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Windows / Headers / WdsTptMgmtMsg.h


Windows Deployment Services Transport Server

Associated Error Codes

Below is a list of error codes found for this header.

WDSTPTMGMT_E_INVALID_PROPERTY0xC1100100The property is invalid.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_INVALID_OPERATION0xC1100101The operation is invalid.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_INVALID_CLASS0xC1100102The interface pointer passed to the method has an invalid underlying class. Only library classes are supported.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_CONTENT_PROVIDER_ALREADY_REGISTERED0xC1100103A content provider with the specified name is already registered on the server.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_CONTENT_PROVIDER_NOT_REGISTERED0xC1100104The specified content provider is not registered on the server.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_INVALID_CONTENT_PROVIDER_NAME0xC1100105The specified content provider name is invalid. The name must be 1 to 255 characters long and cannot contain a backslash (\\) character.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_TRANSPORT_SERVER_ROLE_NOT_CONFIGURED0xC1100106The Windows Deployment Services Transport Server role service has not been configured on the server.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_NAMESPACE_ALREADY_REGISTERED0xC1100107The specified namespace is already registered on the server.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_NAMESPACE_NOT_REGISTERED0xC1100108The specified namespace is not registered on the server.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_CANNOT_REINITIALIZE_OBJECT0xC1100109The object has already been initialized and cannot be reinitialized.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_INVALID_NAMESPACE_NAME0xC110010AThe specified namespace name is invalid. The name must be 1 to 255 characters long and cannot contain a backslash (\\) character.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_INVALID_NAMESPACE_DATA0xC110010BThe namespace contains invalid or unknown data.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_NAMESPACE_READ_ONLY0xC110010CThe namespace data cannot be modified because it is currently, or has been previously, registered on the server.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_INVALID_NAMESPACE_START_TIME0xC110010DThe scheduled start time for the namespace is invalid.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_INVALID_DIAGNOSTICS_COMPONENTS0xC110010EThe specified diagnostics components mask contains invalid or unknown components.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_CANNOT_REFRESH_DIRTY_OBJECT0xC110010FThe object contains unsaved changes. The object data cannot be refreshed until you commit or discard the changes.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_INVALID_SERVICE_IP_ADDRESS_RANGE0xC1100110The specified IP address range is invalid. The start and end IP addresses must be valid and the start IP address must be less than or equal to the end IP address.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_INVALID_SERVICE_PORT_RANGE0xC1100111The specified service port range is invalid. The start port must be less than or equal to the end port, and both values must be between 1025 and 65536, inclusive.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_INVALID_NAMESPACE_START_PARAMETERS0xC1100112The start parameters for the namespace are invalid.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_TRANSPORT_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE0xC1100113The Windows Deployment Services Transport Server is unavailable.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_NAMESPACE_NOT_ON_SERVER0xC1100114The specified namespace has never been registered on the server.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_NAMESPACE_REMOVED_FROM_SERVER0xC1100115The specified namespace has been unregistered and removed from the server.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_INVALID_IP_ADDRESS0xC1100116The specified IP address is invalid. The IP address must be a well formed value of the correct type.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_INVALID_IPV4_MULTICAST_ADDRESS0xC1100117The specified IPv4 address is not valid for multicast. IPv4 multicast addresses must be in the range to
WDSTPTMGMT_E_INVALID_IPV6_MULTICAST_ADDRESS0xC1100118The specified IPv6 address is not valid for multicast. IPv6 multicast addresses must start with FF (for example, FF15::FF).
WDSTPTMGMT_E_IPV6_NOT_SUPPORTED0xC1100119The Windows Deployment Services Transport Server does not support IPv6.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_INVALID_IPV6_MULTICAST_ADDRESS_SOURCE0xC110011AThe specified IPv6 multicast address source is invalid. Transport Server only supports using IPv6 multicast addresses from a range.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_INVALID_MULTISTREAM_STREAM_COUNT0xC110011BThe specified multistream stream count is invalid. The stream count must be set to either 2 or 3.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_INVALID_AUTO_DISCONNECT_THRESHOLD0xC110011CThe specified AutoDisconnect threshold is invalid. The threshold must be set to a value between 1 KBps and 4194303 KBps, inclusive.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_MULTICAST_SESSION_POLICY_NOT_SUPPORTED0xC110011DYou cannot configure the multicast session policy on this Transport Server. This policy is only supported on Windows Server 2008 R2 and later.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_INVALID_SLOW_CLIENT_HANDLING_TYPE0xC110011EThe specified slow-client handling type is invalid.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_NETWORK_PROFILES_NOT_SUPPORTED0xC110011FThis Windows Deployment Services Transport Server does not support network profiles.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_UDP_PORT_POLICY_NOT_SUPPORTED0xC1100120The Windows Deployment Services Transport Server does not support UDP port policy.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_TFTP_MAX_BLOCKSIZE_NOT_SUPPORTED0xC1100121The Windows Deployment Services Transport Server does not support the TFTP maximum block size setting.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_TFTP_VAR_WINDOW_NOT_SUPPORTED0xC1100122The Windows Deployment Services Transport Server does not support the TFTP variable window extension.
WDSTPTMGMT_E_INVALID_TFTP_MAX_BLOCKSIZE0xC1100123The specified TFTP maximum block size is invalid. It must be either 0 or between 512 and 65531, inclusive.
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