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Windows / Headers / vsserror.h


This file contains the message definitions for common VSS errors. They are a subset of message definitions of vssadmin.exe.

Associated Error Codes

Below is a list of error codes found for this header.

VSS_S_ASYNC_PENDING0x00042309The asynchronous operation is pending.
VSS_S_ASYNC_FINISHED0x0004230AThe asynchronous operation has completed.
VSS_S_ASYNC_CANCELLED0x0004230BThe asynchronous operation has been cancelled.
VSS_S_SOME_SNAPSHOTS_NOT_IMPORTED0x00042321Some shadow copies were not successfully imported.
VSS_E_BAD_STATE0x80042301A function call was made when the object was in an incorrect state for that function
VSS_E_UNEXPECTED0x80042302A Volume Shadow Copy Service component encountered an unexpected error. Check the Application event log for more information.
VSS_E_PROVIDER_ALREADY_REGISTERED0x80042303The provider has already been registered.
VSS_E_PROVIDER_NOT_REGISTERED0x80042304The volume shadow copy provider is not registered in the system.
VSS_E_PROVIDER_VETO0x80042306The shadow copy provider had an error. Check the System and Application event logs for more information.
VSS_E_PROVIDER_IN_USE0x80042307The shadow copy provider is currently in use and cannot be unregistered.
VSS_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND0x80042308The specified object was not found.
VSS_E_VOLUME_NOT_SUPPORTED0x8004230CShadow copying the specified volume is not supported.
VSS_E_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS0x8004230DThe object already exists.
VSS_E_VOLUME_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_PROVIDER0x8004230EThe given shadow copy provider does not support shadow copying the specified volume.
VSS_E_UNEXPECTED_PROVIDER_ERROR0x8004230FThe shadow copy provider had an unexpected error while trying to process the specified operation.
VSS_E_CORRUPT_XML_DOCUMENT0x80042310The given XML document is invalid. It is either incorrectly-formed XML or it does not match the schema. This error code is deprecated.
VSS_E_INVALID_XML_DOCUMENT0x80042311The given XML document is invalid. It is either incorrectly-formed XML or it does not match the schema.
VSS_E_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_VOLUMES_REACHED0x80042312The maximum number of volumes for this operation has been reached.
VSS_E_FLUSH_WRITES_TIMEOUT0x80042313The shadow copy provider timed out while flushing data to the volume being shadow copied. This is probably due to excessive activity on the volume. Try again later when the volume is not being used so heavily.
VSS_E_HOLD_WRITES_TIMEOUT0x80042314The shadow copy provider timed out while holding writes to the volume being shadow copied. This is probably due to excessive activity on the volume by an application or a system service. Try again later when activity on the volume is reduced.
VSS_E_UNEXPECTED_WRITER_ERROR0x80042315VSS encountered problems while sending events to writers.
VSS_E_SNAPSHOT_SET_IN_PROGRESS0x80042316Another shadow copy creation is already in progress. Wait a few moments and try again.
VSS_E_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_SNAPSHOTS_REACHED0x80042317The specified volume has already reached its maximum number of shadow copies.
VSS_E_WRITER_INFRASTRUCTURE0x80042318An error was detected in the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS). The problem occurred while trying to contact VSS writers. Verify that the Event System service and the VSS service are running and check for associated errors in the event logs.
VSS_E_WRITER_NOT_RESPONDING0x80042319A writer did not respond to a GatherWriterStatus call. The writer may either have terminated or it may be stuck. Check the System and Application event logs for more information.
VSS_E_WRITER_ALREADY_SUBSCRIBED0x8004231AThe writer has already successfully called the Subscribe function. It cannot call Subscribe multiple times.
VSS_E_UNSUPPORTED_CONTEXT0x8004231BThe shadow copy provider does not support the specified shadow copy type.
VSS_E_VOLUME_IN_USE0x8004231DThe specified shadow copy storage association is in use and so can't be deleted.
VSS_E_MAXIMUM_DIFFAREA_ASSOCIATIONS_REACHED0x8004231EMaximum number of shadow copy storage associations already reached.
VSS_E_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE0x8004231FInsufficient storage available to create either the shadow copy storage file or other shadow copy data.
VSS_E_NO_SNAPSHOTS_IMPORTED0x80042320No shadow copies were successfully imported.
VSS_E_SOME_SNAPSHOTS_NOT_IMPORTED0x80042321Some shadow copies were not successfully imported.
VSS_E_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_REMOTE_MACHINES_REACHED0x80042322The maximum number of remote machines for this operation has been reached.
VSS_E_REMOTE_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE0x80042323The remote server is unavailable.
VSS_E_REMOTE_SERVER_UNSUPPORTED0x80042324The remote server is running a version of the Volume Shadow Copy Service that does not support remote shadow-copy creation.
VSS_E_REVERT_IN_PROGRESS0x80042325A revert is currently in progress for the specified volume. Another revert cannot be initiated until the current revert completes.
VSS_E_REVERT_VOLUME_LOST0x80042326The volume being reverted was lost during revert.
VSS_E_REBOOT_REQUIRED0x80042327A reboot is required after completing this operation.
VSS_E_TRANSACTION_FREEZE_TIMEOUT0x80042328A timeout occurred while freezing a transaction manager.
VSS_E_TRANSACTION_THAW_TIMEOUT0x80042329Too much time elapsed between freezing a transaction manager and thawing the transaction manager.
VSS_E_UNSELECTED_VOLUME0x8004232AThe requested operation would overwrite a volume that is not explicitly selected. For more information, check the Application event log.
VSS_E_SNAPSHOT_NOT_IN_SET0x8004232BThe shadow copy ID was not found in the backup components document for the shadow copy set.
VSS_E_NESTED_VOLUME_LIMIT0x8004232CThe specified volume is nested too deeply to participate in the VSS operation.
VSS_E_VOLUME_NOT_LOCAL0x8004232DThe volume being backed up is not mounted on the local host.
VSS_E_CLUSTER_TIMEOUT0x8004232EA timeout occurred while preparing a cluster shared volume for backup.
VSS_E_NOT_SUPPORTED0x8004232FThe requested operation is not supported.
VSS_E_WRITERERROR_PARTIAL_FAILURE0x80042336The writer experienced a partial failure. Check the component level error state for more information.
VSS_E_WRITERERROR_INCONSISTENTSNAPSHOT0x800423F0The shadow-copy set only contains only a subset of the volumes needed to correctly backup the selected components of the writer.
VSS_E_WRITERERROR_OUTOFRESOURCES0x800423F1A resource allocation failed while processing this operation.
VSS_E_WRITERERROR_TIMEOUT0x800423F2The writer's timeout expired between the Freeze and Thaw events.
VSS_E_WRITERERROR_RETRYABLE0x800423F3The writer experienced a transient error. If the backup process is retried, the error may not reoccur.
VSS_E_WRITERERROR_NONRETRYABLE0x800423F4The writer experienced a non-transient error. If the backup process is retried, the error is likely to reoccur.
VSS_E_WRITERERROR_RECOVERY_FAILED0x800423F5The writer experienced an error while trying to recover the shadow-copy volume.
VSS_E_BREAK_REVERT_ID_FAILED0x800423F6The shadow copy set break operation failed because the disk/partition identities could not be reverted. The target identity already exists on the machine or cluster and must be masked before this operation can succeed.
VSS_E_LEGACY_PROVIDER0x800423F7This version of the hardware provider does not support this operation.
VSS_E_MISSING_DISK0x800423F8An expected disk did not arrive in the system.
VSS_E_MISSING_HIDDEN_VOLUME0x800423F9An expected hidden volume did not arrive in the system. Check the Application event log for more information.
VSS_E_MISSING_VOLUME0x800423FAAn expected volume did not arrive in the system. Check the Application event log for more information.
VSS_E_AUTORECOVERY_FAILED0x800423FBThe autorecovery operation failed to complete on the shadow copy.
VSS_E_DYNAMIC_DISK_ERROR0x800423FCAn error occurred in processing the dynamic disks involved in the operation.
VSS_E_NONTRANSPORTABLE_BCD0x800423FDThe given Backup Components Document is for a non-transportable shadow copy. This operation can only be done on transportable shadow copies.
VSS_E_CANNOT_REVERT_DISKID0x800423FEThe MBR signature or GPT ID for one or more disks could not be set to the intended value. Check the Application event log for more information.
VSS_E_RESYNC_IN_PROGRESS0x800423FFThe LUN resynchronization operation could not be started because another resynchronization operation is already in progress.
VSS_E_CLUSTER_ERROR0x80042400The clustered disks could not be enumerated or could not be put into cluster maintenance mode. Check the System event log for cluster related events and the Application event log for VSS related events.
VSS_E_ASRERROR_DISK_ASSIGNMENT_FAILED0x80042401There are too few disks on this computer or one or more of the disks is too small. Add or change disks so they match the disks in the backup, and try the restore again.
VSS_E_ASRERROR_DISK_RECREATION_FAILED0x80042402Windows cannot create a disk on this computer needed to restore from the backup. Make sure the disks are properly connected, or add or change disks, and try the restore again.
VSS_E_ASRERROR_NO_ARCPATH0x80042403The computer needs to be restarted to finish preparing a hard disk for restore. To continue, restart your computer and run the restore again.
VSS_E_ASRERROR_MISSING_DYNDISK0x80042404The backup failed due to a missing disk for a dynamic volume. Ensure the disk is online and retry the backup.
VSS_E_ASRERROR_SHARED_CRIDISK0x80042405Automated System Recovery failed the shadow copy, because a selected critical volume is located on a cluster shared disk. This is an unsupported configuration.
VSS_E_ASRERROR_DATADISK_RDISK00x80042406A data disk is currently set as active in BIOS. Set some other disk as active or use the DiskPart utility to clean the data disk, and then retry the restore operation.
VSS_E_ASRERROR_RDISK0_TOOSMALL0x80042407The disk that is set as active in BIOS is too small to recover the original system disk. Replace the disk with a larger one and retry the restore operation.
VSS_E_ASRERROR_CRITICAL_DISKS_TOO_SMALL0x80042408Failed to find enough suitable disks for recreating all critical disks. The number of available disks should be same or greater than the number of critical disks at time of backup, and each one of the disks must be of same or greater size.
VSS_E_WRITER_STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE0x80042409Writer status is not available for one or more writers. A writer may have reached the limit to the number of available backup-restore session states.
VSS_E_ASRERROR_DYNAMIC_VHD_NOT_SUPPORTED0x8004240AA critical dynamic disk is a Virtual Hard Disk (VHD). This is an unsupported configuration. Check the Application event log for more details.
VSS_E_CRITICAL_VOLUME_ON_INVALID_DISK0x80042411A critical volume selected for backup exists on a disk which cannot be backed up by ASR.
VSS_E_ASRERROR_RDISK_FOR_SYSTEM_DISK_NOT_FOUND0x80042412No disk that can be used for recovering the system disk can be found. Try the following: 1) A probable system disk may have been excluded by mistake. a. Review the list of disks that you have excluded from the recovery for a likely disk. b. Type LIST DISK command in the DISKPART command interpreter. The probable system disk is usually the first disk listed in the results. c. If possible, remove the disk from the exclusion list and then retry the recovery. 2) A USB disk may have been assigned as a system disk. a. Detach all USB disks from the computer. b. Reboot into Windows Recovery Environment (Win RE), then reattach USB disks and retry the recovery. 3) An invalid disk may have been assigned as system disk. a. Physically detach the disk from your computer. Then boot into Win RE to retry the recovery.
VSS_E_ASRERROR_NO_PHYSICAL_DISK_AVAILABLE0x80042413Windows did not find any fixed disk that can be used to recreate volumes present in backup. Ensure disks are online, and disk drivers are installed to access the disk(s). 'diskpart.exe' tool with list disks command can be used to see the list of available fixed disks on the system.
VSS_E_ASRERROR_FIXED_PHYSICAL_DISK_AVAILABLE_AFTER_DISK_EXCLUSION0x80042414Windows did not find any disk which it can use for recreating volumes present in backup. Offline disks, cluster shared disks or disks explicitly excluded by user will not be used by Windows. Ensure that disks are online and no disks are excluded by mistake.
VSS_E_ASRERROR_CRITICAL_DISK_CANNOT_BE_EXCLUDED0x80042415Restore failed because a disk which was critical at backup is excluded. To continue you need to either remove the disk from exclusion list or detach it from machine or clean it using DiskPart utility, and then retry restore. If you cannot clean or detach it then change the disk signature using DiskPart command UNIQUEID DISK ID.
VSS_E_ASRERROR_SYSTEM_PARTITION_HIDDEN0x80042416System partition (partition marked "active") is hidden or contains an unrecognized file system. Backup does not support this configuration.
VSS_E_FSS_TIMEOUT0x80042417A timeout occurred while preparing a file share shadowcopy for backup.
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