This is work in progress.

Windows / Modules / netmsg.dll


Network Messages API

Associated Error Codes

Below lists error codes and symbolic names found for this module.

0x00000837The server could not be located.
0x00000838An internal error occurred. The network cannot access a shared memory segment.
0x00000839A network resource shortage occurred .
0x0000083AThis operation is not supported on workstations.
0x0000083BThe device is not connected.
0x00000842The Server service is not started.
0x00000843The queue is empty.
0x00000844The device or directory does not exist.
0x00000845The operation is invalid on a redirected resource.
0x00000846The name has already been shared.
0x00000847The server is currently out of the requested resource.
0x00000849Requested addition of items exceeds the maximum allowed.
0x0000084AThe Peer service supports only two simultaneous users.
0x0000084BThe API return buffer is too small.
0x0000084FA remote API error occurred.
0x00000853An error occurred when opening or reading the configuration file.
0x00000858A general network error occurred.
0x00000859The Workstation service is in an inconsistent state. Restart the computer before restarting the Workstation service.
0x0000085AThe Workstation service has not been started.
0x0000085BThe requested information is not available.
0x0000085CAn internal Windows error occurred.
0x0000085DThe server is not configured for transactions.
0x0000085EThe requested API is not supported on the remote server.
0x0000085FThe event name is invalid.
0x00000860The computer name already exists on the network. Change it and restart the computer.
0x00000862The specified component could not be found in the configuration information.
0x00000863The specified parameter could not be found in the configuration information.
0x00000865A line in the configuration file is too long.
0x00000866The printer does not exist.
0x00000867The print job does not exist.
0x00000868The printer destination cannot be found.
0x00000869The printer destination already exists.
0x0000086AThe printer queue already exists.
0x0000086BNo more printers can be added.
0x0000086CNo more print jobs can be added.
0x0000086DNo more printer destinations can be added.
0x0000086EThis printer destination is idle and cannot accept control operations.
0x0000086FThis printer destination request contains an invalid control function.
0x00000870The print processor is not responding.
0x00000871The spooler is not running.
0x00000872This operation cannot be performed on the print destination in its current state.
0x00000873This operation cannot be performed on the printer queue in its current state.
0x00000874This operation cannot be performed on the print job in its current state.
0x00000875A spooler memory allocation failure occurred.
0x00000876The device driver does not exist.
0x00000877The data type is not supported by the print processor.
0x00000878The print processor is not installed.
0x00000884The service database is locked.
0x00000885The service table is full.
0x00000886The requested service has already been started.
0x00000887The service does not respond to control actions.
0x00000888The service has not been started.
0x00000889The service name is invalid.
0x0000088AThe service is not responding to the control function.
0x0000088BThe service control is busy.
0x0000088CThe configuration file contains an invalid service program name.
0x0000088DThe service could not be controlled in its present state.
0x0000088EThe service ended abnormally.
0x0000088FThe requested pause, continue, or stop is not valid for this service.
0x00000890The service control dispatcher could not find the service name in the dispatch table.
0x00000891The service control dispatcher pipe read failed.
0x00000892A thread for the new service could not be created.
0x00000898This workstation is already logged on to the local-area network.
0x00000899The workstation is not logged on to the local-area network.
0x0000089AThe user name or group name parameter is invalid.
0x0000089BThe password parameter is invalid.
0x0000089CThe logon processor did not add the message alias.
0x0000089DThe logon processor did not add the message alias.
0x0000089EThe logoff processor did not delete the message alias.
0x0000089FThe logoff processor did not delete the message alias.
0x000008A1Network logons are paused.
0x000008A2A centralized logon-server conflict occurred.
0x000008A3The server is configured without a valid user path.
0x000008A4An error occurred while loading or running the logon script.
0x000008A6The logon server was not specified. Your computer will be logged on as STANDALONE.
0x000008A7The logon server could not be found.
0x000008A8There is already a logon domain for this computer.
0x000008A9The logon server could not validate the logon.
0x000008ABThe security database could not be found.
0x000008ACThe group name could not be found.
0x000008ADThe user name could not be found.
0x000008AEThe resource name could not be found.
0x000008AFThe group already exists.
0x000008B0The account already exists.
0x000008B1The resource permission list already exists.
0x000008B2This operation is only allowed on the primary domain controller of the domain.
0x000008B3The security database has not been started.
0x000008B4There are too many names in the user accounts database.
0x000008B5A disk I/O failure occurred.
0x000008B6The limit of 64 entries per resource was exceeded.
0x000008B7Deleting a user with a session is not allowed.
0x000008B8The parent directory could not be located.
0x000008B9Unable to add to the security database session cache segment.
0x000008BAThis operation is not allowed on this special group.
0x000008BBThis user is not cached in user accounts database session cache.
0x000008BCThe user already belongs to this group.
0x000008BDThe user does not belong to this group.
0x000008BEThis user account is undefined.
0x000008BFThis user account has expired.
0x000008C0The user is not allowed to log on from this workstation.
0x000008C1The user is not allowed to log on at this time.
0x000008C2The password of this user has expired.
0x000008C3The password of this user cannot change.
0x000008C4This password cannot be used now.
0x000008C5The password does not meet the password policy requirements. Check the minimum password length, password complexity and password history requirements.
0x000008C6The password of this user is too recent to change.
0x000008C7The security database is corrupted.
0x000008C8No updates are necessary to this replicant network/local security database.
0x000008C9This replicant database is outdated; synchronization is required.
0x000008CAThe network connection could not be found.
0x000008CBThis asg_type is invalid.
0x000008CCThis device is currently being shared.
0x000008CDThe user name may not be same as computer name.
0x000008DEThe computer name could not be added as a message alias. The name may already exist on the network.
0x000008DFThe Messenger service is already started.
0x000008E0The Messenger service failed to start.
0x000008E1The message alias could not be found on the network.
0x000008E2This message alias has already been forwarded.
0x000008E3This message alias has been added but is still forwarded.
0x000008E4This message alias already exists locally.
0x000008E5The maximum number of added message aliases has been exceeded.
0x000008E6The computer name could not be deleted.
0x000008E7Messages cannot be forwarded back to the same workstation.
0x000008E8An error occurred in the domain message processor.
0x000008E9The message was sent, but the recipient has paused the Messenger service.
0x000008EAThe message was sent but not received.
0x000008EBThe message alias is currently in use. Try again later.
0x000008ECThe Messenger service has not been started.
0x000008EDThe name is not on the local computer.
0x000008EEThe forwarded message alias could not be found on the network.
0x000008EFThe message alias table on the remote station is full.
0x000008F0Messages for this alias are not currently being forwarded.
0x000008F1The broadcast message was truncated.
0x000008F6This is an invalid device name.
0x000008F7A write fault occurred.
0x000008F9A duplicate message alias exists on the network.
0x000008FAThis message alias will be deleted later.
0x000008FBThe message alias was not successfully deleted from all networks.
0x000008FCThis operation is not supported on computers with multiple networks.
0x00000906This shared resource does not exist.
0x00000907This device is not shared.
0x00000908A session does not exist with that computer name.
0x0000090AThere is not an open file with that identification number.
0x0000090BA failure occurred when executing a remote administration command.
0x0000090CA failure occurred when opening a remote temporary file.
0x0000090DThe data returned from a remote administration command has been truncated to 64K.
0x0000090EThis device cannot be shared as both a spooled and a non-spooled resource.
0x0000090FThe information in the list of servers may be incorrect.
0x00000910The computer is not active in this domain.
0x00000911The share must be removed from the Distributed File System before it can be deleted.
0x0000091BThe operation is invalid for this device.
0x0000091CThis device cannot be shared.
0x0000091DThis device was not open.
0x0000091EThis device name list is invalid.
0x0000091FThe queue priority is invalid.
0x00000921There are no shared communication devices.
0x00000922The queue you specified does not exist.
0x00000924This list of devices is invalid.
0x00000925The requested device is invalid.
0x00000926This device is already in use by the spooler.
0x00000927This device is already in use as a communication device.
0x0000092FThis computer name is invalid.
0x00000932The string and prefix specified are too long.
0x00000934This path component is invalid.
0x00000935Could not determine the type of input.
0x0000093AThe buffer for types is not big enough.
0x00000942Profile files cannot exceed 64K.
0x00000943The start offset is out of range.
0x00000944The system cannot delete current connections to network resources.
0x00000945The system was unable to parse the command line in this file.
0x00000946An error occurred while loading the profile file.
0x00000947Errors occurred while saving the profile file. The profile was partially saved.
0x00000949Log file %1 is full.
0x0000094AThis log file has changed between reads.
0x0000094BLog file %1 is corrupt.
0x0000094CThe source path cannot be a directory.
0x0000094DThe source path is illegal.
0x0000094EThe destination path is illegal.
0x0000094FThe source and destination paths are on different servers.
0x00000951The Run server you requested is paused.
0x00000955An error occurred when communicating with a Run server.
0x00000957An error occurred when starting a background process.
0x00000958The shared resource you are connected to could not be found.
0x00000960The LAN adapter number is invalid.
0x00000961There are open files on the connection.
0x00000962Active connections still exist.
0x00000963This share name or password is invalid.
0x00000964The device is being accessed by an active process.
0x00000965The drive letter is in use locally.
0x0000097EThe specified client is already registered for the specified event.
0x0000097FThe alert table is full.
0x00000980An invalid or nonexistent alert name was raised.
0x00000981The alert recipient is invalid.
0x00000982A user's session with this server has been deleted because the user's logon hours are no longer valid.
0x00000988The log file does not contain the requested record number.
0x00000992The user accounts database is not configured correctly.
0x00000993This operation is not permitted when the Netlogon service is running.
0x00000994This operation is not allowed on the last administrative account.
0x00000995Could not find domain controller for this domain.
0x00000996Could not set logon information for this user.
0x00000997The Netlogon service has not been started.
0x00000998Unable to add to the user accounts database.
0x00000999This server's clock is not synchronized with the primary domain controller's clock.
0x0000099AA password mismatch has been detected.
0x0000099CThe server identification does not specify a valid server.
0x0000099DThe session identification does not specify a valid session.
0x0000099EThe connection identification does not specify a valid connection.
0x0000099FThere is no space for another entry in the table of available servers.
0x000009A0The server has reached the maximum number of sessions it supports.
0x000009A1The server has reached the maximum number of connections it supports.
0x000009A2The server cannot open more files because it has reached its maximum number.
0x000009A3There are no alternate servers registered on this server.
0x000009A6Try down-level (remote admin protocol) version of API instead.
0x000009B0The UPS driver could not be accessed by the UPS service.
0x000009B1The UPS service is not configured correctly.
0x000009B2The UPS service could not access the specified Comm Port.
0x000009B3The UPS indicated a line fail or low battery situation. Service not started.
0x000009B4The UPS service failed to perform a system shut down.
0x000009C4The program below returned an MS-DOS error code:
0x000009C5The program below needs more memory:
0x000009C6The program below called an unsupported MS-DOS function:
0x000009C7The workstation failed to boot.
0x000009C8The file below is corrupt.
0x000009C9No loader is specified in the boot-block definition file.
0x000009CANetBIOS returned an error: The NCB and SMB are dumped above.
0x000009CBA disk I/O error occurred.
0x000009CCImage parameter substitution failed.
0x000009CDToo many image parameters cross disk sector boundaries.
0x000009CEThe image was not generated from an MS-DOS diskette formatted with /S.
0x000009CFRemote boot will be restarted later.
0x000009D0The call to the Remoteboot server failed.
0x000009D1Cannot connect to the Remoteboot server.
0x000009D2Cannot open image file on the Remoteboot server.
0x000009D3Connecting to the Remoteboot server...
0x000009D4Connecting to the Remoteboot server...
0x000009D5Remote boot service was stopped; check the error log for the cause of the problem.
0x000009D6Remote boot startup failed; check the error log for the cause of the problem.
0x000009D7A second connection to a Remoteboot resource is not allowed.
0x000009F6The browser service was configured with MaintainServerList=No.
0x00000A32Service failed to start since none of the network adapters started with this service.
0x00000A33Service failed to start due to bad startup information in the registry.
0x00000A34Service failed to start because its database is absent or corrupt.
0x00000A35Service failed to start because RPLFILES share is absent.
0x00000A36Service failed to start because RPLUSER group is absent.
0x00000A37Cannot enumerate service records.
0x00000A38Workstation record information has been corrupted.
0x00000A39Workstation record was not found.
0x00000A3AWorkstation name is in use by some other workstation.
0x00000A3BProfile record information has been corrupted.
0x00000A3CProfile record was not found.
0x00000A3DProfile name is in use by some other profile.
0x00000A3EThere are workstations using this profile.
0x00000A3FConfiguration record information has been corrupted.
0x00000A40Configuration record was not found.
0x00000A41Adapter id record information has been corrupted.
0x00000A42An internal service error has occurred.
0x00000A43Vendor id record information has been corrupted.
0x00000A44Boot block record information has been corrupted.
0x00000A45The user account for this workstation record is missing.
0x00000A46The RPLUSER local group could not be found.
0x00000A47Boot block record was not found.
0x00000A48Chosen profile is incompatible with this workstation.
0x00000A49Chosen network adapter id is in use by some other workstation.
0x00000A4AThere are profiles using this configuration.
0x00000A4BThere are workstations, profiles or configurations using this boot block.
0x00000A4CService failed to backup Remoteboot database.
0x00000A4DAdapter record was not found.
0x00000A4EVendor record was not found.
0x00000A4FVendor name is in use by some other vendor record.
0x00000A50(boot name, vendor id) is in use by some other boot block record.
0x00000A51Configuration name is in use by some other configuration.
0x00000A64The internal database maintained by the DFS service is corrupt
0x00000A65One of the records in the internal DFS database is corrupt
0x00000A66There is no DFS name whose entry path matches the input Entry Path
0x00000A67A root or link with the given name already exists
0x00000A68The server share specified is already shared in the DFS
0x00000A69The indicated server share does not support the indicated DFS namespace
0x00000A6AThe operation is not valid on this portion of the namespace
0x00000A6BThe operation is not valid on this portion of the namespace
0x00000A6CThe operation is ambiguous because the link has multiple servers
0x00000A6DUnable to create a link
0x00000A6EThe server is not DFS Aware
0x00000A6FThe specified rename target path is invalid
0x00000A70The specified DFS link is offline
0x00000A71The specified server is not a server for this link
0x00000A72A cycle in the DFS name was detected
0x00000A73The operation is not supported on a server-based DFS
0x00000A74This link is already supported by the specified server-share
0x00000A75Can't remove the last server-share supporting this root or link
0x00000A76The operation is not supported for an Inter-DFS link
0x00000A77The internal state of the DFS Service has become inconsistent
0x00000A78The DFS Service has been installed on the specified server
0x00000A79The DFS data being reconciled is identical
0x00000A7AThe DFS root cannot be deleted - Uninstall DFS if required
0x00000A7BA child or parent directory of the share is already in a DFS
0x00000A82DFS internal error
0x00000A83This machine is already joined to a domain.
0x00000A84This machine is not currently joined to a domain.
0x00000A85This machine is a domain controller and cannot be unjoined from a domain.
0x00000A86The destination domain controller does not support creating machine accounts in OUs.
0x00000A87The specified workgroup name is invalid.
0x00000A88The specified computer name is incompatible with the default language used on the domain controller.
0x00000A89The specified computer account could not be found. Contact an administrator to verify the account is in the domain. If the account has been deleted unjoin, reboot, and rejoin the domain.
0x00000A8AThis version of Windows cannot be joined to a domain.
0x00000A8BAn attempt to resolve the DNS name of a domain controller in the domain being joined has failed. Please verify this client is configured to reach a DNS server that can resolve DNS names in the target domain. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help.
0x00000A8CThis device is joined to Azure AD. To join an Active Directory domain, you must first go to settings and choose to disconnect your device from your work or school.
0x00000A8DPassword must change at next logon
0x00000A8EAccount is locked out
0x00000A8FPassword is too long
0x00000A90Password doesn't meet the complexity policy
0x00000A91Password doesn't meet the requirements of the filter dll's
0x00000A95Offline join completion information was not found.
0x00000A96The offline join completion information was bad.
0x00000A97Unable to create offline join information. Please ensure you have access to the specified path location and permissions to modify its contents. Running as an elevated administrator may be required.
0x00000A98The domain join info being saved was incomplete or bad.
0x00000A99Offline join operation successfully completed but a restart is needed.
0x00000A9AThere was no offline join operation pending.
0x00000A9BUnable to set one or more requested machine or domain name values on the local computer.
0x00000A9CCould not verify the current machine's hostname against the saved value in the join completion information.
0x00000A9DUnable to load the specified offline registry hive. Please ensure you have access to the specified path location and permissions to modify its contents. Running as an elevated administrator may be required.
0x00000A9EThe minimum session security requirements for this operation were not met.
0x00000A9FComputer account provisioning blob version is not supported.
0x00000AA0The specified domain controller does not meet the version requirement for this operation. Please select a domain controller capable of issuing claims.
0x00000AA1This operation requires a domain controller which supports LDAP. Please select an LDAP-capable domain controller.
0x00000AA2A domain controller which meets the version requirement for this operation could not be located. Please ensure that a domain controller capable of issuing claims is available.
0x00000AA3The Windows version of the specified image does not support provisioning.
0x00000AA4The machine name is blocked from joining the domain.
0x00000AA5The domain controller does not meet the version requirement for this operation. See for more information.
0x00000AA6The local machine does not allow querying of LSA secrets in plain-text.
0x00000AA7Unable to leave the Azure AD domain that this machine is joined to. Check the event log for detailed error information.
0x00000BB7This is the last error in NERR range.
0x00000BB8Drive %1 is nearly full. %2 bytes are available. Please warn users and delete unneeded files.
0x00000BB9%1 errors were logged in the last %2 minutes. Please review the server's error log.
0x00000BBA%1 network errors occurred in the last %2 minutes. Please review the server's error log. The server and/or network hardware may need service.
0x00000BBBThere were %1 bad password attempts in the last %2 minutes. Please review the server's audit trail.
0x00000BBCThere were %1 access-denied errors in the last %2 minutes. Please review the server's audit trail.
0x00000BBEThe error log is full. No errors will be logged until the file is cleared or the limit is raised.
0x00000BBFThe error log is 80%% full.
0x00000BC0The audit log is full. No audit entries will be logged until the file is cleared or the limit is raised.
0x00000BC1The audit log is 80%% full.
0x00000BC2An error occurred closing file %1. Please check the file to make sure it is not corrupted.
0x00000BC3The administrator has closed %1.
0x00000BC4There were %1 access-denied errors in the last %2 minutes.
0x00000BCCA power failure was detected at %1. The server has been paused.
0x00000BCDPower has been restored at %1. The server is no longer paused.
0x00000BCEThe UPS service is starting shut down at %1 due to low battery.
0x00000BCFThere is a problem with a configuration of user specified shut down command file. The UPS service started anyway.
0x00000BD1A defective sector on drive %1 has been replaced (hotfixed). No data was lost. You should run CHKDSK soon to restore full performance and replenish the volume's spare sector pool. The hotfix occurred while processing a remote request.
0x00000BD2A disk error occurred on the HPFS volume in drive %1. The error occurred while processing a remote request.
0x00000BD3The user accounts database (NET.ACC) is corrupted. The local security system is replacing the corrupted NET.ACC with the backup made on %1 at %2. Any updates made to the database after this time are lost.
0x00000BD4The user accounts database (NET.ACC) is missing. The local security system is restoring the backup database made on %1 at %2. Any updates made to the database after this time are lost.
0x00000BD5Local security could not be started because the user accounts database (NET.ACC) was missing or corrupted, and no usable backup database was present. THE SYSTEM IS NOT SECURE.
0x00000BD6The server cannot export directory %1, to client %2. It is exported from another server.
0x00000BD7The replication server could not update directory %2 from the source on %3 due to error %1.
0x00000BD8Master %1 did not send an update notice for directory %2 at the expected time.
0x00000BD9User %1 has exceeded account limitation %2 on server %3.
0x00000BDAThe primary domain controller for domain %1 failed.
0x00000BDBFailed to authenticate with %2, a Windows Domain Controller for domain %1.
0x00000BDCThe replicator attempted to log on at %2 as %1 and failed.
0x00000BDD@I *LOGON HOURS %0
0x00000BDEReplicator could not access %2 on %3 due to system error %1.
0x00000BDFReplicator limit for files in a directory has been exceeded.
0x00000BE0Replicator limit for tree depth has been exceeded.
0x00000BE1The replicator cannot update directory %1. It has tree integrity and is the current directory for some process.
0x00000BE2Network error %1 occurred.
0x00000BE5System error %1 occurred.
0x00000BE6Cannot log on. User is currently logged on and argument TRYUSER is set to NO.
0x00000BE7IMPORT path %1 cannot be found.
0x00000BE8EXPORT path %1 cannot be found.
0x00000BE9Replicated data has changed in directory %1.
0x00000BEAReplicator failed to update signal file in directory %2 due to %1 system error.
0x00000BEBThe Registry or the information you just typed includes an illegal value for "%1".
0x00000BECThe required parameter was not provided on the command line or in the configuration file.
0x00000BEDLAN Manager does not recognize "%1" as a valid option.
0x00000BEEA request for resource could not be satisfied.
0x00000BEFA problem exists with the system configuration.
0x00000BF0A system error has occurred.
0x00000BF1An internal consistency error has occurred.
0x00000BF2The configuration file or the command line has an ambiguous option.
0x00000BF3The configuration file or the command line has a duplicate parameter.
0x00000BF4The service did not respond to control and was stopped with the DosKillProc function.
0x00000BF5An error occurred when attempting to run the service program.
0x00000BF6The sub-service failed to start.
0x00000BF7There is a conflict in the value or use of these options: %1.
0x00000BF8There is a problem with the file.
0x00000BFFdisk space
0x00000C02Security Failure. %0
0x00000C03Bad or missing LAN Manager root directory.
0x00000C04The network software is not installed.
0x00000C05The server is not started.
0x00000C06The server cannot access the user accounts database (NET.ACC).
0x00000C07Incompatible files are installed in the LANMAN tree.
0x00000C08The LANMAN\LOGS directory is invalid.
0x00000C09The domain specified could not be used.
0x00000C0AThe computer name is being used as a message alias on another computer.
0x00000C0BThe announcement of the server name failed.
0x00000C0CThe user accounts database is not configured correctly.
0x00000C0DThe server is not running with user-level security.
0x00000C0FThe workstation is not configured properly.
0x00000C10View your error log for details.
0x00000C11Unable to write to this file.
0x00000C12ADDPAK file is corrupted. Delete LANMAN\NETPROG\ADDPAK.SER and reapply all ADDPAKs.
0x00000C13The LM386 server cannot be started because CACHE.EXE is not running.
0x00000C14There is no account for this computer in the security database.
0x00000C15This computer is not a member of the group SERVERS.
0x00000C16The group SERVERS is not present in the local security database.
0x00000C17This computer is configured as a member of a workgroup, not as a member of a domain. The Netlogon service does not need to run in this configuration.
0x00000C18The primary Domain Controller for this domain could not be located.
0x00000C19This computer is configured to be the primary domain controller of its domain. However, the computer %1 is currently claiming to be the primary domain controller of the domain.
0x00000C1AThe service failed to authenticate with the primary domain controller.
0x00000C1BThere is a problem with the security database creation date or serial number.
0x00000C1CThe operation failed because a network software error occurred.
0x00000C1DThe system ran out of a resource controlled by the %1 option.
0x00000C1EThe service failed to obtain a long-term lock on the segment for network control blocks (NCBs). The error code is the data.
0x00000C1FThe service failed to release the long-term lock on the segment for network control blocks (NCBs). The error code is the data.
0x00000C20There was an error stopping service %1. The error code from NetServiceControl is the data.
0x00000C21Initialization failed because of a system execution failure on path %1. The system error code is the data.
0x00000C22An unexpected network control block (NCB) was received. The NCB is the data.
0x00000C23The network is not started.
0x00000C24A DosDevIoctl or DosFsCtl to NETWKSTA.SYS failed. The data shown is in this format: DWORD approx CS:IP of call to ioctl or fsctl WORD error code WORD ioctl or fsctl number
0x00000C25Unable to create or open system semaphore %1. The error code is the data.
0x00000C26Initialization failed because of an open/create error on the file %1. The system error code is the data.
0x00000C27An unexpected NetBIOS error occurred. The error code is the data.
0x00000C28An illegal server message block (SMB) was received. The SMB is the data.
0x00000C29Initialization failed because the requested service %1 could not be started.
0x00000C2ASome entries in the error log were lost because of a buffer overflow.
0x00000C30Initialization parameters controlling resource usage other than net buffers are sized so that too much memory is needed.
0x00000C31The server cannot increase the size of a memory segment.
0x00000C32Initialization failed because account file %1 is either incorrect or not present.
0x00000C33Initialization failed because network %1 was not started.
0x00000C34The server failed to start. Either all three chdev parameters must be zero or all three must be nonzero.
0x00000C35A remote API request was halted due to the following invalid description string: %1.
0x00000C36The network %1 ran out of network control blocks (NCBs). You may need to increase NCBs for this network. The following information includes the number of NCBs submitted by the server when this error occurred:
0x00000C37The server cannot create the %1 mailslot needed to send the ReleaseMemory alert message. The error received is:
0x00000C38The server failed to register for the ReleaseMemory alert, with recipient %1. The error code from NetAlertStart is the data.
0x00000C39The server cannot update the AT schedule file. The file is corrupted.
0x00000C3AThe server encountered an error when calling NetIMakeLMFileName. The error code is the data.
0x00000C3BInitialization failed because of a system execution failure on path %1. There is not enough memory to start the process. The system error code is the data.
0x00000C3CLongterm lock of the server buffers failed. Check swap disk's free space and restart the system to start the server.
0x00000C44The service has stopped due to repeated consecutive occurrences of a network control block (NCB) error. The last bad NCB follows in raw data.
0x00000C45The Message server has stopped due to a lock on the Message server shared data segment.
0x00000C4EA file system error occurred while opening or writing to the system message log file %1. Message logging has been switched off due to the error. The error code is the data.
0x00000C4FUnable to display message POPUP due to system VIO call error. The error code is the data.
0x00000C50An illegal server message block (SMB) was received. The SMB is the data.
0x00000C58The workstation information segment is bigger than 64K. The size follows, in DWORD format:
0x00000C59The workstation was unable to get the name-number of the computer.
0x00000C5AThe workstation could not initialize the Async NetBIOS Thread. The error code is the data.
0x00000C5BThe workstation could not open the initial shared segment. The error code is the data.
0x00000C5CThe workstation host table is full.
0x00000C5DA bad mailslot server message block (SMB) was received. The SMB is the data.
0x00000C5EThe workstation encountered an error while trying to start the user accounts database. The error code is the data.
0x00000C5FThe workstation encountered an error while responding to an SSI revalidation request. The function code and the error codes are the data.
0x00000C62The Alerter service had a problem creating the list of alert recipients. The error code is %1.
0x00000C63There was an error expanding %1 as a group name. Try splitting the group into two or more smaller groups.
0x00000C64There was an error sending %2 the alert message - ( %3 ) The error code is %1.
0x00000C65There was an error in creating or reading the alerter mailslot. The error code is %1.
0x00000C66The server could not read the AT schedule file.
0x00000C67The server found an invalid AT schedule record.
0x00000C68The server could not find an AT schedule file so it created one.
0x00000C69The server could not access the %1 network with NetBiosOpen.
0x00000C6AThe AT command processor could not run %1.
0x00000C6CWARNING: Because of a lazy-write error, drive %1 now contains some corrupted data. The cache is stopped.
0x00000C6DA defective sector on drive %1 has been replaced (hotfixed). No data was lost. You should run CHKDSK soon to restore full performance and replenish the volume's spare sector pool. The hotfix occurred while processing a remote request.
0x00000C6EA disk error occurred on the HPFS volume in drive %1. The error occurred while processing a remote request.
0x00000C6FThe user accounts database (NET.ACC) is corrupted. The local security system is replacing the corrupted NET.ACC with the backup made at %1. Any updates made to the database after this time are lost.
0x00000C70The user accounts database (NET.ACC) is missing. The local security system is restoring the backup database made at %1. Any updates made to the database made after this time are lost.
0x00000C71Local security could not be started because the user accounts database (NET.ACC) was missing or corrupted, and no usable backup database was present. THE SYSTEM IS NOT SECURE.
0x00000C72Local security could not be started because an error occurred during initialization. The error code returned is %1. THE SYSTEM IS NOT SECURE.
0x00000C76A NetWksta internal error has occurred: %1
0x00000C77The redirector is out of a resource: %1.
0x00000C78A server message block (SMB) error occurred on the connection to %1. The SMB header is the data.
0x00000C79A virtual circuit error occurred on the session to %1. The network control block (NCB) command and return code is the data.
0x00000C7AHanging up a stuck session to %1.
0x00000C7BA network control block (NCB) error occurred (%1). The NCB is the data.
0x00000C7CA write operation to %1 failed. Data may have been lost.
0x00000C7DReset of driver %1 failed to complete the network control block (NCB). The NCB is the data.
0x00000C7EThe amount of resource %1 requested was more than the maximum. The maximum amount was allocated.
0x00000C84The server could not create a thread. The THREADS parameter in the CONFIG.SYS file should be increased.
0x00000C85The server could not close %1. The file is probably corrupted.
0x00000C86The replicator cannot update directory %1. It has tree integrity and is the current directory for some process.
0x00000C87The server cannot export directory %1 to client %2. It is exported from another server.
0x00000C88The replication server could not update directory %2 from the source on %3 due to error %1.
0x00000C89Master %1 did not send an update notice for directory %2 at the expected time.
0x00000C8AThis computer could not authenticate with %2, a Windows domain controller for domain %1, and therefore this computer might deny logon requests. This inability to authenticate might be caused by another computer on the same network using the same name or the password for this computer account is not recognized. If this message appears again, contact your system administrator.
0x00000C8BThe replicator attempted to log on at %2 as %1 and failed.
0x00000C8CNetwork error %1 occurred.
0x00000C8DReplicator limit for files in a directory has been exceeded.
0x00000C8EReplicator limit for tree depth has been exceeded.
0x00000C8FUnrecognized message received in mailslot.
0x00000C90System error %1 occurred.
0x00000C91Cannot log on. User is currently logged on and argument TRYUSER is set to NO.
0x00000C92IMPORT path %1 cannot be found.
0x00000C93EXPORT path %1 cannot be found.
0x00000C94Replicator failed to update signal file in directory %2 due to %1 system error.
0x00000C95Disk Fault Tolerance Error %1
0x00000C96Replicator could not access %2 on %3 due to system error %1.
0x00000C97The primary domain controller for domain %1 has apparently failed.
0x00000C98Changing machine account password for account %1 failed with the following error: %2
0x00000C99An error occurred while updating the logon or logoff information for %1.
0x00000C9AAn error occurred while synchronizing with primary domain controller %1
0x00000C9BThe session setup to the Windows Domain Controller %1 for the domain %2 failed because %1 does not support signing or sealing the Netlogon session. Either upgrade the Domain controller or set the RequireSignOrSeal registry entry on this machine to 0.
0x00000C9EA power failure was detected at the server.
0x00000C9FThe UPS service performed server shut down.
0x00000CA0The UPS service did not complete execution of the user specified shut down command file.
0x00000CA1The UPS driver could not be opened. The error code is the data.
0x00000CA2Power has been restored.
0x00000CA3There is a problem with a configuration of user specified shut down command file.
0x00000CA4The UPS service failed to execute a user specified shutdown command file %1. The error code is the data.
0x00000CB2Initialization failed because of an invalid or missing parameter in the configuration file %1.
0x00000CB3Initialization failed because of an invalid line in the configuration file %1. The invalid line is the data.
0x00000CB4Initialization failed because of an error in the configuration file %1.
0x00000CB5The file %1 has been changed after initialization. The boot-block loading was temporarily terminated.
0x00000CB6The files do not fit to the boot-block configuration file %1. Change the BASE and ORG definitions or the order of the files.
0x00000CB7Initialization failed because the dynamic-link library %1 returned an incorrect version number.
0x00000CB8There was an unrecoverable error in the dynamic- link library of the service.
0x00000CB9The system returned an unexpected error code. The error code is the data.
0x00000CBAThe fault-tolerance error log file, LANROOT\LOGS\FT.LOG, is more than 64K.
0x00000CBBThe fault-tolerance error-log file, LANROOT\LOGS\FT.LOG, had the update in progress bit set upon opening, which means that the system crashed while working on the error log.
0x00000CBCThis computer has been successfully joined to domain '%1'.
0x00000CBDThis computer has been successfully joined to workgroup '%1'.
0x00000CE3%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9.
0x00000CE5Remote IPC %0
0x00000CE6Remote Admin %0
0x00000CE7Logon server share %0
0x00000CE8A network error occurred. %0
0x00000D48There is not enough memory to start the Workstation service.
0x00000D49An error occurred when reading the NETWORKS entry in the LANMAN.INI file.
0x00000D4AThis is an invalid argument: %1.
0x00000D4BThe %1 NETWORKS entry in the LANMAN.INI file has a syntax error and will be ignored.
0x00000D4CThere are too many NETWORKS entries in the LANMAN.INI file.
0x00000D4EAn error occurred when opening network device driver %1 = %2.
0x00000D4FDevice driver %1 sent a bad BiosLinkage response.
0x00000D50The program cannot be used with this operating system.
0x00000D51The redirector is already installed.
0x00000D52Installing NETWKSTA.SYS Version %1.%2.%3 (%4)
0x00000D53There was an error installing NETWKSTA.SYS. Press ENTER to continue.
0x00000D54Resolver linkage problem.
0x00000D55Your logon time at %1 ends at %2. Please clean up and log off.
0x00000D56You will be automatically disconnected at %1.
0x00000D57Your logon time at %1 has ended.
0x00000D58Your logon time at %1 ended at %2.
0x00000D59WARNING: You have until %1 to logoff. If you have not logged off at this time, your session will be disconnected, and any open files or devices you have open may lose data.
0x00000D5AWARNING: You must log off at %1 now. You have two minutes to log off, or you will be disconnected.
0x00000D5BYou have open files or devices, and a forced disconnection may cause you to lose data.
0x00000D5CDefault Share for Internal Use %0
0x00000D5DMessenger Service %0
0x00000DACThe command completed successfully.
0x00000DADYou used an invalid option.
0x00000DAESystem error %1 has occurred.
0x00000DAFThe command contains an invalid number of arguments.
0x00000DB0The command completed with one or more errors.
0x00000DB1You used an option with an invalid value.
0x00000DB2The option %1 is unknown.
0x00000DB3Option %1 is ambiguous.
0x00000DB6A command was used with conflicting switches.
0x00000DB7Could not find subprogram %1.
0x00000DB8The software requires a newer version of the operating system.
0x00000DB9More data is available than can be returned by Windows.
0x00000DBAMore help is available by typing NET HELPMSG %1.
0x00000DBBThis command can be used only on a Windows Domain Controller.
0x00000DBCThis command cannot be used on a Windows Domain Controller.
0x00000DC0These Windows services are started:
0x00000DC1The %1 service is not started.
0x00000DC2The %1 service is starting%0
0x00000DC3The %1 service could not be started.
0x00000DC4The %1 service was started successfully.
0x00000DC5Stopping the Workstation service also stops the Server service.
0x00000DC6The workstation has open files.
0x00000DC7The %1 service is stopping%0
0x00000DC8The %1 service could not be stopped.
0x00000DC9The %1 service was stopped successfully.
0x00000DCAThe following services are dependent on the %1 service. Stopping the %1 service will also stop these services.
0x00000DCDThe service is starting or stopping. Please try again later.
0x00000DCEThe service did not report an error.
0x00000DCFAn error occurred controlling the device.
0x00000DD0The %1 service was continued successfully.
0x00000DD1The %1 service was paused successfully.
0x00000DD2The %1 service failed to resume.
0x00000DD3The %1 service failed to pause.
0x00000DD4The %1 service continue is pending%0
0x00000DD5The %1 service pause is pending%0
0x00000DD6%1 was continued successfully.
0x00000DD7%1 was paused successfully.
0x00000DD8The %1 service has been started by another process and is pending.%0
0x00000DDBA service specific error occurred: %1.
0x00000E4CThese workstations have sessions on this server:
0x00000E4DThese workstations have sessions with open files on this server:
0x00000E52The message alias is forwarded.
0x00000E56You have these remote connections:
0x00000E57Continuing will cancel the connections.
0x00000E5BThe session from %1 has open files.
0x00000E5CNew connections will be remembered.
0x00000E5DNew connections will not be remembered.
0x00000E5EAn error occurred while saving your profile : Access Denied. The state of your remembered connections has not changed.
0x00000E5FAn error occurred while reading your profile.
0x00000E60An error occurred while restoring the connection to %1.
0x00000E62No network services are started.
0x00000E63There are no entries in the list.
0x00000E68Users have open files on %1. Continuing the operation will force the files closed.
0x00000E69The Workstation service is already running. Windows will ignore command options for the workstation.
0x00000E6BThere are open files and/or incomplete directory searches pending on the connection to %1.
0x00000E6DThe request will be processed at a domain controller for domain %1.
0x00000E6EThe shared queue cannot be deleted while a print job is being spooled to the queue.
0x00000E6F%1 has a remembered connection to %2.
0x00000E7EAn error occurred while opening the Help file.
0x00000E7FThe Help file is empty.
0x00000E80The Help file is corrupted.
0x00000E81Could not find a domain controller for domain %1.
0x00000E82This operation is privileged on systems with earlier versions of the software.
0x00000E84The device type is unknown.
0x00000E85The log file has been corrupted.
0x00000E86Program filenames must end with .EXE.
0x00000E87A matching share could not be found so nothing was deleted.
0x00000E88A bad value is in the units-per-week field of the user record.
0x00000E89The password is invalid for %1.
0x00000E8AAn error occurred while sending a message to %1.
0x00000E8BThe password or user name is invalid for %1.
0x00000E8DAn error occurred when the share was deleted.
0x00000E8EThe user name is invalid.
0x00000E8FThe password is invalid.
0x00000E90The passwords do not match.
0x00000E91Your persistent connections were not all restored.
0x00000E92This is not a valid computer name or domain name.
0x00000E94Default permissions cannot be set for that resource.
0x00000E96A valid password was not entered.
0x00000E97A valid name was not entered.
0x00000E98The resource named cannot be shared.
0x00000E99The permissions string contains invalid permissions.
0x00000E9AYou can only perform this operation on printers and communication devices.
0x00000E9E%1 is an invalid user or group name.
0x00000E9FThe server is not configured for remote administration.
0x00000EA8No users have sessions with this server.
0x00000EA9User %1 is not a member of group %2.
0x00000EAAUser %1 is already a member of group %2.
0x00000EABThere is no such user: %1.
0x00000EACThis is an invalid response.
0x00000EADNo valid response was provided.
0x00000EAEThe destination list provided does not match the destination list of the printer queue.
0x00000EAFYour password cannot be changed until %1.
0x00000EB0%1 is not a recognized day of the week.
0x00000EB1The time range specified ends before it starts.
0x00000EB2%1 is not a recognized hour.
0x00000EB3%1 is not a valid specification for minutes.
0x00000EB4Time supplied is not exactly on the hour.
0x00000EB512 and 24 hour time formats may not be mixed.
0x00000EB6%1 is not a valid 12-hour suffix.
0x00000EB7An illegal date format has been supplied.
0x00000EB8An illegal day range has been supplied.
0x00000EB9An illegal time range has been supplied.
0x00000EBAArguments to NET USER are invalid. Check the minimum password length and/or arguments supplied.
0x00000EBBThe value for ENABLESCRIPT must be YES.
0x00000EBDAn illegal country/region code has been supplied.
0x00000EBEThe user was successfully created but could not be added to the USERS local group.
0x00000EBFThe user context supplied is invalid.
0x00000EC0The dynamic-link library %1 could not be loaded, or an error occurred while trying to use it.
0x00000EC1Sending files is no longer supported.
0x00000EC2You may not specify paths for ADMIN$ and IPC$ shares.
0x00000EC3User or group %1 is already a member of local group %2.
0x00000EC4There is no such user or group: %1.
0x00000EC5There is no such computer: %1.
0x00000EC6The computer %1 already exists.
0x00000EC7There is no such global user or group: %1.
0x00000EC8Only disk shares can be marked as cacheable
0x00000ECEThe system could not find message: %1.
0x00000EDAThis schedule date is invalid.
0x00000EDBThe LANMAN root directory is unavailable.
0x00000EDCThe SCHED.LOG file could not be opened.
0x00000EDDThe Server service has not been started.
0x00000EDEThe AT job ID does not exist.
0x00000EDFThe AT schedule file is corrupted.
0x00000EE0The delete failed due to a problem with the AT schedule file.
0x00000EE1The command line cannot exceed 259 characters.
0x00000EE2The AT schedule file could not be updated because the disk is full.
0x00000EE4The AT schedule file is invalid. Please delete the file and create a new one.
0x00000EE5The AT schedule file was deleted.
0x00000EE6The syntax of this command is: AT [id] [/DELETE] AT time [/EVERY:date | /NEXT:date] command The AT command schedules a program command to run at a later date and time on a server. It also displays the list of programs and commands scheduled to be run. You can specify the date as M,T,W,Th,F,Sa,Su or 1-31 for the day of the month. You can specify the time in the 24 hour HH:MM format.
0x00000EE7The AT command has timed-out. Please try again later.
0x00000EE8The minimum password age for user accounts cannot be greater than the maximum password age.
0x00000EE9You have specified a value that is incompatible with servers with down-level software. Please specify a lower value.
0x00000F1E%1 is not a valid computer name.
0x00000F1F%1 is not a valid Windows network message number.
0x00000F3CMessage from %1 to %2 on %3
0x00000F3E**** unexpected end of message ****
0x00000F41Press ESC to exit
0x00000F46Current time at %1 is %2
0x00000F47The current local clock is %1 Do you want to set the local computer's time to match the time at %2? %3: %0
0x00000F48Could not locate a time-server.
0x00000F49Could not find the domain controller for domain %1.
0x00000F4ALocal time (GMT%3) at %1 is %2
0x00000F4BThe user's home directory could not be determined.
0x00000F4CThe user's home directory has not been specified.
0x00000F4DThe name specified for the user's home directory (%1) is not a universal naming convention (UNC) name.
0x00000F4EDrive %1 is now connected to %2. Your home directory is %3\%4.
0x00000F4FDrive %1 is now connected to %2.
0x00000F50There are no available drive letters left.
0x00000F5C%1 is not a valid domain or workgroup name.
0x00000F5FThe current SNTP value is: %1
0x00000F60This computer is not currently configured to use a specific SNTP server.
0x00000F61This current autoconfigured SNTP value is: %1
0x00000F6FYou specified too many values for the %1 option.
0x00000F70You entered an invalid value for the %1 option.
0x00000F71The syntax is incorrect.
0x00000F78You specified an invalid file number.
0x00000F79You specified an invalid print job number.
0x00000F7BThe user or group account specified cannot be found.
0x00000F7DThe user was added but could not be enabled for File and Print Services for NetWare.
0x00000F7EFile and Print Services for NetWare is not installed.
0x00000F7FCannot set user properties for File and Print Services for NetWare.
0x00000F80Password for %1 is: %2
0x00000F81NetWare compatible logon
0x000010EA? %1 %0
0x000010F2User name%0
0x000010F4(Y/N) [Y]%0
0x000010F5(Y/N) [N]%0
0x000010FD(not found)%0
0x000010FFFor help on %1 type NET HELP %1
0x00001104Please type the password: %0
0x00001105Type the password for %1: %0
0x00001106Type a password for the user: %0
0x00001107Type the password for the shared resource: %0
0x00001108Type your password: %0
0x00001109Retype the password to confirm: %0
0x0000110AType the user's old password: %0
0x0000110BType the user's new password: %0
0x0000110CType your new password: %0
0x0000110DType the Replicator service password: %0
0x0000110EType your user name, or press ENTER if it is %1: %0
0x0000110FType the domain or server where you want to change a password, or press ENTER if it is for domain %1: %0.
0x00001110Type your user name: %0
0x00001111Network statistics for \\%1
0x00001112Printing options for %1
0x00001113Communication-device queues accessing %1
0x00001114Print job detail
0x00001115Communication-device queues at \\%1
0x00001116Printers at %1
0x00001117Printers accessing %1
0x00001118Print jobs at %1:
0x00001119Shared resources at %1
0x0000111AThe following running services can be controlled:
0x0000111BStatistics are available for the following running services:
0x0000111CUser accounts for \\%1
0x0000111DThe syntax of this command is:
0x0000111EThe options of this command are:
0x0000111FPlease enter the name of the Primary Domain Controller: %0
0x00001120The string you have entered is too long. The maximum is %1, please reenter. %0
0x00001130Group Accounts for \\%1
0x00001131Group name%0
0x00001135Aliases for \\%1
0x00001136Alias name%0
0x0000113AUser Accounts for \\%1
0x0000113BUser name%0
0x0000113CFull Name%0
0x0000113EUser's comment%0
0x00001140Country/region code%0
0x00001141Privilege level%0
0x00001142Operator privileges%0
0x00001143Account active%0
0x00001144Account expires%0
0x00001145Password last set%0
0x00001146Password expires%0
0x00001147Password changeable%0
0x00001148Workstations allowed%0
0x00001149Maximum disk space%0
0x0000114BLocal Group Memberships%0
0x0000114CDomain controller%0
0x0000114DLogon script%0
0x0000114ELast logon%0
0x0000114FGlobal Group memberships%0
0x00001150Logon hours allowed%0
0x00001153Daily %1 - %2%0
0x00001154Home directory%0
0x00001155Password required%0
0x00001156User may change password%0
0x00001157User profile%0
0x00001162Computer name%0
0x00001163User name%0
0x00001164Software version%0
0x00001165Workstation active on%0
0x00001166Windows NT root directory%0
0x00001167Workstation domain%0
0x00001168Logon domain%0
0x00001169Other domain(s)%0
0x0000116ACOM Open Timeout (sec)%0
0x0000116BCOM Send Count (byte)%0
0x0000116CCOM Send Timeout (msec)%0
0x0000116DDOS session print time-out (sec)%0
0x0000116EMaximum error log size (K)%0
0x0000116FMaximum cache memory (K)%0
0x00001170Number of network buffers%0
0x00001171Number of character buffers%0
0x00001172Size of network buffers%0
0x00001173Size of character buffers%0
0x00001174Full Computer name%0
0x00001175Workstation Domain DNS Name%0
0x00001176Windows 2002%0
0x00001181Server Name%0
0x00001182Server Comment%0
0x00001183Send administrative alerts to%0
0x00001184Software version%0
0x00001185Peer Server%0
0x00001186Windows NT%0
0x00001187Server Level%0
0x00001188Windows NT Server%0
0x00001189Server is active on%0
0x0000118CServer hidden%0
0x0000119AMaximum Logged On Users%0
0x0000119BMaximum concurrent administrators%0
0x0000119CMaximum resources shared%0
0x0000119DMaximum connections to resources%0
0x0000119EMaximum open files on server%0
0x0000119FMaximum open files per session%0
0x000011A0Maximum file locks%0
0x000011A8Idle session time (min)%0
0x000011B2Unlimited Server%0
0x000011DAForce user logoff how long after time expires?:%0
0x000011DBLock out account after how many bad passwords?:%0
0x000011DCMinimum password age (days):%0
0x000011DDMaximum password age (days):%0
0x000011DEMinimum password length:%0
0x000011DFLength of password history maintained:%0
0x000011E0Computer role:%0
0x000011E1Primary Domain controller for workstation domain:%0.
0x000011E2Lockout threshold:%0
0x000011E3Lockout duration (minutes):%0
0x000011E4Lockout observation window (minutes):%0
0x000011F8Statistics since%0
0x000011F9Sessions accepted%0
0x000011FASessions timed-out%0
0x000011FBSessions errored-out%0
0x000011FCKilobytes sent%0
0x000011FDKilobytes received%0
0x000011FEMean response time (msec)%0
0x000011FFNetwork errors%0
0x00001200Files accessed%0
0x00001201Print jobs spooled%0
0x00001202System errors%0
0x00001203Password violations%0
0x00001204Permission violations%0
0x00001205Communication devices accessed%0
0x00001206Sessions started%0
0x00001207Sessions reconnected%0
0x00001208Sessions starts failed%0
0x00001209Sessions disconnected%0
0x0000120ANetwork I/O's performed%0
0x0000120BFiles and pipes accessed%0
0x0000120CTimes buffers exhausted
0x0000120DBig buffers%0
0x0000120ERequest buffers%0
0x0000120FWorkstation Statistics for \\%1
0x00001210Server Statistics for \\%1
0x00001211Statistics since %1
0x00001212Connections made%0
0x00001213Connections failed%0
0x00001216Bytes received%0
0x00001217Server Message Blocks (SMBs) received%0
0x00001218Bytes transmitted%0
0x00001219Server Message Blocks (SMBs) transmitted%0
0x0000121ARead operations%0
0x0000121BWrite operations%0
0x0000121CRaw reads denied%0
0x0000121DRaw writes denied%0
0x0000121ENetwork errors%0
0x0000121FConnections made%0
0x00001220Reconnections made%0
0x00001221Server disconnects%0
0x00001222Sessions started%0
0x00001223Hung sessions%0
0x00001224Failed sessions%0
0x00001225Failed operations%0
0x00001226Use count%0
0x00001227Failed use count%0
0x0000122A%1 was deleted successfully.
0x0000122B%1 was used successfully.
0x0000122CThe message was successfully sent to %1.
0x0000122DThe message name %1 was forwarded successfully.
0x0000122EThe message name %1 was added successfully.
0x0000122FThe message name forwarding was successfully canceled.
0x00001230%1 was shared successfully.
0x00001231The server %1 successfully logged you on as %2.
0x00001232%1 was logged off successfully.
0x00001233%1 was successfully removed from the list of shares the Server creates on startup.
0x00001235The password was changed successfully.
0x00001236%1 file(s) copied.
0x00001237%1 file(s) moved.
0x00001238The message was successfully sent to all users of the network.
0x00001239The message was successfully sent to domain %1.
0x0000123AThe message was successfully sent to all users of this server.
0x0000123BThe message was successfully sent to group *%1.
0x00001257Microsoft LAN Manager Version %1
0x00001258Windows NT Server
0x00001259Windows NT Workstation
0x0000125AMS-DOS Enhanced Workstation
0x0000125BCreated at %1
0x0000125CServer Name Remark
0x0000125DCannot enumerate servers in non-default compartment.
0x00001261Resources on %1
0x00001262Invalid network provider. Available networks are:
0x0000126AStatus Local Remote Network
0x00001273Local name%0
0x00001274Remote name%0
0x00001275Resource type%0
0x00001276# Opens%0
0x00001277# Connections%0
0x0000127AShare name Resource Remark
0x0000127BShare name%0
0x0000127FMaximum users%0
0x00001280No limit%0
0x00001282The share name entered may not be accessible from some MS-DOS workstations. Are you sure you want to use this share name? %1: %0
0x00001284ID Path User name # Locks
0x00001285File ID%0
0x00001288Share name%0
0x0000128AUsed as%0
0x0000128EComputer User name Client Type Opens Idle time
0x00001290Sess time%0
0x00001291Idle time%0
0x00001292Share name Type # Opens
0x00001293Client type%0
0x00001294Guest logon%0
0x000012A2Manual caching of documents%0
0x000012A3Automatic caching of documents%0
0x000012A4Automatic caching of programs and documents%0
0x000012A5Manual caching of documents with BranchCache enabled%0
0x000012A6Caching disabled%0
0x000012C1Forwarded to%0
0x000012C2Forwarded to you from%0
0x000012C3Users of this server%0
0x000012C4Net Send has been interrupted by a Ctrl+Break from the user.
0x000012CAName Job # Size Status
0x000012CEJob #%0
0x000012D1Separator file%0
0x000012D4Print after%0
0x000012D5Print until%0
0x000012D6Print processor%0
0x000012D7Additional info%0
0x000012D9Print Devices%0
0x000012DAPrinter Active%0
0x000012DBPrinter held%0
0x000012DCPrinter error%0
0x000012DDPrinter being deleted%0
0x000012DEPrinter status unknown%0
0x000012E8Held until %1%0
0x000012E9Job #%0
0x000012EASubmitting user%0
0x000012ECJob data type%0
0x000012EDJob parameters%0
0x000012EFHeld in queue%0
0x000012F4Out of paper%0
0x000012F5Intervention required%0
0x000012F7on %0
0x000012F8Paused on %1%0
0x000012F9Offline on %1%0
0x000012FAError on%1%0
0x000012FBOut of Paper on %1%0
0x000012FCCheck printer on %1%0
0x000012FDPrinting on %1%0
0x00001342User name Type Date%0
0x00001346Server started%0
0x00001347Server paused%0
0x00001348Server continued%0
0x00001349Server stopped%0
0x0000134BLogon Guest%0
0x0000134CLogon User%0
0x0000134DLogon Administrator%0
0x0000134ELogoff normal%0
0x00001350Logoff error%0
0x00001351Logoff auto-disconnect%0
0x00001352Logoff administrator-disconnect%0
0x00001353Logoff forced by logon restrictions%0
0x00001355%1 Installed%0
0x00001356%1 Install Pending%0
0x00001357%1 Paused%0
0x00001358%1 Pause Pending%0
0x00001359%1 Continued%0
0x0000135A%1 Continue Pending%0
0x0000135B%1 Stopped%0
0x0000135C%1 Stop Pending%0
0x0000135EUser account %1 was modified.%0
0x0000135FGroup account %1 was modified.%0
0x00001360User account %1 was deleted%0
0x00001361Group account %1 was deleted%0
0x00001362User account %1 was added%0
0x00001363Group account %1 was added%0
0x00001364Account system settings were modified%0
0x00001365Logon restriction%0
0x00001366Limit exceeded: UNKNOWN%0
0x00001367Limit exceeded: Logon hours%0
0x00001368Limit exceeded: Account expired%0
0x00001369Limit exceeded: Workstation ID invalid%0
0x0000136ALimit exceeded: Account disabled%0
0x0000136BLimit exceeded: Account deleted%0
0x0000136DUse %1%0
0x0000136EUnuse %1%0
0x0000136FUser's session disconnected %1%0
0x00001370Administrator stopped sharing resource %1%0
0x00001371User reached limit for %1%0
0x00001372Bad password%0
0x00001373Administrator privilege required%0
0x00001375%1 permissions added%0
0x00001376%1 permissions modified%0
0x00001377%1 permissions deleted%0
0x00001378Access denied%0
0x0000137CDuration: Not available%0
0x0000137DDuration: Less than one second%0
0x0000137FClosed %1%0
0x00001380Closed %1 (disconnected)%0
0x00001381Administrator closed %1%0
0x00001382Access ended%0
0x00001383Log on to network%0
0x00001384Logon denied%0
0x00001385Program Message Time%0
0x00001386Account locked due to %1 bad passwords%0
0x00001387Account unlocked by administrator%0
0x00001388Log off network%0
0x00001392Subj: ** ADMINISTRATOR ALERT **
0x00001393Subj: ** PRINTING NOTIFICATION **
0x00001394Subj: ** USER NOTIFICATION **
0x00001395From: %1 at \\%2
0x00001396Print job %1 has been canceled while printing on %2.
0x00001397Print job %1 has been deleted and will not print.
0x00001398Printing Complete %1 printed successfully on %2.
0x00001399Print job %1 has not completed printing on %2.
0x0000139APrint job %1 has paused printing on %2.
0x0000139BPrint job %1 is now printing on %2.
0x0000139CThe printer is out of paper.
0x0000139DThe printer is offline.
0x0000139EPrinting errors occurred.
0x0000139FThere is a problem with the printer; please check it.
0x000013A0Print job %1 is being held from printing.
0x000013A1Print job %1 is queued for printing.
0x000013A2Print job %1 is being spooled.
0x000013A3Job was queued to %1 on %2
0x000013A4Size of job is %1 bytes.
0x000013A6To: %1
0x000013A7Date: %1
0x000013A8The error code is %1. There was an error retrieving the message. Make sure the file NET.MSG is available.
0x000013A9Printing Failed "%1" failed to print on %2 on %3. For more help use the print troubleshooter.
0x000013AAPrinting Failed "%1" failed to print on %2 on %3. The Printer is %4. For more help use the print troubleshooter.
0x000013ABPrinting Complete "%1" printed successfully on %2 on %3.
0x000013D8System Default%0
0x000013D9United States%0
0x000013DACanada (French)%0
0x000013DBLatin America%0
0x000013E1United Kingdom%0
0x000013EAChina (PRC)%0
0x0000141EA power failure has occurred at %1. Please terminate all activity with this server.
0x0000141FPower has been restored at %1. Normal operations have resumed.
0x00001420The UPS service is starting shut down at %1.
0x00001421The UPS service is about to perform final shut down.
0x00001432The Workstation must be started with the NET START command.
0x00001437Remote IPC%0
0x00001438Remote Admin%0
0x00001439Default share%0
0x0000143AUser Profiles%0
0x000014A0The password entered is longer than 14 characters. Computers with Windows prior to Windows 2000 will not be able to use this account. Do you want to continue this operation? %1: %0
0x000014A1%1 has a remembered connection to %2. Do you want to overwrite the remembered connection? %3: %0
0x000014A2Do you want to resume loading the profile? The command which caused the error will be ignored. %1: %0
0x000014A4Do you want to continue this operation? %1: %0
0x000014A5Do you want to add this? %1: %0
0x000014A6Do you want to continue this operation? %1: %0
0x000014A7Is it OK to start it? %1: %0
0x000014A8Do you want to start the Workstation service? %1: %0
0x000014A9Is it OK to continue disconnecting and force them closed? %1: %0
0x000014AAThe printer does not exist. Do you want to create it? %1: %0
0x000014B4The network control block (NCB) request completed successfully. The NCB is the data.
0x000014B5Illegal network control block (NCB) buffer length on SEND DATAGRAM, SEND BROADCAST, ADAPTER STATUS, or SESSION STATUS. The NCB is the data.
0x000014B6The data descriptor array specified in the network control block (NCB) is invalid. The NCB is the data.
0x000014B7The command specified in the network control block (NCB) is illegal. The NCB is the data.
0x000014B8The message correlator specified in the network control block (NCB) is invalid. The NCB is the data.
0x000014B9A network control block (NCB) command timed-out. The session may have terminated abnormally. The NCB is the data.
0x000014BAAn incomplete network control block (NCB) message was received. The NCB is the data.
0x000014BBThe buffer address specified in the network control block (NCB) is illegal. The NCB is the data.
0x000014BCThe session number specified in the network control block (NCB) is not active. The NCB is the data.
0x000014BDNo resource was available in the network adapter. The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data.
0x000014BEThe session specified in the network control block (NCB) was closed. The NCB is the data.
0x000014BFThe network control block (NCB) command was canceled. The NCB is the data.
0x000014C0The message segment specified in the network control block (NCB) is illogical. The NCB is the data.
0x000014C1The name already exists in the local adapter name table. The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data.
0x000014C2The network adapter name table is full. The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data.
0x000014C3The network name has active sessions and is now de-registered. The network control block (NCB) command completed. The NCB is the data.
0x000014C4A previously issued Receive Lookahead command is active for this session. The network control block (NCB) command was rejected. The NCB is the data.
0x000014C5The local session table is full. The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data.
0x000014C6A network control block (NCB) session open was rejected. No LISTEN is outstanding on the remote computer. The NCB is the data.
0x000014C7The name number specified in the network control block (NCB) is illegal. The NCB is the data.
0x000014C8The call name specified in the network control block (NCB) cannot be found or did not answer. The NCB is the data.
0x000014C9The name specified in the network control block (NCB) was not found. Cannot put '*' or 00h in the NCB name. The NCB is the data.
0x000014CAThe name specified in the network control block (NCB) is in use on a remote adapter. The NCB is the data.
0x000014CBThe name specified in the network control block (NCB) has been deleted. The NCB is the data.
0x000014CCThe session specified in the network control block (NCB) ended abnormally. The NCB is the data.
0x000014CDThe network protocol has detected two or more identical names on the network. The network control block (NCB) is the data.
0x000014CEAn unexpected protocol packet was received. There may be an incompatible remote device. The network control block (NCB) is the data.
0x000014D5The NetBIOS interface is busy. The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data.
0x000014D6There are too many network control block (NCB) commands outstanding. The NCB request was refused. The NCB is the data.
0x000014D7The adapter number specified in the network control block (NCB) is illegal. The NCB is the data.
0x000014D8The network control block (NCB) command completed while a cancel was occurring. The NCB is the data.
0x000014D9The name specified in the network control block (NCB) is reserved. The NCB is the data.
0x000014DAThe network control block (NCB) command is not valid to cancel. The NCB is the data.
0x000014E7There are multiple network control block (NCB) requests for the same session. The NCB request was refused. The NCB is the data.
0x000014E8There has been a network adapter error. The only NetBIOS command that may be issued is an NCB RESET. The network control block (NCB) is the data.
0x000014EAThe maximum number of applications was exceeded. The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data.
0x000014ECThe requested resources are not available. The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data.
0x000014F4A system error has occurred. The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data.
0x000014F5A ROM checksum failure has occurred. The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data.
0x000014F6A RAM test failure has occurred. The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data.
0x000014F7A digital loopback failure has occurred. The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data.
0x000014F8An analog loopback failure has occurred. The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data.
0x000014F9An interface failure has occurred. The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data.
0x000014FAAn unrecognized network control block (NCB) return code was received. The NCB is the data.
0x00001504A network adapter malfunction has occurred. The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data.
0x00001505The network control block (NCB) command is still pending. The NCB is the data.
0x0000157CThe update log on %1 is over 80%% capacity. The primary domain controller %2 is not retrieving the updates.
0x0000157DThe update log on %1 is full, and no further updates can be added until the primary domain controller %2 retrieves the updates.
0x0000157EThe time difference with the primary domain controller %1 exceeds the maximum allowed skew of %2 seconds.
0x0000157FThe account of user %1 has been locked out on %2 due to %3 bad password attempts.
0x00001580The %1 log file cannot be opened.
0x00001581The %1 log file is corrupted and will be cleared.
0x00001582The Application log file could not be opened. %1 will be used as the default log file.
0x00001583The %1 Log is full. If this is the first time you have seen this message, take the following steps: 1. Click Start, click Run, type "eventvwr", and then click OK. 2. Click %1, click the Action menu, click Clear All Events, and then click No. If this dialog reappears, contact your helpdesk or system administrator.
0x00001584The security database full synchronization has been initiated by the server %1.
0x00001585Windows could not be started as configured. A previous working configuration was used instead.
0x00001586The exception 0x%1 occurred in the application %2 at location 0x%3.
0x00001587The servers %1 and %3 both claim to be an NT Domain Controller for the %2 domain. One of the servers should be removed from the domain because the servers have different security identifiers (SID).
0x00001588The server %1 and %2 both claim to be the primary domain controller for the %3 domain. One of the servers should be demoted or removed from the domain.
0x00001589The computer %1 tried to connect to the server %2 using the trust relationship established by the %3 domain. However, the computer lost the correct security identifier (SID) when the domain was reconfigured. Reestablish the trust relationship.
0x0000158AThe computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: %1. %2 A full dump was not saved.
0x0000158BThe computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: %1. %2 A dump was saved in: %3.
0x0000158CThe computer or domain %1 trusts domain %2. (This may be an indirect trust.) However, %1 and %2 have the same machine security identifier (SID). NT should be re-installed on either %1 or %2.
0x0000158DThe computer or domain %1 trusts domain %2. (This may be an indirect trust.) However, %2 is not a valid name for a trusted domain. The name of the trusted domain should be changed to a valid name.
0x000015E0Could not share the User or Script path.
0x000015E1The password for this computer is not found in the local security database.
0x000015E2An internal error occurred while accessing the computer's local or network security database.
0x00001644The Netlogon service could not initialize the replication data structures successfully. The service was terminated. The following error occurred: %1
0x00001645The Netlogon service failed to update the domain trust list. The following error occurred: %1
0x00001646The Netlogon service could not add the RPC interface. The service was terminated. The following error occurred: %1
0x00001647The Netlogon service could not read a mailslot message from %1 due to the following error: %2
0x00001648The Netlogon service failed to register the service with the service controller. The service was terminated. The following error occurred: %1
0x00001649The change log cache maintained by the Netlogon service for %1 database changes is inconsistent. The Netlogon service is resetting the change log.
0x0000164AThe Netlogon service could not create server share %1. The following error occurred: %2
0x0000164BThe down-level logon request for the user %1 from %2 failed.
0x0000164CThe down-level logoff request for the user %1 from %2 failed.
0x0000164DThe Windows NT or Windows 2000 %1 logon request for the user %2\%3 from %4 (via %5) failed.
0x0000164EThe Windows NT or Windows 2000 %1 logoff request for the user %2\%3 from %4 failed.
0x0000164FThe partial synchronization request from the server %1 completed successfully. %2 changes(s) has(have) been returned to the caller.
0x00001650The partial synchronization request from the server %1 failed with the following error: %2
0x00001651The full synchronization request from the server %1 completed successfully. %2 object(s) has(have) been returned to the caller.
0x00001652The full synchronization request from the server %1 failed with the following error: %2
0x00001653The partial synchronization replication of the %1 database from the primary domain controller %2 completed successfully. %3 change(s) is(are) applied to the database.
0x00001654The partial synchronization replication of the %1 database from the primary domain controller %2 failed with the following error: %3
0x00001655The full synchronization replication of the %1 database from the primary domain controller %2 completed successfully.
0x00001656The full synchronization replication of the %1 database from the primary domain controller %2 failed with the following error: %3
0x00001657This computer was not able to set up a secure session with a domain controller in domain %1 due to the following: %2 This may lead to authentication problems. Make sure that this computer is connected to the network. If the problem persists, please contact your domain administrator. ADDITIONAL INFO If this computer is a domain controller for the specified domain, it sets up the secure session to the primary domain controller emulator in the specified domain. Otherwise, this computer sets up the secure session to any domain controller in the specified domain.
0x00001658The session setup to the Windows Domain Controller %1 for the domain %2 failed because the computer %3 does not have a local security database account.
0x00001659The session setup to the Windows Domain Controller %1 for the domain %2 failed because the Domain Controller did not have an account %4 needed to set up the session by this computer %3. ADDITIONAL DATA If this computer is a member of or a Domain Controller in the specified domain, the aforementioned account is a computer account for this computer in the specified domain. Otherwise, the account is an interdomain trust account with the specified domain.
0x0000165AThe session setup from the computer %1 failed to authenticate. The name(s) of the account(s) referenced in the security database is %2. The following error occurred: %3
0x0000165BThe session setup from computer '%1' failed because the security database does not contain a trust account '%2' referenced by the specified computer. USER ACTION If this is the first occurrence of this event for the specified computer and account, this may be a transient issue that doesn't require any action at this time. If this is a Read-Only Domain Controller and '%2' is a legitimate machine account for the computer '%1' then '%1' should be marked cacheable for this location if appropriate or otherwise ensure connectivity to a domain controller capable of servicing the request (for example a writable domain controller). Otherwise, the following steps may be taken to resolve this problem: If '%2' is a legitimate machine account for the computer '%1', then '%1' should be rejoined to the domain. If '%2' is a legitimate interdomain trust account, then the trust should be recreated. Otherwise, assuming that '%2' is not a legitimate account, the following action should be taken on '%1': If '%1' is a Domain Controller, then the trust associated with '%2' should be deleted. If '%1' is not a Domain Controller, it should be disjoined from the domain.
0x0000165CCould not register control handler with service controller %1.
0x0000165DCould not set service status with service controller %1.
0x0000165ECould not find the computer name %1.
0x0000165FCould not load %1 device driver.
0x00001660Could not load any transport.
0x00001661Replication of the %1 Domain Object "%2" from primary domain controller %3 failed with the following error: %4
0x00001662Replication of the %1 Global Group "%2" from primary domain controller %3 failed with the following error: %4
0x00001663Replication of the %1 Local Group "%2" from primary domain controller %3 failed with the following error: %4
0x00001664Replication of the %1 User "%2" from primary domain controller %3 failed with the following error: %4
0x00001665Replication of the %1 Policy Object "%2" from primary domain controller %3 failed with the following error: %4
0x00001666Replication of the %1 Trusted Domain Object "%2" from primary domain controller %3 failed with the following error: %4
0x00001667Replication of the %1 Account Object "%2" from primary domain controller %3 failed with the following error: %4
0x00001668Replication of the %1 Secret "%2" from primary domain controller %3 failed with the following error: %4
0x00001669The system returned the following unexpected error code: %1
0x0000166ANetlogon has detected two machine accounts for server "%1". The server can be either a Windows 2000 Server that is a member of the domain or the server can be a LAN Manager server with an account in the SERVERS global group. It cannot be both.
0x0000166BThis domain has more global groups than can be replicated to a LanMan BDC. Either delete some of your global groups or remove the LanMan BDCs from the domain.
0x0000166CThe Browser driver returned the following error to Netlogon: %1
0x0000166DNetlogon could not register the %1<1B> name for the following reason: %2
0x0000166EService failed to retrieve messages needed to boot remote boot clients.
0x0000166FService experienced a severe error and can no longer provide remote boot for 3Com 3Start remote boot clients.
0x00001670Service experienced a severe system error and will shut itself down.
0x00001671Client with computer name %1 failed to acknowledge receipt of the boot data. Remote boot of this client was not completed.
0x00001672Client with computer name %1 was not booted due to an error in opening file %2.
0x00001673Client with computer name %1 was not booted due to an error in reading file %2.
0x00001674Client with computer name %1 was not booted due to insufficient memory at the remote boot server.
0x00001675Client with computer name %1 will be booted without using checksums because checksum for file %2 could not be calculated.
0x00001676Client with computer name %1 was not booted due to too many lines in file %2.
0x00001677Client with computer name %1 was not booted because the boot block configuration file %2 for this client does not contain boot block line and/or loader line.
0x00001678Client with computer name %1 was not booted due to a bad size of file %2.
0x00001679Client with computer name %1 was not booted due to remote boot service internal error.
0x0000167AClient with computer name %1 was not booted because file %2 has an invalid boot header.
0x0000167BClient with computer name %1 was not booted due to network error.
0x0000167CClient with adapter id %1 was not booted due to lack of resources.
0x0000167DService experienced error copying file or directory %1.
0x0000167EService experienced error deleting file or directory %1.
0x0000167FService experienced error setting permissions on file or directory %1.
0x00001680Service experienced error evaluating RPL configurations.
0x00001681Service experienced error creating RPL profiles for all configurations.
0x00001682Service experienced error accessing registry.
0x00001683Service experienced error replacing possibly outdated RPLDISK.SYS.
0x00001684Service experienced error adding security accounts or setting file permissions. These accounts are the RPLUSER local group and the user accounts for the individual RPL workstations.
0x00001685Service failed to back up its database.
0x00001686Service failed to initialize from its database. The database may be missing or corrupted. Service will attempt restoring the database from the backup.
0x00001687Service failed to restore its database from the backup. Service will not start.
0x00001688Service successfully restored its database from the backup.
0x00001689Service failed to initialize from its restored database. Service will not start.
0x0000168AThe session setup to the Windows Domain Controller %1 from computer %2 using account %4 failed. %2 is declared to be a BDC in domain %3. However, %2 tried to connect as either a DC in a trusted domain, a member workstation in domain %3, or as a server in domain %3. Use the Active Directory Users and Computers tool or Server Manager to remove the BDC account for %2.
0x0000168BThe Remoteboot database was in NT 3.5 / NT 3.51 format and NT is attempting to convert it to NT 4.0 format. The JETCONV converter will write to the Application event log when it is finished.
0x0000168CGlobal group SERVERS exists in domain %1 and has members. This group defines Lan Manager BDCs in the domain. Lan Manager BDCs are not permitted in NT domains.
0x0000168DThe following DNS server that is authoritative for the DNS domain controller locator records of this domain controller does not support dynamic DNS updates: DNS server IP address: %1 Returned Response Code (RCODE): %2 Returned Status Code: %3 USER ACTION Configure the DNS server to allow dynamic DNS updates or manually add the DNS records from the file '%SystemRoot%\System32\Config\Netlogon.dns' to the DNS database.
0x0000168EThe dynamic registration of the DNS record '%1' failed on the following DNS server: DNS server IP address: %3 Returned Response Code (RCODE): %4 Returned Status Code: %5 For computers and users to locate this domain controller, this record must be registered in DNS. USER ACTION Determine what might have caused this failure, resolve the problem, and initiate registration of the DNS records by the domain controller. To determine what might have caused this failure, run DCDiag.exe. To learn more about DCDiag.exe, see Help and Support Center. To initiate registration of the DNS records by this domain controller, run 'nltest.exe /dsregdns' from the command prompt on the domain controller or restart Net Logon service. Or, you can manually add this record to DNS, but it is not recommended. ADDITIONAL DATA Error Value: %2
0x0000168FThe dynamic deletion of the DNS record '%1' failed on the following DNS server: DNS server IP address: %3 Returned Response Code (RCODE): %4 Returned Status Code: %5 USER ACTION To prevent remote computers from connecting unnecessarily to the domain controller, delete the record manually or troubleshoot the failure to dynamically delete the record. To learn more about debugging DNS, see Help and Support Center. ADDITIONAL DATA Error Value: %2
0x00001690Failed to create/open file %1 with the following error: %2
0x00001691Netlogon got the following error while trying to get the subnet to site mapping information from the DS: %1
0x00001692'%1' tried to determine its site by looking up its IP address ('%2') in the Configuration\Sites\Subnets container in the DS. No subnet matched the IP address. Consider adding a subnet object for this IP address.
0x00001693The site name for this computer is '%1'. That site name is not a valid site name. A site name must be a valid DNS label. Rename the site to be a valid name.
0x00001694The subnet object '%1' appears in the Configuration\Sites\Subnets container in the DS. The name is not syntactically valid. The valid syntax is xx.xx.xx.xx/yy where xx.xx.xx.xx is a valid IP subnet number and yy is the number of bits in the subnet mask. Correct the name of the subnet object.
0x00001695Dynamic registration or deletion of one or more DNS records associated with DNS domain '%1' failed. These records are used by other computers to locate this server as a domain controller (if the specified domain is an Active Directory domain) or as an LDAP server (if the specified domain is an application partition). Possible causes of failure include: - TCP/IP properties of the network connections of this computer contain wrong IP address(es) of the preferred and alternate DNS servers - Specified preferred and alternate DNS servers are not running - DNS server(s) primary for the records to be registered is not running - Preferred or alternate DNS servers are configured with wrong root hints - Parent DNS zone contains incorrect delegation to the child zone authoritative for the DNS records that failed registration USER ACTION Fix possible misconfiguration(s) specified above and initiate registration or deletion of the DNS records by running 'nltest.exe /dsregdns' from the command prompt on the domain controller or by restarting Net Logon service on the domain controller.
0x00001696Dynamic registration or deregistration of one or more DNS records failed with the following error: %1
0x00001697The session setup to the Windows Domain Controller %1 for the domain %2 is not responsive. The current RPC call from Netlogon on \\%3 to %1 has been cancelled.
0x00001698Site '%2' does not have any Domain Controllers for domain '%3'. Domain Controllers in site '%1' have been automatically selected to cover site '%2' for domain '%3' based on configured Directory Server replication costs.
0x00001699This Domain Controller no longer automatically covers site '%1' for domain '%2'.
0x0000169ASite '%2' does not have any Global Catalog servers for forest '%3'. Global Catalog servers in site '%1' have been automatically selected to cover site '%2' for forest '%3' based on configured Directory Server replication costs.
0x0000169BThis Global Catalog server no longer automatically covers site '%1' for forest '%2'.
0x0000169CAttempt to update HOST Service Principal Names (SPNs) of the computer object in Active Directory failed. The updated values were '%1' and '%2'. The following error occurred: %3
0x0000169DAttempt to update DNS Host Name of the computer object in Active Directory failed. The updated value was '%1'. The following error occurred: %2
0x0000169ENo suitable Domain Controller is available for domain %1. An NT4 or older domain controller is available but it cannot be used for authentication purposes in the Windows 2000 or newer domain that this computer is a member of. The following error occurred: %2
0x0000169FThe domain of this computer, %1 has been downgraded from Windows 2000 or newer to Windows NT4 or older. The computer cannot function properly in this case for authentication purposes. This computer needs to rejoin the domain. The following error occurred: %2
0x000016A0Site '%2' does not have any LDAP servers for non-domain NC '%3'. LDAP servers in site '%1' have been automatically selected to cover site '%2' for non-domain NC '%3' based on configured Directory Server replication costs.
0x000016A1This LDAP server no longer automatically covers site '%1' for non-domain NC '%2'.
0x000016A2Site '%2' is no longer manually configured in the registry as covered by this Domain Controller for domain '%3'. As a result, site '%2' does not have any Domain Controllers for domain '%3'. Domain Controllers in site '%1' have been automatically selected to cover site '%2' for domain '%3' based on configured Directory Server replication costs.
0x000016A3This Domain Controller no longer automatically covers site '%1' for domain '%2'. However, site '%1' is still (manually) covered by this Domain Controller for domain '%2' since this site has been manually configured in the registry.
0x000016A4Site '%2' is no longer manually configured in the registry as covered by this Global Catalog server for forest '%3'. As a result, site '%2' does not have any Global Catalog servers for forest '%3'. Global Catalog servers in site '%1' have been automatically selected to cover site '%2' for forest '%3' based on configured Directory Server replication costs.
0x000016A5This Global Catalog server no longer automatically covers site '%1' for forest '%2'. However, site '%1' is still (manually) covered by this Global catalog for forest '%2' since this site has been manually configured in the registry.
0x000016A6Site '%2' is no longer manually configured in the registry as covered by this LDAP server for non-domain NC '%3'. As a result, site '%2' does not have any LDAP servers for non-domain NC '%3'. LDAP servers in site '%1' have been automatically selected to cover site '%2' for non-domain NC '%3' based on configured Directory Server replication costs.
0x000016A7This LDAP server no longer automatically covers site '%1' for non-domain NC '%2'. However, site '%1' is still (manually) covered by this LDAP server for non-domain NC '%2' since this site has been manually configured in the registry.
0x000016A8Attempt to update DnsHostName and HOST Service Principal Name (SPN) attributes of the computer object in Active Directory failed because the Domain Controller '%1' had more than one account with the name '%2' corresponding to this computer. Not having SPNs registered may result in authentication failures for this computer. Contact your domain administrator who may need to manually resolve the account name collision.
0x000016A9Attempt to update DnsHostName and HOST Service Principal Name (SPN) attributes of the computer object in Active Directory failed because this computer account name, '%2' could not be mapped to the computer object on Domain Controller '%1'. Not having SPNs registered may result in authentication failures for this computer. Contact your domain administrator. The following technical information may be useful for the resolution of this failure: DsCrackNames status = 0x%3, crack error = 0x%4.
0x000016AANone of the IP addresses (%2) of this Domain Controller map to the configured site '%1'. While this may be a temporary situation due to IP address changes, it is generally recommended that the IP address of the Domain Controller (accessible to machines in its domain) maps to the Site which it services. If the above list of IP addresses is stable, consider moving this server to a site (or create one if it does not already exist) such that the above IP address maps to the selected site. This may require the creation of a new subnet object (whose range includes the above IP address) which maps to the selected site object.
0x000016ABThe following error occurred while reading a parameter '%2' in the Netlogon %1 registry section: %3
0x000016ACThe Netlogon %1 registry key contains an invalid value 0x%2 for parameter '%3'. The minimum and maximum values allowed for this parameter are 0x%4 and 0x%5, respectively. The value of 0x%6 has been assigned to this parameter.
0x000016ADThe session setup from the computer %1 failed to authenticate. The following error occurred: %2
0x000016AEDynamic DNS updates have been manually disabled on this domain controller. USER ACTION Reconfigure this domain controller to use dynamic DNS updates or manually add the DNS records from the file '%SystemRoot%\System32\Config\Netlogon.dns' to the DNS database.
0x000016AFDuring the past %1 hours there have been %2 connections to this Domain Controller from client machines whose IP addresses don't map to any of the existing sites in the enterprise. Those clients, therefore, have undefined sites and may connect to any Domain Controller including those that are in far distant locations from the clients. A client's site is determined by the mapping of its subnet to one of the existing sites. To move the above clients to one of the sites, please consider creating subnet object(s) covering the above IP addresses with mapping to one of the existing sites. The names and IP addresses of the clients in question have been logged on this computer in the following log file '%SystemRoot%\debug\netlogon.log' and, potentially, in the log file '%SystemRoot%\debug\netlogon.bak' created if the former log becomes full. The log(s) may contain additional unrelated debugging information. To filter out the needed information, please search for lines which contain text 'NO_CLIENT_SITE:'. The first word after this string is the client name and the second word is the client IP address. The maximum size of the log(s) is controlled by the following registry DWORD value 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters\LogFileMaxSize'; the default is %3 bytes. The current maximum size is %4 bytes. To set a different maximum size, create the above registry value and set the desired maximum size in bytes.
0x000016B0The deregistration of some DNS domain controller locator records was aborted at the time of this domain controller demotion because the DNS deregistrations took too long. USER ACTION Manually delete the DNS records listed in the file '%SystemRoot%\System32\Config\Netlogon.dns' from the DNS database.
0x000016B1The NetLogon service on this domain controller has been configured to use port %1 for incoming RPC connections over TCP/IP from remote machines. However, the following error occurred when Netlogon attempted to register this port with the RPC endpoint mapper service: %2 This will prevent the NetLogon service on remote machines from connecting to this domain controller over TCP/IP that may result in authentication problems. USER ACTION The specified port is configured via the Group Policy or via a registry value 'DcTcpipPort' under the 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters' registry key; the value configured through the Group Policy takes precedence. If the port specified is in error, reset it to a correct value. You can also remove this configuration for the port in which case the port will be assigned dynamically by the endpoint mapper at the time the NetLogon service on remote machines makes RPC connections to this domain controller. After the misconfiguration is corrected, restart the NetLogon service on this machine and verify that this event log no longer appears.
0x000016B2During the past %1 hours, this domain controller has received %2 connections from dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 clients with partial subnet-site mappings. A client has a partial subnet-site mapping if its IPv4 address is mapped to a site but its global IPv6 address is not mapped to a site, or vice versa. To ensure correct behavior for applications running on member computers and servers that rely on subnet-site mappings, dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 clients must have both IPv4 and global IPv6 addresses mapped to the same site. If a partially mapped client attempts to connect to this domain controller using its unmapped IP address, its mapped address is used for the client's site mapping. The log files %SystemRoot%\debug\netlogon.log or %SystemRoot%\debug\netlogon.bak contain the name, unmapped IP address and mapped IP address for each partially mapped client. The log files may also contain unrelated debugging information. To locate the information pertaining to partial-subnet mappings, search for lines that contain the text 'PARTIAL_CLIENT_SITE_MAPPING:'. The first word after this text is the client name. Following the client name is the client's unmapped IP address (the IP address that does not have a subnet-site mapping) and the client's mapped IP address, which was used to return site information. USER ACTION Use the Active Directory Sites and Services management console (MMC) snap-in to add the subnet mapping for the unmapped IP addresses to the same site being used by the mapped IP addresses. When adding site mappings for IPv6 addresses, you should use global IPv6 addresses and not for instance temporary, link-local or site-local IPv6 addresses. The default maximum size of the log files is %3 bytes. The current maximum size is %4 bytes. To set a different maximum size, create the following registry DWORD value to specify the maximum size in bytes: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters\LogFileMaxSize
0x000016B3The dynamic registration of the DNS record '%1' for the remote domain controller '%3' failed on the following DNS server: DNS server IP address: %4 Returned Response Code (RCODE): %5 Returned Status Code: %6 For computers and users to locate the domain controller '%3', this record must be registered in DNS. USER ACTION Determine what might have caused this failure, resolve the problem, and initiate registration of the DNS records by the domain controller '%3'. For help with determining and resolving the problem, see Help and Support for information about troubleshooting DNS. To initiate registration of the DNS records by the domain controller '%3', run 'nltest.exe /dsregdns' from the command prompt on the domain controller '%3' or restart the Net Logon service on the domain controller '%3'. Nltest.exe is a command line tool that is built into Windows Server. As a workaround, you can manually add this record to DNS, but it is not recommended because you then must manually update any changes it requires hereafter. ADDITIONAL DATA Error Value: %2
0x000016B4The dynamic deregistration of the DNS record '%1' for the remote domain controller '%3' failed on the following DNS server: DNS server IP address: %4 Returned Response Code (RCODE): %5 Returned Status Code: %6 USER ACTION To prevent remote computers from attempting to connect to the domain controller '%3' using an invalid record, delete the record '%1' manually or troubleshoot the root cause behind the dynamic deregistration failure. To learn more about troubleshooting DNS, see Help and Support. ADDITIONAL DATA Error Value: %2
0x000016B5The dynamic registration request for the DNS record '%1' has been rejected by the remote domain controller '%2'. Error: '%3' For computers and users to locate this domain controller, this record must be registered in DNS. If the problem persists, please contact your domain administrator.
0x000016B6The dynamic deregistration request of the DNS record '%1' has been rejected by the remote domain controller '%2'. Error: '%3' To prevent remote computers from connecting unnecessarily to this domain controller, an administrator with sufficient privileges must manually delete the record on the DNS server that hosts it.
0x000016B7The remoting of the dynamic update request for the local domain controller's DNS records through a secure session has failed with error '%1'. For other computers and member servers to locate this domain controller, the appropriate records must be registered in DNS. On this domain controller, look for events related to failure to set up a secure session to determine why the request is failing. If the problem persists, please contact your domain administrator.
0x000016B8Netlogon has failed an authentication request of account %1 in domain %2. The request timed out before it could be sent to domain controller %3 in domain %4. This is the first failure. If the problem continues, consolidated events will be logged about every %5 minutes. Please see for more information.
0x000016B9Netlogon has failed an additional %1 authentication requests in the last %2 minutes. The requests timed out before they could be sent to domain controller %3 in domain %4. Please see for more information.
0x000016BANetlogon took more than %1 seconds for an authentication request of account %2 in domain %3, through domain controller %4 in domain %5. This is the first warning. If the problem persists, a recurring event will be logged every %6 minutes. Please see for more information on this error.
0x000016BBNetlogon took more than %1 seconds for %2 authentication requests through domain controller %3 in domain %4 in the last %5 minutes. Please see for more information.
0x000016BCThe Netlogon service could not add the AuthZ RPC interface. The service was terminated. The following error occurred: '%1'
0x000016BDThe Netlogon service failed to initialize the AuthZ resource manager. The service was terminated. The following error occurred: '%1'.
0x000016BEThe Netlogon service failed to initialize the security descriptor for the Netlogon RPC interface. The service was terminated. The following error occurred: '%1'.
0x000016BF The system successfully changed its password on the domain controller %1. This event is logged when the password for the computer account is changed by the system. It is logged on the computer that changed the password.
0x000016C0 The system successfully changed the password for managed service account %1 on the domain controller %2. This event is logged when the password for a standalone managed service account is changed by the system. It is logged on the computer that changed the password.
0x000016C2The Netlogon service detected a non-windows account using secure RPC. Machine SamAccountName: %1 Domain: %2 Account Type: %3 Machine Os: %4 Machine Os Build Version: %5 Machine Os Service Pack: %6
0x000016C3The Netlogon service denied a vulnerable Netlogon secure channel connection from a machine account. Machine SamAccountName: %1 Domain: %2 Account Type: %3 Machine Operating System: %4 Machine Operating System Build: %5 Machine Operating System Service Pack: %6 For more information about why this was denied, please visit
0x000016C4The Netlogon service denied a vulnerable Netlogon secure channel connection using a trust account. Account Type: %1 Trust Name: %2 Trust Target: %3 Client IP Address: %4 For more information about why this was denied, please visit
0x000016C5The Netlogon service allowed a vulnerable Netlogon secure channel connection. Warning: This connection will be denied once the enforcement phase is released. To better understand the enforcement phase, please visit Machine SamAccountName: %1 Domain: %2 Account Type: %3 Machine Operating System: %4 Machine Operating System Build: %5 Machine Operating System Service Pack: %6
0x000016C6The Netlogon service allowed a vulnerable Netlogon secure channel connection because the machine account is allowed in the "Domain controller: Allow vulnerable Netlogon secure channel connections" group policy. Warning: Using vulnerable Netlogon secure channels will expose the domain-joined devices to attack. To protect your device from attack, remove a machine account from "Domain controller: Allow vulnerable Netlogon secure channel connections" group policy after the third-party Netlogon client has been updated. To better understand the risk of configuring machine accounts to be allowed to use vulnerable Netlogon secure channel connections, please visit Machine SamAccountName: %1 Domain: %2 Account Type: %3 Machine Os: %4 Machine Os Build Version: %5 Machine Os Service Pack: %6
0x000016C7The Netlogon service allowed a vulnerable Netlogon secure channel connection because the trust account is allowed in the "Domain controller: Allow vulnerable Netlogon secure channel connections" group policy. Warning: Using vulnerable Netlogon secure channels will expose Active Directory forests to attack. To protect your Active Directory forests from attack, all trusts must use secure RPC with Netlogon secure channel. Remove a trust account from "Domain controller: Allow vulnerable Netlogon secure channel connections" group policy after the third-party Netlogon client on the domain controllers have been updated. To better understand the risk of configuring trust accounts to be allowed to use vulnerable Netlogon secure channel connections, please visit Account Type: %1 Trust Name: %2 Trust Target: %3 Client IP Address: %4
0x000016C8The Netlogon service allowed one or more unsecure pass-through NTLM authentication requests from trusted domains and/or forests during the most recent event throttling window. These unsecure requests would normally be blocked but were allowed to proceed due to the current trust configuration. Warning: Allowing unsecure pass-through authentication requests will expose your Active Directory forest to attack. For more information about this issue please visit Count of unsecure requests allowed due to administrative override: %1
0x000016C9The Netlogon service blocked one or more unsecure pass-through NTLM authentication requests from trusted clients, domains, and/or forests during the most recent event throttling window. For more information about this issue, including how to enable more verbose logging, please visit Count of unsecure requests blocked: %1
0x000016CAThe Netlogon service allowed an unsecure pass-through NTLM authentication request from a trusted client, domain, or forest. This unsecure request would normally be blocked but was allowed to proceed due to the current trust configuration. Warning: Allowing unsecure pass-through authentication requests will expose your Active Directory forest to attack. For more information about this issue please visit Account name: %1 Trust name: %2 Trust type: %3 Client IP Address: %4 Block reason: %5 Resource server Netbios name: %6 Resource server DNS name: %7 Resource domain Netbios name: %8 Resource domain DNS name: %9
0x000016CBThe Netlogon service blocked an unsecure pass-through NTLM authentication requests from a trusted client, domain, or forest. For more information, please visit Account name: %1 Trust name: %2 Trust type: %3 Client IP Address: %4 Block reason: %5 Resource server Netbios name: %6 Resource server DNS name: %7 Resource domain Netbios name: %8 Resource domain DNS name: %9
0x00007858sages API 0x00000836 The workstation driver is not installed.
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