This is work in progress.

Windows / Modules / storagewmi.dll


WMI Provider for Storage Management

Associated Error Codes

Below lists error codes and symbolic names found for this module.

0x00000002There are no drive letters available.%0
0x00000003The operation failed with return code %1!u! %0
0x00000004Discovering provider objects%0
0x00000005The requested name could not be applied to the newly created object.%0
0x00000007Gathering storage subsystem diagnostic information%0
0x00000008Capturing diagnostic information. This may take time depending on the information being gathered.%0
0x00000009Copying diagnostic file %1%0
0x0000000AThe operation succeeded with warnings.%0
0x0000000BOne or more specified parameters are not supported by the target provider in the current version of the subsystem. Unsupported Parameters: %1%0
0x00000101Windows can't check the disk while it's in use. Do you want to check for hard disk errors the next time you start your computer?
0x00000102Windows can't check the volume while it's in use. Do you want to dismount this volume first? Note: All opened handles to this volume will become invalid.
0x00000105You do not have sufficient rights to check this drive.
0x00000106The disk is write protected.
0x00000108Volume compression was not enabled because it is not supported for the specified file system.
0x00000109Modifying short file name support is not supported for the specified file system.
0x0000010AThe specified file system is not supported on the drive.
0x0000010BWindows cannot format this volume. Close any disk utilities or other programs that are using this volume, and make sure that no window is displaying the contents of the volume. Then try formatting again.
0x0000010CThis disk cannot be quick formatted.
0x0000010DThe volume label is not valid.
0x0000010EThe specified cluster size is too small.
0x0000010FThe specified cluster size is too large.
0x00000110The specified volume is too small.
0x00000111The specified volume is too large.
0x00000112The number of clusters exceeds 32 bits.
0x00000113The specified UDF version is not supported.
0x00000114The format might take a long time. You should not shut down the computer until the format is complete.
0x00000115A hardware error occurred while formatting this disc. You can try again with a different disc, but if this problem persists, using the Live File System on this drive is not recommended. The Mastered option should be used instead.
0x00000116Warning, all data on the volume will be lost!
0x00000117Access Denied due to insufficient privileges. This utility must be run in elevated mode.
0x00000118Windows could not open the volume for direct access.
0x00000119Windows could not determine the file system of volume %1.
0x0000011BVolume integrity was not enabled because it is not supported for the specified file system.
0x0000011CCreating new volume%0
0x0000011DResizing volume%0
0x0000011EOptimizing volume%0
0x0000011FRepairing volume%0
0x00000120Formatting volume%0
0x00000201The changes you have requested are not supported on partition %1!u! on disk %2!u!
0x00000202This will erase all data on disk %1!u! partition %2!u!.
0x00000203This will resize disk %1!u! partition %2!u!.
0x00000204This will modify disk %1!u! partition %2!u! which could result in a disruption of services.
0x00000205This will remove the access path "%3" from disk %1!u! partition %2!u!.
0x00000301This will erase all data on disk %1!u! "%2".
0x00000302This will modify disk %1!u! "%2".
0x00000303Clearing disk%0
0x00000304Enabling High Availability on disk%0
0x00000305Disabling High Availability on disk%0
0x00000501This will remove the StoragePool "%1".
0x00000502Removing a physical disk will cause problems with the fault tolerance capabilities of the following storage pool: "%1".
0x00000503An operation was attempted on the primordial storage pool which was not supported. This operation might have succeeded for other objects in the pipeline.
0x00000504Creating new storage pool%0
0x00000505Deleting storage pool%0
0x00000506This will upgrade the StoragePool "%1" to the latest version. This is an irreversible action.
0x00000507Optimizing storage pool%0
0x00000601This will remove the VirtualDisk "%1" and will erase all of the data that it contains.
0x00000602Creating new virtual disk%0
0x00000603Deleting virtual disk%0
0x00000604Showing virtual disk to host system%0
0x00000605Hiding virtual disk from host system%0
0x00000606Creating a virtual disk snapshot%0
0x00000607Creating a virtual disk clone%0
0x00000608Resizing virtual disk%0
0x00000609Repairing virtual disk%0
0x00000701Adding physical disks%0
0x00000702Removing physical disks%0
0x00000801This will remove the InitiatorID with address "%1".
0x00000901This will remove the MaskingSet "%1".
0x00000902Creating new masking set%0
0x00000903A unique version of the requested masking set already exists%0
0x00000904Deleting masking set%0
0x00000905Adding initiator Id%0
0x00000906Adding target port%0
0x00000907Removing initiator Id%0
0x00000908Removing target port%0
0x00000909Adding virtual disk%0
0x00000910Removing virtual disk%0
0x00001001Resizing storage tier%0
0x00001002Creating new storage tier%0
0x00001003Deleting storage tier%0
0x00001004This will remove the StorageTier "%1".
0x00001101Creating new file server%0
0x00001201Creating new file share%0
0x00001301Creating new replication group%0
0x00001302Creating new replication group relationship%0
0x00007858r for Storage Management 0x00000001 There was an error while using the storage provider "%1" with ID "%2". ErrorCode=%3!08lX!
0x00008001Thin provisioning is not supported on clustered subsystems.%0
0x00008002A size must be specified for every storage tier specified.%0
0x00008003Thin provisioning is not supported with storage tiers.%0
0x00008004Enclosure aware allocation requires physical disks to be in storage enclosures which support the SES protocol.%0
0x00008005Check if the storage enclosures support the SES protocol.%0
0x00008006Check if the FaultDomainAwareness parameter is set to PhysicalDisk.%0
0x00008007Check if the FaultDomainAwarenessDefault property of the storage pool is set to PhysicalDisk.%0
0x00008008The storage pool does not have sufficient eligible resources for the creation of the specified virtual disk.%0
0x00008009Choose a value for NumberOfColumns that is less than or equal to the number of physical disks in the storage fault domain selected for the virtual disk.%0
0x00008010Add more physical disks to the storage pool.%0
0x00008011The CSVFS_NTFS and CSVFS_ReFS file systems can only be used on cluster subsystems.%0
0x00008012Clustered storage pools must maintain a minimum of 3 physical disks.%0
0x00008013Storage Spaces pools only support a usage of "Other".%0
0x00008014One or more physical disks are not in the specified storage subsystem. Physical Disks: %1%0
0x00008015Other usage information can be set using the "OtherUsageDescription" parameter.%0
0x00008016One or more physical disks encountered an error while creating the storage pool. Physical Disks: %1%0
0x00008017One or more physical disks encountered an error during addition to the storage pool. Physical Disks: %1%0
0x00008018One or more physical disks encountered an error during removal from the storage pool. Physical Disks: %1%0
0x00008019The storage pool does not have sufficient capacity to relocate data from the specified physical disks.%0
0x00008020Free capacity by deleting unneeded virtual disks.%0
0x00008021The Windows Storage Provider does not support shrinking virtual disks.%0
0x00008022This operation cannot be performed with more than %1 physical disks.
0x00008023Add/Remove physical disks in batches after the initial operation completes.%0
0x00008024The disk associated with the virtual disk created could not be not found.%0
0x00008025The parameters GptType, IsHidden, and IsDAX cannot be used on an MBR disk.%0
0x00008026The parameters MbrType and IsActive cannot be used on a GPT disk.%0
0x00008027Removable media cannot be set to offline.%0
0x00008028The operation requires that the disk is either RAW or GPT with only MSR partition.%0
0x00008029Clear the disk.%0
0x00008030The partition is already the requested size.%0
0x00008031The volume cannot be extended. The number of clusters will exceed the maximum number of clusters supported by the file system.%0
0x00008032Only the first 2TB are usable on large MBR disks.%0
0x00008033Convert the disk to a GPT layout in order to use capacity beyond 2TB.%0
0x00008034The size of the extent is less than the minimum of 1MB.%0
0x00008035The specified shrink size is too big and will cause the volume to be smaller than the minimum volume size.%0
0x00008036The specified shrink size is less than then minimum shrink size allowed.%0
0x00008037One or more physical disks encountered an error when gathering information on node %1. Physical Disks: %2%0
0x00008038Check connectivity to the physical disks.
0x00008039Enable Storage Spaces Direct if using local storage.%0
0x00008040Cluster shared volume does not support drive letter.%0
0x00008041Use mount point.%0
0x00008042A warning or error has been encountered during storage firmware update. %1%0
0x00008043One or more physical disks host data for virtual disks that are either Simple or have lost redundancy. Physical Disks: %1%0
0x00008044Attach all associated virtual disks.%0
0x00008045Repair associated virtual disks that have lost their redundancy.%0
0x00008046To continue with the operation use the 'IgnoreDetachedVirtualDisks' parameter. The associated virtual disks may be unable to attach until maintenance mode is disabled on these physical disks.%0
0x00008047Check if you have the necessary privileges to perform the operation.%0
0x00008048Perform the operation from Failover Cluster Manager if the resource is clustered.%0
0x00008049The storage node name needs to be specified.%0
0x00008050Choose a combination of FaultDomainAwareness and NumberOfDataCopies (or PhysicalDiskRedundancy) supported by the storage pool.%0
0x00008051The virtual disk has lost data and cannot repair.%0
0x00008052One or more physical disks encountered an error while repairing the virtual disk. Physical Disks: %1%0
0x00008053The storage pool could not relocate data from one or more physical disks. Physical Disks: %1%0
0x00008054One or more physical disks host data for virtual disks that are detached. Physical Disks: %1%0
0x00008055One or more physical disks are in the Primordial storage pool for which the operation is not supported. The operation might have succeeded for physical disks in a concrete storage pool.%0
0x00008056One or more physical disks host data for virtual disks that have a lower fault domain awareness than the fault domain object specified. Physical Disks: %1%0
0x00008057The physical disk must be in maintenance mode to perform this operation.%0
0x00008058One or more virtual disks are not healthy. Virtual Disks: %1%0
0x00008059To continue with the operation do not use the 'VirtualDisksHealthy' flag. The associated virtual disks may be at a greater risk of becoming unavailable.%0
0x00008060The specified storage fault domain object does not support maintenance mode.%0
0x00008061One or more physical disks encountered an error while enabling maintenance mode. Physical Disks: %1%0
0x00008062Check physical disk compatibility if using Storage Spaces Direct.%0
0x00008063Detach associated virtual disks to offline data on them and retry the operation with the 'IgnoreDetachedVirtualDisks' parameter. The virtual disks may be unable to attach until maintenance mode is disabled on these physical disks.%0
0x00008064The cluster health resource was not found. This method requires the cluster health resource to be present.%0
0x00008065SBL failed to start the operation to change the disk write cache. Physical disks: %1%0
0x00008066SBL failed to change the disk write cache operation mode. Physical disks: %1%0
0x00008067The file system on the volume is not supported for reports.%0
0x00008068No faults were found for the monitoring object.%0
0x00008069The report count must be a value between 1 and 300.%0
0x00008070The operational status of the volume is not online. The volume must be online to gather reports.%0
0x05200000The operation was successful
0x05301000Method Parameters Checked - Job Started
0x85200001A general error occurred, not covered by a more specific error code.
0x85200002Access to a CIM resource is not available to the client.
0x85200003The target namespace does not exist.
0x85200004One or more parameter values passed to the method are not valid.
0x85200005The specified class does not exist.
0x85200006The requested object cannot be found.
0x85200007The requested operation is not supported.
0x85200008The operation cannot be invoked because the class has subclasses.
0x85200009The operation cannot be invoked because the class has instances.
0x8520000AThe operation cannot be invoked because the superclass does not exist.
0x8520000BThe operation cannot be invoked because an object already exists.
0x8520000CThe specified property does not exist.
0x8520000DThe value supplied is not compatible with the type.
0x8520000EThe query language is not recognized or supported.
0x8520000FThe query is not valid for the specified query language.
0x85200010The extrinsic method cannot be invoked.
0x85200011The specified extrinsic method does not exist.
0x85200014The specified namespace is not empty.
0x85200015The enumeration identified by the specified context is invalid.
0x85200016The specified operation timeout is not supported by the CIM Server.
0x85200017The Pull operation has been abandoned.
0x85200018The attempt to abandon a concurrent Pull operation failed.
0x85200019Using a filter in the enumeration is not supported by the CIM server.
0x8520001AThe CIM server does not support continuation on error.
0x8520001BThe operation failed because server limits were exceeded.
0x8520001CThe CIM server is shutting down and cannot process the operation.
0x85300001Not Supported
0x85300002Unknown Error
0x85300005Invalid Parameter
0x85300006In Use
0x85300007This operation is not supported on x86 running in x64 environment
0x85300008Object Not Found
0x85301001Size not supported
0x85301002Timeout not supported
0x85301003The device is busy
0x85301004Job terminated
0x85309C40Not enough available capacity
0x85309C41Access Denied
0x85309C42There are not enough resources to complete the operation.
0x85309C43Cache out of date
0x85309C44An unexpected I/O error has occured
0x85309C45You must specify a size by using either the Size or the UseMaximumSize parameter. You can specify only one of these parameters at a time.
0x85309C46The object or object type requested does not exist in cache.
0x85309C47The request failed due to a fatal device hardware error.
0x85309C48The destination path is not accessible.
0x85309C49The operation is not supported while the cluster is being upgraded.
0x85309C4AThe operation is not supported on cluster.
0x85309C4BYou must specify a size by using the Size parameter.
0x85309C4CYou may specify a write cache size by using either the WriteCacheSize or AutoWriteCacheSize parameter, but not both.
0x85309C4DRelative paths are not supported.
0x85309C4EYou must specify the enclosure awareness (either the IsEnclosureAware or EnclosureAwareDefault parameter) or the fault domain awareness (either the FaultDomainAwareness or FaultDomainAwarenessDefault parameter), but not both.
0x85309C4FThe provider does not support a value for fault domain awareness other than physical disk or storage enclosure.
0x85309C50The provider does not support the fault domain awareness parameter.
0x85309C51Unable to create the destination path.
0x85309C52Unable to capture a live dump of the storage subsystem.
0x85309C53Unable to gather the operational log of the storage subsystem.
0x85309C54One or more files failed to copy.
0x85309C55The diagnostic log has already been started for this storage subsystem.
0x85309C56No diagnostic logs were enabled for this storage subsystem.
0x85309C57Exceeded the number of trace sessions that can enable the provider.
0x85309C58The provider does not support the allocation unit size parameter.
0x85309C59This combination of parameters is unsupported.
0x85309C5AOne or more storage devices are unresponsive.
0x8530A028The disk has not been initialized.
0x8530A029The disk has already been initialized.
0x8530A02AThe disk is read only.
0x8530A02BThe disk is offline.
0x8530A02CThe disk's partition limit has been reached.
0x8530A02DThe specified partition alignment is not valid. It must be a multiple of the disk's sector size.
0x8530A02EA parameter is not valid for this type of partition
0x8530A02FCannot clear with OEM partitions present. To clear OEM partitions, use the RemoveOEM flag.
0x8530A030Cannot clear with data partitions present. To clear data partitions, use the RemoveData flag.
0x8530A031Operation not supported on a critical disk.
0x8530A032The specified partition type is not valid.
0x8530A033Only the first 2 TB are usable on MBR disks.
0x8530A034The specified offset is not valid.
0x8530A035Cannot convert the style of a disk with data or other known partitions on it.
0x8530A036The disk is not large enough to support a GPT partition style.
0x8530A037There is no media in the device.
0x8530A038Operation not supported on a non-empty removable disk.
0x8530A039The specified partition layout is invalid.
0x8530A03AThe specified object is managed by the Microsoft Failover Clustering component. The disk must be in cluster maintenance mode and the cluster resource status must be online to perform this operation.
0x8530A03BThe specified object is managed by the Microsoft Failover Clustering component. The disk must be removed from the cluster to perform this operation.
0x8530A03CHigh Availability could not be enabled for this storage object.
0x8530A03DScale Out could not be enabled for this storage object.
0x8530A03EHigh Availability could not be disabled for this storage object.
0x8530A03FScale Out could not be disabled for this storage object.
0x8530A410The partition was deleted, although its access paths were not.
0x8530A411The extended partition still contains other partitions.
0x8530A412The requested access path is already in use.
0x8530A414Cannot assign access paths to hidden partitions.
0x8530A415Cannot remove a volume GUID path.
0x8530A416Cannot remove the drive letter of a boot or paging file partition.
0x8530A417The access path is not valid.
0x8530A418Cannot shrink a partition containing a volume with errors.
0x8530A419Cannot resize a partition containing an unknown file system.
0x8530A41AThe operation is not allowed on a system or critical partition.
0x8530A41BThis operation is only supported on data partitions.
0x8530A41CCannot assign multiple drive letters to a partition.
0x8530A41DCannot assign drive letter to this type of partition.
0x8530A41EThe volume still has access path to it.
0x8530A7F8The specified cluster size is invalid.
0x8530A7F9The specified file system is not supported.
0x8530A7FAThe volume cannot be quick formatted.
0x8530A7FBThe number of clusters exceeds 32 bits.
0x8530A7FCThe specified UDF version is not supported.
0x8530A7FDThe cluster size must be a multiple of the disk's physical sector size.
0x8530A7FECannot perform the requested operation when the drive is read only.
0x8530A7FFThe repair failed.
0x8530A800The scan failed.
0x8530A801A snapshot error occurred while scanning this drive. You can try again, but if this problem persists, run an offline scan and fix.
0x8530A802A scan is already running on this drive. Chkdsk can not run more than one scan on a drive at a time.
0x8530A803A snapshot error occurred while scanning this drive. You can try again, but if this problem persists, run an offline scan and fix.
0x8530A804A snapshot error occurred while scanning this drive. Run an offline scan and fix.
0x8530A805Cannot open drive for direct access.
0x8530A806Cannot determine the file system of the drive.
0x8530A807This setting may not be changed due to the group policy setting.
0x8530A808This setting may not be changed due to the global registry setting.
0x8530A809You must specify a name for this volume.
0x8530A80AYou must specify a file server to expose this volume to.
0x8530A80BThe volume is not exposed to the specified file server.
0x8530A80CDeduplication feature is not available.
0x8530A80DDeduplication is not enabled for the volume.
0x8530A80EThe volume optimization operation requested is not supported by the hardware backing the volume.
0x8530A80FVolume optimization was unable to complete because the disk backing the volume is full.
0x8530A810Another volume optimization operation is currently in progress on the volume.
0x8530A811This volume cannot be optimized.
0x8530A812The volume to be optimized is corrupted.
0x8530A813The user cancelled the operation.
0x8530A814A file on the disk could not be opened.
0x8530A815Volume optimization aborted because the storage slab size changed while performing the operation.
0x8530A816Slab size is too small.
0x8530A817The volume alignment is invalid for the slab consolidation/trim operation requested.
0x8530A818The storage optimizer could not continue because the file system's master file table is too fragmented.
0x8530A819Read cache is only supported by the ReFS filesystem.
0x8530A81AStarting offset of the thinly provisioned or DAX partition is not aligned to a cluster boundary.
0x8530B3B0Cannot connect to the storage provider.
0x8530B3B1The storage provider cannot connect to the storage subsystem.
0x8530B3B2The storage provider does not support a required profile.
0x8530B3B3The storage provider does not support a required association.
0x8530B3B4Cannot register/unregister the storage subsystem on local host.
0x8530B3B5The storage subsystem is not registered.
0x8530B3B6This subsystem is already registered.
0x8530B3B7This subsystem is already registered with another user's credentials. Use the -Force flag to remove the existing registration and add a new one anyway.
0x8530B3B8Failover clustering could not be enabled for this storage object.
0x8530B3B9Discover failed for the root object.
0x8530B3BADiscover failed on one or more subsystems.
0x8530B3BBFailover clustering was enabled for the storage object but it failed to come online.
0x8530B3BCFailed to offline the storage object in Failover clustering.
0x8530B798No storage pools were found that can support this virtual disk configuration.
0x8530B799This subsystem does not support creation of virtual disks with the specified provisioning type.
0x8530B79AThe operation could not be completed because the associated subsystem has stopped functioning.
0x8530BB80This operation is not supported on primordial storage pools.
0x8530BB81The storage pool is reserved for special usage only.
0x8530BB82The specified resiliency setting is not supported by this storage pool.
0x8530BB84There are not enough eligible physical disks in the storage pool to create the specified virtual disk configuration.
0x8530BB85The specified storage pool could not be found.
0x8530BB86The storage pool could not complete the operation because its health or operational status does not permit it.
0x8530BB87The storage pool could not complete the operation because its configuration is read-only.
0x8530BB88The storage pool contains virtual disks.
0x8530BB89The number of thin provisioning alert thresholds specified exceeds the limit for this storage pool.
0x8530BB8AYou must specify the size info (either the Size or UseMaximumSize parameter) or the tier info (the StorageTiers and StorageTierSizes parameters), but not both size info and tier info.
0x8530BB8BThe storage pool could not complete the operation because the health or operational status of one or more virtual disks in it does not permit it.
0x8530BB8CYou must specify the FileSystem parameter.
0x8530BB8DThis storage pool does not support the creation of tiered virtual disks with custom allocation unit sizes.
0x8530BF68No resiliency setting with that name exists.
0x8530BF69The value for NoSinglePointOfFailure is not supported.
0x8530BF6AThe value for PhysicalDiskRedundancy is outside of the supported range of values.
0x8530BF6BThe value for NumberOfDataCopies is outside of the supported range of values.
0x8530BF6CThe value for ParityLayout is outside of the supported range of values.
0x8530BF6DThe value for Interleave is outside of the supported range of values.
0x8530BF6EThe value for NumberOfColumns is outside of the supported range of values.
0x8530BF6FThe value for NumberOfGroups is outside of the supported range of values.
0x8530C350The specified virtual disk could not be found.
0x8530C351Could not repair the virtual disk because too many physical disks failed. Not enough information exists on the remaining physical disks to reconstruct the lost data.
0x8530C352The virtual disk could not complete the operation because another computer controls its configuration.
0x8530C353The virtual disk could not complete the operation because its health or operational status does not permit it.
0x8530C354The virtual disk could not complete the operation because its Manual Attach status does not permit it.
0x8530C355The value for WriteCacheSize is outside of the supported range of values.
0x8530C356The virtual disk could not complete the operation because it is in cluster maintenance mode.
0x8530C357The value for ReadCacheSize is outside of the supported range of values.
0x8530C358Could not attach the virtual disk because too many physical disks have failed or gone missing.
0x8530C359The virtual disk repair operation encountered failures.
0x8530C738One or more physical disks are not supported by this operation.
0x8530C739Not enough physical disks were specified to successfully complete the operation.
0x8530C73AOne or more physical disks are already in use.
0x8530C73BOne or more physical disks use a sector size that is not supported by this storage pool.
0x8530C73COne or more physical disks could not be removed because they are still in use.
0x8530C73DOne or more physical disks are not connected to the nodes on which the pool is being created.
0x8530C73EOne or more physical disks are not in the pool.
0x8530C73FOne or more physical disks could not be removed. The policy on this storage pool requires a minimum number of physical disks to remain present.
0x8530CB20The device number specified is not valid.
0x8530CB21The HostType requested is not supported.
0x8530CB22DeviceAccess must be specified for each virtual disk.
0x8530CF08The initiator address specified is not valid.
0x8530CF09Only one initiator address is acceptable for this operation.
0x8530D2F0The target port address specified is not valid.
0x8530D6D8One or more slot numbers provided are not valid.
0x8530D6D9The enclosure does not support identification of the enclosure element.
0x8530D6DAThe given page number has not been implemented.
0x8530DAC0The specified volume does not support storage tiers.
0x8530DAC1The Storage Tiers Management service detected that the specified volume is in the process of being dismounted.
0x8530DAC2The file identifier specified is not valid on the volume.
0x8530DAC3Storage tier operations must be called on the clustering node that owns the metadata volume.
0x8530DAC4The specified storage tier could not be found on the volume. Confirm that the storage tier name is valid.
0x8530DAC5The Storage Tiers Management service is already optimizing the storage tiers on the specified volume.
0x8530DAC6The requested object type cannot be assigned to a storage tier.
0x8530DEA8No extended status object was found for the storage job.
0x8530E290You must specify a name for this file share.
0x8530E291You must specify a sharing protocol for this file share.
0x8530E292You must specify a volume for this file share.
0x8530E293At least one account name needs to be specified.
0x8530E294You must specify an access right.
0x8530E295The specified user account could not be found.
0x8530E678Failed to communicate with cluster health resource.
0x8530E679Method not supported in this subsystem.
0x8530E67AYou must specify a name.
0x8530E67BThe name specified is invalid.
0x8530E67CYou must specify a value.
0x8530E67DThe value specified is invalid.
0x8530E67EThe Storage Health is not online.
0x8530E67FThe Storage Object is not supported for report.
0x8530EE48The specified ProvisioningType is not supported.
0x8530EE49The value for AllocationUnitSize must be a multiple of 256 MB.
0x8530EE4AThe specified FaultDomainAwareness, ColumnIsolation, or both are not valid.
0xB0000001%1 %2(%3)
0xB0000002%1 %2 %3(%4)
0xB0000004An error has occurred during method execution. Class:%t%t%1 Method:%t%t%2 Error Code:%t%3 Error Message: %4
0xB0000005An error has occurred during method execution. Class:%t%t%1 Method:%t%t%2 Error Code:%t%3
0xB0000006The Windows Storage Provider host service failed to start. Error Code: %1
398 entries