This is work in progress.

Windows / Modules / eapsvc.dll



Associated Error Codes

Below lists error codes and symbolic names found for this module.

0x000003EAUnable to parse malformed EAP packet
0x000003EBMethod not registered or registry value error: Function Name=LoadConfig, ArgumentName=%1
0x000003ECNegotiation failed. No available EAP methods
0x000003EDNegotiation failed. Proposed methods list from peer is invalid
0x000003EENegotiation failed. Requested EAP methods not available
0x000003EFExceeded the maximum number(32) of Third Party EapHost processes. Discarding the current eap session.
0x000007D1Eap method friendly name can not be verified or %1 path could not be accessed; Error: type(%2), authId(%3), vendorId(%4), vendorType(%5)
0x000007D2Skipping: %1 validation failed. Error: typeId=%2, authorId=%3, vendorId=%4, vendorType=%5
0x000007E9Exceeded the maximum number(32) of Third Party EapHost processes. Running the current eap session in short lived Eap3Host process.
0x00000BB9EAPHost failed to load. LoadLibraryW(%1) failed %2
0x00000BBACould not find the requested EapMethod: TypeId(%1), AuthorId(%2), VendorId(%3), VendorType(%4)
0x00007858 0x000003e9 Method not registered or method's registry data could not be accessed. LoadConfig: FriendlyName, ConfigCLSID both are empty
0xB00003FDMethod not registered or method's registry data could not be accessed. Unable to open registry key %1, error code %2
0xB00003FEMethod not registered or method's registry data could not be accessed. Query registry (%1) failed for method: TypeId=%2, AuthorId=%3, VendorId=%4, VendorType=%5
0xB00003FFMethod not registered or method's registry data could not be accessed. Validation failed for key (%1), Method Info: Type Id=%2, AuthorId=%3, vendorId=%4, vendorType=%5
0xB0000411Unable to Initialize COM library. An instance of EapHostAuthenticatorInvokeConfigUI() is already running. CoInitializeEx returned S_FALSE.
0xB0000412Unable to Initialize COM library. The wrong concurrency model was specified for EapHostAuthenticatorInvokeConfigUI(). COM Error: RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE.
0xB0000413Unable to Initialize COM library for EapHostAuthenticatorInitialize(). Error Description: %1
0xB0000414Invalid eatInnerEapMethodType returned by the EAP method. Attribute has incorrect format (%1)
0xB0000415Method does not support EapMethodAuthenticatorUpdateInnerMethodParams() API, but UpdateInnerMethodParams() called
0xB0000416Client's response: NAK=%1, Accept=%2
0xB0000417No preferred methods list provided by Peer
0xB0000418Session(%1), state(%2), receive packet id(%3), length(%4)
0xB0000419send packet id(%1), length(%2)
0xB000041ASoH response found
0xB000041BNAP exchange required, get SoH response from network policy server
0xB000041CMethod does not support stand-alone mode. Skipping EapMethod TypeId=%1, AuthorId=%2
0xB000041DUnable to parse malformed EAP packet. ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET returned
0xB000041ENAK Response: Method (VenId(%2), VenType(%3), Type(%1)) present
0xB00007D3CoTaskMemAlloc() failed for SoH. SoH not saved.
0xB00007D4Could not initialize COM library in service control manager notification thread
0xB00007D5SoH change failed. EapQec::NotifySoHChange caught exception for %1: 0x%2
0xB00007D6ConfigSchema validation failed. Error %1
0xB00007D7EapQec Listening thread handle is NULL
0xB00007D8Session(%1, %2) in use
0xB00007D9EAP method does not support %1.
0xB00007DAXML configuration problem; Failed to find root element.
0xB00007DBXML configuration problem; Invalid parameter passed.
0xB00007DCRegistry key validation successful.
0xB00007DDClient not NAP enabled. SoH change failed.
0xB00007DENo SoH response received for %1
0xB00007DFNotify SoH change succeeded.
0xB00007E0Notify SoH change failed with interface: %1.
0xB00007E1Session(%1): Received EAP-Failure after Identity exchange: There is likely a problem with the authenticating user's account.
0xB00007E2Session(%1): Received EAP-Failure after EAP-Nak negotiation: The client & server are not configured to support the same EAP methods. (Server offered EAP type %2; Client sent a Nak, and requested EAP type %3.)
0xB00007E3Method does not implement %1
0xB00007E4COM API %1 Failed. Error Description : %2
0xB00007E6_beginthreadex failed. Error Description : %1
0xB00007E7Invalid XML document. Failed to selectSingleNode. Error Description : %1
0xB00007E8Unable to open %1 handle. Error Description : %2
0xB0000826EapHostPeerGetResult returned a failure. Eap Method Friendly Name: %2 Reason code: %1 Root Cause String: %3 Repair String: %4
0xB0000827User Entered Credentials.
0xB0000828User Uses Saved Credentials.
0xB0000829EAP session is completing during the authentication phase.
0xB0000BCDEAP methods not registered or registry data could not be accessed; Failed to open registry %1, Error Code: %2
0xB0000BCEEAP methods not registered or registry data could not be accessed; Failed to open method registry %2\\%1. Skip this type ID
0xB0000BCFEAP methods not registered or registry data could not be accessed; Failed to open method registry %1. Skip this author ID
0xB0000BD0EAP methods not registered or registry data could not be accessed; Failed to open method registry %1\\254\\%2\\%3. Skip this vendor type
0xB0000BD1EAP methods not registered or registry data could not be accessed; Failed to open method registry %1\\254\\%2. Skip this vendor ID
0xB0000BD2Skipping: Unable to add EAP method. Friendly name not present. TypeId(%1), AuthorId(%2), VendorId(%3), VendorType(%4)
0xB0000BD3XML configuration problem; Failed to get EapMethodType node . Error Description: %1
0xB0000BD4XML configuration problem; Data Type mismatch for %1
0xB0000BD5XML configuration problem; Bad method: TypeId(%1), AuthorId(%2), VendorId(%3), VendorType(%4)
0xB0000BE1Could not load method. Out of memory
0xB0000BE2Unable to add new method after re-initialization
0xB0000BE3EAP Exception caught: authorId(%1), type(%2), vendorId(%3), vendorType(%4), error(%5)
0xB0000BE4Exception caught: authorId(%1), type(%2), vendorId(%3), vendorType(%4), error(%5)
0xB0000BE5Error %1, reading EAP method friendly name(muiRead). Friendly name retrieved from registry
0xB0000BE6EAP method not found, re-initializing the library manager's EapMethodList data
0xB0000BE7New method found after re-initializing EapMethodList data
0xB0000BE8New EAP method added to EapMethodList: TypeId=%1, AuthorId=%2, VendorId=%3, VendorType=%4
86 entries