This is work in progress.

Windows / Modules / dsreg.dll


Active Directory Device Registration

Associated Error Codes

Below lists error codes and symbolic names found for this module.

0x00000004The discovery request send operation was successful.
0x00000005The discovery request send operation failed with exit code: %1. Inputs: Domain: %2
0x00000006The discovery operation callback was successful. Server response was: %1
0x00000007The discovery operation callback failed with exit code: %1. The server returned HTTP status: %2. Server response was: %3
0x00000008The initialization of the join request was successful. Inputs: JoinRequest: %1 (%2) Domain: %3
0x00000009The initialization of the join request failed with exit code: %1. Inputs: JoinRequest: %2 (%3) Domain: %4
0x0000000AThe join request was successfully sent to server. Inputs: AuthToken: %1
0x0000000BThe send join request operation failed with exit code: %1. Inputs: AuthToken: %2
0x0000000CThe get join response operation callback was successful. Activity Id: %2 Server response was: %1
0x0000000DThe get join response operation callback failed with exit code: %1. Activity Id: %2 The server returned HTTP status: %3 Server response was: %4
0x0000000EThe complete join response operation was successful.
0x0000000FThe complete join response operation failed with exit code: %1.
0x00000010The post join tasks for the AAD Authentication Package completed successfully.
0x00000011The post join tasks for the AAD Authentication Package failed with exit code: %1
0x00000012The Microsoft Passport key was successfully registered with Azure AD. Key ID: %1 UPN: %2 Attestation: %3 Client request ID: %4 Server request ID: %5 Server response: %6
0x00000013NGC key registration failed. Exit code: %1 Client request ID: %2 Server request ID: %3 Error code: %4 Server error message: %5 Recommended client response: %6 Server response: %7
0x00000014The NGC key registration request was successfully sent. User email: %1. Auth token: %2.
0x00000015The NGC key registration initialization operation failed. Exit code: %1. User email: %2. Auth token: %3.
0x00000016Automatic registration failed at join phase. Exit code: %1 Server error: %2 Tenant type: %3 Registration type: %4 Debug Output: %5
0x00000017Automatic registration Succeeded.
0x00000018Automatic registration failed at authentication phase. Unable to acquire access token. Exit code: %1 Tenant Name: %4 Tenant Type: %3 Server error: %2
0x00000019Automatic registration failed. Failed to lookup the registration service information from Active Directory. Exit code: %1. See
0x0000001AThe existing NGC user ID key was successfully deleted. Key name: %1.
0x00000020This Device is joined to Azure AD, however, the user did not sign-in with an Azure AD account. Microsoft Passport provisioning will not be enabled. User: %1.
0x00000021Failed to discover the Azure AD DRS service. Exit code: %1.
0x00000028The parameter value should not be NULL or empty. Function: %1; Parameter: %2.
0x00000029Unable to remove account %2 from group %1. Error: %3
0x0000002AUnable to convert the string-format security identifier (SID) %1 to a functional SID. Error: %2
0x0000002BUnable to retrieve account information for security identifier (SID) %1. Error: %2
0x0000002CUnable to add account %2 to group %1. Error: %3
0x0000002DError happened while accessing registry: %1. Operation: %2. Path: %3.
0x0000002EUnable to connect to Local Security Authority (LSA) server. Error: %1
0x0000002FUnable to lookup Local Security Authority (LSA) authentication package. Package name: %1. Error: %2
0x00000030Local Security Authority (LSA) authentication failed. Authentication package identifier: %1. Authentication package name: %2. Error: %3
0x00000031The security identifier (SID) is invalid. Function name: %1. Parameter name: %2.
0x00000032Unable to copy security identifier (SID) %1. Error: %2
0x00000033The string %1 is not a valid email address.
0x00000034Unable to retrieve the Active Directory domain join status information of the computer. Error: %1
0x00000035Unable to retrieve the local computer's name in the specified format %1. Error: %2
0x00000036Unable to connect to the LDAP server %1:%2 using authentication method %3. Error: %4
0x00000037Unable to convert the SID structure to its string-format. Error: %1
0x00000038Unable to set WinHTTP option %1. Error: %2
0x00000039Unable to query WinHTTP option %1. Error: %2
0x0000003AUnable to initialize WinHTTP. User agent: %1 Access type: %2 Proxy name: %3 Proxy bypass address list: %4 Flags: %5 Error: %6
0x0000003BUnable to connect to server %1:%2 through WinHTTP. Error: %3
0x0000003CUnable to open WinHTTP %1 request. Flags: %2. Error: %3
0x0000003DUnable to set WinHTTP call back function. Notification flags: %1. Error: %2
0x0000003EUnable to retrieve WinHTTP header information. Flags: %1. Name: %2. Error: %3
0x0000003FUnable to send WinHTTP request. Error: %1
0x00000040One or more errors were encountered while retrieving a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate from the server. Error code: %1 WinHTTP status: %2 (%3)
0x00000041The WinHTTP callback function was cancelled. WINHTTP_STATUS_CALLBACK status code: %1 (%2)
0x00000042The WinHTTP callback function failed. WINHTTP_STATUS_CALLBACK status code: %1 (%3). Error: %2
0x00000043Unalbed to query the amount of data available to read through WinHTTP. Error: %1
0x00000044WinHTTP read data failure. Error: %1
0x00000045WinHTTP write data failure. Error: %1
0x00000046Unable to setup a certificate from the given encoded string. Error: %1
0x00000047Unable to save the certificate. Error: %1
0x00000048Unable to retrieve the NGC user ID key with name %1. Error: %2
0x00000049The NGC create container operation failed. User SID: %1 IDP domain: %2 Tenant domain: %3 Flags: %4 Error: %5
0x0000004AThe existing NGC container was successfully deleted. User SID: %1 IDP domain: %2 Tenant domain: %3
0x0000004BThe NGC container was successfully created. User SID: %1 IDP domain: %2 Tenant domain: %3 Flags: %4
0x0000004CUnable to delete NGC container. User SID: %1 IDP domain: %2 Tenant domain: %3 Error: %4
0x0000004DUnable to create NGC user ID key. User SID: %1 IDP domain: %2 Tenant domain: %3 User ID: %4 Flags: %5 Error: %6
0x0000004EUnable to retrieve the specified NGC user ID key. User SID: %1 IDP domain: %2 Tenant domain: %3 User ID: %4 Error: %5
0x0000004FUnable to delete NGC user ID key. Key name: %1. Error: %2
0x00000050Unable to create NGC transport key. User SID: %1 IDP domain: %2 Tenant domain: %3 User ID: %4 Key type: %5 Flags: %6 Error: %7
0x00000051Unable to delete NGC transport key. User SID: %1 IDP domain: %2 Tenant domain: %3 User ID: %4 Flags: %6 Error: %5
0x00000052Unable to parse the NGC registration server response. HTTP status: %1 Server response body: %2 Error: %3
0x00000053Failed to enable the device lock PIN. Error: %1
0x00000054The application does not have the permission to perform this operation. Application SID: %1
0x00000055Preparing to send a request to the Web Account Manager. Account provider ID: %1 Scope: %2 Client ID: %3 Authority: %4 Resource: %5 CorrelationId: %6
0x00000056Unable to get a token using the Web Account Manager. Error: %5 Request status code: %1 (%2) Token provider error code: %3 Token provider error message: %4 CorrelationId: %6
0x00000057Successfully obtained a token for the current user via token broker. CorrelationId: %1
0x00000058Unable to get the application's core window. Error: %1
0x00000059Azure DRS and Enterprise DRS are configured for this device. Only one DRS instance can be configured for an environment. AzureADTenantName:%1 EnterpriseDrsName:%2
0x0000005AThe NGC user ID key was successfully created. User SID: %1 IDP domain: %2 Tenant domain: %3 User ID: %4 Flags: %5
0x0000005BUnable to check whether a PIN has been created to use in place of the current user's logon password. User SID: %1 Error: %2
0x0000005CPreparing to send a request to the Web Account Manager silently (no UI mode). Account provider ID: %1 Scope: %2 Client ID: %3 Authority: %4 Resource: %5 CorrelationId: %6
0x0000005DAutomatic device join pre-check tasks completed. Debug output:\r\n %1
0x0000005EAutomatic device join pre-check tasks found that this device is joined, however, it is missing some required state. The device will be removed and then joined again.
0x0000005FAutomatic device join pre-check tasks completed. The device can NOT be joined. The process MUST run as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.
0x00000060Automatic device join pre-check tasks completed. The device can NOT be joined because a domain controller could not be located. The device must be connected to a network with connectivity to an Active Directory domain controller.
0x00000061Automatic device join pre-check tasks completed. The device is already joined.
0x00000062The Web Proxy Autodiscovery Protocol (WPAD) did NOT locate the URL of a configuration file using DHCP and/or DNS discovery methods. The request will be sent directly to the server. WINHTTP_STATUS_CALLBACK dwInternetStatus is %1 (%4) WINHTTP_ASYNC_RESULT dwResult is %2 (%5) WINHTTP_ASYNC_RESULT dwError is %3
0x00000063The Web Proxy Autodiscovery Protocol (WPAD) located the URL of a configuration file using DHCP and/or DNS discovery methods. %1 configuration entries were found in the configuration file.
0x00000064The following out-bound proxy information was set for this request. WINHTTP_PROXY_RESULT_ENTRY fProxy is: %1 WINHTTP_PROXY_RESULT_ENTRY fBypass is: %2 WINHTTP_PROXY_RESULT_ENTRY INTERNET_SCHEME is: %3 WINHTTP_PROXY_RESULT_ENTRY pwszProxy is: %4 WINHTTP_PROXY_RESULT_ENTRY ProxyPort is: %5
0x00000065The request was sent to the server through the out-bound proxy and failed with the following information. A fail-over proxy server will be used if available. WINHTTP_STATUS_CALLBACK dwInternetStatus is %1 (%4) WINHTTP_ASYNC_RESULT dwResult is %2 (%5) WINHTTP_ASYNC_RESULT dwError is %3
0x00000066The Web Proxy Autodiscovery Protocol (WPAD) encountered an unexpected error. The request may not have been sent to the server. WINHTTP_STATUS_CALLBACK dwInternetStatus is %1 (%4) WINHTTP_ASYNC_RESULT dwResult is %2 (%5) WINHTTP_ASYNC_RESULT dwError is %3
0x00000067This request will NOT fail over to a proxy server. The end of the proxy configuration discovered by Web Proxy Autodiscovery Protocol (WPAD) has been reached. Error %1
0x00000068Device Identity Key
0x00000069Identifies the device with Active Directory or Azure Active Directory to access resources and applications. This key is created at device registration time.
0x0000006AUnable to query Passport for Work policies. User SID: %1 IDP domain: %2 Tenant domain: %3 Error: %4
0x0000006BUnable to enumerate Passport for Work containers. User SID: %1 Error: %2
0x0000006CFailed to access the device key. If you have a TPM, it might be locked out or in an unknown state. Error: %1
0x0000006DFailed to access the device key. The device key has likely been removed. Error: %1
0x0000006EThe Microsoft Passport key was successfully removed from Azure AD. Key ID (encoded): %1 UPN: %2 Client request ID: %3 Server request ID: %4 Server response: %5
0x0000006FFailed to remove the Microsoft Passport key from Azure AD. Error: %2 Key ID (encoded): %1 Client request ID: %3 Server request ID: %4 Server error code: %5 Server error message: %6 Recommended client response: %7 Server response: %8
0x00000070The Microsoft Passport delete key registration request was successfully sent. User email: %1. Tenant ID: %2. Auth token: %3.
0x00000071Failed to initialize the Microsoft Passport delete key registration request. Exit code: %1. User email: %2. Tenant ID: %3. Auth token: %4.
0x00000072The Microsoft Passport key information was successfully saved. Key ID: %1 Attestation level: %2 AIK status: %3 Key type: %4 Key name: %5 IDP domain: %6 Tenant ID: %7 User email: %8
0x00000073Failed to save the Microsoft Passport key information. Error: %1 Key ID: %2 Attestation level: %3 AIK status: %4 Key type: %5 Key name: %6 IDP domain: %7 Tenant ID: %8 User email: %9
0x00000074The Microsoft Passport key information was successfully deleted. Key ID: %1 User SID: %2
0x00000075Failed to delete the Microsoft Passport key information. Error: %1 Key ID: %2 User SID: %3
0x00000076Json Request Failed. Exit code: %1. httpStatus: %2 Server response: %3.
0x00000077Successfully enrolled for a logon certificate using a Registration Authority. Upn: %1 TenantId: %2 Authority: %3 Resource: %4 ExitCode: %5
0x00000078Failed to enroll for a logon certificate using a Registration Authority. UPN: %1 TenantId: %2 ExitCode: %3
0x00000079Group Policy indicates the user must enroll for a logon certificate along with their work PIN. Sid: %1 TenantId: %2
0x0000007AThe Microsoft Passport key is missing. Key ID: %1 Attestation level: %2 AIK status: %3 Key type: %4 Key name: %5 IDP domain: %6 Tenant ID: %7 User email: %8
0x0000007BThe saved Microsoft Passport information does not match the key. Saved information: Key ID: %1 Key name: %2 IDP domain: %3 Tenant ID: %4 User email: %5 The Microsoft Passport key: Key name: %6 IDP domain: %7 Tenant ID: %8 User email: %9
0x00000080%1 Device is AAD joined ( AADJ or DJ++ ): %2 User has logged on with AAD credentials: %3 Windows Hello for Business policy is enabled: %4 Windows Hello for Business post-logon provisioning is enabled: %5 Local computer meets Windows hello for business hardware requirements: %6 User is not connected to the machine via Remote Desktop: %7 User certificate for on premise auth policy is enabled: %8 Machine is governed by %9 policy. Cloud trust for on premise auth policy is enabled: %10 User account has Cloud TGT: %11 See for more details.
0x00000081%1 Device is AAD joined ( AADJ or DJ++ ): %2 User has logged on with AAD credentials: %3 Windows Hello for Business policy is enabled: %4 Windows Hello for Business post-logon provisioning is enabled: %5 Local computer meets Windows hello for business hardware requirements: %6 User is not connected to the machine via Remote Desktop: %7 User certificate for on premise auth policy is enabled: %8 Enterprise user logon certificate enrollment endpoint is ready: %9 Enterprise user logon certificate template is : %10 User has successfully authenticated to the enterprise STS: %11 Certificate enrollment method: %12 See for more details.
0x00000082%1 Device is AAD joined ( AADJ or DJ++ ): %2 User has logged on with AAD credentials: %3 Windows Hello for Business policy is enabled: %4 Windows Hello for Business post-logon provisioning is enabled: %5 Local computer meets Windows hello for business hardware requirements: %6 User is not connected to the machine via Remote Desktop: %7 User certificate for on premise auth policy is enabled: %8 MDM user certificate enrollment is ready: %9 Certificate enrollment method: %10 See for more details
0x00000083Windows Hello for Business provisioning will be launched.
0x00000084Windows Hello for Business provisioning will not be launched.
0x00000085Windows Hello for Business provisioning has encountered an error during policy evaluation. ExitCode: %1 Method: %2 See for more details
0x00000086Unable to enroll for a logon certificate using a Registration Authority. Automatic certificate enrollment will retry at regular intervals. UPN: %1 TenantId: %2 ExitCode: %3
0x00000087Unable to enroll for a logon certificate using a Registration Authority. Resource: %1 ExitCode: %2
0x00000088Added following properties to the Web Account Manager access token request. Properties: %1
0x00000089The following token properties were recieved from the Web Account Manager: Properties: %1
0x0000008AThe automatic device registration task will be triggered.
0x0000008BThe Workstation Service logged a device registration message. Message: %1
0x0000008CThe automatic device registration task failed to unregister device. Exit code: %1 Server error: %2 Tenant type: %3 Registration type: %4 Debug Output: %5
0x0000008DThe automatic device registration task successfully unregistered device.
0x0000008EThe FIDO credential was successfully registered with Azure AD. Credential ID: %1 UPN: %2 Request ID: %3 Time: %4 Server response: %5
0x0000008FFIDO credential registration failed. Exit code: %1 Request ID: %2 Time: %3 HTTP status: %4 Error code: %5 Error subcode: %6 Server error message: %7 Server response: %8
0x00000090The FIDO credential registration request was successfully sent. RPID: %1 UPN: %2 Credential display name: %3 User display name: %4 User image URL: %5 Key algorithm: %6 Auth token: %7 Request ID: %8 Flags: %9
0x00000091The FIDO credential registration initialization operation failed. Exit code: %1 RPID: %2 UPN: %3 Credential display name: %4 User display name: %5 User image URL: %6 Key algorithm: %7 Auth token: %8 Request ID: %9 Flags: %10
0x00000092The FIDO credential was successfully created. UPN: %1 Credential display name: %2 User display name: %3 User image URL: %4 Key algorithm: %5 Auth token: %6 Request ID: %7 Flags: %8
0x00000093Unable to create FIDO credential. Exit code: %1 UPN: %2 Credential display name: %3 User display name: %4 User image URL: %5 Key algorithm: %6 Auth token: %7 Request ID: %8 Flags: %9
0x00000094The FIDO credentials were successfully deleted from Azure AD. Number of credentials: %1 UPN: %3 Request ID: %4 Time: %5 Server response: %6
0x00000095FIDO credential deletion failed. Exit code: %1 Request ID: %2 Time: %3 HTTP status: %4 Error code: %5 Error subcode: %6 Server error message: %7 Server response: %8
0x00000096The FIDO credential deletion request was successfully sent. UPN: %1 Credential ID: %2 Auth token: %3 Request ID: %4
0x00000097The FIDO credential deletion initialization operation failed. Exit code: %1 UPN: %2 Credential ID: %3 Auth token: %4 Request ID: %5
0x00000098Unable to parse the FIDO registration server response. HTTP status: %1 Server response body: %2 Error: %3
0x00000099The PIN has been successfully recovered.
0x0000009AThe PIN recover operation failed with exit code: %1.
0x0000009BUnable to get attestation statement for Microsoft Passport key. Key name: %1, KeyStatus: %2 (%3), Error: %4.
0x0000009CSuccessfully got attestation statement for Microsoft Passport key. Key name: %1, KeyStatus: %2 (%3).
0x0000009DUnable to reset registry recovery flags. Error: %1
0x0000009ERecovery API %1 called. Error: %2
0x0000009FThe registration status has been successfully cleared from the device. Join type: %1 (%2) Tenant ID: %3 UPN: %4
0x000000A0Unable to clear the registration status from the device. Exit code: %1 Join type: %2 (%3) Tenant ID: %4 UPN: %5
0x000000A1The registration status has been successfully flushed to disk. Join type: %1 (%2)
0x000000A2Unable to flush the registration status to disk. Exit code: %1 Join type: %2 (%3)
0x000000A3KSP session ID: %1
0x000000A4Unable to remove the PIN that has been created to use in place of the current user's logon password. User SID: %1 Error: %2
0x000000A5Account %2 was added to group %1.
0x000000A6Account %2 was removed from group %1.
0x000000A7Unable to sign authentication data for managed automatic registration. Exit code: %1.
0x000000A8Unable to verify or update the signing certificate for automatic registration. Exit code: %1.
0x000000A9Automatic Azure SecureVM Join Succeeded.
0x000000AAUnable to get persisted state location. Exit code: %1 Resource ID: %2 Default location: %3 Location type: %4 (%5)
0x000000ABUnable to remove Microsoft Passport key registration for all local Active Directory and Azure Active Directory users. Exit code: %1
0x000000ACResource account certificate does not match device ceritificate. Mismatch in: %1 Resource account certificate's value: %2 Device certificate's value: %3 Request ID: %4 Server time: %5
0x000000ADUnable to get the NGC user ID key container state. SID: %1 Key name: %2 Error: %3
0x000000AEThe NGC user ID key container is in a bad state. SID: %1 Key name: %2 Container status: %3
0x000000AFNGC logon certificate could not be renewed due to device ID flip.
0x000000B0Unable to set registry value for device ID flip. Exit code: %1
0x000000B1Unable to unset registry value for device ID flip. Exit code: %1
0x000000B2Unable to check whether the attribute value of the device object is up to date. Exit code: %1 Attribute: %2 Tenant ID: %3 Device ID: %4 Join type: %5 (%6)
0x000000B3Unable to start updating attribute value of the device object. Exit code: %1 Attribute: %2 Tenant ID: %3 Device ID: %4 Join type: %5 (%6) Request ID: %7
0x000000B4Updating attribute value of the device object started successfully. Attribute: %1 Tenant ID: %2 Device ID: %3 Join type: %4 (%5) Request ID: %6
0x000000B5The attribute value of the device object was updated successfully. Attribute: %1 Tenant ID: %2 Device ID: %3 Join type: %4 (%5) Request ID: %6 HTTP status: %7 Time: %8 Server message: %9 Server response body: %10
0x000000B6Unable to update the attribute value of the device object. Exit code: %1 Attribute: %2 Tenant ID: %3 Device ID: %4 Join type: %5 (%6) Request ID: %7 HTTP status: %8 Time: %9 Server message: %10 Server response body: %11
0x000000B7Unable to parse the device attribute update server response. HTTP status: %1 Server response body: %2 Error: %3
0x000000B8Unable to check MDM enrollment status of the device. Error: %1
0x000000B9Unable to trigger update task for this device. Error: %1 Join type: %2 (%3) Tenant ID: %4
0x000000BAThe update task for this device was successfully triggered. Join type: %1 (%2) Tenant ID: %3
0x000000BBKey policy in registry is set to unsupported value %1. Default key policy will be used.
0x000000BCThe task %1\%2 was successfully enabled.
0x000000BDFailed to enable task %2\%3. Error: %1
0x000000BEThe task %1\%2 was successfully disabled.
0x000000BFFailed to disable task %2\%3. Error: %1
0x000000C0The repair join information operation failed. Exit code: %1 Tenant ID: %2 Device ID: %3 Join Type: %4 (%5) Request Id: %6 Time: %7 Http Status: %8 Error Code: %9 Error Subcode: %10 Server Message: %11 Server Operation: %12
0x000000C1The repair join information operation completed successfully. Tenant ID: %1 Device ID: %2 Join UPN: %3 Join Type: %4 (%5) Request Id: %6 Time: %7 Http Status: %8
0x000000C2The repair join information operation failed to start. Exit code: %1 Tenant ID: %2 Join Type: %3 (%4) Input UPN: %5 Input UPN Count: %6 Request ID: %7
0x000000C3The repair join information operation started successfully. Tenant ID: %1 Device ID: %2 Join UPN: %5 Input UPN Count: %6 Join Type: %3 (%4) Request Id: %7
0x000000C4MDM enrollment for Azure SecureVM succeeded. MDM Enrollment URL: %1
0x000000C5MDM enrollment for Azure SecureVM failed. The device will be unjoined from Azure AD. MDM Enrollment URL: %1
0x000000C6Attempt to discover enrollment URL for MDM auto-enrollment failed. AAD logs may contains additional details about the failure. Another attempt to discover MDM enrollment URL will be made later. CorrelationId: %1 Additional information: %2
0x000000C7All attempts to discover enrollment URL for MDM auto-enrollment failed.
0x000000C8No MDM enrollment URL was discoverered for MDM auto-enrollment. Verify MDM auto-enrollment configuration in the AAD tenant is correct and the specified MDM application ID is successfully resolved by AAD server. CorrelationId: %1 MDM application ID: %2
0x000000C9Attempt to discover enrollment URL for MDM auto-enrollment failed. AAD logs may contains additional details about the failure. Error: %1 CorrelationId: %2 Additional information: %3
0x000000CAAttempt to get token for MDM auto-enrollment failed. AAD logs may contains additional details about the failure. Another attempt to get token for MDM auto-enrollment will be made later. CorrelationId: %1 Additional information: %2
0x000000CBAll attempts to get WAM token for MDM auto-enrollment failed.
0x000000CCRequsting token for MDM auto-enrollment failed. AAD logs may contains additional details about the failure. Error: %1 CorrelationId: %2 Additional information: %3
0x000000CDUnenrolling from MDM failed. MDM logs may contains additional details about the failure. Error: %1 MDM enrollment ID: %2
0x000000CESuccessfully unenrolled from MDM. MDM enrollment ID: %1
0x00007858ctory Device Registration 0x00000001 %1
198 entries