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Windows / Headers / wcmerrors.h


Definitions for Windows Config Management error code and error message

Associated Error Codes

Below is a list of error codes found for this header.

WCM_S_INTERNALERROR0x00221000NOTE: This HR should never be returned from APIs or as a result Unspecified internal warning in the state engine.
WCM_S_ATTRIBUTENOTFOUND0x00221001NOTE: This HR may not be returned from APIs, but must always be contained within a SettingsResult object. Attribute not found
WCM_S_LEGACYSETTINGWARNING0x00221002NOTE: This HR may not be returned from APIs, but must always be contained within a SettingsResult object. Legacy setting usage for this case may have unpredictable results
WCM_S_INVALIDATTRIBUTECOMBINATION0x00221004NOTE: This HR may not be returned from APIs, but must always be contained within a SettingsResult object. Invalid attribute combination
WCM_S_ATTRIBUTENOTALLOWED0x00221005Attribute is not allowed.
WCM_S_NAMESPACENOTFOUND0x00221006Attribute is not allowed.
WCM_E_INTERNALERROR0x80220000Unspecified internal error in the state engine.
WCM_E_STATENODENOTFOUND0x80220001State node is not found.
WCM_E_STATENODENOTALLOWED0x80220002State node is not allowed.
WCM_E_ATTRIBUTENOTFOUND0x80220003Attribute is not found.
WCM_E_ATTRIBUTENOTALLOWED0x80220004Attribute is not allowed.
WCM_E_INVALIDVALUE0x80220005Valie is invalid.
WCM_E_INVALIDVALUEFORMAT0x80220006Value is in invalid format.
WCM_E_TYPENOTSPECIFIED0x80220007XSD type is missing in metadata.
WCM_E_INVALIDDATATYPE0x80220008Data type is unexpected, or existing data does not match the type.
WCM_E_NOTPOSITIONED0x80220009Enumerator is not positioned.
WCM_E_READONLYITEM0x8022000ACannot update a read-only setting or attribute.
WCM_E_INVALIDPATH0x8022000BName or path of a state node is in invalid format.
WCM_E_WRONGESCAPESTRING0x8022000CWrong XML escape sequence in string.
WCM_E_INVALIDVERSIONFORMAT0x8022000DInvalid version format.
WCM_E_INVALIDLANGUAGEFORMAT0x8022000EInvalid language string format.
WCM_E_KEYNOTCHANGEABLE0x8022000FNot allowed to change value in a key member.
WCM_E_EXPRESSIONNOTFOUND0x80220010Expression is not defined.
WCM_E_SUBSTITUTIONNOTFOUND0x80220011Substitution is not defined.
WCM_E_USERALREADYREGISTERED0x80220012User is already registered.
WCM_E_USERNOTFOUND0x80220013User is not registered.
WCM_E_NAMESPACENOTFOUND0x80220014Namespace is not registered.
WCM_E_NAMESPACEALREADYREGISTERED0x80220015Namespace is already registered.
WCM_E_STORECORRUPTED0x80220016State store is in corrupted state.
WCM_E_INVALIDEXPRESSIONSYNTAX0x80220017Expression format is invalid.
WCM_E_NOTIFICATIONNOTFOUND0x80220018No matching Notification found.
WCM_E_CONFLICTINGASSERTION0x80220019New restriction is conflicting with existing restriction.
WCM_E_ASSERTIONFAILED0x8022001AAssertion Validation failed.
WCM_E_DUPLICATENAME0x8022001BName already exists.
WCM_E_INVALIDKEY0x8022001CMember referenced by the key does not match the complexType definition.
WCM_E_INVALIDSTREAM0x8022001DTried to load invalid data from stream.
WCM_E_HANDLERNOTFOUND0x8022001EHandler is not defined.
WCM_E_INVALIDHANDLERSYNTAX0x8022001FHandler attribute is of invalid syntax.
WCM_E_VALIDATIONFAILED0x80220020Validation of metadata failed.
WCM_E_RESTRICTIONFAILED0x80220021Invalid setting value on restriction.
WCM_E_MANIFESTCOMPILATIONFAILED0x80220022XSD/XML Manifest compilation failed.
WCM_E_CYCLICREFERENCE0x80220023Cyclic reference detected.
WCM_E_MIXTYPEASSERTION0x80220024Assertions using shared and per-user settings are not supported
WCM_E_NOTSUPPORTEDFUNCTION0x80220025Not supported function is found
WCM_E_VALUETOOBIG0x80220026A value is too big to process
WCM_E_INVALIDATTRIBUTECOMBINATION0x80220027Invalid attribute combination
WCM_E_ABORTOPERATION0x80220028Current operation should be aborted
WCM_E_MISSINGCONFIGURATION0x80220029CONFIGURATION and or related tags are missing
WCM_E_INVALIDPROCESSORFORMAT0x8022002AThe processor architecture attribute has an invalid value
WCM_E_SOURCEMANEMPTYVALUE0x8022002BThe source manifest has empty value
WCM_E_UNKNOWNRESULT0x80221003NOTE: This HR may not be returned from APIs, but must always be contained within a SettingsResult object. Unknown value
51 entries