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Windows / Modules / mstscax.dll


Remote Desktop Client API

Associated Error Codes

Below lists error codes and symbolic names found for this module.

0x00007256top Client API 0x10000009 Access Denied
0x1000000AClient has disconnected
0x1000000BAuthentication Failure
0x1000000CFailed to get a license
0x1000000DOperation has timed out
0x1000000EInvalid State
0x1000000FConnection to gateway server failed
0x10000010Network Unavailable
0x10000011DNS resolution failure
0x10000012Sign verification failed
0x10000013Resource check failed
0x10000014Logon failed
0x3000000AThis event is raised during the connection process
0x3000000BThis event is raised during the disconnection process
0x3000000CThis event is raised during the authentication process
0x3000000DThis event is raised while trying to automatically reconnect to the server
0x3000000EThis event is raised during resolving the server name
0x3000000FThis event is raised while trying to get a valid license
0x30000010This event is raised in the gateway transport
0x30000011This event is raised when data is received from the server
0x30000012This event is raised when data is sent to the server
0x30000013This event is raised during a state transition.
0x30000014This event is raised when the client has not been shutdown cleanly.
0x30000015This event is raised when the user tries to sign out from the OOB client.
0x30000016This event is raised when the user manually tries to do feed refresh.
0x30000017This event is raised when the user tries to login in ADAL page using different user name.
0x30000018This event is raised when a workspace event like subscribe/update succeeded.
0x30000019This event is raised when a workspace event like subscribe/update failed!
0x3000001AThis event is raised when feed discovery succeeds
0x3000001BThis event is raised when feed discovery failed!
0x3000001CThis event is raised when the feed cache on the client local machine is missing icons or Rdp files due to cache corruption!
0x3000001DThis event is raised when user has successfully updated the consent status on server side
0x3000001EThis event is raised when user is unable to update the consent status on server!
0x3000001FThis event is raised when the client first launches.
0x30000020This event is raised when the user manually clicks the view invitations button.
0x30000021This event is raised when the user starts a new cycle of feed discovery. We log the hashed UPN and timezone information here
0x30000022This event is raised when all the feeds of the user have been subscribed or updated completely. We log the overall time it took to download all feeds in parallel.
0x30000023This event is raised when there is a close operation which will tear down the connection.
0x30000024This event is raised when protocol caps are received from the server. We log the version selected, and the client mode and AVC capability.
0x30000025This event is raised when protocol caps are received from the server. We log that hardware resources are being used.
0x30000026This event is raised when protocol caps are received from the server. We log that hardware resources are not being used.
0x30000027This event is raised when there is error in acquiring ADAL token.
0x30000028This event is raised when ADAL authentication token is successfully created.
0x30000029This event is raised when ADAL authentication is cancelled.
0x3000002CThis event is raised if a pipeline error is encountered during execution. We log the faulting component, function, and error code.
0x3000002FThis is a generic event that may be raised by the client.
0x30000030This is a generic error that may be signaled by the client.
0x70000065Connection Sequence
0x70000066Automatic Reconnection Sequence
0x70000067Gateway Connection Sequence
0x70000068RDP State Transition
0x70000069RdClient RADC workspace
0x7000006ARdClient Pipeline workspace
0xB00000E1%1: Transitioned successfully from %3 to %5 in response to %7.
0xB00000E2%1: An error was encountered when transitioning from %3 to %5 in response to %7 (error code %8).
0xB00000E3%1: MCS Channel Join Confirmation received: ChannelID = %2, ChannelName = %3.
0xB00003E9RDP ClientActiveX is trying to connect to the server (%2)
0xB00003EARDP ClientActiveX has connected to the server
0xB00003EBRDP ClientActiveX has been disconnected (Reason= %2)
0xB00003ECClient has logged on to the server (SessionId = %2)
0xB00003EDClient failed to logon on to the server (Error = %2)
0xB00003EEClient machine has lost network connectivity (Reason= %2)
0xB00003EFDNS failed to resolve the server name (Error= %2)
0xB00003F0The credentials provided are authenticated by the server
0xB00003F1The credentials provided were failed to be authenticated by the server
0xB00003F2RDP ClientActiveX is connecting to a gateway server (%1=%2)
0xB00003F3RDP ClientActiveX succeeded in connecting to the gateway server
0xB00003F4RDP ClientActiveX failed to connect to the gateway server(Error= %2)
0xB00003F5RDP ClientActiveX is trying to automatically reconnect to the server (%2)
0xB00003F6RDP ClientActiveX succeeded in automatically connecting to the server
0xB00003F7RDP ClientActiveX failed to automatically connect to the server (Reason= %1)
0xB00003F8Client has a license to connect to the server
0xB00003F9Client does not have a license to connect to the server (Error= %2)
0xB00003FARDP ClientActiveX failed to connect to the server (Error = %2)
0xB00003FCRDP ClientActiveX has recorded the following error - %2. Check Details.
0xB00003FDRDP ClientActiveX's gateway transport has recorded the following error - %2. Check Details.
0xB00003FFRDP Client ActiveX has started using RemoteFX for graphics decoding (decoder type = %2)
0xB0000403Connected to domain (%1) with session %2.
0xB0000404Server supports SSL = %1
0xB0000405Base64(SHA256(UserName)) is = %1
0xB0000406RDP Client build %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
0xB0000407Invalid format error occured when decoding packet of type %1
0xB0000408Component name:%1, :: %2
0xB0000409Component name:%1, :: %2, Error code:%3
0xB000040AComponent name:%1, :: %2
0xB000044CThe client detected the link latency is %2 milliseconds.
0xB000044DThe client detected the bandwidth is %2 kbps/second.
0xB000044EThe client has initiated a multi-transport connection to the server %2.
0xB000044FThe client has established a multi-transport connection to the server.
0xB0000450The client failed to establish the multi-transport connection.
0xB0000451The multi-transport connection has been disconnected.
0xB0000452Close event, code = %1.
0xB0000453Disconnect trace:%1 "%2", Error code:%3
0xB00004B1The RdClient has been forced exit since cancelling existing workspace job took too long.
0xB00004B2The user has clicked sign out on the OOB Client ribbon.
0xB00004B3The user has clicked Refresh on the OOB client ribbon.
0xB00004B4The user tried to login into ADAL with a different user name than the one he/she subscribed to initially.
0xB00004B5%1: Workspace Event succeeded for Tenant = %2 , TotalTimeWithoutAdal = %3 ms, AdalTime = %4 ms. NumberOfResources = %5
0xB00004B6%1: Workspace Event failed for Tenant = %2. , TotalTimeWithoutAdal = %3 ms, AdalTime = %4 ms. (Error code %5)
0xB00004B8Feed discovery succeeded. TotalTimeWithoutAdal = %1 ms, AdalTime = %2 ms, NumberOfFeeds = %3
0xB00004B9Feed discovery failed. TotalTimeWithoutAdal = %1 ms, AdalTime = %2 ms. (Error code = %3)
0xB00004BAFeed cache corruption encountered. Tenant = %1, ResourceId = %2, ResourceType = %3, (Error code %4).
0xB00004BBConsent status updated successfully. TotalTimeWithoutAdal = %1, AdalTime = %2.
0xB00004BCConsent status update failed. TotalTimeWithoutAdal = %1, AdalTime = %2. (Error code %3)
0xB00004BDThe user has clicked view invitations on the OOB client ribbon.
0xB00004BEBase64(SHA256(UserName)) = %1, TimeZone Bias = %2, TimeZone Name = %3.
0xB00004BFRefresh Time = %1, Number of feeds = %2.
0xB00004C0ADAL error code = %1, description = %2
0xB00004C1ADAL token collected successfully
0xB00004C2ADAL cancelled
0xB00004CB%1 entering stage %2
0xB00004CC%1 with http event type %2
0xB00004CD%1 with http event type %2 and http status code %3
0xB00004CE%1 with http event type %2 failed with xresult %3
0xB0000579The server is using version %1 of the RDP graphics protocol (client mode: %2, AVC available: %3).
0xB000057AThe client is using hardware memory for the frame buffer.
0xB000057BThe client is using software memory for the frame buffer.
0xB000057CThe client encountered an issue while decoding and displaying RDP graphics (component: %1, function: %2, error code: %3)
131 entries