This is work in progress.

Windows / Headers / slerror.h


Error code definitions for the Software Licensing

Associated Error Codes

Below is a list of error codes found for this header.

SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_TRUSTED_TIME_OK0x4004D30FTrusted time is already up-to-date.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_KM_CACHE_IDENTICAL0x4004D601Kernel Mode Cache was not changed
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_KM_CACHE_POLICY_CHANGED0x4004D602Reboot-requiring policies have changed
SL_I_OOB_GRACE_PERIOD0x4004F00CThe Software Licensing Service reported that the application is running within the valid grace period.
SL_I_OOT_GRACE_PERIOD0x4004F00DThe Software Licensing Service reported that the application is running within the valid out of tolerance grace period.
SL_E_VL_INFO_PRODUCT_USER_RIGHT0x4004F040The Software Licensing Service reported that the product was activated but the owner should verify the Product Use Rights.
SL_I_NONGENUINE_GRACE_PERIOD0x4004F065The Software Licensing Service reported that the application is running within the valid non-genuine grace period.
SL_I_NONGENUINE_GRACE_PERIOD_20x4004F068The Software Licensing Service reported that the application is running within the valid non-genuine grace period (type 2).
SL_I_STORE_BASED_ACTIVATION0x4004F401The Software Licensing Service reported that the application has a store license.
SL_I_TIMEBASED_VALIDITY_PERIOD0x4004FC04The Software Licensing Service reported that the application is running within the timebased validity period.
SL_I_PERPETUAL_OOB_GRACE_PERIOD0x4004FC05The Software Licensing Service reported that the application has a perpetual grace period.
SL_I_TIMEBASED_EXTENDED_GRACE_PERIOD0x4004FC06The Software Licensing Service reported that the application is running within the valid extended grace period.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_STATUS_SYSTEM_TIME_SKEWED0x8004D102The security processor reported that the machine time is inconsistent with the trusted time.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_STATUS_DEBUGGER_DETECTED0x8004D10BThe security processor cannot operate while a debugger is attached.
SL_E_INVALID_USE_OF_ADD_ON_PKEY0x8004E026The Software Licensing Service reported that a valid product key for an add-on sku was entered where a Windows product key was expected.
SL_E_SFS_INVALID_FS_VERSION0x8004E101The Software Licensing Service reported that the Token Store file version is invalid.
SL_E_SFS_INVALID_FD_TABLE0x8004E102The Software Licensing Service reported that the Token Store contains an invalid descriptor table.
SL_E_SFS_INVALID_SYNC0x8004E103The Software Licensing Service reported that the Token Store contains a token with an invalid header/footer.
SL_E_SFS_BAD_TOKEN_NAME0x8004E104The Software Licensing Service reported that a Token Store token has an invalid name.
SL_E_SFS_BAD_TOKEN_EXT0x8004E105The Software Licensing Service reported that a Token Store token has an invalid extension.
SL_E_SFS_DUPLICATE_TOKEN_NAME0x8004E106The Software Licensing Service reported that the Token Store contains a duplicate token.
SL_E_SFS_TOKEN_SIZE_MISMATCH0x8004E107The Software Licensing Service reported that a token in the Token Store has a size mismatch.
SL_E_SFS_INVALID_TOKEN_DATA_HASH0x8004E108The Software Licensing Service reported that a token in the Token Store contains an invalid hash.
SL_E_SFS_FILE_READ_ERROR0x8004E109The Software Licensing Service reported that the Token Store was unable to read a token.
SL_E_SFS_FILE_WRITE_ERROR0x8004E10AThe Software Licensing Service reported that the Token Store was unable to write a token.
SL_E_SFS_INVALID_FILE_POSITION0x8004E10BThe Software Licensing Service reported that the Token Store attempted an invalid file operation.
SL_E_SFS_NO_ACTIVE_TRANSACTION0x8004E10CThe Software Licensing Service reported that there is no active transaction.
SL_E_SFS_INVALID_FS_HEADER0x8004E10DThe Software Licensing Service reported that the Token Store file header is invalid.
SL_E_SFS_INVALID_TOKEN_DESCRIPTOR0x8004E10EThe Software Licensing Service reported that a Token Store token descriptor is invalid.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_PRODUCT_KEY_OUT_OF_RANGE0x803FA065The activation server determined the specified product key is invalid.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_INVALID_BINDING0x803FA066The activation server determined there is a problem with the specified product key.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_PRODUCT_KEY_BLOCKED0x803FA067The activation server determined the specified product key has been blocked.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_INVALID_PRODUCT_KEY0x803FA068The activation server determined the specified product key has been blocked.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_UNSUPPORTED_PRODUCT_KEY0x803FA06CThe activation server determined the specified product key is invalid.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_MAXIMUM_UNLOCK_EXCEEDED0x803FA071The activation server reported that the product key has exceeded its unlock limit.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_INVALID_PRODUCT_DATA_ID0x803FA073The activation server determined the license is invalid.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_INVALID_PRODUCT_DATA0x803FA074The activation server determined the license is invalid.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_INVALID_ACTCONFIG_ID0x803FA076The activation server determined the product key is not valid.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_INVALID_PRODUCT_KEY_LENGTH0x803FA077The activation server determined the specified product key is invalid.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_INVALID_PRODUCT_KEY_FORMAT0x803FA078The activation server determined the specified product key is invalid.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_INVALID_BINDING_URI0x803FA07AThe activation server determined the license is invalid.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_INVALID_ARGUMENT0x803FA07DThe activation server experienced an error.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_DMAK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED0x803FA07FThe activation server reported that the Multiple Activation Key has exceeded its limit.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_DMAK_EXTENSION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED0x803FA080The activation server reported that the Multiple Activation Key extension limit has been exceeded.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_OEM_SLP_COA00x803FA083The activation server reported that the specified product key cannot be used for online activation.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_CIDIID_INVALID_VERSION0x803FA08DThe activation server determined that the version of the offline Confirmation ID (CID) is incorrect.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_CIDIID_INVALID_DATA0x803FA08EThe activation server reported that the format for the offline activation data is incorrect.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_CIDIID_INVALID_DATA_LENGTH0x803FA08FThe activation server reported that the length of the offline Confirmation ID (CID) is incorrect.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_CIDIID_INVALID_CHECK_DIGITS0x803FA090The Software Licensing Service determined that the Installation ID (IID) or the Confirmation ID (CID) is invalid.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_TIMEBASED_ACTIVATION_BEFORE_START_DATE0x803FA097The activation server reported that time based activation attempted before start date.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_TIMEBASED_ACTIVATION_AFTER_END_DATE0x803FA098The activation server reported that time based activation attempted after end date.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_TIMEBASED_ACTIVATION_NOT_AVAILABLE0x803FA099The activation server reported that new time based activation is not available.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_TIMEBASED_PRODUCT_KEY_NOT_CONFIGURED0x803FA09AThe activation server reported that the time based product key is not configured for activation.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_NO_RULES_TO_ACTIVATE0x803FA0C8The activation server reported that no business rules available to activate specified product key.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_PRODUCT_KEY_BLOCKED_IPLOCATION0x803FA0CBThe activation server determined the specified product key has been blocked for this geographic location.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_DIGITALMARKER_INVALID_BINDING0x803FA0D3The activation server determined the license is invalid.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_DIGITALMARKER_BINDING_NOT_CONFIGURED0x803FA0D4The activation server determined there is a problem with the specified product key.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_ROT_OVERRIDE_LIMIT_REACHED0x803FA0D5The activation server determined that the override limit is reached.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_DMAK_OVERRIDE_LIMIT_REACHED0x803FA0D6The activation server determined that the override limit is reached.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_FREE_OFFER_EXPIRED0x803FA400The activation server determined that the offer no longer exists.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_OSR_DONOR_HWID_NO_ENTITLEMENT0x803FABB8Error indicating that the donor hardwareId does not own operating system entitlement.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_OSR_GENERIC_ERROR0x803FABB9Error code indicating that user not eligible for reactivation.(Generic error code)
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_OSR_NO_ASSOCIATION0x803FABBAError code indicating that user not eligible for reactivation due to no association
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_OSR_NOT_ADMIN0x803FABBBError code indicating that user not eligible for reactivation because user is not an admin on device
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_OSR_USER_THROTTLED0x803FABBCError code indicating that user not eligible for reactivation because user is is throttled.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_OSR_LICENSE_THROTTLED0x803FABBDError code indicating that user not eligible for reactivation because license is throttled.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_OSR_DEVICE_THROTTLED0x803FABBEError code indicating that device is not eligible for reactivation because it is throttled.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_OSR_GP_DISABLED0x803FABBFError code indicating that user not eligible for because policy does not allow it.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_OSR_HARDWARE_BLOCKED0x803FABC0Error code indicating that the device is not eligible for reactivation because it is blocked.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_OSR_USER_BLOCKED0x803FABC1Error code indicating that the user is not eligible for reactivation because the user is blocked.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_OSR_LICENSE_BLOCKED0x803FABC2Error code indicating that the license is not eligible for transfer because the license is blocked.
SL_REMAPPING_MDOLLAR_OSR_DEVICE_BLOCKED0x803FABC3Error code indicating that the device is not eligible for transfer because the device is blocked.
SL_E_SRV_INVALID_PUBLISH_LICENSE0xC004B001The activation server determined that the license is invalid.
SL_E_SRV_INVALID_PRODUCT_KEY_LICENSE0xC004B002The activation server determined that the license is invalid.
SL_E_SRV_INVALID_RIGHTS_ACCOUNT_LICENSE0xC004B003The activation server determined that the license is invalid.
SL_E_SRV_INVALID_LICENSE_STRUCTURE0xC004B004The activation server determined that the license is invalid.
SL_E_SRV_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED0xC004B005The activation server determined that the license is invalid.
SL_E_SRV_INVALID_BINDING0xC004B006The activation server determined that the license is invalid.
SL_E_SRV_SERVER_PONG0xC004B007The activation server reported that the computer could not connect to the activation server.
SL_E_SRV_INVALID_PAYLOAD0xC004B008The activation server determined that the product could not be activated.
SL_E_SRV_INVALID_SECURITY_PROCESSOR_LICENSE0xC004B009The activation server determined that the license is invalid.
SL_E_SRV_BUSINESS_TOKEN_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND0xC004B010The activation server determined that required business token entry cannot be found.
SL_E_SRV_CLIENT_CLOCK_OUT_OF_SYNC0xC004B011The activation server determined that your computer clock time is not correct. You must correct your clock before you can activate.
SL_E_SRV_GENERAL_ERROR0xC004B100The activation server determined that the product could not be activated.
SL_E_CHPA_PRODUCT_KEY_OUT_OF_RANGE0xC004C001The activation server determined the specified product key is invalid.
SL_E_CHPA_INVALID_BINDING0xC004C002The activation server determined there is a problem with the specified product key.
SL_E_CHPA_PRODUCT_KEY_BLOCKED0xC004C003The activation server determined the specified product key has been blocked.
SL_E_CHPA_INVALID_PRODUCT_KEY0xC004C004The activation server determined the specified product key is invalid.
SL_E_CHPA_BINDING_NOT_FOUND0xC004C005The activation server determined the license is invalid.
SL_E_CHPA_BINDING_MAPPING_NOT_FOUND0xC004C006The activation server determined the license is invalid.
SL_E_CHPA_UNSUPPORTED_PRODUCT_KEY0xC004C007The activation server determined the specified product key is invalid.
SL_E_CHPA_MAXIMUM_UNLOCK_EXCEEDED0xC004C008The activation server reported that the product key has exceeded its unlock limit.
SL_E_CHPA_ACTCONFIG_ID_NOT_FOUND0xC004C009The activation server determined the license is invalid.
SL_E_CHPA_INVALID_PRODUCT_DATA_ID0xC004C00AThe activation server determined the license is invalid.
SL_E_CHPA_INVALID_PRODUCT_DATA0xC004C00BThe activation server determined the license is invalid.
SL_E_CHPA_SYSTEM_ERROR0xC004C00CThe activation server experienced an error.
SL_E_CHPA_INVALID_ACTCONFIG_ID0xC004C00DThe activation server determined the product key is not valid.
SL_E_CHPA_INVALID_PRODUCT_KEY_LENGTH0xC004C00EThe activation server determined the specified product key is invalid.
SL_E_CHPA_INVALID_PRODUCT_KEY_FORMAT0xC004C00FThe activation server determined the specified product key is invalid.
SL_E_CHPA_INVALID_PRODUCT_KEY_CHAR0xC004C010The activation server determined the specified product key is invalid.
SL_E_CHPA_INVALID_BINDING_URI0xC004C011The activation server determined the license is invalid.
SL_E_CHPA_NETWORK_ERROR0xC004C012The activation server experienced a network error.
SL_E_CHPA_DATABASE_ERROR0xC004C013The activation server experienced an error.
SL_E_CHPA_INVALID_ARGUMENT0xC004C014The activation server experienced an error.
SL_E_CHPA_RESPONSE_NOT_AVAILABLE0xC004C015The activation server experienced an error.
SL_E_CHPA_OEM_SLP_COA00xC004C016The activation server reported that the specified product key cannot be used for online activation.
SL_E_CHPA_PRODUCT_KEY_BLOCKED_IPLOCATION0xC004C017The activation server determined the specified product key has been blocked for this geographic location.
SL_E_CHPA_DMAK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED0xC004C020The activation server reported that the Multiple Activation Key has exceeded its limit.
SL_E_CHPA_DMAK_EXTENSION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED0xC004C021The activation server reported that the Multiple Activation Key extension limit has been exceeded.
SL_E_CHPA_REISSUANCE_LIMIT_NOT_FOUND0xC004C022The activation server reported that the re-issuance limit was not found.
SL_E_CHPA_OVERRIDE_REQUEST_NOT_FOUND0xC004C023The activation server reported that the override request was not found.
SL_E_CHPA_TIMEBASED_ACTIVATION_BEFORE_START_DATE0xC004C030The activation server reported that time based activation attempted before start date.
SL_E_CHPA_TIMEBASED_ACTIVATION_AFTER_END_DATE0xC004C031The activation server reported that time based activation attempted after end date.
SL_E_CHPA_TIMEBASED_ACTIVATION_NOT_AVAILABLE0xC004C032The activation server reported that new time based activation is not available.
SL_E_CHPA_TIMEBASED_PRODUCT_KEY_NOT_CONFIGURED0xC004C033The activation server reported that the time based product key is not configured for activation.
SL_E_CHPA_NO_RULES_TO_ACTIVATE0xC004C04FThe activation server reported that no business rules available to activate specified product key.
SL_E_CHPA_GENERAL_ERROR0xC004C050The activation server experienced a general error.
SL_E_CHPA_DIGITALMARKER_INVALID_BINDING0xC004C051The activation server determined the license is invalid.
SL_E_CHPA_DIGITALMARKER_BINDING_NOT_CONFIGURED0xC004C052The activation server determined there is a problem with the specified product key.
SL_E_CHPA_DYNAMICALLY_BLOCKED_PRODUCT_KEY0xC004C060The activation server determined the specified product key has been blocked.
SL_E_INVALID_LICENSE_STATE_BREACH_GRACE0xC004C291Genuine Validation determined the license state is invalid.
SL_E_INVALID_LICENSE_STATE_BREACH_GRACE_EXPIRED0xC004C292Genuine Validation determined the license state is invalid.
SL_E_INVALID_TEMPLATE_ID0xC004C2F6Genuine Validation determined the validation input template identifier is invalid.
SL_E_INVALID_XML_BLOB0xC004C2FAGenuine Validation determined the validation input data blob is invalid.
SL_E_VALIDATION_BLOB_PARAM_NOT_FOUND0xC004C327Genuine Validation determined the validation input data blob parameter is invalid.
SL_E_INVALID_CLIENT_TOKEN0xC004C328Genuine Validation determined the client token data is invalid.
SL_E_INVALID_OFFLINE_BLOB0xC004C329Genuine Validation determined the offline data blob is invalid.
SL_E_OFFLINE_VALIDATION_BLOB_PARAM_NOT_FOUND0xC004C32AGenuine Validation determined the offline data blob parameter is invalid.
SL_E_INVALID_OSVERSION_TEMPLATEID0xC004C32BGenuine Validation determined the validation template identifier is invalid for this version of the Windows operating system.
SL_E_OFFLINE_GENUINE_BLOB_REVOKED0xC004C32CGenuine Validation determined the offline genuine blob is revoked.
SL_E_OFFLINE_GENUINE_BLOB_NOT_FOUND0xC004C32DGenuine Validation determined the offline genuine blob is not found.
SL_E_CHPA_MSCH_RESPONSE_NOT_AVAILABLE_VGA0xC004C3FFThe activation server determined the VGA service response is not available in the expected format.
SL_E_INVALID_OS_FOR_PRODUCT_KEY0xC004C401Genuine Validation determined the product key is invalid for this version of the Windows operating system.
SL_E_INVALID_FILE_HASH0xC004C4A1Genuine Validation determined the file hash is invalid.
SL_E_VALIDATION_BLOCKED_PRODUCT_KEY0xC004C4A2Genuine Validation determined the product key has been blocked.
SL_E_MISMATCHED_KEY_TYPES0xC004C4A4Genuine Validation determined the product key type is invalid.
SL_E_VALIDATION_INVALID_PRODUCT_KEY0xC004C4A5Genuine Validation determined the product key is invalid.
SL_E_INVALID_OEM_OR_VOLUME_BINDING_DATA0xC004C4A7Genuine Validation determined the OEM or Volume binding data is invalid.
SL_E_INVALID_LICENSE_STATE0xC004C4A8Genuine Validation determined the license state is invalid.
SL_E_IP_LOCATION_FALIED0xC004C4A9Genuine Validation determined the specified product key has been blocked for this geographic location.
SL_E_SOFTMOD_EXPLOIT_DETECTED0xC004C4ABGenuine Validation detected Windows licensing exploits.
SL_E_INVALID_TOKEN_DATA0xC004C4ACGenuine Validation determined the token activation data is invalid.
SL_E_HEALTH_CHECK_FAILED_NEUTRAL_FILES0xC004C4ADGenuine Validation detected tampered Windows binaries.
SL_E_HEALTH_CHECK_FAILED_MUI_FILES0xC004C4AEGenuine Validation detected tampered Windows binaries.
SL_E_INVALID_AD_DATA0xC004C4AFGenuine Validation determined the active directory activation data is invalid.
SL_E_INVALID_RSDP_COUNT0xC004C4B0Genuine Validation detected Windows licensing exploits.
SL_E_ENGINE_DETECTED_EXPLOIT0xC004C4B1Genuine Validation detected Windows licensing exploits.
SL_E_NOTIFICATION_BREACH_DETECTED0xC004C531Genuine Validation detected Windows licensing exploits.
SL_E_NOTIFICATION_GRACE_EXPIRED0xC004C532Genuine Validation determined the license state is in notification due to expired grace.
SL_E_NOTIFICATION_OTHER_REASONS0xC004C533Genuine Validation determined the license state is in notification.
SL_E_NON_GENUINE_STATUS_LAST0xC004C600Genuine Validation determined your copy of Windows is not genuine.
SL_E_CHPA_BUSINESS_RULE_INPUT_NOT_FOUND0xC004C700The activation server reported that business rule cound not find required input.
SL_E_CHPA_NULL_VALUE_FOR_PROPERTY_NAME_OR_ID0xC004C750The activation server reported that NULL value specified for business property name and Id.
SL_E_CHPA_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY_NAME0xC004C751The activation server reported that property name specifies unknown property.
SL_E_CHPA_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY_ID0xC004C752The activation server reported that property Id specifies unknown property.
SL_E_CHPA_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_PRODUCTKEY_BINDING0xC004C755The activation server reported that it failed to update product key binding.
SL_E_CHPA_FAILED_TO_INSERT_PRODUCTKEY_BINDING0xC004C756The activation server reported that it failed to insert product key binding.
SL_E_CHPA_FAILED_TO_DELETE_PRODUCTKEY_BINDING0xC004C757The activation server reported that it failed to delete product key binding.
SL_E_CHPA_FAILED_TO_PROCESS_PRODUCT_KEY_BINDINGS_XML0xC004C758The activation server reported that it failed to process input XML for product key bindings.
SL_E_CHPA_FAILED_TO_INSERT_PRODUCT_KEY_PROPERTY0xC004C75AThe activation server reported that it failed to insert product key property.
SL_E_CHPA_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_PRODUCT_KEY_PROPERTY0xC004C75BThe activation server reported that it failed to update product key property.
SL_E_CHPA_FAILED_TO_DELETE_PRODUCT_KEY_PROPERTY0xC004C75CThe activation server reported that it failed to delete product key property.
SL_E_CHPA_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT_KEY_TYPE0xC004C764The activation server reported that the product key type is unknown.
SL_E_CHPA_PRODUCT_KEY_BEING_USED0xC004C770The activation server reported that the product key type is being used by another user.
SL_E_CHPA_FAILED_TO_INSERT_PRODUCT_KEY_RECORD0xC004C780The activation server reported that it failed to insert product key record.
SL_E_CHPA_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_PRODUCT_KEY_RECORD0xC004C781The activation server reported that it failed to update product key record.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_API_INVALID_LICENSE0xC004D000Owner, write description pls
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_API_INVALID_ALGORITHM_TYPE0xC004D009Owner, write description pls
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_API_BAD_GET_INFO_QUERY0xC004D012Owner, write description pls
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_API_INVALID_HANDLE0xC004D02COwner, write description pls
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_API_INVALID_KEY_LENGTH0xC004D055Owner, write description pls
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_API_NO_AES_PROVIDER0xC004D073Owner, write description pls
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_API_HANDLE_NOT_COMMITED0xC004D081The handle was used before calling SPCommit with it.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_GENERAL_NOT_INITIALIZED0xC004D101The security processor reported an initialization error.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_STATUS_GENERIC_FAILURE0xC004D103The security processor reported that an error has occurred.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_STATUS_INVALIDARG0xC004D104The security processor reported that invalid data was used.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_STATUS_ALREADY_EXISTS0xC004D105The security processor reported that the value already exists.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER0xC004D107The security processor reported that an insufficient buffer was used.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_STATUS_INVALIDDATA0xC004D108The security processor reported that invalid data was used.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_STATUS_INVALID_SPAPI_CALL0xC004D109The security processor reported that an invalid call was made.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_STATUS_INVALID_SPAPI_VERSION0xC004D10AThe security processor reported a version mismatch error.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_STATUS_NO_MORE_DATA0xC004D10CNo more data is available
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_CRYPTO_INVALID_KEYLENGTH0xC004D201The length of the cryptopgraphic key material/blob is invalid
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_CRYPTO_INVALID_BLOCKLENGTH0xC004D202The block length is not correct for this algorithm
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_CRYPTO_INVALID_CIPHER0xC004D203The Cryptopgrahic cipher/algorithm type is invalid
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_CRYPTO_INVALID_CIPHERMODE0xC004D204The specified cipher mode is invalid. For example both encrypt and decrypt cannot be specified for symmetric keys.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_CRYPTO_UNKNOWN_PROVIDERID0xC004D205The SPAPIID for the specified Cryptographic Provider is unknown
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_CRYPTO_UNKNOWN_KEYID0xC004D206The SPAPIID for the specified Cryptographic Key (type) is unknown
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_CRYPTO_UNKNOWN_HASHID0xC004D207The SPAPIID for the specified Cryptographic Hash is unknown
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_CRYPTO_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTEID0xC004D208The SPAPIID for the specified Cryptographic Attribute is unknown
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_CRYPTO_HASH_FINALIZED0xC004D209The hash object has been finalized and can no longer be updated
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_CRYPTO_KEY_NOT_AVAILABLE0xC004D20AThe key is not available within the current state
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_CRYPTO_KEY_NOT_FOUND0xC004D20BThe key does not exist. It may not have have been created yet
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_CRYPTO_NOT_BLOCK_ALIGNED0xC004D20CThe data length is not a multiple of the algorithm's block length
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_CRYPTO_INVALID_SIGNATURELENGTH0xC004D20DThe length of the signature is not valid
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_CRYPTO_INVALID_SIGNATURE0xC004D20EThe signature does not correlate with the comparison hash
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_CRYPTO_INVALID_FORMAT0xC004D210The format of the RSA block is not valid
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_TS_TAMPERED0xC004D301The security processor reported that the trusted data store was tampered.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_TS_REARMED0xC004D302The security processor reported that the trusted data store was rearmed.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_TS_RECREATED0xC004D303The security processor reported that the trusted store has been recreated.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_TS_ENTRY_KEY_NOT_FOUND0xC004D304The security processor reported that entry key was not found in the trusted data store.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_TS_ENTRY_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS0xC004D305The security processor reported that the entry key already exists in the trusted data store.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_TS_ENTRY_KEY_SIZE_TOO_BIG0xC004D306The security processor reported that the entry key is too big to fit in the trusted data store.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_TS_MAX_REARM_REACHED0xC004D307The security processor reported that the maximum allowed number of re-arms has been exceeded. You must re-install the OS before trying to re-arm again.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_TS_DATA_SIZE_TOO_BIG0xC004D308The security processor has reported that entry data size is too big to fit in the trusted data store.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_TS_INVALID_HW_BINDING0xC004D309The security processor has reported that the machine has gone out of hardware tolerance.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_TIMER_ALREADY_EXISTS0xC004D30AThe security processor has reported that the secure timer already exists.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_TIMER_NOT_FOUND0xC004D30BThe security processor has reported that the secure timer was not found.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_TIMER_EXPIRED0xC004D30CThe security processor has reported that the secure timer has expired.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_TIMER_NAME_SIZE_TOO_BIG0xC004D30DThe security processor has reported that the secure timer name is too long.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_TS_FULL0xC004D30EThe security processor reported that the trusted data store is full.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_TS_ENTRY_READ_ONLY0xC004D310Read-only entry cannot be modified.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_TIMER_READ_ONLY0xC004D311Read-only timer cannot be modified.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_TS_ATTRIBUTE_READ_ONLY0xC004D312Read-only attribute cannot be modified.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_TS_ACCESS_DENIED0xC004D314Trusted Store access denied.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_TAMPER_MODULE_AUTHENTICATION0xC004D401The security processor reported a system file mismatch error.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_TAMPER_SECURITY_PROCESSOR_PATCHED0xC004D402The security processor reported a system file mismatch error.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_KM_CACHE_TAMPER0xC004D501The security processor reported an error with the kernel data.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_KM_CACHE_TAMPER_RESTORE_FAILED0xC004D502Kernel Mode Cache is tampered and the restore attempt failed
SL_REMAPPING_SP_STATUS_PUSHKEY_CONFLICT0xC004D701External decryption key was already set for specified feature.
SL_REMAPPING_SP_PUB_PROXY_SOFT_TAMPER0xC004D702Error occured during proxy execution
SL_E_INVALID_CONTEXT0xC004E001The Software Licensing Service determined that the specified context is invalid.
SL_E_TOKEN_STORE_INVALID_STATE0xC004E002The Software Licensing Service reported that the license store contains inconsistent data.
SL_E_EVALUATION_FAILED0xC004E003The Software Licensing Service reported that license evaluation failed.
SL_E_NOT_EVALUATED0xC004E004The Software Licensing Service reported that the license has not been evaluated.
SL_E_NOT_ACTIVATED0xC004E005The Software Licensing Service reported that the license is not activated.
SL_E_INVALID_GUID0xC004E006The Software Licensing Service reported that the license contains invalid data.
SL_E_TOKSTO_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND0xC004E007The Software Licensing Service reported that the license store does not contain the requested license.
SL_E_TOKSTO_NO_PROPERTIES0xC004E008The Software Licensing Service reported that the license property is invalid.
SL_E_TOKSTO_NOT_INITIALIZED0xC004E009The Software Licensing Service reported that the license store is not initialized.
SL_E_TOKSTO_ALREADY_INITIALIZED0xC004E00AThe Software Licensing Service reported that the license store is already initialized.
SL_E_TOKSTO_NO_ID_SET0xC004E00BThe Software Licensing Service reported that the license property is invalid.
SL_E_TOKSTO_CANT_CREATE_FILE0xC004E00CThe Software Licensing Service reported that the license could not be opened or created.
SL_E_TOKSTO_CANT_WRITE_TO_FILE0xC004E00DThe Software Licensing Service reported that the license could not be written.
SL_E_TOKSTO_CANT_READ_FILE0xC004E00EThe Software Licensing Service reported that the license store could not read the license file.
SL_E_TOKSTO_CANT_PARSE_PROPERTIES0xC004E00FThe Software Licensing Service reported that the license property is corrupted.
SL_E_TOKSTO_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND0xC004E010The Software Licensing Service reported that the license property is missing.
SL_E_TOKSTO_INVALID_FILE0xC004E011The Software Licensing Service reported that the license store contains an invalid license file.
SL_E_TOKSTO_CANT_CREATE_MUTEX0xC004E012The Software Licensing Service reported that the license store failed to start synchronization properly.
SL_E_TOKSTO_CANT_ACQUIRE_MUTEX0xC004E013The Software Licensing Service reported that the license store failed to synchronize properly.
SL_E_TOKSTO_NO_TOKEN_DATA0xC004E014The Software Licensing Service reported that the license property is invalid.
SL_E_EUL_CONSUMPTION_FAILED0xC004E015The Software Licensing Service reported that license consumption failed.
SL_E_PKEY_INVALID_CONFIG0xC004E016The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is invalid.
SL_E_PKEY_INVALID_UNIQUEID0xC004E017The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is invalid.
SL_E_PKEY_INVALID_ALGORITHM0xC004E018The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is invalid.
SL_E_PKEY_INTERNAL_ERROR0xC004E019The Software Licensing Service determined that validation of the specified product key failed.
SL_E_LICENSE_INVALID_ADDON_INFO0xC004E01AThe Software Licensing Service reported that invalid add-on information was found.
SL_E_HWID_ERROR0xC004E01BThe Software Licensing Service reported that not all hardware information could be collected.
SL_E_PKEY_INVALID_KEYCHANGE10xC004E01CThis evaluation product key is no longer valid.
SL_E_PKEY_INVALID_KEYCHANGE20xC004E01DThe new product key cannot be used on this installation of Windows. Type a different product key. (CD-AB)
SL_E_PKEY_INVALID_KEYCHANGE30xC004E01EThe new product key cannot be used on this installation of Windows. Type a different product key. (AB-AB)
SL_E_POLICY_OTHERINFO_MISMATCH0xC004E020The Software Licensing Service reported that there is a mismatched between a policy value and information stored in the OtherInfo section.
SL_E_PRODUCT_UNIQUENESS_GROUP_ID_INVALID0xC004E021The Software Licensing Service reported that the Genuine information contained in the license is not consistent.
SL_E_SECURE_STORE_ID_MISMATCH0xC004E022The Software Licensing Service reported that the secure store id value in license does not match with the current value.
SL_E_INVALID_RULESET_RULE0xC004E023The Software Licensing Service reported that the notification rules appear to be invalid.
SL_E_INVALID_CONTEXT_DATA0xC004E024The Software Licensing Service reported that the reported machine data appears to be invalid.
SL_E_INVALID_HASH0xC004E025The Software Licensing Service reported that the data hash does not correspond to the data.
SL_E_WINDOWS_VERSION_MISMATCH0xC004E027The Software Licensing Service reported that the version of SPPSvc does not match the policy.
SL_E_ACTIVATION_IN_PROGRESS0xC004E028The Software Licensing Service reported that there is another activation attempt in progress for this sku. Please wait for that attempt to complete before trying again.
SL_E_STORE_UPGRADE_TOKEN_REQUIRED0xC004E029The Software Licensing Service reported that the activated license requires a corresponding Store upgrade license in order to work. Please visit the Store to purchase a new license or re-download an existing one.
SL_E_STORE_UPGRADE_TOKEN_WRONG_EDITION0xC004E02AThe Software Licensing Service reported that the Store upgrade license is not enabled for the current OS edition. Please visit the Store to purchase the appropriate license.
SL_E_STORE_UPGRADE_TOKEN_WRONG_PID0xC004E02BThe Software Licensing Service reported that the Store upgrade license does not match the current active product key. Please visit the Store to purchase a new license or re-download an existing one.
SL_E_STORE_UPGRADE_TOKEN_NOT_PRS_SIGNED0xC004E02CThe Software Licensing Service reported that the Store upgrade license does not match the current signing level for the installed Operating System. Please visit the Store to purchase a new license or re-download an existing one.
SL_E_STORE_UPGRADE_TOKEN_WRONG_VERSION0xC004E02DThe Software Licensing Service reported that the Store upgrade license does not enable the current version of the installed Operating System. Please visit the Store to purchase a new license or re-download an existing one.
SL_E_STORE_UPGRADE_TOKEN_NOT_AUTHORIZED0xC004E02EThe Software Licensing Service reported that the Store upgrade license could not be authorized. Please visit the Store to purchase a new license or re-download an existing one.
SL_E_INTERNAL_ERROR0xC004F001The Software Licensing Service reported an internal error.
SL_E_RIGHT_NOT_CONSUMED0xC004F002The Software Licensing Service reported that rights consumption failed.
SL_E_USE_LICENSE_NOT_INSTALLED0xC004F003The Software Licensing Service reported that the required license could not be found.
SL_E_MISMATCHED_PKEY_RANGE0xC004F004The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key does not match the range defined in the license.
SL_E_MISMATCHED_PID0xC004F005The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key does not match the product key for the license.
SL_E_EXTERNAL_SIGNATURE_NOT_FOUND0xC004F006The Software Licensing Service reported that the signature file for the license is not available.
SL_E_RAC_NOT_AVAILABLE0xC004F007The Software Licensing Service reported that the license could not be found.
SL_E_SPC_NOT_AVAILABLE0xC004F008The Software Licensing Service reported that the license could not be found.
SL_E_GRACE_TIME_EXPIRED0xC004F009The Software Licensing Service reported that the grace period expired.
SL_E_MISMATCHED_APPID0xC004F00AThe Software Licensing Service reported that the application ID does not match the application ID for the license.
SL_E_NO_PID_CONFIG_DATA0xC004F00BThe Software Licensing Service reported that the product identification data is not available.
SL_E_MISMATCHED_SECURITY_PROCESSOR0xC004F00EThe Software Licensing Service determined that the license could not be used by the current version of the security processor component.
SL_E_OUT_OF_TOLERANCE0xC004F00FThe Software Licensing Service reported that the hardware ID binding is beyond the level of tolerance.
SL_E_INVALID_PKEY0xC004F010The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is invalid.
SL_E_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_INSTALLED0xC004F011The Software Licensing Service reported that the license file is not installed.
SL_E_VALUE_NOT_FOUND0xC004F012The Software Licensing Service reported that the call has failed because the value for the input key was not found.
SL_E_RIGHT_NOT_GRANTED0xC004F013The Software Licensing Service determined that there is no permission to run the software.
SL_E_PKEY_NOT_INSTALLED0xC004F014The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is not available.
SL_E_PRODUCT_SKU_NOT_INSTALLED0xC004F015The Software Licensing Service reported that the license is not installed.
SL_E_NOT_SUPPORTED0xC004F016The Software Licensing Service determined that the request is not supported.
SL_E_PUBLISHING_LICENSE_NOT_INSTALLED0xC004F017The Software Licensing Service reported that the license is not installed.
SL_E_LICENSE_SERVER_URL_NOT_FOUND0xC004F018The Software Licensing Service reported that the license does not contain valid location data for the activation server.
SL_E_INVALID_EVENT_ID0xC004F019The Software Licensing Service determined that the requested event ID is invalid.
SL_E_EVENT_NOT_REGISTERED0xC004F01AThe Software Licensing Service determined that the requested event is not registered with the service.
SL_E_EVENT_ALREADY_REGISTERED0xC004F01BThe Software Licensing Service reported that the event ID is already registered.
SL_E_DECRYPTION_LICENSES_NOT_AVAILABLE0xC004F01CThe Software Licensing Service reported that the license is not installed.
SL_E_LICENSE_SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION_FAILED0xC004F01DThe Software Licensing Service reported that the verification of the license failed.
SL_E_DATATYPE_MISMATCHED0xC004F01EThe Software Licensing Service determined that the input data type does not match the data type in the license.
SL_E_INVALID_LICENSE0xC004F01FThe Software Licensing Service determined that the license is invalid.
SL_E_INVALID_PACKAGE0xC004F020The Software Licensing Service determined that the license package is invalid.
SL_E_VALIDITY_TIME_EXPIRED0xC004F021The Software Licensing Service reported that the validity period of the license has expired.
SL_E_LICENSE_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED0xC004F022The Software Licensing Service reported that the license authorization failed.
SL_E_LICENSE_DECRYPTION_FAILED0xC004F023The Software Licensing Service reported that the license is invalid.
SL_E_WINDOWS_INVALID_LICENSE_STATE0xC004F024The Software Licensing Service reported that the license is invalid.
SL_E_LUA_ACCESSDENIED0xC004F025The Software Licensing Service reported that the action requires administrator privilege.
SL_E_PROXY_KEY_NOT_FOUND0xC004F026The Software Licensing Service reported that the required data is not found.
SL_E_TAMPER_DETECTED0xC004F027The Software Licensing Service reported that the license is tampered.
SL_E_POLICY_CACHE_INVALID0xC004F028The Software Licensing Service reported that the policy cache is invalid.
SL_E_INVALID_RUNNING_MODE0xC004F029The Software Licensing Service cannot be started in the current OS mode.
SL_E_SLP_NOT_SIGNED0xC004F02AThe Software Licensing Service reported that the license is invalid.
SL_E_CIDIID_INVALID_DATA0xC004F02CThe Software Licensing Service reported that the format for the offline activation data is incorrect.
SL_E_CIDIID_INVALID_VERSION0xC004F02DThe Software Licensing Service determined that the version of the offline Confirmation ID (CID) is incorrect.
SL_E_CIDIID_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED0xC004F02EThe Software Licensing Service determined that the version of the offline Confirmation ID (CID) is not supported.
SL_E_CIDIID_INVALID_DATA_LENGTH0xC004F02FThe Software Licensing Service reported that the length of the offline Confirmation ID (CID) is incorrect.
SL_E_CIDIID_NOT_DEPOSITED0xC004F030The Software Licensing Service determined that the Installation ID (IID) or the Confirmation ID (CID) could not been saved.
SL_E_CIDIID_MISMATCHED0xC004F031The Installation ID (IID) and the Confirmation ID (CID) do not match. Please confirm the IID and reacquire a new CID if necessary.
SL_E_INVALID_BINDING_BLOB0xC004F032The Software Licensing Service determined that the binding data is invalid.
SL_E_PRODUCT_KEY_INSTALLATION_NOT_ALLOWED0xC004F033The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is not allowed to be installed. Please see the eventlog for details.
SL_E_EUL_NOT_AVAILABLE0xC004F034The Software Licensing Service reported that the license could not be found or was invalid.
SL_E_VL_NOT_WINDOWS_SLP0xC004F035The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated with a Volume license product key. Volume-licensed systems require upgrading from a qualifying operating system. Please contact your system administrator or use a different type of key.
SL_E_VL_NOT_ENOUGH_COUNT0xC004F038The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The count reported by your Key Management Service (KMS) is insufficient. Please contact your system administrator.
SL_E_VL_BINDING_SERVICE_NOT_ENABLED0xC004F039The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The Key Management Service (KMS) is not enabled.
SL_E_VL_KEY_MANAGEMENT_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVATED0xC004F041The Software Licensing Service determined that the Key Management Service (KMS) is not activated. KMS needs to be activated. Please contact system administrator.
SL_E_VL_KEY_MANAGEMENT_SERVICE_ID_MISMATCH0xC004F042The Software Licensing Service determined that the specified Key Management Service (KMS) cannot be used.
SL_E_PROXY_POLICY_NOT_UPDATED0xC004F047The Software Licensing Service reported that the proxy policy has not been updated.
SL_E_CIDIID_INVALID_CHECK_DIGITS0xC004F04DThe Software Licensing Service determined that the Installation ID (IID) or the Confirmation ID (CID) is invalid.
SL_E_LICENSE_MANAGEMENT_DATA_NOT_FOUND0xC004F04FThe Software Licensing Service reported that license management information was not found in the licenses.
SL_E_INVALID_PRODUCT_KEY0xC004F050The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is invalid.
SL_E_BLOCKED_PRODUCT_KEY0xC004F051The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is blocked.
SL_E_DUPLICATE_POLICY0xC004F052The Software Licensing Service reported that the licenses contain duplicated properties.
SL_E_MISSING_OVERRIDE_ONLY_ATTRIBUTE0xC004F053The Software Licensing Service determined that the license is invalid. The license contains an override policy that is not configured properly.
SL_E_LICENSE_MANAGEMENT_DATA_DUPLICATED0xC004F054The Software Licensing Service reported that license management information has duplicated data.
SL_E_BASE_SKU_NOT_AVAILABLE0xC004F055The Software Licensing Service reported that the base SKU is not available.
SL_E_VL_MACHINE_NOT_BOUND0xC004F056The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated using the Key Management Service (KMS).
SL_E_SLP_MISSING_ACPI_SLIC0xC004F057The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer BIOS is missing a required license.
SL_E_SLP_MISSING_SLP_MARKER0xC004F058The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer BIOS is missing a required license.
SL_E_SLP_BAD_FORMAT0xC004F059The Software Licensing Service reported that a license in the computer BIOS is invalid.
SL_E_INVALID_PACKAGE_VERSION0xC004F060The Software Licensing Service determined that the version of the license package is invalid.
SL_E_PKEY_INVALID_UPGRADE0xC004F061The Software Licensing Service determined that this specified product key can only be used for upgrading, not for clean installations.
SL_E_ISSUANCE_LICENSE_NOT_INSTALLED0xC004F062The Software Licensing Service reported that a required license could not be found.
SL_E_SLP_OEM_CERT_MISSING0xC004F063The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer is missing a required OEM license.
SL_E_NONGENUINE_GRACE_TIME_EXPIRED0xC004F064The Software Licensing Service reported that the non-genuine grace period expired.
SL_E_DEPENDENT_PROPERTY_NOT_SET0xC004F066The Software Licensing Service reported that the genuine information property can not be set before dependent property been set.
SL_E_NONGENUINE_GRACE_TIME_EXPIRED_20xC004F067The Software Licensing Service reported that the non-genuine grace period expired (type 2).
SL_E_MISMATCHED_PRODUCT_SKU0xC004F069The Software Licensing Service reported that the product SKU is not found.
SL_E_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED0xC004F06AThe Software Licensing Service reported that the requested operation is not allowed.
SL_E_VL_KEY_MANAGEMENT_SERVICE_VM_NOT_SUPPORTED0xC004F06BThe Software Licensing Service determined that it is running in a virtual machine. The Key Management Service (KMS) is not supported in this mode.
SL_E_VL_INVALID_TIMESTAMP0xC004F06CThe Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The Key Management Service (KMS) determined that the request timestamp is invalid.
SL_E_PLUGIN_INVALID_MANIFEST0xC004F071The Software Licensing Service reported that the plug-in manifest file is incorrect.
SL_E_APPLICATION_POLICIES_MISSING0xC004F072The Software Licensing Service reported that the license policies for fast query could not be found.
SL_E_APPLICATION_POLICIES_NOT_LOADED0xC004F073The Software Licensing Service reported that the license policies for fast query have not been loaded.
SL_E_VL_BINDING_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE0xC004F074The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. No Key Management Service (KMS) could be contacted. Please see the Application Event Log for additional information.
SL_E_SERVICE_STOPPING0xC004F075The Software Licensing Service reported that the operation cannot be completed because the service is stopping.
SL_E_PLUGIN_NOT_REGISTERED0xC004F076The Software Licensing Service reported that the requested plug-in cannot be found.
SL_E_AUTHN_WRONG_VERSION0xC004F077The Software Licensing Service determined incompatible version of authentication data.
SL_E_AUTHN_MISMATCHED_KEY0xC004F078The Software Licensing Service reported that the key is mismatched.
SL_E_AUTHN_CHALLENGE_NOT_SET0xC004F079The Software Licensing Service reported that the authentication data is not set.
SL_E_AUTHN_CANT_VERIFY0xC004F07AThe Software Licensing Service reported that the verification could not be done.
SL_E_SERVICE_RUNNING0xC004F07BThe requested operation is unavailable while the Software Licensing Service is running.
SL_E_SLP_INVALID_MARKER_VERSION0xC004F07CThe Software Licensing Service determined that the version of the computer BIOS is invalid.
SL_E_INVALID_PRODUCT_KEY_TYPE0xC004F07DThe Software Licensing Service reported that the product key cannot be used for this type of activation.
SL_E_CIDIID_MISMATCHED_PKEY0xC004F07EThe Installation ID (IID) and the Confirmation ID (CID) do not match the product key.
SL_E_CIDIID_NOT_BOUND0xC004F07FThe Installation ID (IID) and the Confirmation ID (CID) are not bound to the current environment.
SL_E_LICENSE_NOT_BOUND0xC004F080The Software Licensing Service reported that the license is not bound to the current environment.
SL_E_VL_AD_AO_NOT_FOUND0xC004F081The Software Licensing Service reported that the Active Directory Activation Object could not be found or was invalid.
SL_E_VL_AD_AO_NAME_TOO_LONG0xC004F082The Software Licensing Service reported that the name specified for the Active Directory Activation Object is too long.
SL_E_VL_AD_SCHEMA_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED0xC004F083The Software Licensing Service reported that Active Directory-Based Activation is not supported in the current Active Directory schema.
SL_E_NOT_GENUINE0xC004F200The Software Licensing Service reported that current state is not genuine.
SL_E_EDITION_MISMATCHED0xC004F210The Software Licensing Service reported that the license edition does match the computer edition.
SL_E_HWID_CHANGED0xC004F211The Software Licensing Service reported that the hardware of the device may have changed.
SL_E_OEM_KEY_EDITION_MISMATCH0xC004F212The Software Licensing Service reported that the edition of the OEM key does not match the edition of Windows.
SL_E_NO_PRODUCT_KEY_FOUND0xC004F213The Software Licensing Service reported that no product key was found on the system.
SL_E_DOWNLEVEL_SETUP_KEY0xC004F214The Software Licensing Service reported a problem with the downlevel product key.
SL_E_BIOS_KEY0xC004F215The Software Licensing Service reported a problem with the BIOS key.
SL_E_TKA_CHALLENGE_EXPIRED0xC004F301The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The token-based activation challenge has expired.
SL_E_TKA_SILENT_ACTIVATION_FAILURE0xC004F302The Software Licensing Service reported that Silent Activation failed. The Software Licensing Service reported that there are no certificates found in the system that could activate the product without user interaction.
SL_E_TKA_INVALID_CERT_CHAIN0xC004F303The Software Licensing Service reported that the certificate chain could not be built or failed validation.
SL_E_TKA_GRANT_NOT_FOUND0xC004F304The Software Licensing Service reported that required license could not be found.
SL_E_TKA_CERT_NOT_FOUND0xC004F305The Software Licensing Service reported that there are no certificates found in the system that could activate the product.
SL_E_TKA_INVALID_SKU_ID0xC004F306The Software Licensing Service reported that this software edition does not support token-based activation.
SL_E_TKA_INVALID_BLOB0xC004F307The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. Activation data is invalid.
SL_E_TKA_TAMPERED_CERT_CHAIN0xC004F308The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. Activation data is tampered.
SL_E_TKA_CHALLENGE_MISMATCH0xC004F309The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. Activation challenge and response do not match.
SL_E_TKA_INVALID_CERTIFICATE0xC004F30AThe Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The certificate does not match the conditions in the license.
SL_E_TKA_INVALID_SMARTCARD0xC004F30BThe Software Licensing Service reported that the inserted smartcard could not be used to activate the product.
SL_E_TKA_FAILED_GRANT_PARSING0xC004F30CThe Software Licensing Service reported that the token-based activation license content is invalid.
SL_E_TKA_INVALID_THUMBPRINT0xC004F30DThe Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The thumbprint is invalid.
SL_E_TKA_THUMBPRINT_CERT_NOT_FOUND0xC004F30EThe Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The thumbprint does not match any certificate.
SL_E_TKA_CRITERIA_MISMATCH0xC004F30FThe Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The certificate does not match the criteria specified in the issuance license.
SL_E_TKA_TPID_MISMATCH0xC004F310The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The certificate does not match the trust point identifier (TPID) specified in the issuance license.
SL_E_TKA_SOFT_CERT_DISALLOWED0xC004F311The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. A soft token cannot be used for activation.
SL_E_TKA_SOFT_CERT_INVALID0xC004F312The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The certificate cannot be used because its private key is exportable.
SL_E_TKA_CERT_CNG_NOT_AVAILABLE0xC004F313The Software Licensing Service reported that the CNG encryption library could not be loaded. The current certificate may not be available on this version of Windows.
E_RM_UNKNOWN_ERROR0xC004FC03A networking problem has occurred while activating your copy of Windows.
SL_E_VALIDITY_PERIOD_EXPIRED0xC004FC07The Software Licensing Service reported that the validity period expired.
SL_E_IA_THROTTLE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED0xC004FD00You've reached the request limit for automatic virtual machine activation. Try again later.
SL_E_IA_INVALID_VIRTUALIZATION_PLATFORM0xC004FD01Windows isn't running on a supported Microsoft Hyper-V virtualization platform.
SL_E_IA_PARENT_PARTITION_NOT_ACTIVATED0xC004FD02Windows isn't activated on the host machine. Please contact your system administrator.
SL_E_IA_ID_MISMATCH0xC004FD03The host machine can't activate the edition of Windows on the virtual machine.
SL_E_IA_MACHINE_NOT_BOUND0xC004FD04Windows isn't activated.
SL_E_TAMPER_RECOVERY_REQUIRES_ACTIVATION0xC004FE00The Software Licensing Service reported that activation is required to recover from tampering of SL Service trusted store.
408 entries