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Windows / Modules / netdiagfx.dll


Network Diagnostic Framework API

Associated Error Codes

Below lists error codes and symbolic names found for this module.

0x00001004The Network Diagnostics Framework has completed the diagnosis phase of operation, but no network problem was identified.
0x00001068An error occurred. The Network Diagnostics Framework failed to complete the diagnosis phase of operation. A Windows Error Report was generated. [%1]
0x00001388The Network Diagnostics Framework has completed the repair phase of operation. The following repair option or work-around was executed: Helper Class Name: %7 Repair option: %3 RepairGuid: %4 The repair option appears to have successfully fixed the diagnosed problem.
0x000013ECThe Network Diagnostics Framework (NDF) has completed the repair phase of operation. The following repair option or work-around was executed: Helper Class Name: %7 Repair option: %3 RepairGuid: %4 The repair option appears to have successfully fixed the diagnosed problem. But NDF has detected the existence of other network problems. NDF should be re-run to diagnose these problems.
0x00001450The Network Diagnostics Framework failed to execute the following repair: Repair option: %3 RepairGuid: %4
0x000014B4An error occurred. The Network Diagnostics Framework failed to complete the repair phase of operation. A Windows Error Report was generated. [%1]
0x000017D4Details about %1 diagnosis: %2
0x00007858gnostic Framework API 0x00000fa0 The Network Diagnostics Framework has completed the diagnosis phase of operation. The following repair option was offered: Helper Class Name: %7 Root Cause: %1 Root Cause Guid: %2 Repair option: %3 RepairGuid: %4 Seconds required for repair: %5 Security context required for repair: %6 Interface: %8 (%9)
0x10000001Core Events
0x10000002Helper Class Events
0x10000003Performance Events
0x10000031Response Time
0x30000014The failure occurred in the Framework code.
0x30000015The failure occurred in the Helper class code.
0x70000004Diagnosis Success
0x70000005Diagnosis Failure
0x70000006Validation Success
0x70000007Validation Failure
0x70000009Repair Option Failure
0x7000000ARepair Failure
0x7000000CHelper Class Info
0x71000001Load Helper Class
0xB00003E8Network Diagnostics Framework started because the user requested a diagnostics session. Helper Class Name: %1 Number of parameters: %2 Attributes passed to helper class: %3
0xB00007D0Network Diagnostics Framework stopped because it completed the user initiated diagnostics session. Result: Success, no problems found. [%1]
0xB0000834Network Diagnostics Framework stopped because it completed the user initiated diagnostics session. Result: Success, problems repaired. [%1]
0xB0000898Network Diagnostics Framework stopped because it completed the user initiated diagnostics session. Result: Failed during diagnosis. [%1]
0xB00008FCNetwork Diagnostics Framework stopped because it completed the user initiated diagnostics session. Result: Failed during repair. [%1]
0xB0000960Network Diagnostics Framework stopped because it completed the user initiated diagnostics session. Result: Cancelled during diagnosis. [%1]
0xB00009C4Network Diagnostics Framework stopped because it completed the user initiated diagnostics session. Result: Cancelled during repair. [%1]
0xB0000BB8An error occurred. The Network Diagnostics Framework failed to complete operation. A Windows Error Report was generated. [%1].
0xB0000FA0This event is not emitted, it remains manifested for AppCompat
0xB0001F41Start NDF Incident
0xB0001F42Stop NDF Incident
0xB0001F43Start NDF Diagnose
0xB0001F44Stop NDF Diagnose
0xB0001F45Start NDF Repair
0xB0001F46Stop NDF Repair
0xB0001F47Start NDF Validate
0xB0001F48Stop NDF Validate
0xB0001F49Start NDF Reproduce Failure
0xB0001F4AStop NDF Reproduce Failure
0xB0001FA7Start NDF Helper Class '%1' Diagnose
0xB0001FA8Stop NDF Helper Class '%1' Diagnose
0xB0001FABStart NDF Helper Class '%1' Validate
0xB0001FACStop NDF Helper Class '%1' Validate
0xB10003E9The component name '%2' for the first party helper class '%1' is a duplicate
0xB10003EAThe component name '%2' for the extension helper class '%1' is a duplicate
0xB10003EB'%1' is a duplicate third party helper class
0xB10003EC'%1' is a duplicate first party extension helper class
0xB10003ED'%1' is a duplicate first party helper class
0xB10003EEThe duplicate '%1' extension helper class was replaced
0xB10003EFThe duplicate '%1' helper class was replaced
0xB10003F0Helper class '%1' with the duplicate component name '%2' was replaced
0xB10003F1Encountered error '%1' loading helper class with component name '%3' (location=%2)
0xB10003F2Encountered error '%1' loading extension helper class '%3' (location=%2)
0xB10003F3Encountered error '%1' loading helper class '%3' (location=%2)
0xB10003F4Encountered error '%1' loading third party non-extension helper class '%3' (location=%2)
0xB100044CFailed to load '%3' value '%4' (error=%1 location=%2)
0xB100044DWarning: Could not load '%3' value '%4' (error=%1 location=%2)
76 entries