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Windows / Modules / radardt.dll


Resource Exhaustion Detector

Associated Error Codes

Below lists error codes and symbolic names found for this module.

0x00007256haustion Detector 0x000007d4 Windows successfully diagnosed a low virtual memory condition. The following programs consumed the most virtual memory: %21 (%22) consumed %24 bytes, %28 (%29) consumed %31 bytes, and %35 (%36) consumed %38 bytes.
0x1000001DEvents related to lifecycle of resource exhaustion detector.
0x1000001EEvents related to exhaustion of system commit limit (virtual memory).
0x1000001FEvent generated when heap leak detection is about to be started on a process.
0x3000000BEvents logged when the resource exhaustion detector is started.
0x3000000CEvents logged when the resource exhaustion detector is stopped.
0x3000000DEvents logged after a memory allocation.
0x30000015Events logged when exhaustion of a resource is detected.
0x30000016Events logged when a problem is detected.
0x30000017Events logged when diagnosis is started.
0x3000001FEvents logged when diagnosis is stopped.
0x30000020Events logged during diagnosis.
0x30000021Contains the results of the diagnosis.
0x70000001Lifecycle Events
0x70000002Resource Exhaustion Detection Events
0x70000003Resource Exhaustion Diagnosis Events
0xB00003E9The Windows Resource Exhaustion Detector started.
0xB00003EAThe Windows Resource Exhaustion Detector stopped.
0xB00003EBThe Windows Resource Exhaustion Detector received a notification that the computer is low on virtual memory.
0xB00003EDThe Windows Resource Exhaustion Detector failed to start due to an error.
0xB00003EEThe Windows Resource Exhaustion Detector failed to stop due to an error.
0xB00003EFThe Windows Resource Exhaustion Detector experienced a memory allocation failure.
0xB00003F0Windows failed to diagnose a low virtual memory condition.
29 entries