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Windows / Modules / fdeploy.dll


Folder Redirection API

Associated Error Codes

Below lists error codes and symbolic names found for this module.

0x000001F6Failed to apply policy and redirect folder "%1" to "%2". Redirection options=%3. The following error occurred: "%4". Error details: "%5".
0x000001F7Failed to create KnownFolderManager. Folder redirection can not be performed. Error details: "%1".
0x000001F9Failed to get destination path on policy removal for folder "%1". The folder redirection can not be removed. Error details: "%2".
0x000001FAFailed to update policy state for folder "%1". Error details: "%2".
0x000001FBFailed to delete policy state for folder "%1". Error details: "%2".
0x000001FCFailed to resolve path for folder "%1". Folder configuration is invalid or folder is configured to follow parent and the parent folder is not redirected. Folder can not be redirected. Error details: "%2".
0x000001FDFailed to expand path for folder "%1" path "%2". The folder can not be redirected. Error details: "%3".
0x000001FEThe folder redirection policy hasn't been applied. It's been delayed until the next sign-in because the group policy sign-in optimization is in effect.
0x000001FFFailed to process policy info. Error details: "%1".
0x00000200Successfully removed policy and redirected folder "%1" to "%2". Removal options=%3.
0x00000201Failed to remove policy and redirect folder "%1" to "%2". Removal options=%3. The following error occurred: "%4". Error details: "%5".
0x00000202Successfully removed policy for folder "%1". Removal options=%2.
0x00000203Failed to remove policy for folder "%1". Removal options=%2. The following error occurred: "%3". Error details: "%4".
0x00000204Successfully applied policy to keep folder "%1" at the same location. Redirection options=%2.
0x00000205Failed to apply policy to keep folder "%1" at the same location. Redirection options=%2. The following error occurred: "%3". Error details: "%4".
0x00007858rection API 0x000001f5 Successfully applied policy and redirected folder "%1" to "%2". Redirection options=%3.
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-Folder Redirection
0x90000003Microsoft-Windows-Folder Redirection/Operational
0xB00003E8Folder Redirection Group Policy extension started.
0xB00003E9Folder Redirection Group Policy extension finished.
0xB00003EAGroup Policy flags=%1.
0xB00003EBStart Processing Group Policy Objects ...
0xB00003ECProcessing configuration file "%1" ...
0xB00003EDFolder "%1" was previously redirected. Redirection options were = %2
0xB00003EEFolder "%1" has to be redirected. Redirection options = %2. Parent folder = "%3". Path = "%4". Group = %5.
0xB00003EFNo Folders were previously redirected.
0xB00003F0No Folders have to be redirected.
0xB00003F1Windows was unable to successfully evaluate whether this computer is a primary computer for this user. This may be due to failing to access the Active Directory server at this time. The user will have his or her redirected folders configured on this machine. Contact the Administrator for more assistance. Error: %1
0xB00003F2This computer %1 a primary computer for this user.
0xB00003F3Folder Redirection configuration is being controlled by Group Policy.
0xB00003F4Folder Redirection configuration is being controlled by WMI configuration class Win32_FolderRedirectionUserConfiguration.
35 entries