This is work in progress.

Windows / Headers / vfwmsgs.h


Associated Error Codes

Below is a list of error codes found for this header.

VFW_S_NO_MORE_ITEMS0x00040103The end of the list has been reached.%0
VFW_S_DUPLICATE_NAME0x0004022DAn attempt to add a filter with a duplicate name succeeded with a modified name.%0
VFW_S_STATE_INTERMEDIATE0x00040237The state transition has not completed.%0
VFW_S_PARTIAL_RENDER0x00040242Some of the streams in this movie are in an unsupported format.%0
VFW_S_SOME_DATA_IGNORED0x00040245The file contained some property settings that were not used.%0
VFW_S_CONNECTIONS_DEFERRED0x00040246Some connections have failed and have been deferred.%0
VFW_S_RESOURCE_NOT_NEEDED0x00040250The resource specified is no longer needed.%0
VFW_S_MEDIA_TYPE_IGNORED0x00040254A connection could not be made with the media type in the persistent graph,%0 but has been made with a negotiated media type.%0
VFW_S_VIDEO_NOT_RENDERED0x00040257Cannot play back the video stream: no suitable decompressor could be found.%0
VFW_S_AUDIO_NOT_RENDERED0x00040258Cannot play back the audio stream: no audio hardware is available.%0
VFW_S_RPZA0x0004025ACannot play back the video stream: format 'RPZA' is not supported.%0
VFW_S_ESTIMATED0x00040260The value returned had to be estimated. It's accuracy can not be guaranteed.%0
VFW_S_RESERVED0x00040263This success code is reserved for internal purposes within ActiveMovie.%0
VFW_S_STREAM_OFF0x00040267The stream has been turned off.%0
VFW_S_CANT_CUE0x00040268The graph can't be cued because of lack of or corrupt data.%0
VFW_S_NO_STOP_TIME0x00040270The stop time for the sample was not set.%0
VFW_S_NOPREVIEWPIN0x0004027EThere was no preview pin available, so the capture pin output is being split to provide both capture and preview.%0
VFW_S_DVD_NON_ONE_SEQUENTIAL0x00040280The current title was not a sequential set of chapters (PGC), and the returned timing information might not be continuous.%0
VFW_S_DVD_CHANNEL_CONTENTS_NOT_AVAILABLE0x0004028CThe audio stream did not contain sufficient information to determine the contents of each channel.%0
VFW_S_DVD_NOT_ACCURATE0x0004028DThe seek into the movie was not frame accurate.%0
VFW_S_DVD_RENDER_STATUS0x00040320The operation succeeded but some streams were not rendered.%0
VFW_E_INVALIDMEDIATYPE0x80040200An invalid media type was specified.%0
VFW_E_INVALIDSUBTYPE0x80040201An invalid media subtype was specified.%0
VFW_E_NEED_OWNER0x80040202This object can only be created as an aggregated object.%0
VFW_E_ENUM_OUT_OF_SYNC0x80040203The enumerator has become invalid.%0
VFW_E_ALREADY_CONNECTED0x80040204At least one of the pins involved in the operation is already connected.%0
VFW_E_FILTER_ACTIVE0x80040205This operation cannot be performed because the filter is active.%0
VFW_E_NO_TYPES0x80040206One of the specified pins supports no media types.%0
VFW_E_NO_ACCEPTABLE_TYPES0x80040207There is no common media type between these pins.%0
VFW_E_INVALID_DIRECTION0x80040208Two pins of the same direction cannot be connected together.%0
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED0x80040209The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.%0
VFW_E_NO_ALLOCATOR0x8004020ANo sample buffer allocator is available.%0
VFW_E_RUNTIME_ERROR0x8004020BA run-time error occurred.%0
VFW_E_BUFFER_NOTSET0x8004020CNo buffer space has been set.%0
VFW_E_BUFFER_OVERFLOW0x8004020DThe buffer is not big enough.%0
VFW_E_BADALIGN0x8004020EAn invalid alignment was specified.%0
VFW_E_ALREADY_COMMITTED0x8004020FCannot change allocated memory while the filter is active.%0
VFW_E_BUFFERS_OUTSTANDING0x80040210One or more buffers are still active.%0
VFW_E_NOT_COMMITTED0x80040211Cannot allocate a sample when the allocator is not active.%0
VFW_E_SIZENOTSET0x80040212Cannot allocate memory because no size has been set.%0
VFW_E_NO_CLOCK0x80040213Cannot lock for synchronization because no clock has been defined.%0
VFW_E_NO_SINK0x80040214Quality messages could not be sent because no quality sink has been defined.%0
VFW_E_NO_INTERFACE0x80040215A required interface has not been implemented.%0
VFW_E_NOT_FOUND0x80040216An object or name was not found.%0
VFW_E_CANNOT_CONNECT0x80040217No combination of intermediate filters could be found to make the connection.%0
VFW_E_CANNOT_RENDER0x80040218No combination of filters could be found to render the stream.%0
VFW_E_CHANGING_FORMAT0x80040219Could not change formats dynamically.%0
VFW_E_NO_COLOR_KEY_SET0x8004021ANo color key has been set.%0
VFW_E_NOT_OVERLAY_CONNECTION0x8004021BCurrent pin connection is not using the IOverlay transport.%0
VFW_E_NOT_SAMPLE_CONNECTION0x8004021CCurrent pin connection is not using the IMemInputPin transport.%0
VFW_E_PALETTE_SET0x8004021DSetting a color key would conflict with the palette already set.%0
VFW_E_COLOR_KEY_SET0x8004021ESetting a palette would conflict with the color key already set.%0
VFW_E_NO_COLOR_KEY_FOUND0x8004021FNo matching color key is available.%0
VFW_E_NO_PALETTE_AVAILABLE0x80040220No palette is available.%0
VFW_E_NO_DISPLAY_PALETTE0x80040221Display does not use a palette.%0
VFW_E_TOO_MANY_COLORS0x80040222Too many colors for the current display settings.%0
VFW_E_STATE_CHANGED0x80040223The state changed while waiting to process the sample.%0
VFW_E_NOT_STOPPED0x80040224The operation could not be performed because the filter is not stopped.%0
VFW_E_NOT_PAUSED0x80040225The operation could not be performed because the filter is not paused.%0
VFW_E_NOT_RUNNING0x80040226The operation could not be performed because the filter is not running.%0
VFW_E_WRONG_STATE0x80040227The operation could not be performed because the filter is in the wrong state.%0
VFW_E_START_TIME_AFTER_END0x80040228The sample start time is after the sample end time.%0
VFW_E_INVALID_RECT0x80040229The supplied rectangle is invalid.%0
VFW_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED0x8004022AThis pin cannot use the supplied media type.%0
VFW_E_SAMPLE_REJECTED0x8004022BThis sample cannot be rendered.%0
VFW_E_SAMPLE_REJECTED_EOS0x8004022CThis sample cannot be rendered because the end of the stream has been reached.%0
VFW_E_DUPLICATE_NAME0x8004022DAn attempt to add a filter with a duplicate name failed.%0
VFW_E_TIMEOUT0x8004022EA time-out has expired.%0
VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT0x8004022FThe file format is invalid.%0
VFW_E_ENUM_OUT_OF_RANGE0x80040230The list has already been exhausted.%0
VFW_E_CIRCULAR_GRAPH0x80040231The filter graph is circular.%0
VFW_E_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_SAVE0x80040232Updates are not allowed in this state.%0
VFW_E_TIME_ALREADY_PASSED0x80040233An attempt was made to queue a command for a time in the past.%0
VFW_E_ALREADY_CANCELLED0x80040234The queued command has already been canceled.%0
VFW_E_CORRUPT_GRAPH_FILE0x80040235Cannot render the file because it is corrupt.%0
VFW_E_ADVISE_ALREADY_SET0x80040236An overlay advise link already exists.%0
VFW_E_NO_MODEX_AVAILABLE0x80040238No full-screen modes are available.%0
VFW_E_NO_ADVISE_SET0x80040239This Advise cannot be canceled because it was not successfully set.%0
VFW_E_NO_FULLSCREEN0x8004023AA full-screen mode is not available.%0
VFW_E_IN_FULLSCREEN_MODE0x8004023BCannot call IVideoWindow methods while in full-screen mode.%0
VFW_E_UNKNOWN_FILE_TYPE0x80040240The media type of this file is not recognized.%0
VFW_E_CANNOT_LOAD_SOURCE_FILTER0x80040241The source filter for this file could not be loaded.%0
VFW_E_FILE_TOO_SHORT0x80040243A file appeared to be incomplete.%0
VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_VERSION0x80040244The version number of the file is invalid.%0
VFW_E_INVALID_CLSID0x80040247This file is corrupt: it contains an invalid class identifier.%0
VFW_E_INVALID_MEDIA_TYPE0x80040248This file is corrupt: it contains an invalid media type.%0
VFW_E_SAMPLE_TIME_NOT_SET0x80040249No time stamp has been set for this sample.%0
VFW_E_MEDIA_TIME_NOT_SET0x80040251No media time stamp has been set for this sample.%0
VFW_E_NO_TIME_FORMAT_SET0x80040252No media time format has been selected.%0
VFW_E_MONO_AUDIO_HW0x80040253Cannot change balance because audio device is mono only.%0
VFW_E_NO_DECOMPRESSOR0x80040255Cannot play back the video stream: no suitable decompressor could be found.%0
VFW_E_NO_AUDIO_HARDWARE0x80040256Cannot play back the audio stream: no audio hardware is available, or the hardware is not responding.%0
VFW_E_RPZA0x80040259Cannot play back the video stream: format 'RPZA' is not supported.%0
VFW_E_PROCESSOR_NOT_SUITABLE0x8004025BActiveMovie cannot play MPEG movies on this processor.%0
VFW_E_UNSUPPORTED_AUDIO0x8004025CCannot play back the audio stream: the audio format is not supported.%0
VFW_E_UNSUPPORTED_VIDEO0x8004025DCannot play back the video stream: the video format is not supported.%0
VFW_E_MPEG_NOT_CONSTRAINED0x8004025EActiveMovie cannot play this video stream because it falls outside the constrained standard.%0
VFW_E_NOT_IN_GRAPH0x8004025FCannot perform the requested function on an object that is not in the filter graph.%0
VFW_E_NO_TIME_FORMAT0x80040261Cannot get or set time related information on an object that is using a time format of TIME_FORMAT_NONE.%0
VFW_E_READ_ONLY0x80040262The connection cannot be made because the stream is read only and the filter alters the data.%0
VFW_E_BUFFER_UNDERFLOW0x80040264The buffer is not full enough.%0
VFW_E_UNSUPPORTED_STREAM0x80040265Cannot play back the file. The format is not supported.%0
VFW_E_NO_TRANSPORT0x80040266Pins cannot connect due to not supporting the same transport.%0
VFW_E_BAD_VIDEOCD0x80040269The Video CD can't be read correctly by the device or is the data is corrupt.%0
VFW_E_OUT_OF_VIDEO_MEMORY0x80040271There is not enough Video Memory at this display resolution and number of colors. Reducing resolution might help.%0
VFW_E_VP_NEGOTIATION_FAILED0x80040272The VideoPort connection negotiation process has failed.%0
VFW_E_DDRAW_CAPS_NOT_SUITABLE0x80040273Either DirectDraw has not been installed or the Video Card capabilities are not suitable. Make sure the display is not in 16 color mode or try changing the graphics mode.%0
VFW_E_NO_VP_HARDWARE0x80040274No VideoPort hardware is available, or the hardware is not responding.%0
VFW_E_NO_CAPTURE_HARDWARE0x80040275No Capture hardware is available, or the hardware is not responding.%0
VFW_E_DVD_OPERATION_INHIBITED0x80040276This User Operation is inhibited by DVD Content at this time.%0
VFW_E_DVD_INVALIDDOMAIN0x80040277This Operation is not permitted in the current domain.%0
VFW_E_DVD_NO_BUTTON0x80040278The specified button is invalid or is not present at the current time, or there is no button present at the specified location.%0
VFW_E_DVD_GRAPHNOTREADY0x80040279DVD-Video playback graph has not been built yet.%0
VFW_E_DVD_RENDERFAIL0x8004027ADVD-Video playback graph building failed.%0
VFW_E_DVD_DECNOTENOUGH0x8004027BDVD-Video playback graph could not be built due to insufficient decoders.%0
VFW_E_DDRAW_VERSION_NOT_SUITABLE0x8004027CVersion number of DirectDraw not suitable. Make sure to install dx5 or higher version.%0
VFW_E_COPYPROT_FAILED0x8004027DCopy protection cannot be enabled. Please make sure any other copy protected content is not being shown now.%0
VFW_E_TIME_EXPIRED0x8004027FThis object cannot be used anymore as its time has expired.%0
VFW_E_DVD_WRONG_SPEED0x80040281The operation cannot be performed at the current playback speed.%0
VFW_E_DVD_MENU_DOES_NOT_EXIST0x80040282The specified menu doesn't exist.%0
VFW_E_DVD_CMD_CANCELLED0x80040283The specified command was either cancelled or no longer exists.%0
VFW_E_DVD_STATE_WRONG_VERSION0x80040284The data did not contain a recognized version.%0
VFW_E_DVD_STATE_CORRUPT0x80040285The state data was corrupt.%0
VFW_E_DVD_STATE_WRONG_DISC0x80040286The state data is from a different disc.%0
VFW_E_DVD_INCOMPATIBLE_REGION0x80040287The region was not compatible with the current drive.%0
VFW_E_DVD_NO_ATTRIBUTES0x80040288The requested DVD stream attribute does not exist.%0
VFW_E_DVD_NO_GOUP_PGC0x80040289Currently there is no GoUp (Annex J user function) program chain (PGC).%0
VFW_E_DVD_LOW_PARENTAL_LEVEL0x8004028AThe current parental level was too low.%0
VFW_E_DVD_NOT_IN_KARAOKE_MODE0x8004028BThe current audio is not karaoke content.%0
VFW_E_FRAME_STEP_UNSUPPORTED0x8004028EFrame step is not supported on this configuration.%0
VFW_E_DVD_STREAM_DISABLED0x8004028FThe specified stream is disabled and cannot be selected.%0
VFW_E_DVD_TITLE_UNKNOWN0x80040290The operation depends on the current title number, however the navigator has not yet entered the VTSM or the title domains, so the 'current' title index is unknown.%0
VFW_E_DVD_INVALID_DISC0x80040291The specified path does not point to a valid DVD disc.%0
VFW_E_DVD_NO_RESUME_INFORMATION0x80040292There is currently no resume information.%0
VFW_E_PIN_ALREADY_BLOCKED_ON_THIS_THREAD0x80040293This thread has already blocked this output pin. There is no need to call IPinFlowControl::Block() again.%0
VFW_E_PIN_ALREADY_BLOCKED0x80040294IPinFlowControl::Block() has been called on another thread. The current thread cannot make any assumptions about this pin's block state.%0
VFW_E_CERTIFICATION_FAILURE0x80040295An operation failed due to a certification failure.%0
VFW_E_VMR_NOT_IN_MIXER_MODE0x80040296The VMR has not yet created a mixing component. That is, IVMRFilterConfig::SetNumberofStreams has not yet been called.%0
VFW_E_VMR_NO_AP_SUPPLIED0x80040297The application has not yet provided the VMR filter with a valid allocator-presenter object.%0
VFW_E_VMR_NO_DEINTERLACE_HW0x80040298The VMR could not find any de-interlacing hardware on the current display device.%0
VFW_E_VMR_NO_PROCAMP_HW0x80040299The VMR could not find any ProcAmp hardware on the current display device.%0
VFW_E_DVD_VMR9_INCOMPATIBLEDEC0x8004029AVMR9 does not work with VPE-based hardware decoders.%0
VFW_E_NO_COPP_HW0x8004029BThe current display device does not support Content Output Protection Protocol (COPP) H/W.%0
VFW_E_DVD_NONBLOCKING0x8004029CNonblocking APIs are enabled and the nav cannot perform the operation at this time (IDVDControl) or partially incomplete information may be returned (DVDInfo).%0
VFW_E_DVD_TOO_MANY_RENDERERS_IN_FILTER_GRAPH0x8004029DThe DVD Graph Builder cannot build a DVD playback filter graph if the EVR and another renderer are in the graph builder's filter graph.
VFW_E_DVD_NON_EVR_RENDERER_IN_FILTER_GRAPH0x8004029EAM_DVD_EVR_ONLY cannot be passed to RenderDvdVideoVolume if the graph builder's filter graph contains a renderer which is not the EVR.
VFW_E_DVD_RESOLUTION_ERROR0x8004029FDVD Video Output is not at a proper resolution.
VFW_E_CODECAPI_LINEAR_RANGE0x80040310Parameter has linear range.%0
VFW_E_CODECAPI_ENUMERATED0x80040311Parameter is enumerated. It has no range.%0
VFW_E_CODECAPI_NO_DEFAULT0x80040313No default value.%0
VFW_E_CODECAPI_NO_CURRENT_VALUE0x80040314No current value.%0
VFW_E_DVD_CHAPTER_DOES_NOT_EXIST0x80040315The operation failed since the chapter does not exist.%0
VFW_E_BAD_KEY0x800403F2A registry entry is corrupt.%0
E_PROP_ID_UNSUPPORTED0x80070490The specified property ID is not supported for the specified property set.%0
E_PROP_SET_UNSUPPORTED0x80070492The Specified property set is not supported.%0
155 entries