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Windows / Modules / mpssvc.dll


Protection Service API

Associated Error Codes

Below lists error codes and symbolic names found for this module.

0x00007858Service API 0x020007fa Config Read Failed Config:%t%1 Error:%t%2
0x03001900An attempt to programmatically disable the Windows Defender Firewall using a call to INetFwProfile.FirewallEnabled(FALSE) interface was rejected because this API is not supported on Windows Vista. This has most likely occurred due to an application which is incompatible with Windows Vista. Please contact the application's vendor to make sure you have a Windows Vista compatible application version. Error Code:%t%tE_NOTIMPL Caller Process Name:%t%1 Process Id:%t%t%2 Publisher:%t%t%3
0x92000001Microsoft-Windows-Windows Firewall With Advanced Security
0x92000002Microsoft-Windows-Windows Firewall With Advanced Security/Firewall
0x92000003Microsoft-Windows-Windows Firewall With Advanced Security/ConnectionSecurity
0x92000004Microsoft-Windows-Windows Firewall With Advanced Security/FirewallVerbose
0x92000005Microsoft-Windows-Windows Firewall With Advanced Security/ConnectionSecurityVerbose
0x92000006Network Isolation Operational
0x92000007Microsoft-Windows-Windows Firewall With Advanced Security/FirewallDiagnostics
0xB20007D0The following settings were applied to the Windows Defender Firewall at startup %tCurrent Profile:%t%1 %tIPsec SA Idle time:%t%2 %tIPsec preshared key encoding:%t%3 %tIPsec Exempt:%t%4 %tIPsec CRL Check:%t%5 %tIPsec Through NAT:%t%6 %tPolicy Version Supported:%t%7 %tPolicy Version:%t%8 %tBinary Version Supported:%t%9 %tStateful FTP:%t%10 %tGroup Policy Applied:%t%11 %tRemote Machine Authorization List:%t%12 %tRemote UserAuthorization List:%t%13
0xB20007D1The following per profile settings were applied by Windows Defender Firewall %tProfile:%t%1 %tOperational Mode:%t%2 %tStealth Mode:%t%3 %tBlock all Incoming Connections:%t%4 %tUnicast response to multicast broadcast:%t%5 %tLog dropped packets:%t%6 %tLog successful connections:%t%7 %tLog ignored rules:%t%8 %tInbound Notifications:%t%9 %tAllow Local Policy Merge:%t%12 %tAllow Local IPsec Policy Merge:%t%13 %tDefault Outbound Action:%t%14 %tDefault Inbound Action:%t%15 %tRemote Administration:%t%16 %tStealth Mode IPsec Secured Packet Exemption:%t%21 %tMaximum Log file size:%t%17 %tLog File path:%t%18 %tAllow User preferred merge of Authorized Applications:%t%10 %tAllow User preferred merge of Globally open ports:%t%11
0xB20007D2A Windows Defender Firewall setting has changed. New Setting: %tType:%t%1 %tValue:%t%4 %tModifying User:%t%6 %tModifying Application:%t%7
0xB20007D3A Windows Defender Firewall setting in the %1 profile has changed. New Setting: %tType:%t%2 %tValue:%t%5 %tModifying User:%t%7 %tModifying Application:%t%8
0xB20007D4A rule has been added to the Windows Defender Firewall exception list. Added Rule: %tRule ID:%t%1 %tRule Name:%t%2 %tOrigin:%t%3 %tActive:%t%18 %tDirection:%t%6 %tProfiles:%t%11 %tAction:%t%10 %tApplication Path:%t%4 %tService Name:%t%5 %tProtocol:%t%7 %tSecurity Options:%t%21 %tEdge Traversal:%t%19 %tModifying User:%t%22 %tModifying Application:%t%23
0xB20007D5A rule has been modified in the Windows Defender Firewall exception list. Modified Rule: %tRule ID:%t%1 %tRule Name:%t%2 %tOrigin:%t%3 %tActive:%t%18 %tDirection:%t%6 %tProfiles:%t%11 %tAction:%t%10 %tApplication Path:%t%4 %tService Name:%t%5 %tProtocol:%t%7 %tSecurity Options:%t%21 %tEdge Traversal:%t%19 %tModifying User:%t%22 %tModifying Application:%t%23
0xB20007D6A rule has been deleted in the Windows Defender Firewall exception list. Deleted Rule: %tRule ID:%t%1 %tRule Name:%t%2 %tModifying User:%t%3 %tModifying Application:%t%4
0xB20007D7A rule has been listed when the Windows Defender Firewall started. Added Rule: %tRule ID:%t%1 %tRule Name:%t%2 %tOrigin:%t%3 %tActive:%t%18 %tDirection:%t%6 %tProfiles:%t%11 %tAction:%t%10 %tApplication Path:%t%4 %tService Name:%t%5 %tProtocol:%t%7 %tSecurity Options:%t%21 %tEdge Traversal:%t%19
0xB20007D8Windows Defender Firewall Group Policy settings have changed. The new settings have been applied
0xB20007D9The Windows Defender Firewall service failed to load Group Policy. Error:%t%1
0xB20007DANetwork profile changed on an interface. Adapter GUID:%t%1 Adapter Name:%t%2 Old Profile:%t%3 New Profile:%t%4
0xB20007DBWindows Defender Firewall was unable to notify the user that it blocked an application from accepting incoming connections on the network. Reason:%t%t%1 Application Path:%t%2 IP Version:%t%3 Protocol:%t%4 Port:%t%t%5 Process Id:%t%6 User:%t%t%7
0xB20007DCA connection security rule was added to IPsec settings. %tRule ID:%t%1 %tRule Name:%t%2 %tOrigin:%t%3 %tActive:%t%4 %tProtocol:%t%5 %tEndPoint1Ports:%t%6 %tEndPoint2Ports:%t%7 %tLocalTunnelEndpointV4:%t%8 %tLocalTunnelEndpointV6:%t%9 %tRemoteTunnelEndpointV4:%t%10 %tRemoteTunnelEndpointV6:%t%11 %tPhase1AuthSetId:%t%12 %tPhase2AuthSetId:%t%13 %tPhase2CryptoSetId:%t%14 %tAction:%t%15 %tProfiles:%t%16 %tLocalAddresses:%t%17 %tRemoteAddresses:%t%18 %tEmbeddedContext:%t%20 %tIsDTM:%t%22 %tApplyAuthZ:%t%23 %tBypassTunnelIfEncrypted:%t%24 %tNoIPSecOnOutbound:%t%25 %tModifyingUser:%t%26 %tModifyingApplication:%t%27
0xB20007DDA connection security rule was modified in IPsec settings. %tRule ID:%t%1 %tRule Name:%t%2 %tOrigin:%t%3 %tActive:%t%4 %tProtocol:%t%5 %tEndPoint1Ports:%t%6 %tEndPoint2Ports:%t%7 %tLocalTunnelEndpointV4:%t%8 %tLocalTunnelEndpointV6:%t%9 %tRemoteTunnelEndpointV4:%t%10 %tRemoteTunnelEndpointV6:%t%11 %tPhase1AuthSetId:%t%12 %tPhase2AuthSetId:%t%13 %tPhase2CryptoSetId:%t%14 %tAction:%t%15 %tProfiles:%t%16 %tLocalAddresses:%t%17 %tRemoteAddresses:%t%18 %tEmbeddedContext:%t%20 %tIsDTM:%t%22 %tApplyAuthZ:%t%23 %tBypassTunnelIfEncrypted:%t%24 %tNoIPSecOnOutbound:%t%25 %tModifyingUser:%t%26 %tModifyingApplication:%t%27
0xB20007DEA connection security rule was deleted from IPsec settings. Deleted Rule: %tRule ID:%t%1 %tRule Name:%t%2 %tModifying User:%t%3 %tModifying Application:%t%4
0xB20007DFA connection security rule was added to IPsec settings when Windows Defender Firewall started. %tRule ID:%t%1 %tRule Name:%t%2 %tOrigin:%t%3 %tActive:%t%4 %tProtocol:%t%5 %tEndPoint1Ports:%t%6 %tEndPoint2Ports:%t%7 %tLocalTunnelEndpointV4:%t%8 %tLocalTunnelEndpointV6:%t%9 %tRemoteTunnelEndpointV4:%t%10 %tRemoteTunnelEndpointV6:%t%11 %tPhase1AuthSetId:%t%12 %tPhase2AuthSetId:%t%13 %tPhase2CryptoSetId:%t%14 %tAction:%t%15 %tProfiles:%t%16 %tLocalAddresses:%t%17 %tRemoteAddresses:%t%18 %tEmbeddedContext:%t%20 %tIsDTM:%t%22 %tApplyAuthZ:%t%23 %tBypassTunnelIfEncrypted:%t%24 %tNoIPSecOnOutbound:%t%25 %tModifyingUser:%t%26 %tModifyingApplication:%t%27
0xB20007E0A main mode rule has been added in the IPsec settings. %tRule ID:%t%1 %tRule Name:%t%2 %tProfiles:%t%3 %tEndpoint1:%t%4 %tEndpoint2:%t%5 %tPhase1AuthSetId:%t%6 %tPhase1CryptoSetId:%t%7 %tFlags:%t%8 %tActive:%t%9 %tEmbeddedContext:%t%10 %tOrigin:%t%11 %tModifyingUser:%t%12 %tModifyingApplication:%t%13
0xB20007E1A main mode rule has been modified in the IPsec settings. %tRule ID:%t%1 %tRule Name:%t%2 %tProfiles:%t%3 %tEndpoint1:%t%4 %tEndpoint2:%t%5 %tPhase1AuthSetId:%t%6 %tPhase1CryptoSetId:%t%7 %tFlags:%t%8 %tActive:%t%9 %tEmbeddedContext:%t%10 %tOrigin:%t%11 %tModifyingUser:%t%12 %tModifyingApplication:%t%13
0xB20007E2A main mode rule has been deleted in the IPsec settings. Deleted Rule: %tRule ID:%t%1 %tRule Name:%t%2 %tModifying User:%t%3 %tModifying Application:%t%4
0xB20007E3A main mode rule was added to the IPsec settings when Windows Defender Firewall started. %tRule ID:%t%1 %tRule Name:%t%2 %tProfiles:%t%3 %tEndpoint1:%t%4 %tEndpoint2:%t%5 %tPhase1AuthSetId:%t%6 %tPhase1CryptoSetId:%t%7 %tFlags:%t%8 %tActive:%t%9 %tEmbeddedContext:%t%10 %tOrigin:%t%11 %tModifyingUser:%t%12 %tModifyingApplication:%t%13
0xB20007E4A phase 1 crypto set was added to IPsec settings. %tSet ID:%t%1 %tSet Name:%t%2 %tOrigin:%t%4 %tFlags:%t%6 %tNumSuites:%t%7 %tTimeOutMinutes:%t%10 %tTimeOutSessions:%t%11 %tModifyingUser:%t%12 %tModifyingApplication:%t%13
0xB20007E5A phase 1 crypto set was modified in IPsec settings. %tSet ID:%t%1 %tSet Name:%t%2 %tOrigin:%t%4 %tFlags:%t%6 %tNumSuites:%t%7 %tTimeOutMinutes:%t%10 %tTimeOutSessions:%t%11 %tModifyingUser:%t%12 %tModifyingApplication:%t%13
0xB20007E6A phase 1 crypto set was deleted from IPsec settings. Deleted Rule: %tRule ID:%t%1 %tRule Name:%t%2 %tModifying User:%t%3 %tModifying Application:%t%4
0xB20007E7A phase 1 crypto set was added to IPsec settings when Windows Defender Firewall started. %tSet ID:%t%1 %tSet Name:%t%2 %tOrigin:%t%4 %tFlags:%t%6 %tNumSuites:%t%7 %tTimeOutMinutes:%t%10 %tTimeOutSessions:%t%11 %tModifyingUser:%t%12 %tModifyingApplication:%t%13
0xB20007E8A phase 2 crypto set was added to IPsec settings. %tSet ID:%t%1 %tSet Name:%t%2 %tOrigin:%t%4 %tPfs:%t%6 %tNumSuites:%t%7 %tModifyingUser:%t%10 %tModifyingApplication:%t%11
0xB20007E9A phase 2 crypto set was modified in IPsec settings. %tSet ID:%t%1 %tSet Name:%t%2 %tOrigin:%t%4 %tPfs:%t%6 %tNumSuites:%t%7 %tModifyingUser:%t%10 %tModifyingApplication:%t%11
0xB20007EAA phase 2 crypto set was deleted from IPsec settings. Deleted Rule: %tRule ID:%t%1 %tRule Name:%t%2 %tModifying User:%t%3 %tModifying Application:%t%4
0xB20007EBA phase 2 crypto set was added to IPsec settings when Windows Defender Firewall started. %tSet ID:%t%1 %tSet Name:%t%2 %tOrigin:%t%4 %tPfs:%t%6 %tNumSuites:%t%7 %tModifyingUser:%t%10 %tModifyingApplication:%t%11
0xB20007ECAn authentication set has been added to IPsec settings. %tSet ID:%t%1 %tSet Name:%t%2 %tIPsec Phase:%t%3 %tOrigin:%t%5 %tNumSuites:%t%7 %tModifyingUser:%t%10 %tModifyingApplication:%t%11
0xB20007EDAn authentication set has been modified in IPsec settings. %tSet ID:%t%1 %tSet Name:%t%2 %tIPsec Phase:%t%3 %tOrigin:%t%5 %tNumSuites:%t%7 %tModifyingUser:%t%10 %tModifyingApplication:%t%11
0xB20007EEAn authentication set has been deleted from IPsec settings. Deleted Rule: %tRule ID:%t%1 %tRule Name:%t%2 %tModifying User:%t%3 %tModifying Application:%t%4
0xB20007EFAn authentication set has been added to IPsec settings when Windows Defender Firewall started. %tSet ID:%t%1 %tSet Name:%t%2 %tIPsec Phase:%t%3 %tOrigin:%t%5 %tNumSuites:%t%7 %tModifyingUser:%t%10 %tModifyingApplication:%t%11
0xB20007F0Windows Defender Firewall has been reset to its default configuration. %tModifyingUser:%t%1 %tModifyingApplication:%t%2
0xB20007F1All rules have been deleted from the Windows Defender Firewall configuration on this computer. %tStore Type:%t%1 %tModifyingUser:%t%2 %tModifyingApplication:%t%3
0xB20007F2All connection security rules have been deleted from the IPsec configuration on this computer. %tStore Type:%t%1 %tModifyingUser:%t%2 %tModifyingApplication:%t%3
0xB20007F3All main mode rules have been deleted from the IPsec configuration on this computer. %tStore Type:%t%1 %tModifyingUser:%t%2 %tModifyingApplication:%t%3
0xB20007F4All authentication sets have been deleted from the IPsec configuration on this computer. %tIPsec Phase:%t%1 %tStore Type:%t%2 %tModifyingUser:%t%3 %tModifyingApplication:%t%4
0xB20007F5All crypto sets have been deleted from the IPsec configuration on this computer. %tIPsec Phase:%t%1 %tStore Type:%t%2 %tModifyingUser:%t%3 %tModifyingApplication:%t%4
0xB20007F6Windows Defender Firewall did not apply the following rule because the rule was not properly configured on this computer: Rule Information: %tID:%t%1 %tName:%t%2 Error Information: %tReason:%t%3
0xB20007F7Http Proxies Changed Reason: %t%1 All Proxies:%t%2 All Domain Proxies:%t%3 Group Policy Configured Domain Proxies:%t%4 Group Policy Configured Local Proxies:%t%5 All DA Nat64 Domain Proxies:%t%6 Group Policy is authoritative:%t%7
0xB20007F8Corp Subnets Changed Reason: %t%1 All Domain Subnets:%t%2 Group Policy Configured Domain Subnets:%t%3 All DA Nat64 Domain Subnets:%t%4 Group Policy is authoritative:%t%5
0xB20007F9Capability Changed Reason: %t%1 Capability:%t%2 Profile:%t%3 IP Range Definition:%t%4
0xB20007FBThe Windows Firewall Service failed to initialize a component. Some policies may not be fully enforced. Component Name:%t%1 Error Code:%t%2
0xB20007FFTenant Restrictions Policy Update. Error code:%t%1 Old Addresses:%t%2 New Addresses:%t%3
0xB2000800Added Dynamic Keyword Address. Error Code:%t%1 Id:%t%2 Keyword:%t%3 Addresses%t%4 AutoResolve:%t%5
0xB2000801Deleted Dynamic Keyword Address. Error Code:%t%1 Id:%t%2
0xB2000802Updated Dynamic Keyword Address. Error Code:%t%1 Id:%t%2 Append:%t%3 Previous Addresses:%t%4 Addresses to update:%t%5 Updated Addresses%t%6
0xB2000803Tenant Restrictions Policy Update Error code:%t%1 Policy Change:%t%2
0xB2000824The firewall rule is not enforced due to an error processing the dynamic keyword address. Re-applying the policy may restore this rule into a working state. Rule ID:%t%1 Rule Name:%t%2
0xD2000001Enable Windows Defender Firewall
0xD2000002Disable Stealth Mode
0xD2000003Windows Defender Firewall Shielded Mode
0xD2000004Disable Unicast Responses to Multicast
0xD2000005Log Dropped Packets
0xD2000006Log Successful Connections
0xD2000007Log Ignored Rules
0xD2000008Maximum Log File Size
0xD2000009Log File Path
0xD200000ADisable Inbound Notifications
0xD200000BAllow User preferred merge of Authorized Applications
0xD200000CAllow User preferred merge of Globally open ports
0xD200000DAllow Local Policy Merge
0xD200000EAllow Local IPsec Policy Merge
0xD200000FDisabled Interfaces
0xD2000010Default Outbound Action
0xD2000011Default Inbound Action
0xD2000012Disable Stealth Mode IPsec Secured Packet Exemption
0xD2000013Current Profile
0xD2000014Disable Stateful FTP
0xD2000015Ignored Disable Stateful PPTP
0xD2000016IPsec SA Idle time
0xD2000017IPsec preshared key encoding
0xD2000018IPsec Exempt
0xD2000019IPsec CRL Check
0xD200001AIPsec Through NAT
0xD200001BPolicy Version
0xD200001CBinary Version Supported
0xD200001DRemote Machine Authorization List
0xD200001ERemote User Authorization List
0xD2000020Group Policy
0xD2000028Group policy RSOP
0xD200002AWSH Static
0xD200002BWSH Configurable
0xD200002DGroup policy
0xD2000032Defer to application
0xD2000033Defer to user
0xD2000035Require Authentication
0xD2000036Require Encryption
0xD2000037Require Authentication, Negotiate Encryption
0xD2000038Require Authentication, Allow no encapsulation
0xD200003AServer behind NAT
0xD200003BServer and client behind NAT
0xD200003EAuthenticated IPSec Bypass
0xD2000046Public, Domain
0xD2000047Public, Private
0xD2000048Private,Domain, Public
0xD2000049The application is a system service
0xD200004AThe application is non interactive
0xD200004BThe firewall is off and the application is allowed
0xD200004CThe image is block listed
0xD200004DThe session is inactive
0xD200004EAn unknown error occurred
0xD200004FInbound notifications are not enabled
0xD2000050All Inbound connections are disallowed
0xD2000051All Inbound connections are disallowed, Inbound notifications are not enabled
0xD2000057ICMP V4
0xD2000058ICMP V6
0xD2000062Require authentication for inbound connections and request authentication for outbound connections
0xD2000063Request authentication for inbound and outbound connections
0xD2000064Require authentication for inbound and outbound connections
0xD2000065Do not authenticate
0xD2000067Do Not Skip DH
0xD2000072Phase 1
0xD2000073Phase 2
0xD2000074Group Policy Change
0xD2000075Network Change
0xD2000076Manual Change
0xD2000077Indication Change
0xD2000078Subscription Refresh
0xD2000079Group Policy Change
0xD200007AAD Subnets Change
0xD200007BSubscription Refresh
0xD200007CLocal Address Change
0xD200007DCorp Subnets
0xD200007EHttp Proxies
0xD200007FNetwork Profile Change
0xD2000082DA Remote PrivateNetwork
198 entries