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Windows / Modules / crypt32.dll


Cryptography API

Associated Error Codes

Below lists error codes and symbolic names found for this module.

0x00000101The Cryptographic Services service failed to initialize the Catalog Database. The ESENT error was: %1.
0x00000200The Cryptographic Services service failed to initialize the VSS backup "System Writer" object.%1.
0x00000201Cryptographic Services failed while processing the OnIdentity() call in the System Writer Object.%1.
0x00001001Successful auto update of third-party root certificate:: Subject: <%1> Sha1 thumbprint: <%2>.
0x00001002Successful auto update retrieval of third-party root list cab from: <%1>.
0x00001003Failed auto update retrieval of third-party root list cab from: <%1> with error: %2.
0x00001004Successful auto update retrieval of third-party root certificate from: <%1>.
0x00001005Failed auto update retrieval of third-party root certificate from: <%1> with error: %2.
0x00001006Reached crypt32 threshold of %1 events and will suspend logging for %2 minutes.
0x00001007Successful auto update retrieval of third-party root list sequence number from: <%1>.
0x00001008Failed auto update retrieval of third-party root list sequence number from: <%1> with error: %2.
0x00001009Untrusted root certificate:: Subject: <%1> Sha1 thumbprint: <%2>.
0x0000100APartial Chain:: Issuer: <%1> Subject Sha1 thumbprint: <%2>.
0x0000100BFailed extract of third-party root list from auto update cab at: <%1> with error: %2.
0x0000100CSuccessful auto delete of third-party root certificate:: Subject: <%1> Sha1 thumbprint: <%2>.
0x0000100DSuccessful auto property update of third-party root certificate:: Subject: <%1> Sha1 thumbprint: <%2>.
0x0000100EFailed to add certificate to Third-Party Root Certification Authorities store with error: %2
0x0000100FSuccessful auto update of third-party root list with effective date: %1.
0x00001010Successful auto update of disallowed certificate list with effective date: %1.
0x00001011Successful auto update of pin rules with effective date: %1.
0x00001012Server: %1 has unexpected certificates under trusted authority: <%2> with thumbprint: %3. Mismatch of pin rules for domain: %4 with effective date: %5 and sequence number: %6. Certificates saved to: <%7>.
0x00001013Added public key pinning rule for domain: %1 with header thumbprint: %2. Header value: %3.
0x00001014Server: %1 has unexpected certificates under trusted authority: <%2> with thumbprint: %3. Mismatch of public key pinning rule for domain: %4 added on date: %5 with header thumbprint: %6. Certificates saved to: <%7>.
0x00001015Server: %1 has unexpected certificates under trusted authority: <%2> with thumbprint: %3. Mismatch of public key pinning rule for domain: %4 added on date: %5 with header thumbprint: %6. Certificates saved to: <%7>. However, also matched domain: %8 added on date: %9 with header thumbprint: %10.
0x00001020Successful pre-fetch of certificate revocation list from: <%1>.
0x00001021Failed pre-fetch of certificate revocation list from: <%1> with error: %2.
0x00001050PFX operation failed as AuthSafes count doesn't lie in expected range. Maximum permissible value: %1. Erroneous value: %2.
0x00001051PFX operation failed as Iteration count doesn't lie in expected range. Maximum permissible value: %1. Erroneous value: %2.
0x00001052PFX operation failed as SafeBags count doesn't lie in expected range. Maximum permissible value: %1. Erroneous value: %2.
0x00007858y API 0x00000100 The Cryptographic Services service failed to initialize the Catalog Database. The error was: %1 : %2.
0x10000001Path Validation
0x10000002Path Discovery
0x10000006Automatic Root Update
0x10000007Trust Verification
0x10000008Private Key
0x10000009Certificate Store
0x1000000ACertificate Details
0x7000000BBuild Chain
0x7000000DRetrieve Issuer Certificate from Cache
0x7000000FRetrieve Issuer Certificate from Network
0x70000010Inhibit Issuer Certificate Retrieval
0x70000012Retrieve Third-Party Root Certificate from Cache
0x70000014Retrieve Third-Party Root Certificate from Network
0x70000016Retrieve Cross Certificate from Cache
0x70000018Retrieve Cross Certificate from Network
0x7000001EVerify Chain Policy
0x70000029Verify Revocation
0x7000002AReject Revocation Information
0x70000033Retrieve Object from Cache
0x70000035Retrieve Object from Network
0x7000003COpen Store
0x70000046Acquire Certificate Private Key
0x70000047Sign Certificate
0x70000050Verify Trust
0x70000052Find Security Catalog for File
0x7000005AX509 Objects
0x700001F4Add a Security Catalog to the Catalog Database
0x700001F5Remove a Security Catalog from the Catalog Database
0x700001F6Sync a Security Catalog with the Catalog Database
0x700001F7Rebuild a subsystem of the Catalog Database
0x700001F8Search for Security Catalogs in the Catalog Database that contain the hash
0x90000004Microsoft-Windows-CAPI2/Catalog Database Debug
0xB000000AFor more details for this event, please refer to the "Details" section
0xB0002000The catalog file %2 is being added to subsystem %1.
0xB0002001Addition of the catalog file completed. Status %1.
0xB0002002The catalog file %2 is being removed from the subsystem %1.
0xB0002003Removal of the catalog file completed. Status %1.
0xB0002004The catalog file %2 is being synced to the subsystem %1.
0xB0002005Sync of the catalog file completed. Status %1.
0xB0002006The Catalog Database is being rebuilt for subsystem %1.
0xB0002007Rebuild of the Catalog Database for the chosen subsystem has completed. Status %1.
0xB0002008A hash of type %2, length %3 and value %4 is being searched for in subsystem %1.
0xB0002009The hash search completed and was found in %2 catalogs. Status %1.
0xB000200ASync of subsystem %1 has started.
0xB000200BSync of the subsystem completed. Status %1.
90 entries