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Windows / Modules / p2p.dll


Peer-to-Peer Grouping API

Associated Error Codes

Below lists error codes and symbolic names found for this module.

0x00002CEERequested cloud has been disabled by your administrator.%0
0x00002CEFIdentity used for registering a name in the cloud is invalid.%0
0x00002CF0Resolve failed because the system is currently overloaded.%0
0x00002CF1Registering a name in a cloud that has been configured to be resolve only.%0
0x00002CF2Using PNRP in a compartment outside of the default one. PNRP only works in the default compartment.%0
0x00002CF4Registering a peername more than one time in the same cloud.%0
0x00007858r Grouping API 0x00002ced A cloud requested is not present; review the configured IPv6 addresses and verify there are addresses of appropriate scope.%0
0x00630001Graph Properties created for the graph that was opened. It is important to note that certain operations will be limited until this local node has synchronized with other nodes in the graph.%0
0x00630002The event data is not present.%0
0x00630005The sign-in succeeded, but there are no IPv6 addresses available at this time.%0
0x00630006The local peer attempted to join a group based on a password more than once.%0
0x00632000The local peer is already connected to the group or graph%0
0x00636000The specified endpoint has already been subscribed to%0
0x80630001IPv6 is not installed on this machine. IPv6 is required for the Windows Peer-to-Peer infrastructure.%0
0x80630002The Windows Peer-to-Peer infrastructure is not initialized. Calling the relevant initialization function is required.%0
0x80630003One or more of the dependent modules could not initialize. The modules pnrpsvc, p2psvc, p2pimsvc and p2phost must be started. If not started, these modules can be manually started.%0
0x80630004The Windows Peer-to-Peer infrastructure is not licensed to operate on this platform.%0
0x80630010An invalid handle to the graph is being used. Use the handle returned after creating or opening the graph.%0
0x80630011A graph has been opened in the same process with a different database name than it was opened with initially.%0
0x80630012An attempt has been made to create a graph with a graph ID previously used in the same process. Creation will require a new graph ID.%0
0x80630013The peer has attempted to perform an operation that requires that requires connectivity, but is not connected to the graph.%0
0x80630014A graph shutdown is in progress. Graph-related operations cannot be performed.%0
0x80630015An attempt to import the graph database has been made while the graph is still connected or listening. The graph must be closed prior to this operation.%0
0x80630016The graph ID in the database being imported is different from the Graph ID found in the path to the database.%0
0x80630017More attributes than the maximum allowed have been added to a record.%0
0x80630103An attempt to disconnect a direct connection that does not exist has been made.%0
0x80630106An attempt to establish a direct connection to yourself has been made.%0
0x80630107The local peer is already listening on the network.%0
0x80630108An attempt has been made to perform a graph node-related operation for a node that does not exist.%0
0x80630109A connection to the graph or group has failed, or a direct connection in a graph or group has failed.%0
0x8063010AAn error has occurred while establishing a connection in a graph or group, or while connecting based on an IP address in a group.%0
0x8063010BThe neighbor in the graph or group are not accepting connections.%0
0x80630201The classifier is longer than the maximum allowed.%0
0x80630202The system cannot create additional identities.%0
0x80630203No access is given to the directory where keys are stored.%0
0x80630204An attempt to delete an identity which has one or more associated groups has been made. The groups must be deleted prior to the removal of the associated identity.%0
0x80630301The local peer is using a record that does not exist.%0
0x80630302The database engine cannot open the database file. The file may be in use by another process or the caller may not have sufficient privileges to open the file.%0
0x80630303Upgrading the application to run on Vista failed as a result of the database used on the previous OS being unable to load.%0
0x80630305An attempt has been made to create a graph with the same graph ID, peer ID, and database name as a graph created previously.%0
0x80630401The local peer is using an identity that does not exist.%0
0x80630501Using an event handle that does not exist.%0
0x80630601The format specified for a search string is not valid.%0
0x80630602The format specified for attributes is not correct when adding a record.%0
0x80630701The invitation used to join the group is not valid.%0
0x80630703An attempt has been made to create an invitation or issue credentials that are longer than the maximum allowance. Credentials retrieved from the group creator are preferred.%0
0x80630705This is returned when the time values supplied during the creation of invitations or credentials are incorrect.%0
0x80630706The invitation has an illegal circular chain. For example, A invites B, and then B invites A.%0
0x80630801The Identity Store has been corrupted. Delete idstore.sst from the %appdata%\peernetworking folder.%0
0x80631001An attempt has been made to access a cloud that does not exist.%0
0x80631005There is more than one cloud with the same scope. The cloud must be accessed specifically.%0
0x80632010The record is invalid.%0
0x80632020An attempt has been made to perform an unauthorized operation.%0
0x80632021Password specified does not meet domain policy requirements.%0
0x80632030The graph security layer cannot verify the record at this time.%0
0x80632040The group properties specified are invalid.%0
0x80632050The format of the peer name specified is invalid.%0
0x80632060The classifier specified is invalid.%0
0x80632070The friendly name specified is invalid.%0
0x80632071The role specified is invalid.%0
0x80632072The classifier in the invitation used while joining the group is invalid.%0
0x80632080The record expiration specified is invalid.%0
0x80632081The credential information specified is invalid.%0
0x80632082An invitation specified for joining the group is invalid.%0
0x80632083The record size specified is invalid.%0
0x80632090This version is not supported.%0
0x80632091This error is returned when not connected to the group while trying to perform an operation that requires connectivity.%0
0x80632092An attempt has been made to import the group database while the group is still connected . The group must be closed prior to this operation. The error is also returned while trying to join a group that is already open.%0
0x80632093The group handle is invalid or the group has been marked for deletion.%0
0x80632094A connection to a group has failed because there are no active members in the group.%0
0x80632095A connection to a group has failed because the member found could not accept the connection.%0
0x80632096The local peer is unable to listen. The port requested may not be available.%0
0x806320A0An identity being used in the operation has been deleted.%0
0x806320A1The Peer-to-Peer Collaboration infrastructure is not available.%0
0x80634001The conversion from a peer name failed. It has an invalid format or is too long.%0
0x80634002The conversion from a host name to a peer name has failed. It is possible the format of the host name is incorrect.%0
0x80634003No endpoints left.%0
0x80634005A peer name has been registered more than once in the same cloud.%0
0x80636001The contact requested was not found.%0
0x80637000An application invite has been cancelled.%0
0x80637001A response is not available. Wait for the event to be signaled.%0
0x80637003The operation requires the user to be signed in.%0
0x80637004The user has chosen not to start People Near Me by declining the privacy dialog. The privacy will appear the next time the user attempts sign-in.%0
0x80637005The local peer timed out while trying to connect to the endpoint to subscribe or invite to.%0
0x80637007The address specified is invalid.%0
0x80637008The firewall exception, Windows Peer-to-Peer Collaboration Foundation, is disabled. The exception can be enabled by accepting the People Near Me privacy dialog or directly from within the firewall UI.%0
0x80637009The firewall exception, Windows Peer-to-Peer Collaboration Foundation, is blocked by group policy. Talk to your administrator about enabling this exception.%0
0x8063700ANo exceptions made in firewall policy.%0
0x8063700BIf you click Cancel in the "Set up People Near Me" dialog box, People Near Me cannot sign you in. To reopen the setup dialog box, try signing in again.%0
89 entries