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Windows / Modules / msxml3r.dll


Microsoft XML API v3

Associated Error Codes

Below lists error codes and symbolic names found for this module.

0x00007A16ML API v3 0x000cd000 XML_STRRESOURCE_MASK
0x000CD001XML Files (*.xml)|*.xml|XSL Files (*.xsl)|*.xsl|All Files (*.*)|*.*|
0xC00CE001Error opening input file: '%1'.
0xC00CE002Reference to undefined entity '%1'.
0xC00CE003Entity '%1' contains an infinite entity reference loop.
0xC00CE004Cannot use the NDATA keyword in a parameter entity declaration.
0xC00CE005Cannot use a general parsed entity '%1' as the value for attribute '%2'.
0xC00CE006Cannot use unparsed entity '%1' in an entity reference.
0xC00CE007Cannot reference an external general parsed entity '%1' in an attribute value.
0xC00CE008XML parser stopped by user.
0xC00CE009Error while parsing entity '%1'. %2
0xC00CE00AParameter entity must be defined before it is used.
0xC00CE00BThe same name must not appear more than once in a single mixed-content declaration: '%1'.
0xC00CE00CEntity names, PI targets, notation names and attribute values declared to be of types ID, IDREF(S), ENTITY(IES) or NOTATION cannot contain any colons.
0xC00CE00DThe element '%1' is used but not declared in the DTD/Schema.
0xC00CE00EThe attribute '%1' with namespace '%2' references the ID '%3' which is not defined anywhere in the document.
0xC00CE00FError in default attribute value defined in DTD/Schema.
0xC00CE010Reserved namespace '%1' can not be redeclared.
0xC00CE011Element cannot be empty according to the DTD/Schema.
0xC00CE012Element content is incomplete according to the DTD/Schema.
0xC00CE013The name of the top most element must match the name of the DOCTYPE declaration.
0xC00CE014Element content is invalid according to the DTD/Schema.
0xC00CE015The attribute '%1' on this element is not defined in the DTD/Schema.
0xC00CE016Attribute '%1' has a value which does not match the fixed value defined in the DTD/Schema.
0xC00CE017Attribute '%1' has an invalid value according to the DTD/Schema.
0xC00CE018Text is not allowed in this context according to DTD/Schema.
0xC00CE019An attribute declaration cannot contain multiple fixed values: '%1'.
0xC00CE01AThe notation '%1' is already declared.
0xC00CE01BThe element '%1' is already declared.
0xC00CE01CReference to undeclared element: '%1'.
0xC00CE01DReference to undeclared namespace prefix: '%1'.
0xC00CE01EUse of default namespace declaration attribute in DTD not supported.
0xC00CE01FUnknown error: %1.
0xC00CE020Required attribute '%1' is missing.
0xC00CE021Declaration '%1' contains reference to undefined notation '%2'.
0xC00CE022Cannot define multiple ID attributes on the same element.
0xC00CE023An attribute of type ID cannot have a default value.
0xC00CE024The language ID "%1" is invalid.
0xC00CE025The public ID "%1" is invalid.
0xC00CE026Expecting: %1.
0xC00CE027Only a default namespace can have an empty URI.
0xC00CE028Could not load '%1'.
0xC00CE029Unable to save character to '%1' encoding.
0xC00CE02AContent must be empty according to the Schema.
0xC00CE02BOnly text is allowed according to the Schema.
0xC00CE02CInvalid xml:space declaration.
0xC00CE02DThe ID '%1' is referenced but not defined in the document.
0xC00CE02EViolation of Validity Constraint: Standalone Document Declaration.
0xC00CE02FCannot define multiple NOTATION attributes on the same element.
0xC00CE030An attribute of type NOTATION must not be declared on an element declared EMPTY.
0xC00CE100A namespace was found but not supported at current location.
0xC00CE101Incorrect definition for the root element in schema.
0xC00CE102Element "%1" is not allowed in this context.
0xC00CE103An ElementType declaration must contain a "name" attribute.
0xC00CE104An element declaration must contain a "type" attribute.
0xC00CE105Schema only supports order type "seq", "one" and "many".
0xC00CE106Content must be "textOnly" when using datatype on an Element Type.
0xC00CE107Order must be "many" when content is "mixed".
0xC00CE108Content must be of type "empty","eltOnly","textOnly" or "mixed".
0xC00CE109The value of model must be either "open" or "closed".
0xC00CE10ACannot contain child elements because content is set to "textOnly".
0xC00CE10BMust provide at least one "element" in a group.
0xC00CE10CThe attribute "%1" is not supported on the declaration %2.
0xC00CE10DAttributeType declaration must contain a "name" attribute.
0xC00CE10EDuplicated attribute declaration.
0xC00CE111Invalid value for "required" attribute.
0xC00CE112Unknown Attribute datatype.
0xC00CE113Duplicated datatype declaration.
0xC00CE114An element with a "values" attribute must contain a type attribute of the value "enumeration".
0xC00CE115Must provide a "values" attribute on an element that contains a type attribute of the value "enumeration".
0xC00CE116Attribute declaration must contain a "type" attribute.
0xC00CE117Reference to an undefined attribute type "%1"
0xC00CE118A "group" is not allowed within an ElementType that has a "textOnly" content model.
0xC00CE119The attribute "%1" on a group is not supported.
0xC00CE11AThe values for enumeration type are missing.
0xC00CE11BThe default value "%1" is invalid.
0xC00CE11CDatatype is not allowed when content model is not "textOnly".
0xC00CE11DChild element is not allowed when content model is "empty".
0xC00CE11FChild element is not allowed when datatype is set.
0xC00CE120Type is missing on the datatype element.
0xC00CE121The value of attribute "minOccurs" should be "0" or "1".
0xC00CE122The value of attribute "maxOccurs" should be "1" or "*".
0xC00CE123The value of attribute "maxOccurs" must be "*" when attribute "order" is set to "many".
0xC00CE124The value of the data type attribute can not be empty.
0xC00CE125DOCTYPE is not allowed in Schema.
0xC00CE126Type must have a "name" attribute.
0xC00CE127When "content" is "mixed", "order" must be "many".
0xC00CE128Type "%1" is already defined.
0xC00CE129"type" attribute is required.
0xC00CE12A"%1" is not a valid name or type name.
0xC00CE12BAttribute "%1" has already been defined.
0xC00CE12CType "%1" is referred but not defined in the Schema.
0xC00CE12DSame element name refers to different type.
0xC00CE12EAttribute "order" is not allowed on %1.
0xC00CE12FThe attribute type "%1" is invalid.
0xC00CE130Reference to an undefined attribute type "%1"
0xC00CE131Attribute "minOccurs" is not supported on top level element in Schema.
0xC00CE132Attribute "maxOccurs" is not supported on top level element in Schema.
0xC00CE133Attribute "revises" is not supported on top level element in Schema.
0xC00CE134"%1" is allowed only when content is "textOnly".
0xC00CE135"contentValues" must have at least one "value" subelement.
0xC00CE136MinLength value is invalid.
0xC00CE137MaxLength value is invalid.
0xC00CE138MinLength must not be greater than maxLength.
0xC00CE139Reference to undefined inline Schema "%1".
0xC00CE13AInline Schema "%1" has already been defined.
0xC00CE13B"maxOccurs" on attribute can only be "1".
0xC00CE13CMultiple occurances of "%1" in a type definition is not allowed.
0xC00CE13D"maxInclusive" and "maxExclusive" cannot both appear in a type definition.
0xC00CE13E"minInclusive" and "minExclusive" cannot both appear in a type definition.
0xC00CE13F"dt:maxLength" has already been defined.
0xC00CE140"dt:minLength" has already been defined.
0xC00CE141"%1" not allowed when "%2" is also used.
0xC00CE142Duplicate definition of %1 with name "%2".
0xC00CE143Value '%1' is not one of %2.
0xC00CE144Value '%1' is not one of #all%2.
0xC00CE145Attribute needs value.
0xC00CE146Expecting a single value.
0xC00CE147while processing %1.
0xC00CE148'%1' conficts with existing type.
0xC00CE149maxOccurs can not be less than minOccurs.
0xC00CE14A'%1' is not a valid type reference.
0xC00CE14BReference specified targetNamespace of '%1' but schema specifies '%2'.
0xC00CE14CMinLength/MaxLength constraints can only be specified with a datatype of "string", "number", "bin.hex", or "bin.base64".
0xC00CE200The ID '%1' is duplicated.
0xC00CE201Error parsing '%1' as %2 datatype.
0xC00CE202There was a Namespace conflict for the '%1' Namespace.
0xC00CE204Unable to expand an attribute with Object value
0xC00CE205Can not have 2 datatype attributes on one element.
0xC00CE206Insert position node not found
0xC00CE207Node not found
0xC00CE208This operation can not be performed with a Node of type %1.
0xC00CE209'%1' is not a valid attribute on the XML Declaration. Only 'version', 'encoding', or 'standalone' attributes are allowed.
0xC00CE20AInserting a Node or its ancestor under itself is not allowed.
0xC00CE20BInsert position Node must be a Child of the Node to insert under.
0xC00CE20CAttributes are not allowed on Nodes of type '%1'.
0xC00CE20DThe parameter Node is not a child of this Node.
0xC00CE20ETo create nodes of type '%1', a valid name must be specified.
0xC00CE20FUnexpected NameSpace parameter.
0xC00CE210Required parameter is missing (or null/empty).
0xC00CE211NameSpace Node is invalid.
0xC00CE212Attempt to modify a read-only node.
0xC00CE213Access Denied.
0xC00CE214Attributes must be removed before adding them to a different node.
0xC00CE215Invalid data for a node of type '%1'.
0xC00CE216Operation aborted by caller.
0xC00CE217Unable to recover node list iterator position.
0xC00CE218The offset must be 0 or a positive number that is not greater than the number of characters in the data.
0xC00CE219The provided node is not a specified attribute on this node.
0xC00CE21AThis operation can not be performed on DOCTYPE node.
0xC00CE21BCannot mix different threading models in document.
0xC00CE21CDatatype '%1' is not supported.
0xC00CE21DProperty name is invalid.
0xC00CE21EProperty value is invalid.
0xC00CE21FObject is read-only.
0xC00CE220Only XMLSchemaCache schema collections can be used.
0xC00CE221Length is greater than the maximum length.
0xC00CE222Length is less than the minimum length.
0xC00CE223Validate failed because the document does not contain exactly one root node.
0xC00CE224Validate failed because the root element had no associated DTD/schema.
0xC00CE225Validate failed.
0xC00CE226Index refers beyond end of list.
0xC00CE227A node of type '%1' cannot have the name '%2'.
0xC00CE228Required property does not have a valid value.
0xC00CE229Illegal operation while a transformation is currently in progress.
0xC00CE22AUser aborted transform.
0xC00CE22BDocument is not completely parsed.
0xC00CE22CThis object cannot sink the '%1' event. An error occurred marshalling the object's IDispatch interface.
0xC00CE22DThe XSL stylesheet document must be free threaded in order to be used with the XSLTemplate object.
0xC00CE22ESelectionNamespaces property value is invalid. Only well-formed xmlns attributes are allowed.
0xC00CE22FThis name may not contain the '%2' character: %1-->%2<--%3
0xC00CE230This name may not begin with the '%2' character: %1-->%2<--%3
0xC00CE231An empty string '' is not a valid name.
0xC00CE232The ServerHTTPRequest property can not be used when loading a document asynchronously and is only supported on Windows NT 4.0 and above.
0xC00CE300The XSL processor stack has overflowed - probable cause is infinite template recursion.
0xC00CE301Keyword %1 may not be used here.
0xC00CE303The root of an XSL stylesheet must be an element.
0xC00CE304Keyword %1 may not follow %2.
0xC00CE305%1 is not a scripting language.
0xC00CE306The value passed in to formatIndex needs to be greater than 0.
0xC00CE307Invalid format string.
0xC00CE308line = %1, col = %2 (line is offset from the start of the script block).
0xC00CE309Error returned from property or method call.
0xC00CE30ASystem error: %1.
0xC00CE30BKeyword %1 may not contain %3.
0xC00CE30CKeyword %1 may not be used in namespace %2.
0xC00CE30DThe value of the "%1" attribute may only be "%2" or "%3".
0xC00CE30FStylesheet "%1" cannot directly or indirectly include itself.
0xC00CE310'%1' is not a valid URL.
0xC00CE311The stylesheet does not contain a document element. The stylesheet may be empty, or it may not be a well-formed XML document.
0xC00CE312Error while parsing "%1". %2
0xC00CE313'%1' is not a valid priority value.
0xC00CE314Reference to variable or parameter '%1' must evaluate to a node list.
0xC00CE315Variable or parameter '%1' cannot be defined twice within the same template.
0xC00CE316A reference to variable or parameter '%1' cannot be resolved. The variable or parameter may not be defined, or it may not be in scope.
0xC00CE317Namespace '%1' cannot contain script blocks with different values of the language attribute.
0xC00CE318Namespace '%1' does not contain any functions.
0xC00CE319Namespace '%1' does not contain function '%2'.
0xC00CE320Function '%1' did not return a value, or it returned a value that cannot be converted to an XSL data type.
0xC00CE321%1 Error occurred during a call to property or method '%2'.
0xC00CE322%1 Error occurred with parameter %2 during a call to property or method '%3'.
0xC00CE323The value of the '%1' attribute may not be '%2'.
0xC00CE324Global variable '%1' may not contain direct or indirect reference to itself. Circular definitions are not allowed.
0xC00CE325Keyword %1 may not contain %2 nodes.
0xC00CE326Variable or parameter '%1' cannot have both a select attribute and non-empty content.
0xC00CE327Named template '%1' cannot be defined more than once with the same import precedence.
0xC00CE328Named template '%1' does not exist in the stylesheet.
0xC00CE329Global variable or parameter '%1' cannot be defined more than once with the same import precedence.
0xC00CE32AThe xsl:apply-imports instruction cannot be included within the content of an xsl:for-each instruction.
0xC00CE32BA reference to attribute set '%1' cannot be resolved. An xsl:attribute-set of this name must be declared at the top-level of the stylesheet.
0xC00CE32CAttribute set '%1' may not directly or indirectly reference itself.
0xC00CE32D%1 Error occurred during compilation of included or imported stylesheet '%2'.
0xC00CE32EAttribute '%1' is invalid on '%2'.
0xC00CE32Fxsl:choose must have at least one xsl:when child.
0xC00CE330'%1' is not a valid namespace prefix value.
0xC00CE331Element '%1' is not a recognized extension element.
0xC00CE332The stylesheet element may not be an extension element.
0xC00CE333A reference to key '%1' cannot be resolved. An xsl:key instruction of this name must be declared at the top-level of the stylesheet.
0xC00CE334'%1' is not a valid XSLT or XPath function.
0xC00CE335Function '%1' in namespace '%2' must return a node-set.
0xC00CE336Argument %1 must return a node-set.
0xC00CE337xsl:template may not have a mode attribute if it does not have a match attribute.
0xC00CE338The %1() function may not be used in a match pattern.
0xC00CE339The value of the '%1' attribute must be a single character.
0xC00CE33AThe '%1' attribute on xsl:decimal-format '%2' may not be redefined with a value of '%3'.
0xC00CE33BDecimal format '%1' does not exist in the stylesheet.
0xC00CE33CSecurity settings do not allow the execution of script code within this stylesheet.
0xC00CE380Expected token %1 found %2.
0xC00CE381Unexpected token %1.
0xC00CE382Expression does not return a DOM node.
0xC00CE383Expression must be a query or an integer constant.
0xC00CE384Incomplete query expression.
0xC00CE385Unknown method.
0xC00CE386Unexpected character in query string.
0xC00CE387%1 may not appear to the right of / or // or be used with |.
0xC00CE388Expression must be a string constant.
0xC00CE389Object does not support this method.
0xC00CE38AExpression can't be cast to this data type.
0xC00CE38CThe XML script engine does not support script fragments. This error was probably caused by having a script tag with the language attribute set to "XML" or the text attribute set to "text/xml" before any other script tag on the page.
0xC00CE38DParameter must be a query or a string constant.
0xC00CE38EParameter must be a integer constant.
0xC00CE400<%1TABLE width=400> <%1P style="font:13pt/15pt verdana"> The XML page cannot be displayed <%1P style="font:8pt/11pt verdana">Cannot view XML input using %3 style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the <%1a href="javascript:location.reload()" target="_self"> Refresh button, or try again later. <%1HR><%1P style="font:bold 8pt/11pt verdana">%2<%1/TABLE> <%1pre style="font:10pt/12pt"><%1font color="blue">%4
0xC00CE401Line %1, Position %2
0xC00CE402The XML source file is unavailable for viewing.
0xC00CE501Missing equals sign between attribute and attribute value.
0xC00CE502A string literal was expected, but no opening quote character was found.
0xC00CE503Incorrect syntax was used in a comment.
0xC00CE504A name was started with an invalid character.
0xC00CE505A name contained an invalid character.
0xC00CE506The character '<' cannot be used in an attribute value.
0xC00CE507Invalid syntax for an xml declaration.
0xC00CE508An invalid character was found in text content.
0xC00CE509Required white space was missing.
0xC00CE50AThe character '>' was expected.
0xC00CE50BInvalid character found in DTD.
0xC00CE50CAn invalid character was found inside a DTD declaration.
0xC00CE50DA semi colon character was expected.
0xC00CE50EAn invalid character was found inside an entity reference.
0xC00CE50FUnbalanced parentheses.
0xC00CE510An opening '[' character was expected.
0xC00CE511Invalid syntax in a conditional or a CDATA section.
0xC00CE512Internal error.
0xC00CE513Whitespace is not allowed at this location.
0xC00CE514End of file reached in invalid state for current encoding.
0xC00CE515Mixed content model cannot contain this character.
0xC00CE516Mixed content model must be defined as zero or more('*').
0xC00CE517Invalid character in content model.
0xC00CE518Missing parenthesis.
0xC00CE519Invalid character found in ATTLIST enumeration.
0xC00CE51AInvalid syntax in PI declaration.
0xC00CE51BA single or double closing quote character (\' or \") is missing.
0xC00CE51CMultiple colons are not allowed in a name.
0xC00CE51DInvalid character for decimal digit.
0xC00CE51EInvalid character for hexidecimal digit.
0xC00CE51FInvalid unicode character.
0xC00CE520Expecting whitespace or '?'.
0xC00CE550The parser is suspended.
0xC00CE551The parser is stopped.
0xC00CE552End tag was not expected at this location.
0xC00CE553The following tags were not closed: %1.
0xC00CE554Duplicate attribute.
0xC00CE555Only one top level element is allowed in an XML document.
0xC00CE556Invalid at the top level of the document.
0xC00CE557Invalid xml declaration.
0xC00CE558XML document must have a top level element.
0xC00CE559Unexpected end of file.
0xC00CE55AParameter entities cannot be used inside markup declarations in an internal subset.
0xC00CE55BThe replacement text for a parameter entity must be properly nested with parenthesized groups.
0xC00CE55CThe literal string ']]>' is not allowed in element content.
0xC00CE55DProcessing instruction was not closed.
0xC00CE55EElement was not closed.
0xC00CE55FEnd element was missing the character '>'.
0xC00CE560A string literal was not closed.
0xC00CE561A comment was not closed.
0xC00CE562A declaration was not closed.
0xC00CE563A markup declaration was not closed.
0xC00CE564A CDATA section was not closed.
0xC00CE565Declaration has an invalid name.
0xC00CE566External ID is invalid.
0xC00CE567An XML element is not allowed inside a DTD.
0xC00CE568The namespace prefix is not allowed to start with the reserved string "xml".
0xC00CE569The 'version' attribute is required at this location.
0xC00CE56AThe 'encoding' attribute is required at this location.
0xC00CE56BAt least one name is required at this location.
0xC00CE56CThe specified attribute was not expected at this location. The attribute may be case sensitive.
0xC00CE56DEnd tag '%2' does not match the start tag '%1'.
0xC00CE56ESystem does not support the specified encoding.
0xC00CE56FSwitch from current encoding to specified encoding not supported.
0xC00CE570NDATA keyword is missing.
0xC00CE571Content model is invalid.
0xC00CE572Invalid type defined in ATTLIST.
0xC00CE573The xml:space attribute has a non-legal value. The only legal values are 'default' and 'preserve'.
0xC00CE574Multiple names found in attribute value when only one was expected.
0xC00CE575Invalid ATTDEF declaration. Expected #REQUIRED, #IMPLIED or #FIXED.
0xC00CE576The name 'xml' is reserved and must be lower case.
0xC00CE577Conditional sections are not allowed in an internal subset.
0xC00CE578CDATA is not allowed in a DTD.
0xC00CE579The standalone attribute must have the value 'yes' or 'no'.
0xC00CE57AThe standalone attribute cannot be used in external entities.
0xC00CE57BCannot have a DOCTYPE declaration in a DTD.
0xC00CE57CReference to undefined entity.
0xC00CE57DEntity reference is resolved to an invalid name character.
0xC00CE57ECannot have a DOCTYPE declaration outside of a prolog.
0xC00CE57FInvalid version number.
0xC00CE580Cannot have a DTD declaration outside of a DTD.
0xC00CE581Cannot have multiple DOCTYPE declarations.
0xC00CE582Error processing resource '%1'.
0xC00CE583A name is required at this location.
0xC00CE600NodeTest expected here.
0xC00CE601Last() function must have a node-set to operate on.
0xC00CE602Boolean parameter expected.
0xC00CE603Number parameter expected.
0xC00CE604An argument to the operand is not valid.
0xC00CE605Error trying to resolve the variable.
0xC00CE606Expression expected.
0xC00CE607Invalid axes name.
0xC00CE608String Value at this location must evaluate to a QName.
0xC00CE609The '%1' format symbol may not follow the '%2' format symbol in this section of a format pattern.
0xC00CE60AInvalid number of arguments.
0xC00CE60BNumber is out of range.
0xC00CE60CThis query can not follow a query that may retun more than one node.
0xC00CE60DIncomplete XPATH statement.
0xC00CE60EInvalid Match Pattern.
0xC00CE60FCould not resolve this QName.
0xC00CE610Variables may not be used within this expression.
0xC00CE611The context node in an XSLT transform may not be stripped text.
0xC00CE612A node within the %1 may not be passed as the context node for an XSLT transform or an XPath query.
0xC00CE613A text node child of an attribute may not be passed as the context node for an XSLT transform or an XPath query.
0xC00CE614A node of type '%1' may not be passed as the context node for an XSLT transform or an XPath query.
0xC00CE615A default attribute may not be passed as the context node for an XSLT transform or an XPath query.
351 entries