAL_FILE0xC00D10D6This file cannot be burned to a CD because it is not located on your computer.%0
NS_E_WMP_FILE_TYPE_CANNOT_BURN_TO_AUDIO_CD0xC00D10D7It is not possible to burn this file type to an audio CD. Windows Media Player can burn the following file types to an audio CD: WMA, MP3, or WAV.%0
NS_E_WMP_FILE_DOES_NOT_FIT_ON_CD0xC00D10D8This file is too large to fit on a disc.%0
NS_E_WMP_FILE_NO_DURATION0xC00D10D9It is not possible to determine if this file can fit on a disc because Windows Media Player cannot detect the length of the file. Playing the file before burning might enable the Player to detect the file length.%0
NS_E_PDA_FAILED_TO_BURN0xC00D10DAWindows Media Player encountered a problem while burning the file to the disc.%0
NS_E_FAILED_DOWNLOAD_ABORT_BURN0xC00D10DCWindows Media Player cannot burn the audio CD because some items in the list that you chose to buy could not be downloaded from the online store.%0
NS_E_WMPCORE_DEVICE_DRIVERS_MISSING0xC00D10DDWindows Media Player cannot play the file. Try using Windows Update or Device Manager to update the device drivers for your audio and video cards. For information about using Windows Update or Device Manager, see Windows Help.%0
NS_E_WMPIM_USEROFFLINE0xC00D1126Windows Media Player has detected that you are not connected to the Internet. Connect to the Internet, and then try again.%0
NS_E_WMPIM_USERCANCELED0xC00D1127The attempt to connect to the Internet was canceled.%0
NS_E_WMPIM_DIALUPFAILED0xC00D1128The attempt to connect to the Internet failed.%0
NS_E_WINSOCK_ERROR_STRING0xC00D1129Windows Media Player has encountered an unknown network error.%0
NS_E_WMPBR_NOLISTENER0xC00D1130No window is currently listening to Backup and Restore events.%0
NS_E_WMPBR_BACKUPCANCEL0xC00D1131Your media usage rights were not backed up because the backup was canceled.%0
NS_E_WMPBR_RESTORECANCEL0xC00D1132Your media usage rights were not restored because the restoration was canceled.%0
NS_E_WMPBR_ERRORWITHURL0xC00D1133An error occurred while backing up or restoring your media usage rights. A required web page cannot be displayed.%0
NS_E_WMPBR_NAMECOLLISION0xC00D1134Your media usage rights were not backed up because the backup was canceled.%0
NS_E_WMPBR_DRIVE_INVALID0xC00D1137Windows Media Player cannot restore your media usage rights from the specified location. Choose another location, and then try again.%0
NS_E_WMPBR_BACKUPRESTOREFAILED0xC00D1138Windows Media Player cannot backup or restore your media usage rights.%0
NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_FILE_FAILED0xC00D1158Windows Media Player cannot add the file to the library.%0
NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_NO_RIGHTS_ERRORURL0xC00D1159Windows Media Player cannot add the file to the library because the content provider prohibits it. For assistance, contact the company that provided the file.%0
NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_NO_RIGHTS_NOERRORURL0xC00D115AWindows Media Player cannot add the file to the library because the content provider prohibits it. For assistance, contact the company that provided the file.%0
NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_FILE_CORRUPT0xC00D115BWindows Media Player cannot add the file to the library. The file might not be valid.%0
NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_PLUGIN_UNAVAILABLE_ERRORURL0xC00D115CWindows Media Player cannot add the file to the library. The plug-in required to add the file is not installed properly. For assistance, click Web Help to display the website of the company that provided the file.%0
NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_PLUGIN_UNAVAILABLE_NOERRORURL0xC00D115DWindows Media Player cannot add the file to the library. The plug-in required to add the file is not installed properly. For assistance, contact the company that provided the file.%0
NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_PLUGIN_UNKNOWN_FILE_OWNER0xC00D115EWindows Media Player cannot add the file to the library. The plug-in required to add the file is not installed properly. For assistance, contact the company that provided the file.%0
NS_E_DVD_DISC_COPY_PROTECT_OUTPUT_NS0xC00D1160Windows Media Player cannot play this DVD. Try installing an updated driver for your video card or obtaining a newer video card.%0
NS_E_DVD_DISC_COPY_PROTECT_OUTPUT_FAILED0xC00D1161This DVD's resolution exceeds the maximum allowed by your component video outputs. Try reducing your screen resolution to 640 x 480, or turn off analog component outputs and use a VGA connection to your monitor.%0
NS_E_DVD_NO_SUBPICTURE_STREAM0xC00D1162Windows Media Player cannot display subtitles or highlights in DVD menus. Reinstall the DVD decoder or contact the DVD drive manufacturer to obtain an updated decoder.%0
NS_E_DVD_COPY_PROTECT0xC00D1163Windows Media Player cannot play this DVD because there is a problem with digital copy protection between your DVD drive, decoder, and video card. Try installing an updated driver for your video card.%0
NS_E_DVD_AUTHORING_PROBLEM0xC00D1164Windows Media Player cannot play the DVD. The disc was created in a manner that the Player does not support.%0
NS_E_DVD_INVALID_DISC_REGION0xC00D1165Windows Media Player cannot play the DVD because the disc prohibits playback in your region of the world. You must obtain a disc that is intended for your geographic region.%0
NS_E_DVD_COMPATIBLE_VIDEO_CARD0xC00D1166Windows Media Player cannot play the DVD because your video card does not support DVD playback.%0
NS_E_DVD_MACROVISION0xC00D1167Windows Media Player cannot play this DVD because it is not possible to turn on analog copy protection on the output display. Try installing an updated driver for your video card.%0
NS_E_DVD_SYSTEM_DECODER_REGION0xC00D1168Windows Media Player cannot play the DVD because the region assigned to your DVD drive does not match the region assigned to your DVD decoder.%0
NS_E_DVD_DISC_DECODER_REGION0xC00D1169Windows Media Player cannot play the DVD because the disc prohibits playback in your region of the world. You must obtain a disc that is intended for your geographic region.%0
NS_E_DVD_NO_VIDEO_STREAM0xC00D116AWindows Media Player cannot play DVD video. You might need to adjust your Windows display settings. Open display settings in Control Panel, and then try lowering your screen resolution and color quality settings.%0
NS_E_DVD_NO_AUDIO_STREAM0xC00D116BWindows Media Player cannot play DVD audio. Verify that your sound card is set up correctly, and then try again.%0
NS_E_DVD_GRAPH_BUILDING0xC00D116CWindows Media Player cannot play DVD video. Close any open files and quit any other programs, and then try again. If the problem persists, restart your computer.%0
NS_E_DVD_NO_DECODER0xC00D116DWindows Media Player cannot play the DVD because a compatible DVD decoder is not installed on your computer.%0
NS_E_DVD_PARENTAL0xC00D116EWindows Media Player cannot play the scene because it has a parental rating higher than the rating that you are authorized to view.%0
NS_E_DVD_CANNOT_JUMP0xC00D116FWindows Media Player cannot skip to the requested location on the DVD.%0
NS_E_DVD_DEVICE_CONTENTION0xC00D1170Windows Media Player cannot play the DVD because it is currently in use by another program. Quit the other program that is using the DVD, and then try again.%0
NS_E_DVD_NO_VIDEO_MEMORY0xC00D1171Windows Media Player cannot play DVD video. You might need to adjust your Windows display settings. Open display settings in Control Panel, and then try lowering your screen resolution and color quality settings.%0
NS_E_DVD_CANNOT_COPY_PROTECTED0xC00D1172Windows Media Player cannot rip the DVD because it is copy protected.%0
NS_E_DVD_REQUIRED_PROPERTY_NOT_SET0xC00D1173One of more of the required properties has not been set.%0
NS_E_DVD_INVALID_TITLE_CHAPTER0xC00D1174The specified title and/or chapter number does not exist on this DVD.%0
NS_E_NO_CD_BURNER0xC00D1176Windows Media Player cannot burn the files because the Player cannot find a burner. If the burner is connected properly, try using Windows Update to install the latest device driver.%0
NS_E_DEVICE_IS_NOT_READY0xC00D1177Windows Media Player does not detect storage media in the selected device. Insert storage media into the device, and then try again.%0
NS_E_PDA_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT0xC00D1178Windows Media Player cannot sync this file. The Player might not support the file type.%0
NS_E_NO_PDA0xC00D1179Windows Media Player does not detect a portable device. Connect your portable device, and then try again.%0
NS_E_PDA_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR0xC00D117AWindows Media Player encountered an error while communicating with the device. The storage card on the device might be full, the device might be turned off, or the device might not allow playlists or folders to be created on it.%0
NS_E_MEMSTORAGE_BAD_DATA0xC00D117BWindows Media Player encountered an error while burning a CD.%0
NS_E_PDA_FAIL_SELECT_DEVICE0xC00D117CWindows Media Player encountered an error while communicating with a portable device or CD drive.%0
NS_E_PDA_FAIL_READ_WAVE_FILE0xC00D117DWindows Media Player cannot open the WAV file.%0
NS_E_IMAPI_LOSSOFSTREAMING0xC00D117EWindows Media Player failed to burn all the files to the CD. Select a slower recording speed, and then try again.%0
NS_E_PDA_DEVICE_FULL0xC00D117FThere is not enough storage space on the portable device to complete this operation. Delete some unneeded files on the portable device, and then try again.%0
NS_E_FAIL_LAUNCH_ROXIO_PLUGIN0xC00D1180Windows Media Player cannot burn the files. Verify that your burner is connected properly, and then try again. If the problem persists, reinstall the Player.%0
NS_E_PDA_DEVICE_FULL_IN_SESSION0xC00D1181Windows Media Player did not sync some files to the device because there is not enough storage space on the device.%0
NS_E_IMAPI_MEDIUM_INVALIDTYPE0xC00D1182The disc in the burner is not valid. Insert a blank disc into the burner, and then try again.%0
NS_E_PDA_MANUALDEVICE0xC00D1183Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action because the device does not support sync.%0
NS_E_PDA_PARTNERSHIPNOTEXIST0xC00D1184To perform the requested action, you must first set up sync with the device.%0
NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_CREATE_ADDITIONAL_SYNC_RELATIONSHIP0xC00D1185You have already created sync partnerships with 16 devices. To create a new sync partnership, you must first end an existing partnership.%0
NS_E_PDA_NO_TRANSCODE_OF_DRM0xC00D1186Windows Media Player cannot sync the file because protected files cannot be converted to the required quality level or file format.%0
NS_E_PDA_TRANSCODECACHEFULL0xC00D1187The folder that stores converted files is full. Either empty the folder or increase its size, and then try again.%0
NS_E_PDA_TOO_MANY_FILE_COLLISIONS0xC00D1188There are too many files with the same name in the folder on the device. Change the file name or sync to a different folder.%0
NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_TRANSCODE0xC00D1189Windows Media Player cannot convert the file to the format required by the device.%0
NS_E_PDA_TOO_MANY_FILES_IN_DIRECTORY0xC00D118AYou have reached the maximum number of files your device allows in a folder. If your device supports playback from subfolders, try creating subfolders on the device and storing some files in them.%0
NS_E_PROCESSINGSHOWSYNCWIZARD0xC00D118BWindows Media Player is already trying to start the Device Setup Wizard.%0
NS_E_PDA_TRANSCODE_NOT_PERMITTED0xC00D118CWindows Media Player cannot convert this file format. If an updated version of the codec used to compress this file is available, install it and then try to sync the file again.%0
NS_E_PDA_INITIALIZINGDEVICES0xC00D118DWindows Media Player is busy setting up devices. Try again later.%0
NS_E_PDA_OBSOLETE_SP0xC00D118EYour device is using an outdated driver that is no longer supported by Windows Media Player.%0
NS_E_PDA_TITLE_COLLISION0xC00D118FWindows Media Player cannot sync the file because a file with the same name already exists on the device. Change the file name or try to sync the file to a different folder.%0
NS_E_PDA_DEVICESUPPORTDISABLED0xC00D1190Automatic and manual sync have been turned off temporarily. To sync to a device, restart Windows Media Player.%0
NS_E_PDA_NO_LONGER_AVAILABLE0xC00D1191This device is not available. Connect the device to the computer, and then try again.%0
NS_E_PDA_ENCODER_NOT_RESPONDING0xC00D1192Windows Media Player cannot sync the file because an error occurred while converting the file to another quality level or format. If the problem persists, remove the file from the list of files to sync.%0
NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_SYNC_FROM_LOCATION0xC00D1193Windows Media Player cannot sync the file to your device. The file might be stored in a location that is not supported. Copy the file from its current location to your hard disk, add it to your library, and then try to sync the file again.%0
NS_E_WMP_PROTOCOL_PROBLEM0xC00D1194Windows Media Player cannot open the specified URL. Verify that the Player is configured to use all available protocols, and then try again.%0
NS_E_WMP_NO_DISK_SPACE0xC00D1195Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action because there is not enough storage space on your computer. Delete some unneeded files on your hard disk, and then try again.%0
NS_E_WMP_LOGON_FAILURE0xC00D1196The server denied access to the file. Verify that you are using the correct user name and password.%0
NS_E_WMP_CANNOT_FIND_FILE0xC00D1197Windows Media Player cannot find the file. If you are trying to play, burn, or sync an item that is in your library, the item might point to a file that has been moved, renamed, or deleted.%0
NS_E_WMP_SERVER_INACCESSIBLE0xC00D1198Windows Media Player cannot connect to the server. The server name might not be correct, the server might not be available, or your proxy settings might not be correct.%0
NS_E_WMP_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT0xC00D1199Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file.%0
NS_E_WMP_DSHOW_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT0xC00D119AWindows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or a required codec might not be installed on your computer.%0
NS_E_WMP_PLAYLIST_EXISTS0xC00D119BWindows Media Player cannot create the playlist because the name already exists. Type a different playlist name.%0
NS_E_WMP_NONMEDIA_FILES0xC00D119CWindows Media Player cannot delete the playlist because it contains items that are not digital media files. Any digital media files in the playlist were deleted.%0
NS_E_WMP_INVALID_ASX0xC00D119DThe playlist cannot be opened because it is stored in a shared folder on another computer. If possible, move the playlist to the playlists folder on your computer.%0
NS_E_WMP_ALREADY_IN_USE0xC00D119EWindows Media Player is already in use. Stop playing any items, close all Player dialog boxes, and then try again.%0
NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_FAILURE0xC00D119FWindows Media Player encountered an error while burning. Verify that the burner is connected properly and that the disc is clean and not damaged.%0
NS_E_WMP_WMDM_FAILURE0xC00D11A0Windows Media Player has encountered an unknown error with your portable device. Reconnect your portable device, and then try again.%0
NS_E_WMP_CODEC_NEEDED_WITH_4CC0xC00D11A1A codec is required to play this file. To determine if this codec is available to download from the web, click Web Help.%0
NS_E_WMP_CODEC_NEEDED_WITH_FORMATTAG0xC00D11A2An audio codec is needed to play this file. To determine if this codec is available to download from the web, click Web Help.%0
NS_E_WMP_MSSAP_NOT_AVAILABLE0xC00D11A3To play the file, you must install the latest Windows service pack. To install the service pack from the Windows Update website, click Web Help.%0
NS_E_WMP_WMDM_INTERFACEDEAD0xC00D11A4Windows Media Player no longer detects a portable device. Reconnect your portable device, and then try again.%0
NS_E_WMP_WMDM_NOTCERTIFIED0xC00D11A5Windows Media Player cannot sync the file because the portable device does not support protected files.%0
NS_E_WMP_WMDM_LICENSE_NOTEXIST0xC00D11A6This file does not have sync rights. If you obtained this file from an online store, go to the online store to get sync rights.%0
NS_E_WMP_WMDM_LICENSE_EXPIRED0xC00D11A7Windows Media Player cannot sync the file because the sync rights have expired. Go to the content provider's online store to get new sync rights.%0
NS_E_WMP_WMDM_BUSY0xC00D11A8The portable device is already in use. Wait until the current task finishes or quit other programs that might be using the portable device, and then try again.%0
NS_E_WMP_WMDM_NORIGHTS0xC00D11A9Windows Media Player cannot sync the file because the content provider or device prohibits it. You might be able to resolve this problem by going to the content provider's online store to get sync rights.%0
NS_E_WMP_WMDM_INCORRECT_RIGHTS0xC00D11AAThe content provider has not granted you the right to sync this file. Go to the content provider's online store to get sync rights.%0
NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_GENERIC0xC00D11ABWindows Media Player cannot burn the files to the CD. Verify that the disc is clean and not damaged. If necessary, select a slower recording speed or try a different brand of blank discs.%0
NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_DEVICE_NOTPRESENT0xC00D11ADWindows Media Player cannot burn the files. Verify that the burner is connected properly, and then try again.%0
NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_DEVICE_BUSY0xC00D11AEWindows Media Player cannot burn the files. Verify that the burner is connected properly and that the disc is clean and not damaged. If the burner is already in use, wait until the current task finishes or quit other programs that might be using the burner.%0
NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_LOSS_OF_STREAMING0xC00D11AFWindows Media Player cannot burn the files to the CD.%0
NS_E_WMP_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE0xC00D11B0Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The server might not be available or there might be a problem with your network or firewall settings.%0
NS_E_WMP_FILE_OPEN_FAILED0xC00D11B1Windows Media Player encountered a problem while playing the file.%0
NS_E_WMP_VERIFY_ONLINE0xC00D11B2Windows Media Player must connect to the Internet to verify the file's media usage rights. Connect to the Internet, and then try again.%0
NS_E_WMP_SERVER_NOT_RESPONDING0xC00D11B3Windows Media Player cannot play the file because a network error occurred. The server might not be available. Verify that you are connected to the network and that your proxy settings are correct.%0
NS_E_WMP_DRM_CORRUPT_BACKUP0xC00D11B4Windows Media Player cannot restore your media usage rights because it could not find any backed up rights on your computer.%0
NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE0xC00D11B5Windows Media Player cannot download media usage rights because the server is not available (for example, the server might be busy or not online).%0
NS_E_WMP_NETWORK_FIREWALL0xC00D11B6Windows Media Player cannot play the file. A network firewall might be preventing the Player from opening the file by using the UDP transport protocol. If you typed a URL in the Open URL dialog box, try using a different transport protocol (for example, "http:").%0
NS_E_WMP_NO_REMOVABLE_MEDIA0xC00D11B7Insert the removable media, and then try again.%0
NS_E_WMP_PROXY_CONNECT_TIMEOUT0xC00D11B8Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the proxy server is not responding. The proxy server might be temporarily unavailable or your Player proxy settings might not be valid.%0
NS_E_WMP_NEED_UPGRADE0xC00D11B9To play the file, you might need to install a later version of Windows Media Player. On the Help menu, click Check for Updates, and then follow the instructions.%0
NS_E_WMP_AUDIO_HW_PROBLEM0xC00D11BAWindows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound device. There might not be a sound device installed on your computer, it might be in use by another program, or it might not be functioning properly.%0
NS_E_WMP_INVALID_PROTOCOL0xC00D11BBWindows Media Player cannot play the file because the specified protocol is not supported. If you typed a URL in the Open URL dialog box, try using a different transport protocol (for example, "http:" or "rtsp:").%0
NS_E_WMP_INVALID_LIBRARY_ADD0xC00D11BCWindows Media Player cannot add the file to the library because the file format is not supported.%0
NS_E_WMP_MMS_NOT_SUPPORTED0xC00D11BDWindows Media Player cannot play the file because the specified protocol is not supported. If you typed a URL in the Open URL dialog box, try using a different transport protocol (for example, "mms:").%0
NS_E_WMP_NO_PROTOCOLS_SELECTED0xC00D11BEWindows Media Player cannot play the file because there are no streaming protocols selected. Select one or more protocols, and then try again.%0
NS_E_WMP_GOFULLSCREEN_FAILED0xC00D11BFWindows Media Player cannot switch to Full Screen. You might need to adjust your Windows display settings. Open display settings in Control Panel, and then try setting Hardware acceleration to Full.%0
NS_E_WMP_NETWORK_ERROR0xC00D11C0Windows Media Player cannot play the file because a network error occurred. The server might not be available (for example, the server is busy or not online) or you might not be connected to the network.%0
NS_E_WMP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT0xC00D11C1Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the server is not responding. Verify that you are connected to the network, and then try again later.%0
NS_E_WMP_MULTICAST_DISABLED0xC00D11C2Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the multicast protocol is not enabled. On the Tools menu, click Options, click the Network tab, and then select the Multicast check box.%0
NS_E_WMP_SERVER_DNS_TIMEOUT0xC00D11C3Windows Media Player cannot play the file because a network problem occurred. Verify that you are connected to the network, and then try again later.%0
NS_E_WMP_PROXY_NOT_FOUND0xC00D11C4Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the network proxy server cannot be found. Verify that your proxy settings are correct, and then try again.%0
NS_E_WMP_TAMPERED_CONTENT0xC00D11C5Windows Media Player cannot play the file because it is corrupted.%0
NS_E_WMP_OUTOFMEMORY0xC00D11C6Your computer is running low on memory. Quit other programs, and then try again.%0
NS_E_WMP_AUDIO_CODEC_NOT_INSTALLED0xC00D11C7Windows Media Player cannot play, burn, rip, or sync the file because a required audio codec is not installed on your computer.%0
NS_E_WMP_VIDEO_CODEC_NOT_INSTALLED0xC00D11C8Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the required video codec is not installed on your computer.%0
NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_DEVICE_INVALIDTYPE0xC00D11C9Windows Media Player cannot burn the files. If the burner is busy, wait for the current task to finish. If necessary, verify that the burner is connected properly and that you have installed the latest device driver.%0
NS_E_WMP_DRM_DRIVER_AUTH_FAILURE0xC00D11CAWindows Media Player cannot play the protected file because there is a problem with your sound device. Try installing a new device driver or use a different sound device.%0
NS_E_WMP_NETWORK_RESOURCE_FAILURE0xC00D11CBWindows Media Player encountered a network error. Restart the Player.%0
NS_E_WMP_UPGRADE_APPLICATION0xC00D11CCWindows Media Player is not installed properly. Reinstall the Player.%0
NS_E_WMP_UNKNOWN_ERROR0xC00D11CDWindows Media Player encountered an unknown error.%0
NS_E_WMP_INVALID_KEY0xC00D11CEWindows Media Player cannot play the file because the required codec is not valid.%0
NS_E_WMP_CD_ANOTHER_USER0xC00D11CFThe CD drive is in use by another user. Wait for the task to complete, and then try again.%0
NS_E_WMP_DRM_NEEDS_AUTHORIZATION0xC00D11D0Windows Media Player cannot play, sync, or burn the protected file because a problem occurred with the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) system. You might need to connect to the Internet to update your DRM components.%0
NS_E_WMP_BAD_DRIVER0xC00D11D1Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there might be a problem with your sound or video device. Try installing an updated device driver.%0
NS_E_WMP_ACCESS_DENIED0xC00D11D2Windows Media Player cannot access the file. The file might be in use, you might not have access to the computer where the file is stored, or your proxy settings might not be correct.%0
NS_E_WMP_LICENSE_RESTRICTS0xC00D11D3The content provider prohibits this action. Go to the content provider's online store to get new media usage rights.%0
NS_E_WMP_INVALID_REQUEST0xC00D11D4Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action at this time.%0
NS_E_WMP_CD_STASH_NO_SPACE0xC00D11D5Windows Media Player cannot burn the files because there is not enough free disk space to store the temporary files. Delete some unneeded files on your hard disk, and then try again.%0
NS_E_WMP_DRM_NEW_HARDWARE0xC00D11D6Your media usage rights have become corrupted or are no longer valid. This might happen if you have replaced hardware components in your computer.%0
NS_E_WMP_DRM_INVALID_SIG0xC00D11D7The required Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) component cannot be validated. You might be able to resolve the problem by reinstalling the Player.%0
NS_E_WMP_DRM_CANNOT_RESTORE0xC00D11D8You have exceeded your restore limit for the day. Try restoring your media usage rights tomorrow.%0
NS_E_WMP_BURN_DISC_OVERFLOW0xC00D11D9Some files might not fit on the CD. The required space cannot be calculated accurately because some files might be missing duration information. To ensure the calculation is accurate, play the files that are missing duration information.%0
NS_E_WMP_DRM_GENERIC_LICENSE_FAILURE0xC00D11DAWindows Media Player cannot verify the file's media usage rights. If you obtained this file from an online store, go to the online store to get the necessary rights.%0
NS_E_WMP_DRM_NO_SECURE_CLOCK0xC00D11DBIt is not possible to sync because this device's internal clock is not set correctly. To set the clock, select the option to set the device clock on the Privacy tab of the Options dialog box, connect to the Internet, and then sync the device again. For additional assistance, click Web Help.%0
NS_E_WMP_DRM_NO_RIGHTS0xC00D11DCWindows Media Player cannot play, burn, rip, or sync the protected file because you do not have the appropriate rights.%0
NS_E_WMP_DRM_INDIV_FAILED0xC00D11DDWindows Media Player encountered an error during upgrade.%0
NS_E_WMP_SERVER_NONEWCONNECTIONS0xC00D11DEWindows Media Player cannot connect to the server because it is not accepting any new connections. This could be because it has reached its maximum connection limit. Please try again later.%0
NS_E_WMP_MULTIPLE_ERROR_IN_PLAYLIST0xC00D11DFA number of queued files cannot be played. To find information about the problem, click the icon next to each file in the List pane.%0
NS_E_WMP_IMAPI2_ERASE_FAIL0xC00D11E0Windows Media Player encountered an error while erasing the rewritable CD or DVD. Verify that the CD or DVD burner is connected properly and that the disc is clean and not damaged.%0
NS_E_WMP_IMAPI2_ERASE_DEVICE_BUSY0xC00D11E1Windows Media Player cannot erase the rewritable CD or DVD. Verify that the CD or DVD burner is connected properly and that the disc is clean and not damaged. If the burner is already in use, wait until the current task finishes or quit other programs that might be using the burner.%0
NS_E_WMP_DRM_COMPONENT_FAILURE0xC00D11E2A Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) component encountered a problem. Contact Microsoft Product Support.%0
NS_E_WMP_DRM_NO_DEVICE_CERT0xC00D11E3It is not possible to obtain the device's certificate. Please contact the device manufacturer for a firmware update or for other steps to resolve this problem.%0
NS_E_WMP_SERVER_SECURITY_ERROR0xC00D11E4Windows Media Player encountered an error when connecting to the server. The security information from the server could not be validated.%0
NS_E_WMP_AUDIO_DEVICE_LOST0xC00D11E5An audio device was disconnected or reconfigured. Verify that the audio device is connected, and then try to play the item again.%0
NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_MEDIA_INCOMPATIBLE0xC00D11E6Windows Media Player could not complete burning because the disc is not compatible with your drive. Try inserting a different kind of recordable media or use a disc that supports a write speed that is compatible with your drive.%0
NS_E_SYNCWIZ_DEVICE_FULL0xC00D11EEWindows Media Player cannot save the sync settings because your device is full. Delete some unneeded files on your device and then try again.%0
NS_E_SYNCWIZ_CANNOT_CHANGE_SETTINGS0xC00D11EFIt is not possible to change sync settings at this time. Try again later.%0
NS_E_TRANSCODE_DELETECACHEERROR0xC00D11F0Windows Media Player cannot delete these files right now. If the Player is syncing, wait until it is complete and then try again.%0
NS_E_CD_NO_BUFFERS_READ0xC00D11F8Windows Media Player could not use digital mode to read the CD. The Player has automatically switched the CD drive to analog mode. To switch back to digital mode, use the Devices tab.%0
NS_E_CD_EMPTY_TRACK_QUEUE0xC00D11F9No CD track was specified for playback.%0
NS_E_CD_NO_READER0xC00D11FAThe CD filter was not able to create the CD reader.%0
NS_E_CD_ISRC_INVALID0xC00D11FBInvalid ISRC code.%0
NS_E_CD_MEDIA_CATALOG_NUMBER_INVALID0xC00D11FCInvalid Media Catalog Number.%0
NS_E_SLOW_READ_DIGITAL_WITH_ERRORCORRECTION0xC00D11FDWindows Media Player cannot play audio CDs correctly because the CD drive is slow and error correction is turned on. To increase performance, turn off playback error correction for this drive.%0
NS_E_CD_SPEEDDETECT_NOT_ENOUGH_READS0xC00D11FEWindows Media Player cannot estimate the CD drive's playback speed because the CD track is too short.%0
NS_E_CD_QUEUEING_DISABLED0xC00D11FFCannot queue the CD track because queuing is not enabled.%0
NS_E_WMP_DRM_ACQUIRING_LICENSE0xC00D1202Windows Media Player cannot download additional media usage rights until the current download is complete.%0
NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_EXPIRED0xC00D1203The media usage rights for this file have expired or are no longer valid. If you obtained the file from an online store, sign in to the store, and then try again.%0
NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_NOTACQUIRED0xC00D1204Windows Media Player cannot download the media usage rights for the file. If you obtained the file from an online store, sign in to the store, and then try again.%0
NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_NOTENABLED0xC00D1205The media usage rights for this file are not yet valid. To see when they will become valid, right-click the file in the library, click Properties, and then click the Media Usage Rights tab.%0
NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_UNUSABLE0xC00D1206The media usage rights for this file are not valid. If you obtained this file from an online store, contact the store for assistance.%0
NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_CONTENT_REVOKED0xC00D1207The content provider has revoked the media usage rights for this file. If you obtained this file from an online store, ask the store if a new version of the file is available.%0
NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_NOSAP0xC00D1208The media usage rights for this file require a feature that is not supported in your current version of Windows Media Player or your current version of Windows. If you obtained this file from an online store, contact the store for further assistance.%0
NS_E_WMP_DRM_UNABLE_TO_ACQUIRE_LICENSE0xC00D1209Windows Media Player cannot download media usage rights at this time. Try again later.%0
NS_E_WMP_LICENSE_REQUIRED0xC00D120AWindows Media Player cannot play, burn, or sync the file because the media usage rights are missing. If you obtained the file from an online store, sign in to the store, and then try again.%0
NS_E_WMP_PROTECTED_CONTENT0xC00D120BWindows Media Player cannot play, burn, or sync the file because the media usage rights are missing. If you obtained the file from an online store, sign in to the store, and then try again.%0
NS_E_WMP_POLICY_VALUE_NOT_CONFIGURED0xC00D122AWindows Media Player cannot read a policy. This can occur when the policy does not exist in the registry or when the registry cannot be read.%0
NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_SYNC_FROM_INTERNET0xC00D1234Windows Media Player cannot sync content streamed directly from the Internet. If possible, download the file to your computer, and then try to sync the file.%0
NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_SYNC_INVALID_PLAYLIST0xC00D1235This playlist is not valid or is corrupted. Create a new playlist using Windows Media Player, then sync the new playlist instead.%0
NS_E_PDA_FAILED_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_FILE0xC00D1236Windows Media Player encountered a problem while syncing the file to the device.%0
NS_E_PDA_SYNC_FAILED0xC00D1237Windows Media Player encountered an error while syncing to the device.%0
NS_E_PDA_DELETE_FAILED0xC00D1238Windows Media Player cannot delete a file from the device.%0
NS_E_PDA_FAILED_TO_RETRIEVE_FILE0xC00D1239Windows Media Player cannot copy a file from the device to your library.%0
NS_E_PDA_DEVICE_NOT_RESPONDING0xC00D123AWindows Media Player cannot communicate with the device because the device is not responding. Try reconnecting the device, resetting the device, or contacting the device manufacturer for updated firmware.%0
NS_E_PDA_FAILED_TO_TRANSCODE_PHOTO0xC00D123BWindows Media Player cannot sync the picture to the device because a problem occurred while converting the file to another quality level or format. The original file might be damaged or corrupted.%0
NS_E_PDA_FAILED_TO_ENCRYPT_TRANSCODED_FILE0xC00D123CWindows Media Player cannot convert the file. The file might have been encrypted by the Encrypted File System (EFS). Try decrypting the file first and then syncing it. For information about how to decrypt a file, see Windows Help and Support.%0
NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_TRANSCODE_TO_AUDIO0xC00D123DYour device requires that this file be converted in order to play on the device. However, the device either does not support playing audio, or Windows Media Player cannot convert the file to an audio format that is supported by the device.%0
NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_TRANSCODE_TO_VIDEO0xC00D123EYour device requires that this file be converted in order to play on the device. However, the device either does not support playing video, or Windows Media Player cannot convert the file to a video format that is supported by the device.%0
NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_TRANSCODE_TO_IMAGE0xC00D123FYour device requires that this file be converted in order to play on the device. However, the device either does not support displaying pictures, or Windows Media Player cannot convert the file to a picture format that is supported by the device.%0
NS_E_PDA_RETRIEVED_FILE_FILENAME_TOO_LONG0xC00D1240Windows Media Player cannot sync the file to your computer because the file name is too long. Try renaming the file on the device.%0
NS_E_PDA_CEWMDM_DRM_ERROR0xC00D1241Windows Media Player cannot sync the file because the device is not responding. This typically occurs when there is a problem with the device firmwa re.%0
NS_E_PDA_SYNC_RUNNING0xC00D1243It is not possible to perform the requested action because sync is in progress. You can either stop sync or wait for it to complete, and then try again.%0
NS_E_PDA_SYNC_LOGIN_ERROR0xC00D1244Windows Media Player cannot sync the subscription content because you are not signed in to the online store that provided it. Sign in to the online store, and then try again.%0
NS_E_PDA_TRANSCODE_CODEC_NOT_FOUND0xC00D1245Windows Media Player cannot convert the file to the format required by the device. One or more codecs required to convert the file could not be found.%0
NS_E_CANNOT_SYNC_DRM_TO_NON_JANUS_DEVICE0xC00D1246It is not possible to sync subscription files to this device.%0
NS_E_CANNOT_SYNC_PREVIOUS_SYNC_RUNNING0xC00D1247Your device is operating slowly or is not responding. Until the device responds, it is not possible to sync again. To return the device to normal operation, try disconnecting it from the computer or resetting it.%0
NS_E_WMP_HWND_NOTFOUND0xC00D125CThe Windows Media Player download manager cannot function properly because the Player main window cannot be found. Try restarting the Player.%0
NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_WRONG_NO_FILES0xC00D125DWindows Media Player encountered a download that has the wrong number of files. This might occur if another program is trying to create jobs with the same signature as the Player.%0
NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_COMPLETECANCELLEDJOB0xC00D125EWindows Media Player tried to complete a download that was already canceled. The file will not be available.%0
NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_CANCELCOMPLETEDJOB0xC00D125FWindows Media Player tried to cancel a download that was already completed. The file will not be removed.%0
NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_NOJOBPOINTER0xC00D1260Windows Media Player is trying to access a download that is not valid.%0
NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_INVALIDJOBSIGNATURE0xC00D1261This download was not created by Windows Media Player.%0
NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_FAILED_TO_CREATE_TEMPFILE0xC00D1262The Windows Media Player download manager cannot create a temporary file name. This might occur if the path is not valid or if the disk is full.%0
NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_PLUGIN_FAILEDINITIALIZE0xC00D1263The Windows Media Player download manager plug-in cannot start. This might occur if the system is out of resources.%0
NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_PLUGIN_FAILEDTOMOVEFILE0xC00D1264The Windows Media Player download manager cannot move the file.%0
NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_CALLFUNCFAILED0xC00D1265The Windows Media Player download manager cannot perform a task because the system has no resources to allocate.%0
NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_CALLFUNCTIMEOUT0xC00D1266The Windows Media Player download manager cannot perform a task because the task took too long to run.%0
NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_CALLFUNCENDED0xC00D1267The Windows Media Player download manager cannot perform a task because the Player is terminating the service. The task will be recovered when the Player restarts.%0
NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_WMDUNPACKFAILED0xC00D1268The Windows Media Player download manager cannot expand a WMD file. The file will be deleted and the operation will not be completed successfully.%0
NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_FAILEDINITIALIZE0xC00D1269The Windows Media Player download manager cannot start. This might occur if the system is out of resources.%0
NS_E_INTERFACE_NOT_REGISTERED_IN_GIT0xC00D126AWindows Media Player cannot access a required functionality. This might occur if the wrong system files or Player DLLs are loaded.%0
NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_INVALID_FILE_NAME0xC00D126BWindows Media Player cannot get the file name of the requested download. The requested download will be canceled.%0
NS_E_IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED0xC00D128EWindows Media Player encountered an error while downloading an image.%0
NS_E_WMP_UDRM_NOUSERLIST0xC00D12C0Windows Media Player cannot update your media usage rights because the Player cannot verify the list of activated users of this computer.%0
NS_E_WMP_DRM_NOT_ACQUIRING0xC00D12C1Windows Media Player is trying to acquire media usage rights for a file that is no longer being used. Rights acquisition will stop.%0
NS_E_WMP_BSTR_TOO_LONG0xC00D12F2The parameter is not valid.%0
NS_E_WMP_AUTOPLAY_INVALID_STATE0xC00D12FCThe state is not valid for this request.%0
NS_E_WMP_COMPONENT_REVOKED0xC00D1306Windows Media Player cannot play this file until you complete the software component upgrade. After the component has been upgraded, try to play the file again.%0
NS_E_CURL_NOTSAFE0xC00D1324The URL is not safe for the operation specified.%0
NS_E_CURL_INVALIDCHAR0xC00D1325The URL contains one or more characters that are not valid.%0
NS_E_CURL_INVALIDHOSTNAME0xC00D1326The URL contains a host name that is not valid.%0
NS_E_CURL_INVALIDPATH0xC00D1327The URL contains a path that is not valid.%0
NS_E_CURL_INVALIDSCHEME0xC00D1328The URL contains a scheme that is not valid.%0
NS_E_CURL_INVALIDURL0xC00D1329The URL is not valid.%0
NS_E_CURL_CANTWALK0xC00D132BWindows Media Player cannot play the file. If you clicked a link on a web page, the link might not be valid.%0
NS_E_CURL_INVALIDPORT0xC00D132CThe URL port is not valid.%0
NS_E_CURLHELPER_NOTADIRECTORY0xC00D132DThe URL is not a directory.%0
NS_E_CURLHELPER_NOTAFILE0xC00D132EThe URL is not a file.%0
NS_E_CURL_CANTDECODE0xC00D132FThe URL contains characters that cannot be decoded. The URL might be truncated or incomplete.%0
NS_E_CURLHELPER_NOTRELATIVE0xC00D1330The specified URL is not a relative URL.%0
NS_E_CURL_INVALIDBUFFERSIZE0xC00D1331The buffer is smaller than the size specified.%0
NS_E_SUBSCRIPTIONSERVICE_PLAYBACK_DISALLOWED0xC00D1356The content provider has not granted you the right to play this file. Go to the content provider's online store to get play rights.%0
NS_E_CANNOT_BUY_OR_DOWNLOAD_FROM_MULTIPLE_SERVICES0xC00D1357Windows Media Player cannot purchase or download content from multiple online stores.%0
NS_E_CANNOT_BUY_OR_DOWNLOAD_CONTENT0xC00D1358The file cannot be purchased or downloaded. The file might not be available from the online store.%0
NS_E_NOT_CONTENT_PARTNER_TRACK0xC00D135AThe provider of this file cannot be identified.%0
NS_E_TRACK_DOWNLOAD_REQUIRES_ALBUM_PURCHASE0xC00D135BThe file is only available for download when you buy the entire album.%0
NS_E_TRACK_DOWNLOAD_REQUIRES_PURCHASE0xC00D135CYou must buy the file before you can download it.%0
NS_E_TRACK_PURCHASE_MAXIMUM_EXCEEDED0xC00D135DYou have exceeded the maximum number of files that can be purchased in a single transaction.%0
NS_E_SUBSCRIPTIONSERVICE_LOGIN_FAILED0xC00D135FWindows Media Player cannot sign in to the online store. Verify that you are using the correct user name and password. If the problem persists, the store might be temporarily unavailable.%0
NS_E_SUBSCRIPTIONSERVICE_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT0xC00D1360Windows Media Player cannot download this item because the server is not responding. The server might be temporarily unavailable or you might have lost your Internet connection.%0
NS_E_CONTENT_PARTNER_STILL_INITIALIZING0xC00D1362The content provider is still initializing.
NS_E_OPEN_CONTAINING_FOLDER_FAILED0xC00D1363The folder could not be opened. The folder might have been moved or deleted.
NS_E_ADVANCEDEDIT_TOO_MANY_PICTURES0xC00D136AWindows Media Player could not add all of the images to the file because the images exceeded the 7 megabyte (MB) limit.%0
NS_E_REDIRECT0xC00D1388The client redirected to another server.%0
NS_E_STALE_PRESENTATION0xC00D1389The streaming media description is no longer current.%0
NS_E_NAMESPACE_WRONG_PERSIST0xC00D138AIt is not possible to create a persistent namespace node under a transient parent node.%0
NS_E_NAMESPACE_WRONG_TYPE0xC00D138BIt is not possible to store a value in a namespace node that has a different value type.%0
NS_E_NAMESPACE_NODE_CONFLICT0xC00D138CIt is not possible to remove the root namespace node.%0
NS_E_NAMESPACE_NODE_NOT_FOUND0xC00D138DThe specified namespace node could not be found.%0
NS_E_NAMESPACE_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL0xC00D138EThe buffer supplied to hold namespace node string is too small.%0
NS_E_NAMESPACE_TOO_MANY_CALLBACKS0xC00D138FThe callback list on a namespace node is at the maximum size.%0
NS_E_NAMESPACE_DUPLICATE_CALLBACK0xC00D1390It is not possible to register an already-registered callback on a namespace node.%0
NS_E_NAMESPACE_CALLBACK_NOT_FOUND0xC00D1391Cannot find the callback in the namespace when attempting to remove the callback.%0
NS_E_NAMESPACE_NAME_TOO_LONG0xC00D1392The namespace node name exceeds the allowed maximum length.%0
NS_E_NAMESPACE_DUPLICATE_NAME0xC00D1393Cannot create a namespace node that already exists.%0
NS_E_NAMESPACE_EMPTY_NAME0xC00D1394The namespace node name cannot be a null string.%0
NS_E_NAMESPACE_INDEX_TOO_LARGE0xC00D1395Finding a child namespace node by index failed because the index exceeded the number of children.%0
NS_E_NAMESPACE_BAD_NAME0xC00D1396The namespace node name is invalid.%0
NS_E_NAMESPACE_WRONG_SECURITY0xC00D1397It is not possible to store a value in a namespace node that has a different security type.%0
NS_E_CACHE_ARCHIVE_CONFLICT0xC00D13ECThe archive request conflicts with other requests in progress.%0
NS_E_CACHE_ORIGIN_SERVER_NOT_FOUND0xC00D13EDThe specified origin server cannot be found.%0
NS_E_CACHE_ORIGIN_SERVER_TIMEOUT0xC00D13EEThe specified origin server is not responding.%0
NS_E_CACHE_NOT_BROADCAST0xC00D13EFThe internal code for HTTP status code 412 Precondition Failed due to not broadcast type.%0
NS_E_CACHE_CANNOT_BE_CACHED0xC00D13F0The internal code for HTTP status code 403 Forbidden due to not cacheable.%0
NS_E_CACHE_NOT_MODIFIED0xC00D13F1The internal code for HTTP status code 304 Not Modified.%0
NS_E_CANNOT_REMOVE_PUBLISHING_POINT0xC00D1450It is not possible to remove a cache or proxy publishing point.%0
NS_E_CANNOT_REMOVE_PLUGIN0xC00D1451It is not possible to remove the last instance of a type of plug-in.%0
NS_E_WRONG_PUBLISHING_POINT_TYPE0xC00D1452Cache and proxy publishing points do not support this property or method.%0
NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_LOAD_TYPE0xC00D1453The plug-in does not support the specified load type.%0
NS_E_INVALID_PLUGIN_LOAD_TYPE_CONFIGURATION0xC00D1454The plug-in does not support any load types. The plug-in must support at least one load type.%0
NS_E_INVALID_PUBLISHING_POINT_NAME0xC00D1455The publishing point name is invalid.%0
NS_E_TOO_MANY_MULTICAST_SINKS0xC00D1456Only one multicast data writer plug-in can be enabled for a publishing point.%0
NS_E_PUBLISHING_POINT_INVALID_REQUEST_WHILE_STARTED0xC00D1457The requested operation cannot be completed while the publishing point is started.%0
NS_E_MULTICAST_PLUGIN_NOT_ENABLED0xC00D1458A multicast data writer plug-in must be enabled in order for this operation to be completed.%0
NS_E_INVALID_OPERATING_SYSTEM_VERSION0xC00D1459This feature requires Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition.%0
NS_E_PUBLISHING_POINT_REMOVED0xC00D145AThe requested operation cannot be completed because the specified publishing point has been removed.%0
NS_E_INVALID_PUSH_PUBLISHING_POINT_START_REQUEST0xC00D145BPush publishing points are started when the encoder starts pushing the stream. This publishing point cannot be started by the server administrator.%0
NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_LANGUAGE0xC00D145CThe specified language is not supported.%0
NS_E_WRONG_OS_VERSION0xC00D145DWindows Media Services will only run on Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition and Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition.%0
NS_E_PUBLISHING_POINT_STOPPED0xC00D145EThe operation cannot be completed because the publishing point has been stopped.%0
NS_E_PLAYLIST_ENTRY_ALREADY_PLAYING0xC00D14B4The playlist entry is already playing.%0
NS_E_EMPTY_PLAYLIST0xC00D14B5The playlist or directory you are requesting does not contain content.%0
NS_E_PLAYLIST_PARSE_FAILURE0xC00D14B6The server was unable to parse the requested playlist file.%0
NS_E_PLAYLIST_UNSUPPORTED_ENTRY0xC00D14B7The requested operation is not supported for this type of playlist entry.%0
NS_E_PLAYLIST_ENTRY_NOT_IN_PLAYLIST0xC00D14B8Cannot jump to a playlist entry that is not inserted in the playlist.%0
NS_E_PLAYLIST_ENTRY_SEEK0xC00D14B9Cannot seek to the desired playlist entry.%0
NS_E_PLAYLIST_RECURSIVE_PLAYLISTS0xC00D14BACannot play recursive playlist.%0
NS_E_PLAYLIST_TOO_MANY_NESTED_PLAYLISTS0xC00D14BBThe number of nested playlists exceeded the limit the server can handle.%0
NS_E_PLAYLIST_SHUTDOWN0xC00D14BCCannot execute the requested operation because the playlist has been shut down by the Media Server.%0
NS_E_PLAYLIST_END_RECEDING0xC00D14BDThe playlist has ended while receding.%0
NS_E_DATAPATH_NO_SINK0xC00D1518The data path does not have an associated data writer plug-in.%0
NS_E_INVALID_PUSH_TEMPLATE0xC00D151AThe specified push template is invalid.%0
NS_E_INVALID_PUSH_PUBLISHING_POINT0xC00D151BThe specified push publishing point is invalid.%0
NS_E_CRITICAL_ERROR0xC00D151CThe requested operation cannot be performed because the server or publishing point is in a critical error state.%0
NS_E_NO_NEW_CONNECTIONS0xC00D151DThe content can not be played because the server is not currently accepting connections. Try connecting at a later time.%0
NS_E_WSX_INVALID_VERSION0xC00D151EThe version of this playlist is not supported by the server.%0
NS_E_HEADER_MISMATCH0xC00D151FThe command does not apply to the current media header user by a server component.%0
NS_E_PUSH_DUPLICATE_PUBLISHING_POINT_NAME0xC00D1520The specified publishing point name is already in use.%0
NS_E_NO_SCRIPT_ENGINE0xC00D157CThere is no script engine available for this file.%0
NS_E_PLUGIN_ERROR_REPORTED0xC00D157DThe plug-in has reported an error. See the Troubleshooting tab or the NT Application Event Log for details.%0
NS_E_SOURCE_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND0xC00D157ENo enabled data source plug-in is available to access the requested content.%0
NS_E_PLAYLIST_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND0xC00D157FNo enabled playlist parser plug-in is available to access the requested content.%0
NS_E_DATA_SOURCE_ENUMERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED0xC00D1580The data source plug-in does not support enumeration.%0
NS_E_MEDIA_PARSER_INVALID_FORMAT0xC00D1581The server cannot stream the selected file because it is either damaged or corrupt. Select a different file.%0
NS_E_SCRIPT_DEBUGGER_NOT_INSTALLED0xC00D1582The plug-in cannot be enabled because a compatible script debugger is not installed on this system. Install a script debugger, or disable the script debugger option on the general tab of the plug-in's properties page and try again.%0
NS_E_FEATURE_REQUIRES_ENTERPRISE_SERVER0xC00D1583The plug-in cannot be loaded because it requires Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition.%0
NS_E_WIZARD_RUNNING0xC00D1584Another wizard is currently running. Please close the other wizard or wait until it finishes before attempting to run this wizard again.%0
NS_E_INVALID_LOG_URL0xC00D1585Invalid log URL. Multicast logging URL must look like "http://servername/isapibackend.dll" .%0
NS_E_INVALID_MTU_RANGE0xC00D1586Invalid MTU specified. The valid range for maximum packet size is between 36 and 65507 bytes .%0
NS_E_INVALID_PLAY_STATISTICS0xC00D1587Invalid play statistics for logging .%0
NS_E_LOG_NEED_TO_BE_SKIPPED0xC00D1588The log needs to be skipped .%0
NS_E_HTTP_TEXT_DATACONTAINER_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED0xC00D1589The size of the data exceeded the limit the WMS HTTP Download Data Source plugin can handle.%0
NS_E_PORT_IN_USE0xC00D158AOne usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is permitted. Verify that other services or applications are not attempting to use the same port and then try to enable the plug-in again.%0
NS_E_PORT_IN_USE_HTTP0xC00D158BOne usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is permitted. Verify that other services (such as IIS) or applications are not attempting to use the same port and then try to enable the plug-in again.%0
NS_E_HTTP_TEXT_DATACONTAINER_INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE0xC00D158CThe WMS HTTP Download Data Source plugin was unable to receive the remote server's response.%0
NS_E_ARCHIVE_REACH_QUOTA0xC00D158DThe archive plug-in has reached its quota.%0
NS_E_ARCHIVE_ABORT_DUE_TO_BCAST0xC00D158EThe archive plug-in aborted because the source was from broadcast.%0
NS_E_ARCHIVE_GAP_DETECTED0xC00D158FThe archive plug-in detected an interrupt in the source.%0
NS_E_AUTHORIZATION_FILE_NOT_FOUND0xC00D1590The system cannot find the file specified.%0
NS_E_BAD_MARKIN0xC00D1B58The mark-in time should be greater than 0 and less than the mark-out time.%0
NS_E_BAD_MARKOUT0xC00D1B59The mark-out time should be greater than the mark-in time and less than the file duration.%0
NS_E_NOMATCHING_MEDIASOURCE0xC00D1B5ANo matching media type is found in the source %1.%0
NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_SOURCETYPE0xC00D1B5BThe specified source type is not supported.%0
NS_E_TOO_MANY_AUDIO0xC00D1B5CIt is not possible to specify more than one audio input.%0
NS_E_TOO_MANY_VIDEO0xC00D1B5DIt is not possible to specify more than two video inputs.%0
NS_E_NOMATCHING_ELEMENT0xC00D1B5ENo matching element is found in the list.%0
NS_E_MISMATCHED_MEDIACONTENT0xC00D1B5FThe profile's media types must match the media types defined for the session.%0
NS_E_CANNOT_DELETE_ACTIVE_SOURCEGROUP0xC00D1B60It is not possible to remove an active source while encoding.%0
NS_E_AUDIODEVICE_BUSY0xC00D1B61It is not possible to open the specified audio capture device because it is currently in use.%0
NS_E_AUDIODEVICE_UNEXPECTED0xC00D1B62It is not possible to open the specified audio capture device because an unexpected error has occurred.%0
NS_E_AUDIODEVICE_BADFORMAT0xC00D1B63The audio capture device does not support the specified audio format.%0
NS_E_VIDEODEVICE_BUSY0xC00D1B64It is not possible to open the specified video capture device because it is currently in use.%0
NS_E_VIDEODEVICE_UNEXPECTED0xC00D1B65It is not possible to open the specified video capture device because an unexpected error has occurred.%0
NS_E_INVALIDCALL_WHILE_ENCODER_RUNNING0xC00D1B66This operation is not allowed while encoding.%0
NS_E_NO_PROFILE_IN_SOURCEGROUP0xC00D1B67No profile is set for the source.%0
NS_E_VIDEODRIVER_UNSTABLE0xC00D1B68The video capture driver returned an unrecoverable error. It is now in an unstable state.%0
NS_E_VIDCAPSTARTFAILED0xC00D1B69It was not possible to start the video device.%0
NS_E_VIDSOURCECOMPRESSION0xC00D1B6AThe video source does not support the requested output format or color depth.%0
NS_E_VIDSOURCESIZE0xC00D1B6BThe video source does not support the requested capture size.%0
NS_E_ICMQUERYFORMAT0xC00D1B6CIt was not possible to obtain output information from the video compressor.%0
NS_E_VIDCAPCREATEWINDOW0xC00D1B6DIt was not possible to create a video capture window.%0
NS_E_VIDCAPDRVINUSE0xC00D1B6EThere is already a stream active on this video device.%0
NS_E_NO_MEDIAFORMAT_IN_SOURCE0xC00D1B6FNo media format is set in source.%0
NS_E_NO_VALID_OUTPUT_STREAM0xC00D1B70Cannot find a valid output stream from the source.%0
NS_E_NO_VALID_SOURCE_PLUGIN0xC00D1B71It was not possible to find a valid source plug-in for the specified source.%0
NS_E_NO_ACTIVE_SOURCEGROUP0xC00D1B72No source is currently active.%0
NS_E_NO_SCRIPT_STREAM0xC00D1B73No script stream is set in the current source.%0
NS_E_INVALIDCALL_WHILE_ARCHIVAL_RUNNING0xC00D1B74This operation is not allowed while archiving.%0
NS_E_INVALIDPACKETSIZE0xC00D1B75The setting for the maximum packet size is not valid.%0
NS_E_PLUGIN_CLSID_INVALID0xC00D1B76The plug-in CLSID specified is not valid.%0
NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_ARCHIVETYPE0xC00D1B77This archive type is not supported.%0
NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_ARCHIVEOPERATION0xC00D1B78This archive operation is not supported.%0
NS_E_ARCHIVE_FILENAME_NOTSET0xC00D1B79The local archive file name was not set.%0
NS_E_SOURCEGROUP_NOTPREPARED0xC00D1B7AThe source is not yet prepared.%0
NS_E_PROFILE_MISMATCH0xC00D1B7BProfiles on the sources do not match.%0
NS_E_INCORRECTCLIPSETTINGS0xC00D1B7CThe specified crop values are not valid.%0
NS_E_NOSTATSAVAILABLE0xC00D1B7DNo statistics are available at this time.%0
NS_E_NOTARCHIVING0xC00D1B7EThe encoder is not archiving.%0
NS_E_INVALIDCALL_WHILE_ENCODER_STOPPED0xC00D1B7FThis operation is only allowed during encoding.%0
NS_E_NOSOURCEGROUPS0xC00D1B80This SourceGroupCollection doesn't contain any SourceGroups.%0
NS_E_INVALIDINPUTFPS0xC00D1B81This source does not have a frame rate of 30 fps. Therefore, it is not possible to apply the inverse telecine filter to the source.%0
NS_E_NO_DATAVIEW_SUPPORT0xC00D1B82It is not possible to display your source or output video in the Video panel.%0
NS_E_CODEC_UNAVAILABLE0xC00D1B83One or more codecs required to open this content could not be found.%0
NS_E_ARCHIVE_SAME_AS_INPUT0xC00D1B84The archive file has the same name as an input file. Change one of the names before continuing.%0
NS_E_SOURCE_NOTSPECIFIED0xC00D1B85The source has not been set up completely.%0
NS_E_NO_REALTIME_TIMECOMPRESSION0xC00D1B86It is not possible to apply time compression to a broadcast session.%0
NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_ENCODER_DEVICE0xC00D1B87It is not possible to open this device.%0
NS_E_UNEXPECTED_DISPLAY_SETTINGS0xC00D1B88It is not possible to start encoding because the display size or color has changed since the current session was defined. Restore the previous settings or create a new session.%0
NS_E_NO_AUDIODATA0xC00D1B89No audio data has been received for several seconds. Check the audio source and restart the encoder.%0
NS_E_INPUTSOURCE_PROBLEM0xC00D1B8AOne or all of the specified sources are not working properly. Check that the sources are configured correctly.%0
NS_E_WME_VERSION_MISMATCH0xC00D1B8BThe supplied configuration file is not supported by this version of the encoder.%0
NS_E_NO_REALTIME_PREPROCESS0xC00D1B8CIt is not possible to use image preprocessing with live encoding.%0
NS_E_NO_REPEAT_PREPROCESS0xC00D1B8DIt is not possible to use two-pass encoding when the source is set to loop.%0
NS_E_CANNOT_PAUSE_LIVEBROADCAST0xC00D1B8EIt is not possible to pause encoding during a broadcast.%0
NS_E_DRM_PROFILE_NOT_SET0xC00D1B8FA DRM profile has not been set for the current session.%0
NS_E_DUPLICATE_DRMPROFILE0xC00D1B90The profile ID is already used by a DRM profile. Specify a different profile ID.%0
NS_E_INVALID_DEVICE0xC00D1B91The setting of the selected device does not support control for playing back tapes.%0
NS_E_SPEECHEDL_ON_NON_MIXEDMODE0xC00D1B92You must specify a mixed voice and audio mode in order to use an optimization definition file.%0
NS_E_DRM_PASSWORD_TOO_LONG0xC00D1B93The specified password is too long. Type a password with fewer than 8 characters.%0
NS_E_DEVCONTROL_FAILED_SEEK0xC00D1B94It is not possible to seek to the specified mark-in point.%0
NS_E_INTERLACE_REQUIRE_SAMESIZE0xC00D1B95When you choose to maintain the interlacing in your video, the output video size must match the input video size.%0
NS_E_TOO_MANY_DEVICECONTROL0xC00D1B96Only one device control plug-in can control a device.%0
NS_E_NO_MULTIPASS_FOR_LIVEDEVICE0xC00D1B97You must also enable storing content to hard disk temporarily in order to use two-pass encoding with the input device.%0
NS_E_MISSING_AUDIENCE0xC00D1B98An audience is missing from the output stream configuration.%0
NS_E_AUDIENCE_CONTENTTYPE_MISMATCH0xC00D1B99All audiences in the output tree must have the same content type.%0
NS_E_MISSING_SOURCE_INDEX0xC00D1B9AA source index is missing from the output stream configuration.%0
NS_E_NUM_LANGUAGE_MISMATCH0xC00D1B9BThe same source index in different audiences should have the same number of languages.%0
NS_E_LANGUAGE_MISMATCH0xC00D1B9CThe same source index in different audiences should have the same languages.%0
NS_E_VBRMODE_MISMATCH0xC00D1B9DThe same source index in different audiences should use the same VBR encoding mode.%0
NS_E_INVALID_INPUT_AUDIENCE_INDEX0xC00D1B9EThe bit rate index specified is not valid.%0
NS_E_INVALID_INPUT_LANGUAGE0xC00D1B9FThe specified language is not valid.%0
NS_E_INVALID_INPUT_STREAM0xC00D1BA0The specified source type is not valid.%0
NS_E_EXPECT_MONO_WAV_INPUT0xC00D1BA1The source must be a mono channel .wav file.%0
NS_E_INPUT_WAVFORMAT_MISMATCH0xC00D1BA2All the source .wav files must have the same format.%0
NS_E_RECORDQ_DISK_FULL0xC00D1BA3The hard disk being used for temporary storage of content has reached the minimum allowed disk space. Create more space on the hard disk and restart encoding.%0
NS_E_NO_PAL_INVERSE_TELECINE0xC00D1BA4It is not possible to apply the inverse telecine feature to PAL content.%0
NS_E_ACTIVE_SG_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED0xC00D1BA5A capture device in the current active source is no longer available.%0
NS_E_ACTIVE_SG_DEVICE_CONTROL_DISCONNECTED0xC00D1BA6A device used in the current active source for device control is no longer available.%0
NS_E_NO_FRAMES_SUBMITTED_TO_ANALYZER0xC00D1BA7No frames have been submitted to the analyzer for analysis.%0
NS_E_INPUT_DOESNOT_SUPPORT_SMPTE0xC00D1BA8The source video does not support time codes.%0
NS_E_NO_SMPTE_WITH_MULTIPLE_SOURCEGROUPS0xC00D1BA9It is not possible to generate a time code when there are multiple sources in a session.%0
NS_E_BAD_CONTENTEDL0xC00D1BAAThe voice codec optimization definition file can not be found or is corrupted.%0
NS_E_INTERLACEMODE_MISMATCH0xC00D1BABThe same source index in different audiences should have the same interlace mode.%0
NS_E_NONSQUAREPIXELMODE_MISMATCH0xC00D1BACThe same source index in different audiences should have the same nonsquare pixel mode.%0
NS_E_SMPTEMODE_MISMATCH0xC00D1BADThe same source index in different audiences should have the same time code mode.%0
NS_E_END_OF_TAPE0xC00D1BAEEither the end of the tape has been reached or there is no tape. Check the device and tape.%0
NS_E_NO_MEDIA_IN_AUDIENCE0xC00D1BAFNo audio or video input has been specified.%0
NS_E_NO_AUDIENCES0xC00D1BB0The profile must contain a bit rate.%0
NS_E_NO_AUDIO_COMPAT0xC00D1BB1You must specify at least one audio stream to be compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1.%0
NS_E_INVALID_VBR_COMPAT0xC00D1BB2Using a VBR encoding mode is not compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1.%0
NS_E_NO_PROFILE_NAME0xC00D1BB3You must specify a profile name.%0
NS_E_INVALID_VBR_WITH_UNCOMP0xC00D1BB4It is not possible to use a VBR encoding mode with uncompressed audio or video.%0
NS_E_MULTIPLE_VBR_AUDIENCES0xC00D1BB5It is not possible to use MBR encoding with VBR encoding.%0
NS_E_UNCOMP_COMP_COMBINATION0xC00D1BB6It is not possible to mix uncompressed and compressed content in a session.%0
NS_E_MULTIPLE_AUDIO_CODECS0xC00D1BB7All audiences must use the same audio codec.%0
NS_E_MULTIPLE_AUDIO_FORMATS0xC00D1BB8All audiences should use the same audio format to be compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1.%0
NS_E_AUDIO_BITRATE_STEPDOWN0xC00D1BB9The audio bit rate for an audience with a higher total bit rate must be greater than one with a lower total bit rate.%0
NS_E_INVALID_AUDIO_PEAKRATE0xC00D1BBAThe audio peak bit rate setting is not valid.%0
NS_E_INVALID_AUDIO_PEAKRATE_20xC00D1BBBThe audio peak bit rate setting must be greater than the audio bit rate setting.%0
NS_E_INVALID_AUDIO_BUFFERMAX0xC00D1BBCThe setting for the maximum buffer size for audio is not valid.%0
NS_E_MULTIPLE_VIDEO_CODECS0xC00D1BBDAll audiences must use the same video codec.%0
NS_E_MULTIPLE_VIDEO_SIZES0xC00D1BBEAll audiences should use the same video size to be compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1.%0
NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_BITRATE0xC00D1BBFThe video bit rate setting is not valid.%0
NS_E_VIDEO_BITRATE_STEPDOWN0xC00D1BC0The video bit rate for an audience with a higher total bit rate must be greater than one with a lower total bit rate.%0
NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_PEAKRATE0xC00D1BC1The video peak bit rate setting is not valid.%0
NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_PEAKRATE_20xC00D1BC2The video peak bit rate setting must be greater than the video bit rate setting.%0
NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_WIDTH0xC00D1BC3The video width setting is not valid.%0
NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_HEIGHT0xC00D1BC4The video height setting is not valid.%0
NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_FPS0xC00D1BC5The video frame rate setting is not valid.%0
NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_KEYFRAME0xC00D1BC6The video key frame setting is not valid.%0
NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_IQUALITY0xC00D1BC7The video image quality setting is not valid.%0
NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_CQUALITY0xC00D1BC8The video codec quality setting is not valid.%0
NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_BUFFER0xC00D1BC9The video buffer setting is not valid.%0
NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_BUFFERMAX0xC00D1BCAThe setting for the maximum buffer size for video is not valid.%0
NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_BUFFERMAX_20xC00D1BCBThe value of the video maximum buffer size setting must be greater than the video buffer size setting.%0
NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_WIDTH_ALIGN0xC00D1BCCThe alignment of the video width is not valid.%0
NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_HEIGHT_ALIGN0xC00D1BCDThe alignment of the video height is not valid.%0
NS_E_MULTIPLE_SCRIPT_BITRATES0xC00D1BCEAll bit rates must have the same script bit rate.%0
NS_E_INVALID_SCRIPT_BITRATE0xC00D1BCFThe script bit rate specified is not valid.%0
NS_E_MULTIPLE_FILE_BITRATES0xC00D1BD0All bit rates must have the same file transfer bit rate.%0
NS_E_INVALID_FILE_BITRATE0xC00D1BD1The file transfer bit rate is not valid.%0
NS_E_SAME_AS_INPUT_COMBINATION0xC00D1BD2All audiences in a profile should either be same as input or have video width and height specified.%0
NS_E_SOURCE_CANNOT_LOOP0xC00D1BD3This source type does not support looping.%0
NS_E_INVALID_FOLDDOWN_COEFFICIENTS0xC00D1BD4The fold-down value needs to be between -144 and 0.%0
NS_E_DRMPROFILE_NOTFOUND0xC00D1BD5The specified DRM profile does not exist in the system.%0
NS_E_INVALID_TIMECODE0xC00D1BD6The specified time code is not valid.%0
NS_E_NO_AUDIO_TIMECOMPRESSION0xC00D1BD7It is not possible to apply time compression to a video-only session.%0
NS_E_NO_TWOPASS_TIMECOMPRESSION0xC00D1BD8It is not possible to apply time compression to a session that is using two-pass encoding.%0
NS_E_TIMECODE_REQUIRES_VIDEOSTREAM0xC00D1BD9It is not possible to generate a time code for an audio-only session.%0
NS_E_NO_MBR_WITH_TIMECODE0xC00D1BDAIt is not possible to generate a time code when you are encoding content at multiple bit rates.%0
NS_E_INVALID_INTERLACEMODE0xC00D1BDBThe video codec selected does not support maintaining interlacing in video.%0
NS_E_INVALID_INTERLACE_COMPAT0xC00D1BDCMaintaining interlacing in video is not compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1.%0
NS_E_INVALID_NONSQUAREPIXEL_COMPAT0xC00D1BDDAllowing nonsquare pixel output is not compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1.%0
NS_E_INVALID_SOURCE_WITH_DEVICE_CONTROL0xC00D1BDEOnly capture devices can be used with device control.%0
NS_E_CANNOT_GENERATE_BROADCAST_INFO_FOR_QUALITYVBR0xC00D1BDFIt is not possible to generate the stream format file if you are using quality-based VBR encoding for the audio or video stream. Instead use the Windows Media file generated after encoding to create the announcement file.%0
NS_E_EXCEED_MAX_DRM_PROFILE_LIMIT0xC00D1BE0It is not possible to create a DRM profile because the maximum number of profiles has been reached. You must delete some DRM profiles before creating new ones.%0
NS_E_DEVICECONTROL_UNSTABLE0xC00D1BE1The device is in an unstable state. Check that the device is functioning properly and a tape is in place.
NS_E_INVALID_PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIO0xC00D1BE2The pixel aspect ratio value must be between 1 and 255.
NS_E_AUDIENCE__LANGUAGE_CONTENTTYPE_MISMATCH0xC00D1BE3All streams with different languages in the same audience must have same properties.%0
NS_E_INVALID_PROFILE_CONTENTTYPE0xC00D1BE4The profile must contain at least one audio or video stream.%0
NS_E_TRANSFORM_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND0xC00D1BE5The transform plug-in could not be found.%0
NS_E_TRANSFORM_PLUGIN_INVALID0xC00D1BE6The transform plug-in is not valid. It may be damaged or you may not have the required permissions to access the plug-in.%0
NS_E_EDL_REQUIRED_FOR_DEVICE_MULTIPASS0xC00D1BE7To use two-pass encoding, you must enable device control and setup an edit decision list (EDL) that has at least one entry.%0
NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_WIDTH_FOR_INTERLACED_ENCODING0xC00D1BE8When you choose to maintain the interlacing in your video, the output video size must be a multiple of 4.%0
NS_E_MARKIN_UNSUPPORTED0xC00D1BE9Markin/Markout is unsupported with this source type.%0
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_APPLICATION0xC00D2711A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact product support for this application.%0
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_STORE_ERROR0xC00D2712License storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
NS_E_DRM_SECURE_STORE_ERROR0xC00D2713Secure storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_STORE_SAVE_ERROR0xC00D2714License acquisition did not work. Acquire a new license or contact the content provider for further assistance.%0
NS_E_DRM_SECURE_STORE_UNLOCK_ERROR0xC00D2715A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_CONTENT0xC00D2716The media file is corrupted. Contact the content provider to get a new file.%0
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_LICENSE0xC00D2717The license is corrupted. Acquire a new license.%0
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_LICENSE0xC00D2718The license is corrupted or invalid. Acquire a new license%0
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_MACHINE0xC00D2719Licenses cannot be copied from one computer to another. Use License Management to transfer licenses, or get a new license for the media file.%0
NS_E_DRM_ENUM_LICENSE_FAILED0xC00D271BLicense storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_LICENSE_REQUEST0xC00D271CThe media file is corrupted. Contact the content provider to get a new file.%0
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_INITIALIZE0xC00D271DA problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_ACQUIRE_LICENSE0xC00D271EThe license could not be acquired. Try again later.%0
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_LICENSE_ACQUIRED0xC00D271FLicense acquisition did not work. Acquire a new license or contact the content provider for further assistance.%0
NS_E_DRM_NO_RIGHTS0xC00D2720The requested operation cannot be performed on this file.%0
NS_E_DRM_KEY_ERROR0xC00D2721The requested action cannot be performed because a problem occurred with the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) components on your computer.%0.
NS_E_DRM_ENCRYPT_ERROR0xC00D2722A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
NS_E_DRM_DECRYPT_ERROR0xC00D2723The media file is corrupted. Contact the content provider to get a new file.%0
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_INVALID_XML0xC00D2725The license is corrupted. Acquire a new license.%0
NS_E_DRM_NEEDS_INDIVIDUALIZATION0xC00D2728A security upgrade is required to perform the operation on this media file.%0
NS_E_DRM_ALREADY_INDIVIDUALIZED0xC00D2729You already have the latest security components. No upgrade is necessary at this time.%0
NS_E_DRM_ACTION_NOT_QUERIED0xC00D272AThe application cannot perform this action. Contact product support for this application.%0
NS_E_DRM_ACQUIRING_LICENSE0xC00D272BYou cannot begin a new license acquisition process until the current one has been completed.%0
NS_E_DRM_INDIVIDUALIZING0xC00D272CYou cannot begin a new security upgrade until the current one has been completed.%0
NS_E_BACKUP_RESTORE_FAILURE0xC00D272DFailure in Backup-Restore.%0
NS_E_BACKUP_RESTORE_BAD_REQUEST_ID0xC00D272EBad Request ID in Backup-Restore.%0
NS_E_DRM_PARAMETERS_MISMATCHED0xC00D272FA problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_LICENSE_OBJECT0xC00D2730A license cannot be created for this media file. Reinstall the application.%0
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_INDI_OBJECT0xC00D2731A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_ENCRYPT_OBJECT0xC00D2732A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_DECRYPT_OBJECT0xC00D2733A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_PROPERTIES_OBJECT0xC00D2734A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP_OBJECT0xC00D2735A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_INDIVIDUALIZE_ERROR0xC00D2736The security upgrade failed. Try again later.%0
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_OPEN_ERROR0xC00D2737License storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_CLOSE_ERROR0xC00D2738License storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
NS_E_DRM_GET_LICENSE_ERROR0xC00D2739License storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
NS_E_DRM_QUERY_ERROR0xC00D273AA problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_REPORT_ERROR0xC00D273BA problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact product support for this application.%0
NS_E_DRM_GET_LICENSESTRING_ERROR0xC00D273CLicense storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
NS_E_DRM_GET_CONTENTSTRING_ERROR0xC00D273DThe media file is corrupted. Contact the content provider to get a new file.%0
NS_E_DRM_MONITOR_ERROR0xC00D273EA problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Try again later.%0
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_SET_PARAMETER0xC00D273FThe application has made an invalid call to the Digital Rights Management component. Contact product support for this application.%0
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_APPDATA0xC00D2740A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_APPDATA_VERSION0xC00D2741A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact product support for this application.%0.
NS_E_DRM_BACKUP_EXISTS0xC00D2742Licenses are already backed up in this location.%0
NS_E_DRM_BACKUP_CORRUPT0xC00D2743One or more backed-up licenses are missing or corrupt.%0
NS_E_DRM_BACKUPRESTORE_BUSY0xC00D2744You cannot begin a new backup process until the current process has been completed.%0
NS_E_BACKUP_RESTORE_BAD_DATA0xC00D2745Bad Data sent to Backup-Restore.%0
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_UNUSABLE0xC00D2748The license is invalid. Contact the content provider for further assistance.%0
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_PROPERTY0xC00D2749A required property was not set by the application. Contact product support for this application.%0.
NS_E_DRM_SECURE_STORE_NOT_FOUND0xC00D274AA problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component of this application. Try to acquire a license again.%0
NS_E_DRM_CACHED_CONTENT_ERROR0xC00D274BWindows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) cannot play the protected file because you do not have the appropriate rights.%0
NS_E_DRM_INDIVIDUALIZATION_INCOMPLETE0xC00D274CA problem occurred during the security upgrade. Try again later.%0
NS_E_DRM_DRIVER_AUTH_FAILURE0xC00D274DCertified driver components are required to play this media file. Contact Windows Update to see whether updated drivers are available for your hardware.%0
NS_E_DRM_NEED_UPGRADE_MSSAP0xC00D274EOne or more of the Secure Audio Path components were not found or an entry point in those components was not found.%0
NS_E_DRM_REOPEN_CONTENT0xC00D274FStatus message: Reopen the file.%0
NS_E_DRM_DRIVER_DIGIOUT_FAILURE0xC00D2750Certain driver functionality is required to play this media file. Contact Windows Update to see whether updated drivers are available for your hardware.%0
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_SECURESTORE_PASSWORD0xC00D2751A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_APPCERT_REVOKED0xC00D2752A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_RESTORE_FRAUD0xC00D2753You cannot restore your license(s).%0
NS_E_DRM_HARDWARE_INCONSISTENT0xC00D2754The licenses for your media files are corrupted. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
NS_E_DRM_SDMI_TRIGGER0xC00D2755To transfer this media file, you must upgrade the application.%0
NS_E_DRM_SDMI_NOMORECOPIES0xC00D2756You cannot make any more copies of this media file.%0
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_HEADER_OBJECT0xC00D2757A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_KEYS_OBJECT0xC00D2758A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOTACQUIRED0xC00D2759Unable to obtain license.%0
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_CODING_OBJECT0xC00D275AA problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_STATE_DATA_OBJECT0xC00D275BA problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL0xC00D275CThe buffer supplied is not sufficient.%0.
NS_E_DRM_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY0xC00D275DThe property requested is not supported.%0.
NS_E_DRM_ERROR_BAD_NET_RESP0xC00D275EThe specified server cannot perform the requested operation.%0.
NS_E_DRM_STORE_NOTALLSTORED0xC00D275FSome of the licenses could not be stored.%0.
NS_E_DRM_SECURITY_COMPONENT_SIGNATURE_INVALID0xC00D2760The Digital Rights Management security upgrade component could not be validated. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_DATA0xC00D2761Invalid or corrupt data was encountered.%0
NS_E_DRM_POLICY_DISABLE_ONLINE0xC00D2762The Windows Media Digital Rights Management system cannot perform the requested action because your computer or network administrator has enabled the group policy Prevent Windows Media DRM Internet Access. For assistance, contact your administrator.%0
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_AUTHENTICATION_OBJECT0xC00D2763A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_NOT_CONFIGURED0xC00D2764Not all of the necessary properties for DRM have been set.%0
NS_E_DRM_DEVICE_ACTIVATION_CANCELED0xC00D2765The portable device does not have the security required to copy protected files to it. To obtain the additional security, try to copy the file to your portable device again. When a message appears, click OK.%0
NS_E_BACKUP_RESTORE_TOO_MANY_RESETS0xC00D2766Too many resets in Backup-Restore.%0
NS_E_DRM_DEBUGGING_NOT_ALLOWED0xC00D2767Running this process under a debugger while using DRM content is not allowed.%0
NS_E_DRM_OPERATION_CANCELED0xC00D2768The user canceled the DRM operation.%0
NS_E_DRM_RESTRICTIONS_NOT_RETRIEVED0xC00D2769The license you are using has associated output restrictions. This license is unusable until these restrictions are queried.%0
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_PLAYLIST_OBJECT0xC00D276AA problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_PLAYLIST_BURN_OBJECT0xC00D276BA problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_DEVICE_REGISTRATION_OBJECT0xC00D276CA problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_METERING_OBJECT0xC00D276DA problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_TRACK_EXCEEDED_PLAYLIST_RESTICTION0xC00D2770The specified track has exceeded it's specified playlist burn limit in this playlist.%0.
NS_E_DRM_TRACK_EXCEEDED_TRACKBURN_RESTRICTION0xC00D2771The specified track has exceeded it's track burn limit.%0.
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_GET_DEVICE_CERT0xC00D2772A problem has occurred in obtaining the device's certificate.%0.
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_GET_SECURE_CLOCK0xC00D2773A problem has occurred in obtaining the device's secure clock. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_SET_SECURE_CLOCK0xC00D2774A problem has occurred in setting the device's secure clock. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_GET_SECURE_CLOCK_FROM_SERVER0xC00D2775A problem has occurred in obtaining the secure clock from server. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_POLICY_METERING_DISABLED0xC00D2776This content requires the metering policy to be enabled.%0.
NS_E_DRM_TRANSFER_CHAINED_LICENSES_UNSUPPORTED0xC00D2777Transfer of chained licenses unsupported.%0.
NS_E_DRM_SDK_VERSIONMISMATCH0xC00D2778The Digital Rights Management component is not installed properly. Reinstall the Player.%0.
NS_E_DRM_LIC_NEEDS_DEVICE_CLOCK_SET0xC00D2779The file could not be transferred because the device clock is not set. %0.
NS_E_LICENSE_HEADER_MISSING_URL0xC00D277AThe content header is missing an acquisition URL.%0
NS_E_DEVICE_NOT_WMDRM_DEVICE0xC00D277BThe current attached device does not support WMDRM.%0
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_APPCERT0xC00D277CA problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_PROTOCOL_FORCEFUL_TERMINATION_ON_PETITION0xC00D277DThe client application has been forcefully terminated during a DRM petition.%0.
NS_E_DRM_PROTOCOL_FORCEFUL_TERMINATION_ON_CHALLENGE0xC00D277EThe client application has been forcefully terminated during a DRM challenge.%0.
NS_E_DRM_CHECKPOINT_FAILED0xC00D277FSecure storage protection error. Restore your licenses from a previous backup and try again.%0
NS_E_DRM_BB_UNABLE_TO_INITIALIZE0xC00D2780A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management root of trust. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_HARDWARE_ID0xC00D2781A problem has occurred in retrieving the Digital Rights Management machine identification. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_DATA_STORE0xC00D2782A problem has occurred in opening the Digital Rights Management data storage file. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
NS_E_DRM_DATASTORE_CORRUPT0xC00D2783The Digital Rights Management data storage is not functioning properly. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_INMEMORYSTORE_OBJECT0xC00D2784A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_STUBLIB_REQUIRED0xC00D2785A secured library is required to access the requested functionality.%0.
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_CERTIFICATE_OBJECT0xC00D2786A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_TARGET_NOT_ONLINE0xC00D2787A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component during license migration. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_MIGRATION_IMAGE0xC00D2788A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component during license migration. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_TARGET_STATES_CORRUPTED0xC00D2789A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component during license migration. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_IMPORTER_NOT_AVAILABLE0xC00D278AA problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component during license migration. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_DRM_E_MIGRATION_UPGRADE_WITH_DIFF_SID0xC00D278BA problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component during license migration. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_DRM_E_MIGRATION_SOURCE_MACHINE_IN_USE0xC00D278CThe Digital Rights Management component is in use during license migration. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_DRM_E_MIGRATION_TARGET_MACHINE_LESS_THAN_LH0xC00D278DLicenses are being migrated to a machine running XP or downlevel OS. This operation can only be performed on Windows Vista or a later OS. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_DRM_E_MIGRATION_IMAGE_ALREADY_EXISTS0xC00D278EMigration Image already exists. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_HARDWAREID_MISMATCH0xC00D278FThe requested action cannot be performed because a hardware configuration change has been detected by the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) components on your computer.%0.
NS_E_INVALID_DRMV2CLT_STUBLIB0xC00D2790The wrong stublib has been linked to an application or DLL using drmv2clt.dll.%0
NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_INVALID_LEGACYV2_DATA0xC00D2791The legacy V2 data being imported is invalid
NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_LICENSE_ALREADY_EXISTS0xC00D2792The license being imported already exists
NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_INVALID_LEGACYV2_SST_PASSWORD0xC00D2793The password of the Legacy V2 SST entry being imported is incorrect
NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_NOT_SUPPORTED0xC00D2794Migration is not supported by the plugin
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_MIGRATION_IMPORTER_OBJECT0xC00D2795A migration importer cannot be created for this media file. Reinstall the application.%0
NS_E_DRM_CHECKPOINT_MISMATCH0xC00D2796The requested action cannot be performed because a problem occurred with the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) components on your computer.%0.
NS_E_DRM_CHECKPOINT_CORRUPT0xC00D2797The requested action cannot be performed because a problem occurred with the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) components on your computer.%0.
NS_E_REG_FLUSH_FAILURE0xC00D2798The requested action cannot be performed because a problem occurred with the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) components on your computer.%0.
NS_E_HDS_KEY_MISMATCH0xC00D2799The requested action cannot be performed because a problem occurred with the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) components on your computer.%0.
NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_OPERATION_CANCELLED0xC00D279AMigration was cancelled by the user.%0
NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_OBJECT_IN_USE0xC00D279BMigration object is already in use and cannot be called until the current operation completes.%0
NS_E_DRM_MALFORMED_CONTENT_HEADER0xC00D279CThe content header does not comply with DRM requirements and cannot be used.%0
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_EXPIRED0xC00D27D8The license for this file has expired and is no longer valid. Contact your content provider for further assistance.%0
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOTENABLED0xC00D27D9The license for this file is not valid yet, but will be at a future date.%0
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_APPSECLOW0xC00D27DAThe license for this file requires a higher level of security than the player you are currently using has. Try using a different player or download a newer version of your current player.%0
NS_E_DRM_STORE_NEEDINDI0xC00D27DBThe license cannot be stored as it requires security upgrade of Digital Rights Management component.%0.
NS_E_DRM_STORE_NOTALLOWED0xC00D27DCYour machine does not meet the requirements for storing the license.%0.
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_APP_NOTALLOWED0xC00D27DDThe license for this file requires an upgraded version of your player or a different player.%0.
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_CERT_EXPIRED0xC00D27DFThe license server's certificate expired. Make sure your system clock is set correctly. Contact your content provider for further assistance. %0.
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_SECLOW0xC00D27E0The license for this file requires a higher level of security than the player you are currently using has. Try using a different player or download a newer version of your current player.%0
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_CONTENT_REVOKED0xC00D27E1The content owner for the license you just acquired is no longer supporting their content. Contact the content owner for a newer version of the content.%0
NS_E_DRM_DEVICE_NOT_REGISTERED0xC00D27E2The content owner for the license you just acquired requires your device to register to the current machine.%0
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOSAP0xC00D280AThe license for this file requires a feature that is not supported in your current player or operating system. You can try with newer version of your current player or contact your content provider for further assistance.%0
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOSVP0xC00D280BThe license for this file requires a feature that is not supported in your current player or operating system. You can try with newer version of your current player or contact your content provider for further assistance.%0
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOWDM0xC00D280CThe license for this file requires Windows Driver Model (WDM) audio drivers. Contact your sound card manufacturer for further assistance.%0
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOTRUSTEDCODEC0xC00D280DThe license for this file requires a higher level of security than the player you are currently using has. Try using a different player or download a newer version of your current player.%0
NS_E_DRM_SOURCEID_NOT_SUPPORTED0xC00D280EThe license for this file is not supported by your current player. You can try with newer version of your current player or contact your content provider for further assistance.%0
NS_E_DRM_NEEDS_UPGRADE_TEMPFILE0xC00D283DAn updated version of your media player is required to play the selected content.%0
NS_E_DRM_NEED_UPGRADE_PD0xC00D283EA new version of the Digital Rights Management component is required. Contact product support for this application to get the latest version.%0
NS_E_DRM_SIGNATURE_FAILURE0xC00D283FFailed to either create or verify the content header.%0
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_SERVER_INFO_MISSING0xC00D2840Could not read the necessary information from the system registry.%0
NS_E_DRM_BUSY0xC00D2841The DRM subsystem is currently locked by another application or user. Try again later.%0
NS_E_DRM_PD_TOO_MANY_DEVICES0xC00D2842There are too many target devices registered on the portable media.%0
NS_E_DRM_INDIV_FRAUD0xC00D2843The security upgrade cannot be completed because the allowed number of daily upgrades has been exceeded. Try again tomorrow.%0
NS_E_DRM_INDIV_NO_CABS0xC00D2844The security upgrade cannot be completed because the server is unable to perform the operation. Try again later.%0
NS_E_DRM_INDIV_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE0xC00D2845The security upgrade cannot be performed because the server is not available. Try again later.%0
NS_E_DRM_RESTORE_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE0xC00D2846Windows Media Player cannot restore your licenses because the server is not available. Try again later.%0
NS_E_DRM_CLIENT_CODE_EXPIRED0xC00D2847Windows Media Player cannot play the protected file. Verify that your computer's date is set correctly. If it is correct, on the Help menu, click Check for Player Updates to install the latest version of the Player.%0
NS_E_DRM_NO_UPLINK_LICENSE0xC00D2848The chained license cannot be created because the referenced uplink license does not exist.
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_KID0xC00D2849The specified KID is invalid
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_INITIALIZATION_ERROR0xC00D284ALicense initialization did not work. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
NS_E_DRM_CHAIN_TOO_LONG0xC00D284CThe uplink license of a chained license cannot itself be a chained license.
NS_E_DRM_UNSUPPORTED_ALGORITHM0xC00D284DThe specified encryption algorithm is unsupported.
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_DELETION_ERROR0xC00D284ELicense deletion did not work. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_CERTIFICATE0xC00D28A0The client's certificate is corrupted or the signature cannot be verified.%0
NS_E_DRM_CERTIFICATE_REVOKED0xC00D28A1The client's certificate has been revoked.%0
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_UNAVAILABLE0xC00D28A2There is no license available for the requested action.%0
NS_E_DRM_DEVICE_LIMIT_REACHED0xC00D28A3The maximum number of devices in use has been reached. Unable to open additional devices.%0
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_PROXIMITY0xC00D28A4The proximity detection procedure could not confirm that the receiver is near the transmitter in the network.%0
NS_E_DRM_MUST_REGISTER0xC00D28A5The client must be registered before executing the intended operation.%0
NS_E_DRM_MUST_APPROVE0xC00D28A6The client must be approved before executing the intended operation.%0
NS_E_DRM_MUST_REVALIDATE0xC00D28A7The client must be revalidated before executing the intended operation.%0
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_PROXIMITY_RESPONSE0xC00D28A8The response to the proximity detection challenge is invalid.%0
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_SESSION0xC00D28A9The requested session is invalid.%0
NS_E_DRM_DEVICE_NOT_OPEN0xC00D28AAThe device must be opened before it can be used to receive content.%0
NS_E_DRM_DEVICE_ALREADY_REGISTERED0xC00D28ABDevice registration failed because the device is already registered.%0
NS_E_DRM_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION0xC00D28ADThe requested action is not supported.%0
NS_E_DRM_CERTIFICATE_SECURITY_LEVEL_INADEQUATE0xC00D28AEThe certificate does not have an adequate security level for the requested action.%0
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_PORT0xC00D28AFUnable to open the specified port for receiving Proximity messages.%0
NS_E_DRM_BAD_REQUEST0xC00D28B0The message format is invalid.%0
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_CRL0xC00D28B1The Certificate Revocation List is invalid or corrupted.%0
NS_E_DRM_ATTRIBUTE_TOO_LONG0xC00D28B2The length of the attribute name or value is too long.%0
NS_E_DRM_EXPIRED_LICENSEBLOB0xC00D28B3The license blob passed in the cardea request is expired.%0
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_LICENSEBLOB0xC00D28B4The license blob passed in the cardea request is invalid. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
NS_E_DRM_INCLUSION_LIST_REQUIRED0xC00D28B5The requested operation can not be performed because the license does not contain an inclusion list.%0
NS_E_DRM_DRMV2CLT_REVOKED0xC00D28B6A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_DRM_RIV_TOO_SMALL0xC00D28B7A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
NS_E_OUTPUT_PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNSUPPORTED0xC00D2904Windows Media Player does not support the level of output protection required by the content.%0
NS_E_COMPRESSED_DIGITAL_VIDEO_PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNSUPPORTED0xC00D2905Windows Media Player does not support the level of protection required for compressed digital video.%0
NS_E_UNCOMPRESSED_DIGITAL_VIDEO_PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNSUPPORTED0xC00D2906Windows Media Player does not support the level of protection required for uncompressed digital video.%0
NS_E_ANALOG_VIDEO_PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNSUPPORTED0xC00D2907Windows Media Player does not support the level of protection required for analog video.%0
NS_E_COMPRESSED_DIGITAL_AUDIO_PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNSUPPORTED0xC00D2908Windows Media Player does not support the level of protection required for compressed digital audio.%0
NS_E_UNCOMPRESSED_DIGITAL_AUDIO_PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNSUPPORTED0xC00D2909Windows Media Player does not support the level of protection required for uncompressed digital audio.%0
NS_E_OUTPUT_PROTECTION_SCHEME_UNSUPPORTED0xC00D290AWindows Media Player does not support the scheme of output protection required by the content.%0
NS_E_REBOOT_RECOMMENDED0xC00D2AFAInstallation was not successful and some file cleanup is not complete. For best results, restart your computer.%0
NS_E_REBOOT_REQUIRED0xC00D2AFBInstallation was not successful. To continue, you must restart your computer.%0
NS_E_SETUP_INCOMPLETE0xC00D2AFCInstallation was not successful.%0.
NS_E_SETUP_DRM_MIGRATION_FAILED0xC00D2AFDSetup cannot migrate the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) components.%0.
NS_E_SETUP_IGNORABLE_FAILURE0xC00D2AFESome skin or playlist components cannot be installed.%0.
NS_E_SETUP_DRM_MIGRATION_FAILED_AND_IGNORABLE_FAILURE0xC00D2AFFSetup cannot migrate the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) components. In addition, some skin or playlist components cannot be installed.%0.
NS_E_SETUP_BLOCKED0xC00D2B00Installation is blocked because your computer does not meet one or more of the setup requirements.%0.
NS_E_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL0xC00D2EE0The specified protocol is not supported.%0
NS_E_REDIRECT_TO_PROXY0xC00D2EE1The client is redirected to a proxy server.%0
NS_E_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR0xC00D2EE2The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.%0
NS_E_BAD_REQUEST0xC00D2EE3The request could not be understood by the server.%0
NS_E_ERROR_FROM_PROXY0xC00D2EE4The proxy experienced an error while attempting to contact the media server.%0
NS_E_PROXY_TIMEOUT0xC00D2EE5The proxy did not receive a timely response while attempting to contact the media server.%0
NS_E_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE0xC00D2EE6The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.%0
NS_E_REFUSED_BY_SERVER0xC00D2EE7The server is refusing to fulfill the requested operation.%0
NS_E_INCOMPATIBLE_SERVER0xC00D2EE8The server is not a compatible streaming media server.%0
NS_E_MULTICAST_DISABLED0xC00D2EE9The content cannot be streamed because the Multicast protocol has been disabled.%0
NS_E_INVALID_REDIRECT0xC00D2EEAThe server redirected the player to an invalid location.%0
NS_E_ALL_PROTOCOLS_DISABLED0xC00D2EEBThe content cannot be streamed because all protocols have been disabled.%0
NS_E_MSBD_NO_LONGER_SUPPORTED0xC00D2EECThe MSBD protocol is no longer supported. Please use HTTP to connect to the Windows Media stream.%0
NS_E_PROXY_NOT_FOUND0xC00D2EEDThe proxy server could not be located. Please check your proxy server configuration.%0
NS_E_CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_PROXY0xC00D2EEEUnable to establish a connection to the proxy server. Please check your proxy server configuration.%0
NS_E_SERVER_DNS_TIMEOUT0xC00D2EEFUnable to locate the media server. The operation timed out.%0
NS_E_PROXY_DNS_TIMEOUT0xC00D2EF0Unable to locate the proxy server. The operation timed out.%0
NS_E_CLOSED_ON_SUSPEND0xC00D2EF1Media closed because Windows was shut down.%0
NS_E_CANNOT_READ_PLAYLIST_FROM_MEDIASERVER0xC00D2EF2Unable to read the contents of a playlist file from a media server.%0
NS_E_SESSION_NOT_FOUND0xC00D2EF3Session not found.%0
NS_E_REQUIRE_STREAMING_CLIENT0xC00D2EF4Content requires a streaming media client.%0
NS_E_PLAYLIST_ENTRY_HAS_CHANGED0xC00D2EF5A command applies to a previous playlist entry.%0
NS_E_PROXY_ACCESSDENIED0xC00D2EF6The proxy server is denying access. The username and/or password might be incorrect.%0
NS_E_PROXY_SOURCE_ACCESSDENIED0xC00D2EF7The proxy could not provide valid authentication credentials to the media server.%0
NS_E_NETWORK_SINK_WRITE0xC00D2EF8The network sink failed to write data to the network.%0
NS_E_FIREWALL0xC00D2EF9Packets are not being received from the server. The packets might be blocked by a filtering device, such as a network firewall.%0
NS_E_MMS_NOT_SUPPORTED0xC00D2EFAThe MMS protocol is not supported. Please use HTTP or RTSP to connect to the Windows Media stream.%0
NS_E_SERVER_ACCESSDENIED0xC00D2EFBThe Windows Media server is denying access. The username and/or password might be incorrect.%0
NS_E_RESOURCE_GONE0xC00D2EFCThe Publishing Point or file on the Windows Media Server is no longer available.%0
NS_E_NO_EXISTING_PACKETIZER0xC00D2EFDThere is no existing packetizer plugin for a stream.%0
NS_E_BAD_SYNTAX_IN_SERVER_RESPONSE0xC00D2EFEThe response from the media server could not be understood. This might be caused by an incompatible proxy server or media server.%0
NS_E_RESET_SOCKET_CONNECTION0xC00D2F00The Windows Media Server reset the network connection.%0
NS_E_TOO_MANY_HOPS0xC00D2F02The request could not reach the media server (too many hops).%0
NS_E_TOO_MUCH_DATA_FROM_SERVER0xC00D2F05The server is sending too much data. The connection has been terminated.%0
NS_E_CONNECT_TIMEOUT0xC00D2F06It was not possible to establish a connection to the media server in a timely manner. The media server may be down for maintenance, or it may be necessary to use a proxy server to access this media server.%0
NS_E_PROXY_CONNECT_TIMEOUT0xC00D2F07It was not possible to establish a connection to the proxy server in a timely manner. Please check your proxy server configuration.%0
NS_E_SESSION_INVALID0xC00D2F08Session not found.%0
NS_E_PACKETSINK_UNKNOWN_FEC_STREAM0xC00D2F0AUnknown packet sink stream.%0
NS_E_PUSH_CANNOTCONNECT0xC00D2F0BUnable to establish a connection to the server. Ensure Windows Media Services is started and the HTTP Server control protocol is properly enabled.%0
NS_E_INCOMPATIBLE_PUSH_SERVER0xC00D2F0CThe Server service that received the HTTP push request is not a compatible version of Windows Media Services (WMS). This error may indicate the push request was received by IIS instead of WMS. Ensure WMS is started and has the HTTP Server control protocol properly enabled and try again.%0
NS_E_END_OF_PLAYLIST0xC00D32C8The playlist has reached its end.%0
NS_E_USE_FILE_SOURCE0xC00D32C9Use file source.%0
NS_E_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND0xC00D32CAThe property was not found.%0
NS_E_PROPERTY_READ_ONLY0xC00D32CCThe property is read only.%0
NS_E_TABLE_KEY_NOT_FOUND0xC00D32CDThe table key was not found.%0
NS_E_INVALID_QUERY_OPERATOR0xC00D32CFInvalid query operator.%0
NS_E_INVALID_QUERY_PROPERTY0xC00D32D0Invalid query property.%0
NS_E_PROPERTY_NOT_SUPPORTED0xC00D32D2The property is not supported.%0
NS_E_SCHEMA_CLASSIFY_FAILURE0xC00D32D4Schema classification failure.%0
NS_E_METADATA_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED0xC00D32D5The metadata format is not supported.%0
NS_E_METADATA_NO_EDITING_CAPABILITY0xC00D32D6Cannot edit the metadata.%0
NS_E_METADATA_CANNOT_SET_LOCALE0xC00D32D7Cannot set the locale id.%0
NS_E_METADATA_LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPORTED0xC00D32D8The language is not supported in the format.%0
NS_E_METADATA_NO_RFC1766_NAME_FOR_LOCALE0xC00D32D9There is no RFC1766 name translation for the supplied locale id.%0
NS_E_METADATA_NOT_AVAILABLE0xC00D32DAThe metadata (or metadata item) is not available.%0
NS_E_METADATA_CACHE_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE0xC00D32DBThe cached metadata (or metadata item) is not available.%0
NS_E_METADATA_INVALID_DOCUMENT_TYPE0xC00D32DCThe metadata document is invalid.%0
NS_E_METADATA_IDENTIFIER_NOT_AVAILABLE0xC00D32DDThe metadata content identifier is not available.%0
NS_E_METADATA_CANNOT_RETRIEVE_FROM_OFFLINE_CACHE0xC00D32DECannot retrieve metadata from the offline metadata cache.%0
1207 entries