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Windows / Headers / sherrors.h


Shell API error code values

Associated Error Codes

Below is a list of error codes found for this header.

COPYENGINE_S_CLOSE_PROGRAM0x0027000DClose the program using the current file
COPYENGINE_S_COLLISIONRESOLVED0x0027000EReturned by a transfer source when a collision occurs
COPYENGINE_E_USER_CANCELLED0x80270000User wants to canceled entire job
COPYENGINE_E_CANCELLED0x80270001Engine wants to canceled entire job, don't set the CANCELLED bit
COPYENGINE_E_REQUIRES_ELEVATION0x80270002Need to elevate the process to complete the operation
COPYENGINE_E_SAME_FILE0x80270003Source and destination file are the same
COPYENGINE_E_DIFF_DIR0x80270004Trying to rename a file into a different location, use move instead
COPYENGINE_E_MANY_SRC_1_DEST0x80270005One source specified, multiple destinations
COPYENGINE_E_DEST_SUBTREE0x80270009The destination is a sub-tree of the source
COPYENGINE_E_DEST_SAME_TREE0x8027000AThe destination is the same folder as the source
COPYENGINE_E_FLD_IS_FILE_DEST0x8027000BExisting destination file with same name as folder
COPYENGINE_E_FILE_IS_FLD_DEST0x8027000CExisting destination folder with same name as file
COPYENGINE_E_FILE_TOO_LARGE0x8027000DFile too large for destination file system
COPYENGINE_E_REMOVABLE_FULL0x8027000EDestination device is full and happens to be removable
COPYENGINE_E_DEST_IS_RO_CD0x8027000FDestination is a Read-Only CDRom, possibly unformatted
COPYENGINE_E_DEST_IS_RW_CD0x80270010Destination is a Read/Write CDRom, possibly unformatted
COPYENGINE_E_DEST_IS_R_CD0x80270011Destination is a Recordable (AudioL) CDRom, possibly unformatted
COPYENGINE_E_DEST_IS_RO_DVD0x80270012Destination is a Read-Only DVD, possibly unformatted
COPYENGINE_E_DEST_IS_RW_DVD0x80270013Destination is a Read/Wrote DVD, possibly unformatted
COPYENGINE_E_DEST_IS_R_DVD0x80270014Destination is a Recordable (AudioL) DVD, possibly unformatted
COPYENGINE_E_SRC_IS_RO_CD0x80270015Source is a Read-Only CDRom, possibly unformatted
COPYENGINE_E_SRC_IS_RW_CD0x80270016Source is a Read/Write CDRom, possibly unformatted
COPYENGINE_E_SRC_IS_R_CD0x80270017Source is a Recordable (AudioL) CDRom, possibly unformatted
COPYENGINE_E_SRC_IS_RO_DVD0x80270018Source is a Read-Only DVD, possibly unformatted
COPYENGINE_E_SRC_IS_RW_DVD0x80270019Source is a Read/Wrote DVD, possibly unformatted
COPYENGINE_E_SRC_IS_R_DVD0x8027001ASource is a Recordable (AudioL) DVD, possibly unformatted
COPYENGINE_E_INVALID_FILES_SRC0x8027001BInvalid source path
COPYENGINE_E_INVALID_FILES_DEST0x8027001CInvalid destination path
COPYENGINE_E_PATH_TOO_DEEP_SRC0x8027001DSource Files within folders where the overall path is longer than MAX_PATH
COPYENGINE_E_PATH_TOO_DEEP_DEST0x8027001EDestination files would be within folders where the overall path is longer than MAX_PATH
COPYENGINE_E_ROOT_DIR_SRC0x8027001FSource is a root directory, cannot be moved or renamed
COPYENGINE_E_ROOT_DIR_DEST0x80270020Destination is a root directory, cannot be renamed
COPYENGINE_E_ACCESS_DENIED_SRC0x80270021Security problem on source
COPYENGINE_E_ACCESS_DENIED_DEST0x80270022Security problem on destination
COPYENGINE_E_PATH_NOT_FOUND_SRC0x80270023Source file does not exist, or is unavailable
COPYENGINE_E_PATH_NOT_FOUND_DEST0x80270024Destination file does not exist, or is unavailable
COPYENGINE_E_NET_DISCONNECT_SRC0x80270025Source file is on a disconnected network location
COPYENGINE_E_NET_DISCONNECT_DEST0x80270026Destination file is on a disconnected network location
COPYENGINE_E_SHARING_VIOLATION_SRC0x80270027Sharing Violation on source
COPYENGINE_E_SHARING_VIOLATION_DEST0x80270028Sharing Violation on destination
COPYENGINE_E_ALREADY_EXISTS_NORMAL0x80270029Destination exists, cannot replace
COPYENGINE_E_ALREADY_EXISTS_READONLY0x8027002ADestination with read-only attribute exists, cannot replace
COPYENGINE_E_ALREADY_EXISTS_SYSTEM0x8027002BDestination with system attribute exists, cannot replace
COPYENGINE_E_ALREADY_EXISTS_FOLDER0x8027002CDestination folder exists, cannot replace
COPYENGINE_E_STREAM_LOSS0x8027002DSecondary Stream information would be lost
COPYENGINE_E_EA_LOSS0x8027002EExtended Attributes would be lost
COPYENGINE_E_PROPERTY_LOSS0x8027002FProperty would be lost
COPYENGINE_E_PROPERTIES_LOSS0x80270030Properties would be lost
COPYENGINE_E_ENCRYPTION_LOSS0x80270031Encryption would be lost
COPYENGINE_E_DISK_FULL0x80270032Entire operation likely won't fit
COPYENGINE_E_DISK_FULL_CLEAN0x80270033Entire operation likely won't fit, clean-up wizard available
COPYENGINE_E_EA_NOT_SUPPORTED0x80270034Volume does not support Extended Attributes
COPYENGINE_E_RECYCLE_FORCE_NUKE0x80270036Recycling not available (usually turned offL)
COPYENGINE_E_RECYCLE_SIZE_TOO_BIG0x80270037Item is too large for the recycle-bin
COPYENGINE_E_RECYCLE_PATH_TOO_LONG0x80270038Folder is too deep to fit in the recycle-bin
COPYENGINE_E_RECYCLE_BIN_NOT_FOUND0x8027003ARecycle bin could not be found or is unavailable
COPYENGINE_E_NEWFILE_NAME_TOO_LONG0x8027003BName of the new file being created is too long
COPYENGINE_E_NEWFOLDER_NAME_TOO_LONG0x8027003CName of the new folder being created is too long
COPYENGINE_E_DIR_NOT_EMPTY0x8027003DThe directory being processed is not empty
COPYENGINE_E_FAT_MAX_IN_ROOT0x8027003EA Fat drive cannot only store and rename a limited number of items on the root.
COPYENGINE_E_ACCESSDENIED_READONLY0x8027003FThe item cannot be modified because it is set to readonly.
COPYENGINE_E_REDIRECTED_TO_WEBPAGE0x80270040The server redirected the download request to a web page.
COPYENGINE_E_SERVER_BAD_FILE_TYPE0x80270041The server returned data with an unexpected MIME type or extension.
COPYENGINE_E_INTERNET_ITEM_UNAVAILABLE0x80270042The item is unavailable currently due to no internet connectivity
COPYENGINE_E_CANNOT_MOVE_FROM_RECYCLE_BIN0x80270043The item cannot be moved out of the recycle bin, can perform other operations like restored/delete
COPYENGINE_E_CANNOT_MOVE_SHARED_FOLDER0x80270044The item cannot be moved from a grouped folder to another shared folder
COPYENGINE_E_INTERNET_ITEM_STORAGE_PROVIDER_ERROR0x80270045The item is unavailable currently due to storage provider being in error state
COPYENGINE_E_INTERNET_ITEM_STORAGE_PROVIDER_PAUSED0x80270046The item is unavailable currently due to storage provider being paused
COPYENGINE_E_REQUIRES_EDP_CONSENT0x80270047The file can only be copied if the user consents to override the EDP block
COPYENGINE_E_BLOCKED_BY_EDP_POLICY0x80270048The file cannot be copied per EDP policy
COPYENGINE_E_REQUIRES_EDP_CONSENT_FOR_REMOVABLE_DRIVE0x80270049The file can be copied as personal if the user consents to override the EDP block
COPYENGINE_E_BLOCKED_BY_EDP_FOR_REMOVABLE_DRIVE0x8027004AThe file can only be copied as work protected per EDP policy
COPYENGINE_E_RMS_REQUIRES_EDP_CONSENT_FOR_REMOVABLE_DRIVE0x8027004BThe file can be copied as personal if the user consents to override the EDP block
COPYENGINE_E_RMS_BLOCKED_BY_EDP_FOR_REMOVABLE_DRIVE0x8027004CThe file can only be copied as work protected per EDP policy
NETCACHE_E_NEGATIVE_CACHE0x80270100The item requested is in the negative net parsing cache
EXECUTE_E_LAUNCH_APPLICATION0x80270101for returned by command delegates to indicate that they did no work
SHELL_E_WRONG_BITDEPTH0x80270102returned when trying to create a thumbnail extractor at too low a bitdepth for high fidelity
LINK_E_DELETE0x80270103returned from IShellLink::Resolve when SLR_OFFER_DELETE_WITHOUT_FILE is passed and the user requested to delete the item
STORE_E_NEWER_VERSION_AVAILABLE0x80270104returned from IAppItemsStateModify to indicate a commit failed because there is newer version already available
E_FILE_PLACEHOLDER_NOT_INITIALIZED0x80270110The placeholder file or property store isn't initialized.
E_FILE_PLACEHOLDER_VERSION_MISMATCH0x80270111The sync engine detected that the local placeholder file's version doesn't match the latest version.
E_FILE_PLACEHOLDER_SERVER_TIMED_OUT0x80270112The placeholder platform timed out waiting for a stream resolver call that didn't complete in time.
E_FILE_PLACEHOLDER_STORAGEPROVIDER_NOT_FOUND0x80270113The placeholder platform cannot find the storage provider for the placeholder.
CAMERAROLL_E_NO_DOWNSAMPLING_REQUIRED0x80270120The provided image didn't require downsampling because it was small enough already
IMSC_E_SHELL_COMPONENT_STARTUP_FAILURE0x80270233An immersive shell component failed to start correctly
SHC_E_SHELL_COMPONENT_STARTUP_FAILURE0x80270234A shell service host component failed to start correctly
113 entries