This is work in progress.

Windows / Code / 0xB20007D1


HRESULT Facility: Unknown (0x200)

NTSTATUS Facility: Unknown (0x000)

Associated Modules

mpssvc.dllThe following per profile settings were applied by Windows Defender Firewall %tProfile:%t%1 %tOperational Mode:%t%2 %tStealth Mode:%t%3 %tBlock all Incoming Connections:%t%4 %tUnicast response to multicast broadcast:%t%5 %tLog dropped packets:%t%6 %tLog successful connections:%t%7 %tLog ignored rules:%t%8 %tInbound Notifications:%t%9 %tAllow Local Policy Merge:%t%12 %tAllow Local IPsec Policy Merge:%t%13 %tDefault Outbound Action:%t%14 %tDefault Inbound Action:%t%15 %tRemote Administration:%t%16 %tStealth Mode IPsec Secured Packet Exemption:%t%21 %tMaximum Log file size:%t%17 %tLog File path:%t%18 %tAllow User preferred merge of Authorized Applications:%t%10 %tAllow User preferred merge of Globally open ports:%t%11
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