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Windows / Headers / iscsilog.h


Associated Error Codes

Below is a list of error codes found for this header.

ISCSI_INFO_RECEIVED_ASYNC_LOGOUT0x40000020Initiator received an asynchronous logout message. The Target name is given in the dump data.
ISCSI_INFO_RECONNECTED_TO_TARGET0x40000022A connection to the target was lost, but Initiator successfully reconnected to the target. Dump data contains the target name.
ISCSI_INFO_NIC_BOOT0x40000040Attempt to bootstrap Windows using iSCSI NIC Boot (iBF)
ISCSI_USING_PROCESSOR_CRC320x40000043If Digest support selected for iSCSI Session, Will use Processor support for Digest computation.
ISCSI_SESSION_RECOVERY_REQUEST_NOT_STARTED0x40000047Initiator did not start a session recovery upon receiving the request. Dump data contains the error status.
ISCSI_ERR_TDI_CONNECT_FAILED0xC0000001Initiator failed to connect to the target. Target IP address and TCP Port number are given in dump data.
ISCSI_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_SESSION_RESOURCES0xC0000002The initiator could not allocate resources for an iSCSI session.
ISCSI_ERR_INVALID_COMMAND_SEQUENCE_NUMBER0xC0000003Maximum command sequence number is not serially greater than expected command sequence number in login response. Dump data contains Expected Command Sequence number followed by Maximum Command Sequence number.
ISCSI_ERR_INVALID_BURST_LENGTH0xC0000004MaxBurstLength is not serially greater than FirstBurstLength. Dump data contains FirstBurstLength followed by MaxBurstLength.
ISCSI_ERR_SETUP_NETWORK_NODE0xC0000005Failed to setup initiator portal. Error status is given in the dump data.
ISCSI_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_CONNECTION_RESOURCES0xC0000006The initiator could not allocate resources for an iSCSI connection
ISCSI_ERR_SEND_FAILED0xC0000007The initiator could not send an iSCSI PDU. Error status is given in the dump data.
ISCSI_ERR_ISCSI_REQUEST_TIMEOUT0xC0000008Target or discovery service did not respond in time for an iSCSI request sent by the initiator. iSCSI Function code is given in the dump data. For details about iSCSI Function code please refer to iSCSI User's Guide.
ISCSI_ERR_SCSI_REQUEST_TIMEOUT0xC0000009Target did not respond in time for a SCSI request. The CDB is given in the dump data.
ISCSI_ERR_LOGIN_FAILED0xC000000ALogin request failed. The login response packet is given in the dump data.
ISCSI_ERR_LOGIN_PDU_ERROR0xC000000BTarget returned an invalid login response packet. The login response packet is given in the dump data.
ISCSI_ERR_INVALID_LOGIN_REDIRECT_DATA0xC000000CTarget provided invalid data for login redirect. Dump data contains the data returned by the target.
ISCSI_ERR_INVALID_AUTHMETHOD0xC000000DTarget offered an unknown AuthMethod. Dump data contains the data returned by the target.
ISCSI_ERR_INVALID_CHAP_ALGORITHM0xC000000ETarget offered an unknown digest algorithm for CHAP. Dump data contains the data returned by the target.
ISCSI_ERR_INVALID_CHAP_CHALLENGE0xC000000FCHAP challenge given by the target contains invalid characters. Dump data contains the challenge given.
ISCSI_ERR_INVALID_KEY_DURING_CHAP0xC0000010An invalid key was received during CHAP negotiation. The key=value pair is given in the dump data.
ISCSI_ERR_INVALID_CHAP_RESPONSE0xC0000011CHAP Response given by the target did not match the expected one. Dump data contains the CHAP response.
ISCSI_ERR_HEADER_DIGEST_NEEDED0xC0000012Header Digest is required by the initiator, but target did not offer it.
ISCSI_ERR_HEADER_DATA_NEEDED0xC0000013Data Digest is required by the initiator, but target did not offer it.
ISCSI_ERR_CONNECTION_LOST0xC0000014Connection to the target was lost. The initiator will attempt to retry the connection.
ISCSI_ERR_INVALID_DATA_SEGMENT_LENGTH0xC0000015Data Segment Length given in the header exceeds MaxRecvDataSegmentLength declared by the target.
ISCSI_ERR_HEADER_DIGEST_ERROR0xC0000016Header digest error was detected for the given PDU. Dump data contains the header and digest.
ISCSI_ERR_ISCSI_PDU_ERROR0xC0000017Target sent an invalid iSCSI PDU. Dump data contains the entire iSCSI header.
ISCSI_ERR_UNKNOWN_ISCSI_OPCODE0xC0000018Target sent an iSCSI PDU with an invalid opcode. Dump data contains the entire iSCSI header.
ISCSI_ERR_DATA_DIGEST_ERROR0xC0000019Data digest error was detected. Dump data contains the calculated checksum followed by the given checksum.
ISCSI_ERR_EXCESS_DATA_SENT0xC000001ATarget trying to send more data than requested by the initiator.
ISCSI_ERR_UNEXPECTED_PDU0xC000001BInitiator could not find a match for the initiator task tag in the received PDU. Dump data contains the entire iSCSI header.
ISCSI_ERR_INVALID_RTT_PDU0xC000001CInitiator received an invalid R2T packet. Dump data contains the entire iSCSI header.
ISCSI_ERR_ISCSI_PDU_REJECTED0xC000001DTarget rejected an iSCSI PDU sent by the initiator. Dump data contains the rejected PDU.
ISCSI_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_WORKITEM_RESOURCES0xC000001EInitiator could not allocate a workitem for processing a request.
ISCSI_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_REQ_PACKET_RESOURCES0xC000001FInitiator could not allocate resource for processing a request.
ISCSI_ERR_INVALID_CHAP_CHALLENGE_SIZE0xC0000021Challenge size given by the target exceeds the maximum specified in iSCSI specification.
ISCSI_ERR_INVALID_TARGET_CHAP_SECRET0xC0000023Target CHAP secret is smaller than the minimum size (12 bytes) required by the spec.
ISCSI_ERR_INVALID_INITIATOR_CHAP_SECRET0xC0000024Initiator CHAP secret is smaller than the minimum size (12 bytes) required by the spec. Dump data contains the given CHAP secret.
ISCSI_ERR_FIPS_NOT_AVAILABLE0xC0000025FIPS service could not be initialized. Persistent logons will not be processed.
ISCSI_ERR_CHAP_NOT_OFFERED0xC0000026Initiator requires CHAP for logon authentication, but target did not offer CHAP.
ISCSI_ERR_DEVICE_RESET0xC0000027Initiator sent a task management command to reset the target. The target name is given in the dump data.
ISCSI_ERR_CHAP_OFFERED0xC0000028Target requires logon authentication via CHAP, but Initiator is not configured to perform CHAP.
ISCSI_ERR_AUTH_METHOD_NOT_OFFERED0xC0000029Target did not send AuthMethod key during security negotiation phase.
ISCSI_ERR_INVALID_STATUS_SEQ_NUM0xC000002ATarget sent an invalid status sequence number for a connection. Dump data contains Expected Status Sequence number followed by the given status sequence number.
ISCSI_ERR_LOGIN_TIMED_OUT0xC000002BTarget failed to respond in time for a login request.
ISCSI_ERR_LOGOUT_TIMED_OUT0xC000002CTarget failed to respond in time for a logout request.
ISCSI_ERR_ADDCONNECTION_TIMED_OUT0xC000002DTarget failed to respond in time for a login request. This login request was for adding a new connection to a session.
ISCSI_ERR_SENDTARGETS_TIMED_OUT0xC000002ETarget failed to respond in time for a SendTargets command.
ISCSI_ERR_SCSICOMMAND_TIMED_OUT0xC000002FTarget failed to respond in time for a SCSI command sent through a WMI request.
ISCSI_ERR_NOP_TIMED_OUT0xC0000030Target failed to respond in time to a NOP request.
ISCSI_ERR_TASKMGMT_TIMED_OUT0xC0000031Target failed to respond in time to a Task Management request.
ISCSI_ERR_ASYNC_TEXT_CMD_TIMED_OUT0xC0000032Target failed to respond in time to a Text Command sent to renegotiate iSCSI parameters.
ISCSI_ERR_ASYNC_LOGOUT_TIMED_OUT0xC0000033Target failed to respond in time to a logout request sent in response to an asynchronous message from the target.
ISCSI_ERR_CONFIG_IPSEC_TIMED_OUT0xC0000034Initiator Service failed to respond in time to a request to configure IPSec resources for an iSCSI connection.
ISCSI_ERR_RELEASE_IPSEC_TIMED_OUT0xC0000035Initiator Service failed to respond in time to a request to release IPSec resources allocated for an iSCSI connection.
ISCSI_ERR_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT_TIMED_OUT0xC0000036Initiator Service failed to respond in time to a request to encrypt or decrypt data.
ISCSI_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES_FOR_SEND0xC0000037Initiator failed to allocate resources to send data to target.
ISCSI_ERR_FAILED_TO_GET_SYSTEM_ADDRESS0xC0000038Initiator could not map an user virtual address to kernel virtual address resulting in I/O failure.
ISCSI_ERR_FAILED_TO_ALLOCATE_RESOURCES_FOR_IO0xC0000039Initiator could not allocate required resources for processing a request resulting in I/O failure.
ISCSI_ERR_FAILED_TO_ALLOCATE_REQUEST_TAG0xC000003AInitiator could not allocate a tag for processing a request resulting in I/O failure.
ISCSI_ERR_CONNECTION_DROPPED_BEFORE_FFP0xC000003BTarget dropped the connection before the initiator could transition to Full Feature Phase.
ISCSI_ERR_DATA_SENT_IN_SCSI_RESPONSE0xC000003CTarget sent data in SCSI Response PDU instead of Data_IN PDU. Only Sense Data can be sent in SCSI Response.
ISCSI_ERR_DATA_PDU_IN_ORDER_FALSE0xC000003DTarget set DataPduInOrder to NO when initiator requested YES. Login will be failed.
ISCSI_ERR_DATA_SEQ_IN_ORDER_FALSE0xC000003ETarget set DataSequenceInOrder to NO when initiator requested YES. Login will be failed.
ISCSI_ERR_TOO_MANY_RESET_FAILURE0xC000003FCan not Reset the Target or LUN. Will attempt session recovery.
ISCSI_PAGING_IRP_ERROR0xC0000041Booting from iSCSI, but Could not set any NIC in Paging Path.
ISCSI_ERR_DISABLE_NAGLE0xC0000042Attempt to disable the Nagle Algorithm for iSCSI connection failed.
ISCSI_ERR_FAILED_TO_RECOVER_SESSION_AFTER_ASYNCLOGOUT0xC0000044After receiving an async logout from the target, attempt to relogin the session failed. Error status is given in the dump data.
ISCSI_ERR_FAILED_TO_RECOVER_UNEXPECTED_TERMINATED_SESSION0xC0000045Attempt to recover an unexpected terminated session failed. Error status is given in the dump data.
ISCSI_ERR_FAILED_TO_PROCESS_LOGON_REQUEST0xC0000046Error occurred when processing iSCSI logon request. The request was not retried. Error status is given in the dump data.
ISCSI_UNEXPECTED_TARGET_PORTAL_IP_TYPE0xC0000048Unexpected target portal IP types. Dump data contains the expected IP type.
72 entries