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Windows / Modules / qmgr.dll


Background Tasks Infrastructure Service (BITS) API

Associated Error Codes

Below lists error codes and symbolic names found for this module.

0x00004002While canceling job "%2", BITS was unable to remove some temporary files. To recover disk space, delete the temporary files. Note: Due to space limitations, not all files are listed. Check for additional files of the form BITxxx.TMP in the same directory. The job ID was %1. %3
0x00004006Job "%2" owned by %3 failed to notify its associated application. BITS will retry in %4 minutes. The job ID was %1.
0x00004008The BITS service failed to start. Error %1.
0x00004009BITS has encountered an error communicating with an Internet Gateway Device. Please check that the device is functioning properly. BITS will not attempt to use this device until the next system reboot. Error code: %1.
0x0000400CError %3 occurred when BITS tried to change the state of firewall rule "%1" to %2. Restarting the BITS service may correct the problem.
0x0000400DThe Per-user job limit (%2) specified through Group Policy must be less than or equal to Per-computer job Limit (%3). To correct the problem, modify BITS Group Policy settings and restart the BITS service.
0x0000400EA new BITS job could not be created. The current job count for the user %1 (%2) is equal to or greater than the job limit (%3) specified through group policy. To correct the problem, complete or cancel the BITS jobs that haven't made progress by looking at the error, and restart the BITS service. If this error recurs, contact your system administrator and increate the per-user and per-computer Group Policy job limits.
0x00004010A new BITS job could not be created. The current job count for this computer (%2) is equal to or greater than the per-computer job limit (%3) specified through Group Policy. To correct the problem, complete or cancel the BITS jobs that haven't made progress by looking at the error and restarting the BITS service. If this error recurs, contact your system administrator and increase the per-computer Group Policy job limits.
0x00004011BITS could not add file(s) to %1 job. The file count for %1 job (%2) has exceeded the per-job file limit (%3) specified through Group Policy. To correct the problem, increase the Computer’s per-job file limit Group Policy settings and restart the BITS service.
0x00004012BITS could not add ranges to %1 file. The range count for %1 file (%2) has exceeded the per-file range limit (%3) specified through group policy. To correct the problem, increase the per-file range limit Group Policy setting and restart the BITS service.
0x00004014The BITS service has detected an exception, Function: %1, Line: %2 Error code: %3.
0x00004015A bandwidth profile is not configured correctly. The value of a Group Policy setting is missing or is not within the allowed range. Make sure that you configure the Group Policy settings correctly, and then try again.
0x0000426DThe BITS service is configured to run as %1. BITS works correctly only when configured to run as the system account.
0x00007858Tasks Infrastructure Service (BITS) API 0x00004001 While canceling job "%2", BITS was unable to remove some temporary files. To recover disk space, delete the files listed below. The job ID was %1. %3
0x00200006There is no additional error context available.
0x00200017BITS has deleted some of the transferred files because they were incomplete.
0x0020001ABITS was unable to delete some temporary files. Check the system event log for the complete list of files that could not be deleted.
0x0020002AThe proxy server was changed.
0x00200055The configuration preferences were saved successfully, but one or more of them are overridden by Group Policy.
0x3000000Areplying to an incoming request
0x3000000Bdenying or ignoring an incoming packet
0x7000000Apeer neighbor list (server) - listening for clients
0x7000000Blisten via WS-Discovery for server announcements
0x7000000Ca peer search for a particular URL
0x7000000Da particular request within a peer search
0x7000000Ea particular auth-exchange request
0x80190064HTTP status 100: The request can be continued.
0x80190065HTTP status 101: The server switched protocols in an upgrade header.
0x801900C8HTTP status 200: The server's response was not valid. The server was not following the defined protocol. Resume the job, and then Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) will try again.
0x801900C9HTTP status 201: The request was fulfilled and resulted in the creation of a new resource.
0x801900CAHTTP status 202: The request was accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed yet.
0x801900CBHTTP status 203: The returned metadata in the entity-header is not the definitive set available from the server of origin.
0x801900CCHTTP status 204: The server has fulfilled the request, but there is no new information to send back.
0x801900CDHTTP status 205: The server's response was not valid. The server was not following the defined protocol. Resume the job, and then Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) will try again.
0x801900CEHTTP status 206: The server fulfilled the partial GET request for the resource.
0x8019012CHTTP status 300: The server could not return the requested data.
0x8019012DHTTP status 301: The requested resource was assigned to a new permanent Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), and any future references to this resource should use one of the returned URIs.
0x8019012EHTTP status 302: The requested resource was assigned a different Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). This change is temporary.
0x8019012FHTTP status 303: The response to the request is under a different Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and must be retrieved using a GET method on that resource.
0x80190130HTTP status 304: The server's response was not valid. The server was not following the defined protocol. Resume the job, and then Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) will try again.
0x80190131HTTP status 305: The requested resource must be accessed through the proxy given by the location field.
0x80190133HTTP status 307: The URL has been temporarily relocated. Try again later.
0x80190190HTTP status 400: The server cannot process the request because the syntax is not valid.
0x80190191HTTP status 401: The requested resource requires user authentication.
0x80190192HTTP status 402: The server's response was not valid. The server was not following the defined protocol. Resume the job, and then Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) will try again.
0x80190193HTTP status 403: The client does not have sufficient access rights to the requested server object.
0x80190194HTTP status 404: The requested URL does not exist on the server.
0x80190195HTTP status 405: The method used is not allowed.
0x80190196HTTP status 406: No responses acceptable to the client were found.
0x80190197HTTP status 407: Proxy authentication is required.
0x80190198HTTP status 408: The server timed out waiting for the request.
0x80190199HTTP status 409: The request could not be completed because of a conflict with the current state of the resource. The user should resubmit the request with more information.
0x8019019AHTTP status 410: The requested resource is not currently available at the server, and no forwarding address is known.
0x8019019BHTTP status 411: The server cannot accept the request without a defined content length.
0x8019019CHTTP status 412: The precondition given in one or more of the request header fields evaluated to false when it was tested on the server.
0x8019019DHTTP status 413: The server cannot process the request because the request entity is too large.
0x8019019EHTTP status 414: The server cannot process the request because the request Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is longer than the server can interpret.
0x8019019FHTTP status 415: The server's response was not valid. The server was not following the defined protocol. Resume the job, and then Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) will try again.
0x801901A0HTTP status 416: The server could not satisfy the range request.
0x801901A1HTTP status 417: The server could not meet the expectation given in an Expect request-header field.
0x801901C1HTTP status 449: The server's response was not valid. The server was not following the defined protocol. Resume the job, and then Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) will try again.
0x801901F4HTTP status 500: An unexpected condition prevented the server from fulfilling the request.
0x801901F5HTTP status 501: The server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request.
0x801901F6HTTP status 502: The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy to fulfill the request, received an invalid response from the upstream server it accessed.
0x801901F7HTTP status 503: The service is temporarily overloaded.
0x801901F8HTTP status 504: The request was timed out waiting for a gateway.
0x801901F9HTTP status 505: The server does not support the HTTP protocol version that was used in the request ErrorCode.
0x80200001The requested job was not found.
0x80200002The requested action is not allowed in the current job state. The job is read-only. The job may have been canceled or completed transferring.
0x80200003There are no files attached to this job. Attach files to the job, and then try again.
0x80200004No file is available because no URL generated an error code.
0x80200005No protocol is available because no URL generated an error code.
0x80200007The error occurred in an unknown location.
0x80200008The error occurred in the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) queue manager.
0x80200009The error occurred while the local file was being processed. Verify that the file is not in use, and retry.
0x8020000AThe error occurred while the remote file was being processed.
0x8020000BThe error occurred in the transport layer. The client could not connect to the server.
0x8020000CThe error occurred while the notification callback was being processed. Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) will try again later.
0x8020000DThe destination file system volume is not available. Verify that another program, such as CheckDisk, is not running, which would lock the volume. When the volume is available, Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) will try again.
0x8020000EThe destination volume has changed. If the disk is removable, it might have been replaced with a different disk. Reinsert the original disk and resume the job.
0x8020000FNo error information is available.
0x80200010There are currently no active network connections. Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) will try again when an adapter is connected.
0x80200011The server did not return the file size. The URL might point to dynamic content. The Content-Length header is not available in the server's HTTP reply.
0x80200012The server does not support HTTP 1.1.
0x80200013The server does not support the necessary HTTP protocol. Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) requires that the server support the Range protocol header.
0x80200014Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) can only be used remotely from within the context of a Remote PowerShell session.
0x80200015The drive mapping for the job is different for the current owner than for the previous owner. Use a UNC path instead.
0x80200016The new owner has insufficient access to the local files for the job. The new owner might not have permissions to access the job files. Verify that the new owner has sufficient permissions, and then try again.
0x80200018The HTTP proxy list cannot be longer than 32,000 characters. Try again with a shorter proxy list.
0x80200019The HTTP proxy bypass list cannot be longer than 32,000 characters. Try again with a shorter bypass proxy list.
0x8020001BThe server's response was not valid. The server was not following the defined protocol. Resume the job, and then Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) will try again.
0x8020001CNo more files can be added to this job.
0x8020001DThe local file was changed during the transfer. Recreate the job, and then try to transfer it again.
0x8020001EThe program on the remote server reported the ErrorCode.
0x8020001FThe specified session could not be found on the server. Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) will try again.
0x80200020The job is too large for the server to accept. This job might exceed a job size limit set by the server administrator. Reduce the size of the job, and then try again.
0x80200021The specified string is too long.
0x80200022The client and server versions of Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) are incompatible.
0x80200023Execute permissions are enabled on the Internet Information Services (IIS) virtual directory associated with the remote file specified in the job. To upload files to the virtual directory, disable execute permissions on the virtual directory.
0x80200024The job is not making progress. The server may be misconfigured. Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) will try again later.
0x80200025The user name cannot be longer than 300 characters. Try again with a shorter name.
0x80200026The password cannot be longer than 65536 characters. Try again with a shorter password.
0x80200027The authentication target specified in the credentials is not defined.
0x80200028The authentication scheme specified in the credentials is not defined.
0x80200029The specified file name does not match any of the files in the job.
0x8020002BThe requested byte range extends beyond the end of the web page. Use byte ranges that are wholly within the page.
0x8020002CThe list of byte ranges contains some overlapping ranges, which are not supported.
0x8020002DA connection could not be established.
0x8020002EThe connection was closed prematurely.
0x8020003EGroup Policy settings prevent background jobs from running at this time.
0x8020003FThe supplied proxy server or bypass list is invalid.
0x80200040The format of the supplied security credentials is invalid.
0x80200041The application chose an unsupported hashing algorithm.
0x80200042The chosen peer-cache record has been deleted. The attempt to update it has been abandoned.
0x80200043Another application thread is already updating the peer-cache record.
0x80200044The system is already searching for peers. Retry the operation after a few seconds.
0x80200045A Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) error has occurred. Please check your Internet Gateway Device.
0x80200046The test option is blocking the download after the search completed.
0x80200047Peer-caching is disabled.
0x80200048The peer-cache record is in use and cannot be deleted at this time. Try again later.
0x80200049The job count for the current user has exceeded the per-user job limit.
0x80200050The job count for the current computer has exceeded the per-computer job limit.
0x80200051The file count for the current job has exceeded the per-job file limit.
0x80200052The range count for the current file has exceeded the per-file range limit.
0x80200053The application requested data from a web site, but the response was invalid. Using Event Viewer, check the log 'Application Logs \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Bits-client \ Operational' for more details.
0x80200054BITS timed out while downloading the job. The download did not complete within the maximum download time set for the job.
0x80200056The job is configured to use a different security token for some operations, but the token is not currently available. The application must provide a token and then resume the job.
0x80200057SetProperty() or GetProperty() called with an unknown property ID.
0x80200058Unable to call SetProperty() on a read-only property.
0x80200059The job's cost transfer policy settings prevent the job from transferring at this time.
0x80200060The property is supported for download jobs only.
0x80200061The property cannot be changed after adding a file to job.
0x80200062The property cannot be changed after Resuming the job.
0x80200063The value provided for BITS_JOB_PROPERTY_MAX_DOWNLOAD_SIZE property is invalid. Please provide value between 1 and UINT64_MAX.
0x80200064BITS cannot continue downloading the job. The download reached the maximum download size limit set on the job.
0x80200065The transfer was paused because the computer is in power-saving mode. The transfer will resume when the computer wakes up.
0x80200066The value provided for BITS_JOB_PROPERTY_USE_STORED_CREDENTIALS property is invalid. The property is only supported for Proxy (BG_AUTH_TARGET_PROXY) targets.
0x80200067The job's BITS_JOB_PROPERTY_POWER_FLAGS settings prevent the job from transferring while the device is on battery power. The transfer will resume when the system reconnects to A/C power.
0x80200068Battery Saver mode is preventing the job from transferring. The transfer will resume when the system exits Battery Saver mode or reconnects to A/C power. If this job represents foreground work that should proceed even in Battery Saver mode, use priority BG_JOB_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND.
0x80200069An operation did not complete within the expected time interval.
0x8020006AAn app package matching the job owner or COM caller was not found.
0x8020006BBITS usage by app packages cannot be supported on this device because one or more dependencies are missing.
0x8020006CBITS persistent state corruption was detected. The necessary steps will be taken to fix this issue once BITS is restarted. BITS will now shutdown.
0x8020006DBITS IBackgroundCopyFile6 methods are not supported in SMB, dynamic content, multirange, upload, or upload-reply transfers.
0x8020006EThe background access settings of the job's owner app prevent the job from transferring at this time.
0x8020006FThe job was paused because there is an active Game Mode recipient that isn't the job's owner. The job will resume once the Game Mode recipient loses input focus or is closed.
0x80200070The job was paused due to system resource constraints. The job will automatically resume once system conditions change.
0x80200071The requested action is not supported by jobs configured with a custom HTTP method.
0x80200072The current job configuration is not compatible with the requested action.
0x80200073The remote file was changed during the transfer. If this is expected, call Resume on the job to initiate a retry.
0x80200074The job is configured to raise a certificate validation callback, but the callback object is not currently available. The job owner must provide a new callback object and then resume the job.
0x80200075This method should only be called when the job is in a paused state (SUSPENDED/ERROR/TRANSFERRED).
0x80200076The error occurred while the user-provided server certificate validation callback was being processed.
0xB0000001BITS job "%2" with ID %1 has been resumed.
0xB0000002BITS job "%2" with ID %1 has been suspended.
0xB0000003The BITS service created a new job: %1, with owner %2
0xB0000004The transfer job is complete. User: %1 Transfer job: %2 Job ID: %3 Owner: %4 File count: %5
0xB0000005Job cancelled. User: %1, job: %2, jobID: %3, owner: %4, filecount: %5
0xB000000ABITS started listening for peer-client requests.
0xB000000BBITS was not able to listen for peer-client requests. The error code was %1. BITS jobs from other machines will not be able to use this machine as a peer server. To fix this problem, try stopping the BITS service and restarting it.
0xB000000CBITS stopped listening for peer-client requests.
0xB000000DBITS started listening for peer-server announcements.
0xB000000EBITS was not able to listen for peer-server announcements. The error code was %1. BITS jobs on this machine will not be able to use peer-caching. To fix this problem, try stopping the BITS service and restarting it.
0xB000000FBITS stopped listening for peer-server announcements.
0xB0000010BITS has sent an inquiry for peer servers.
0xB0000011BITS has read the policy parameters for peer-caching.
0xB0000012The peer list rejected an incoming server announcement. This event is generated if the request is not valid, not if the server is merely in a different Windows domain.
0xB0000013A new peer was added.
0xB0000014A peer was updated.
0xB0000015A peer was removed from the peer list.
0xB0000016A cached peer was restored from disk.
0xB0000017An application cleared the peer list.
0xB0000018BITS has replied to a client's inquiry for peer servers.
0xB0000019The server received a peer inquiry but rejected it.
0xB000001BA peer search for an URL has begun.
0xB000001CA peer search ended.
0xB000001DA search request is being sent.
0xB000001EA search request has completed.
0xB000001FA search request has completed unsuccessfully.
0xB0000020The peer's record %2 matched the request.
0xB0000021BITS updated the set of IP addresses used for peer-caching.
0xB0000022Job cannot be transferred because job transfer cost policy preventing it. job: %1, jobID: %2, filecount: %3, jobs transfer policy: %4, global transfer policy: %5.
0xB0000025The cost state has changed. NLM reports the following: Cost: %1 Usage: %2 MB Cap: %3 MB Throttled: %4 Overcap: %5 Roaming: %6 The resultant BITS Cost state is : %7.
0xB000003BBITS started the %2 transfer job that is associated with the %4 URL.
0xB000003CBITS stopped transferring the %2 transfer job that is associated with the %4 URL. The status code is %6.
0xB000003DBITS stopped transferring the %2 transfer job that is associated with the %4 URL. The status code is %6.
0xB000003EThe BITS job named "%1" belonging to user %2 received inconsistent data while downloading. The URL was "%3". The transfer will continue using a different server. If the problem occurs often, an administrator should scan the peer server for viruses or corruption in its hard drive.
0xB000003FThe BITS job %1 is configured to launch %3 after transfer of %2. The notification program returned error %4, BITS will continue to launch the program periodically until it succeeds.
0xB0000040The BITS job %1 is configured to launch %3 after transfer of %2. The service failed to launch the program with error %4, BITS will continue trying to launch the program periodically until it succeeds.
0xB0000046BITS received a peer-cache request from a client at address %1.
0xB0000047The client's search request is for "%1" with timestamp %2.
0xB0000048The cache found a matching cache record with ID %1.
0xB0000049While processing the client's request, BITS encountered error %1.
0xB000004ABITS rejected the client's request with HTTP status %1.
0xB000004BBITS has finished processing the client request.
0xB000004CThe request includes the client's event-log activity ID.
0xB000004DBITS search for peer-servers has started.
0xB000004EBITS has encountered %1 error while reading the peer-cache information. BITS will now attempt to delete and re-create the peer-cache.
0xB000004FBITS has successfully deleted the peer-cache. All the files cached until this point have been removed. The peer-cache will be re-created again as needed for handling the future requests.
0xB0000050BITS has successfully enabled peer-client and/or peer-server related components.
0xB0000051BITS has encountered %1 error while starting one or more peer-client or peer-server components.
0xB0000052BITS accessed group policy value %1 : %2.
0xB0000053BITS defaulted group policy value %1 : %2.
0xB0000065The peer's response to a search was invalid.
0xB0000066The file ranges associated with a transfer attempt
0xB00000C8While transferring %1, BITS encountered error %2 using %3 as the HTTP proxy server. This may indicate a problem with the proxy server or with the client's network configuration. If this error occurs frequently, then an administrator should investigate. Details: {Job: %4}, {owner: %5}, {jobid: %6}, {URL: %1}, {xferId: %7}, {proxyServerList: %8}, {hr: %2}.
0xB00000C9The BITS job named "%1" was unable to contact any HTTP proxy server in its proxy list. This may indicate a problem with the proxy servers or with the client's network configuration. An administrator should verify whether the proxy list is correct. BITS will periodically try to transfer the job. The HTTP proxy list is "%6". The proxy-bypass list is "%7".
0xB00000CAWhile transferring %1, BITS encountered error %7 using %6 as the HTTP proxy server. The web server or proxy server does not support an HTTP feature required by BITS. This problem can only be corrected by the administrator of the web server or proxy server. Details: {job: %1}, {owner: %2}, {jobId: %3}, {url: %4}, {xferId: %5}, {proxyServer: %6}, {hr: %7}, {urlContentLength: %8}, {urlHttpVersion: %9}, {urlRange: %10}
0xB00000CBThe BITS service provided job credentials in response to an authentication challenge from the %1 server for the %2 transfer job that is associated with the following URL: %3. The credentials were accepted.
0xB00000CCThe BITS service provided job credentials in response to an authentication challenge from %1 for job %2, url %3. The credentials were rejected.
0xB00000CDA bandwidth slot transition occurred.
0xB00000CEThe URL "%2" in BITS job "%1" does not support the HTTP HEAD verb, which is required for BITS bandwidth throttling. The URL will be downloaded without throttling.
0xB00000CFThe URL "%2" in BITS job "%1" does not support the HTTP Content-Length header, which is required for BITS bandwidth throttling. The URL will be downloaded without throttling.
0xB00000D0A flash-Crowd situation is detected for the URL "%2" in BITS job "%1".
0xB00000D1High performance property for BITS job "%1" with ID "%2" %3.
0xB00000D2The URL "%2" in BITS job "%1" does not support the HTTP Content-Range header, which is required for BITS bandwidth throttling. The URL will be downloaded without throttling.
0xB00000D3BITS job "%2" with ID "%1" encountered an error %3. %4
0xB00000D4BITS service has detected a '%1' system event
0xB00000D5Job is not currently transferring because one of its transfer policies conflicts with current system state. job: %1, jobID: %2, filecount: %3, block reason: %4.
0xB0000119The service is generating its common global data.
0xB000011AThe service is reading its group policy settings.
0xB000011BThe service is creating its performance counters.
0xB000011CThe service is searching for gateway devices.
0xB000011DThe service is starting the peer-caching client.
0xB000011EThe service is starting the peer-caching server.
0xB000011FThe service is reading the job list from the disk.
0xB0000120The service is updating its list of active network connections.
0xB0000121The service is updating its list of logged-in users.
0xB0000122The service is creating the Volume Shadow Copy writer.
0xB0000123The service is registering its COM objects.
0xB000012DThe BITS service has started successfully.
0xB000012EThe BITS service has started successfully, but it was delayed long enough that there may be a problem. For more information on the delay, enable the analytic log for BITS, then stop and restart the BITS service.
0xB000012FThe peer-cache client startup phase of startup has completed.
0xB0000130The service is shutting down.
0xB0000131The service shutdown is complete.
0xB0000132The BITS service loaded the job list from disk.
0xB0000133It took %1 seconds to write a change file to the BITS job list. If this is excessive, the number of BITS jobs may be larger than this machine can handle quickly.
0xB0000134The BITS service shut down successfully, but it was delayed for %1 seconds. This might cause delays when you turn off your computer. For more information on the delay, enable the analytic log for BITS, then stop and restart the BITS service.
0xB0000135The BITS peer cache was unable to find any peers in the network.
0xB0000136The initialization of the peer helper modules failed with the following error: %1.
0xB0000137The BITS peer transfer with the %1 ID for the %2 transfer job resulted in the following error: %4.
0xB0000138The Network List Manager Cost Interface is not available on this system. (This is expected on Windows Server.) BITS will not consider Transfer Policy when scheduling jobs.
0xB0000139The Network List Manager Cost Interface is reporting no network connectivity. BITS will try to retrieve the network state again at a later time.
0xB0004000The administrator %4 canceled job "%2" on behalf of %3. The job ID was %1.
0xB0004003The administrator %3 modified the %4 property of job "%2". The job ID was %1.
0xB0004004The administrator %4 took ownership of job "%2" from %3. The job ID was %1.
0xB0004005Job "%2" owned by %3 was canceled after being inactive for more than %4 days. The job ID was %1.
0xB0004007The BITS job list is not in a recognized format. It may have been created by a different version of BITS. The job list has been cleared.
0xB000400ABITS Peer-caching protocol
0xB000400BWeb Services-Discovery protocol
0xB0010003The BITS service created a new job. Transfer job: %1 Job ID: %2 Owner: %3
0xB00100CBThe BITS service provided job credentials in response to the %4 authentication challenge from the %1 server for the %2 transfer job that is associated with the following URL: %3. The credentials for the %5 user were accepted.
0xB00100CCThe BITS service provided job credentials in response to the %4 authentication challenge from the %1 server for the %2 transfer job that is associated with the following URL: %3. The credentials for the %5 user were rejected.
0xB0020003The BITS service created a new job. Transfer job: %1 Job ID: %2 Owner: %3 Process Path: %4 Process ID: %5
0xD0000005Low Power Epoch Change
0xD0000006Group Policy Change
0xD0000007Time Change
0xD0000008Terminal Services Session Change
0xD0000009Network State Change
0xD000000ANetwork Cost Change
0xD000000BPower Source Change
0xD000000CBattery Saver Mode Change
0xD000000DNon-Cellular Connection Presence Change
0xD000000ERemote PowerShell Session Change
0xD000000FDevice State Change
0xD0000010App Focus Change
0xD0000011Background Cellular Data Restrictions Change
0xD0000012Background Access Settings Change
0xD0000013Game Mode State Change
0xD0000014System Policy State Change
0xD0000015MDM Policy Change
0xD0000016Cellular Connection Presence Change
301 entries