This is work in progress.

Windows / Headers / Routprot.h


Include file for Routing Protocol inteface to Router Managers

Associated Error Codes

Below is a list of error codes found for this header.

MFE_NO_ERROR0x00000000none of the below events
MFE_REACHED_CORE0x00000001this router is an RP/core for the group
MFE_NOT_FORWARDING0x00000002not fwding for an unspecified reason
MFE_WRONG_IF0x00000003mtrace received on iif
MFE_PRUNED_UPSTREAM0x00000004a prune was send upstream
MFE_OIF_PRUNED0x00000005no downstream receivers exist on oif
MFE_BOUNDARY_REACHED0x00000006iif or oif is admin scope boundary
MFE_NO_MULTICAST0x00000007oif is not multicast-enabled
MFE_IIF0x00000008mtrace arrived on iif
MFE_NO_ROUTE0x00000009router has no route that matches
MFE_NOT_LAST_HOP0x0000000Arouter is not the proper last-hop router
MFE_OLD_ROUTER0x0000000Bupstream nbr doesn't support mtrace
MFE_PROHIBITED0x0000000Cmtrace is administratively prohibited
MFE_NO_SPACE0x0000000Dnot enough room in packet
14 entries